Memcached session backend ========================= .. important:: \ `Memcached `__ can be used with LL::NG, but some features will not work since Memcached doesn't provide any parsing system: - Session expiration: sessions will never expire (server side) - :ref:`Session explorer` will not work - :ref:`Session restrictions` will not work To keep Memcached performance level and LL::NG features, you can replace `Memcached `__ by `Redis `__ using :doc:`NoSQL session backend`. Setup ----- Install and launch a `Memcached server `__. In the manager: set `Apache::Session::Memcached `__ in ``General parameters`` » ``Sessions`` » ``Session storage`` » ``Apache::Session module`` and add the following parameters (case sensitive): =================== ================= ============================= Required parameters =================== ================= ============================= Name Comment Example **Servers** Memcached servers =================== ================= ============================= See `Apache::Session::Memcached `__ for optional parameters.