LDAP configuration backend ========================== Presentation ------------ You can choose to store LemonLDAP::NG configuration in an LDAP directory. |image0| Advantages: - Easy to share between servers with remote LDAP access - Easy to duplicate with LDAP synchronization services (like SyncRepl in OpenLDAP) - Security with SSL/TLS - Access control possible by creating one user for Manager (write) and another for portal and handlers (read) - Easy import/export through LDIF files The configuration will be store under a specific branch, for example ``ou=conf,ou=applications,dc=example,dc=com``. Each configuration will be represented as an entry, which structural objectClass is by default ``applicationProcess``. The configuration name is the same that files, so lmConf-1, lmConf-2, etc. This name is used in entry DN, for example ``cn=lmConf-1,ou=conf,ou=applications,dc=example,dc=com``. Then each parameter is one value of the attribute ``description``, prefixed by its key. For example ``{ldapPort}389``. The LDIF view of such entry can be: :: dn: cn=lmConf-1,ou=conf,ou=applications,dc=example,dc=com objectClass: top objectClass: applicationProcess cn: lmConf-1 description: {globalStorage}'Apache::Session::File' description: {cookieName}'lemonldap' description: {whatToTrace}'$uid' ... Configuration ------------- LDAP server ~~~~~~~~~~~ Configuration objects use standard object class: ``applicationProcess``. This objectClass allow attributes ``cn`` and ``description``. If your LDAP server do not manage this objectClass, configure other objectclass and attributes (see below). We advice to create a specific LDAP account with write access on configuration branch. Next create the configuration branch where you want. Just remember its DN for LemonLDAP::NG configuration. LemonLDAP::NG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Configure LDAP configuration backend in ``lemonldap-ng.ini``, section ``[configuration]``: .. code:: ini type = LDAP ldapServer = ldap://localhost ldapConfBase = ou=conf,ou=applications,dc=example,dc=com ldapBindDN = cn=manager,dc=example,dc=com ldapBindPassword = secret ldapObjectClass = applicationProcess ldapAttributeId = cn ldapAttributeContent = description Parameters: - **ldapServer**: LDAP URI of the server - **ldapConfBase**: DN of configuration branch - **ldapBindDN**: DN used to bind LDAP - **ldapBindPassword**: password used to bind LDAP - **ldapObjectClass**: structural objectclass of configuration entry (optional) - **ldapAttributeId**: RDN attribute of configuration entry (optional) - **ldapAttributeContent**: attribute used to store configuration values, must be multivalued (optional) .. |image0| image:: /documentation/configuration-ldap.png :class: align-center