Redirections ============ Handler Redirections -------------------- .. note:: When a user access a Handler without a cookie, he is redirected on portal, and the target URL is encoded in redirection URL (to redirect user after authentication process). Protocol and port ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To encode the redirection URL, the handler will use some Apache environment variables and also configuration settings: - **HTTPS**: use https as protocol - **Port**: port of the application (by default, 80 for http, 443 for https) These parameters can be configured in Manager, in ``General Parameters`` > ``Advanced parameters`` > ``Handler redirections``. .. tip:: These settings can be overridden per virtual host, see :doc:`virtual host management`. Forbidden and Server error ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Handler use the default Apache error code for the following cases: - User has no access authorization: FORBIDDEN (403) - An error occurs on server side: SERVER_ERROR (500) - The application is in maintenance: HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE (503) These errors can be catch trough Apache ``ErrorDocument`` directive or Nginx ``error_page`` directive, to redirect user on a specific page: .. code:: apache # Apache: Common error page and security parameters ErrorDocument 403 ErrorDocument 500 ErrorDocument 503 .. code:: nginx # Nginx: Common error page and security parameters error_page 403; error_page 500; error_page 503; It is also possible to redirect the user without using ``ErrorDocument``: the Handler will not return 403, 500, 503 code, but code 302 (REDIRECT). The user will be redirected on portal URL with error in the ``lmError`` URL parameter. These parameters can be configured in Manager, in ``General Parameters`` > ``Advanced parameters`` > ``Handler redirections``: - **Redirect on forbidden**: use 302 instead 403 - **Redirect on error**: use 302 instead 500 or 503 Portal Redirections ------------------- .. note:: If a user is redirected from handler to portal for authentication and once he is authenticated, portal redirects him to the redirection URL. - **Redirection message**: The redirection from portal can be done either with code 303 (See Other), or with a JavaScript redirection. Often the redirection takes some time because it is user's first access to the protected app, so a new app session has to be created : JavaScript redirection improves user experience by informing that authentication is performed, and by preventing from clicking again on the button because it is too slow. - **Keep redirections for Ajax**: By default, when an Ajax request is done on the portal for an unauthenticated user (after a redirection done by the handler), a 401 code will be sentwith a ``WWW-Authenticate`` header containing "SSO ". Set this option to 1 to keep the old behavior (return of HTML code). - **Skip re-auth confirmation**: by default, when re-authentication is needed, a confirmation screen is displayed to let user accept the re-authentication. If you enable this option, user will be directly redirected to login page.