WebID ===== ============== ===== ======== Authentication Users Password ============== ===== ======== ✔ ✔ ============== ===== ======== Presentation ------------ `WebID `__ is a way to uniquely identify a person, company, organisation, or other agent using a URI and a certificate. You need `Web::ID `__ package. Configuration ------------- In Manager, go in ``General Parameters`` > ``Authentication modules`` and choose WebID for authentication module. You can also use WebID as user database. Then, go in ``WebID parameters``: - **Authentication level**: authentication level for this module. - **WebID whitelist**: list of space separated hosts granted to host FOAF document. You can use '*' character. Example :``*.partner.com`` If you use WebID as user database, declare values in **exported variables** : - use any key name you want. If you want to refuse access when a data is missing, just add a "!" before the key name - in the value field, set the field name. Take a look at http://xmlns.com/foaf/spec/#sec-crossref. Example :``name => foaf:name`` See also :doc:`exported variables configuration`. Apache configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Portal host must be configured to use SSL and must ask for client certificate. It is recommended to use optional_no_ca since WebID doesn't use certificate authorities : .. code:: apache ServerName auth.example.com SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile ... SSLCertificateKeyFile ... SSLVerifyClient optional_no_ca ... Tests ~~~~~ To test this, you can build your own WebID certificate using one of : - `Web::ID::Certificate::Generator `__ - `my-profile.eu `__ - `gen-webid-cert.sh `__