REST services ============= LL::NG portal is a REST server that gives access to configuration, session and also authentication. Portal REST services -------------------- Authentication ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The authentication service is always available with REST, you just need to send credentials on portal URL. But by default, the portal is protected by :ref:`one time tokens to prevent CSRF`. You must disable them or set a rule (configuration parameter ``requireToken``) so token will not be required for REST requests, for example: .. code:: perl $env->{HTTP_ACCEPT} !~ m:application/json: API ^^^ Request parameters: - Endpoint: ``/`` - Method: ``POST`` - Request headers: - ``Accept``: ``application/json`` - POST data: - ``user``: user login - ``password``: user password - xxx: optional parameters, like ``lmAuth`` if your portal uses ``Choice`` or ``spoofId`` to impersonate. The JSON response fields are: - ``result``: authentication result, ``0`` if it fails, ``1`` if it succeed - ``error``: error code, the corresponding error can be found in ``Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Constants`` - ``id``: if authentication succeed, the session id is returned in this field .. tip:: You can also get the cookie by reading the response header ``Cookie`` returned by the portal. .. important:: Before version 2.0.4, the response to a success authentication had no ``id`` field, and ``error`` field was named ``code`` (use Cookie header to get id value). Example ^^^^^^^ - Request with curl: :: curl -H "Accept: application/json" -d user=rtyler -d password=rtyler | json_pp .. important:: With ``cURL > 7.18.0``, to include special characters like @, & or + in the cURL POST data: :: curl -H "Accept: application/json" -d name=rtyler --data-urlencode passwd=@31&3+*J | json_pp - Response for bad authentication: .. code:: javascript { "result" : 0, "error" : 5 } - Response for good authentication: .. code:: javascript { "result" : 1, "error" : "0", "id" : "b048bf87ca401da1d89419813e3acf466d5e4465fe3a1f7adfd8240bd161bde2" } Sessions ~~~~~~~~ REST functions for sessions are protected by Web Server, you can change this in :ref:`portal configuration`. See :doc:`REST session backend documentation` for more. Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REST functions for configuration are protected by Web Server, you can change this in :ref:`portal configuration`. See :doc:`REST configuration backend documentation` for more.