OpenID Connect

Authentification Utilisateurs Mot-de-passe


OpenID Connect is a protocol based on REST, OAuth 2.0 and JOSE stacks. It is described here:

LL::NG can act as an OpenID Connect Relying Party (RP) towards multiple OpenID Connect Providers (OP). It will get the user identity trough an ID Token, and grab user attributes trough UserInfo endpoint.

As an RP, LL::NG supports a lot of OpenID Connect features:

You can use this authentication module to link your LL::NG server to any OpenID Connect Provider. Here are some examples, witch their specific documentation:

Google France Connect


OpenID Connect Service

See OpenIDConnect service configuration chapter.

Authentification et base d'utilisateurs

Dans Paramètres généraux > Modules d'authentification, choisir :

Comme les mots-de-passe ne sernt pas gérés par LL::NG, il est possile de désactiver le module mots-de-passe du menu.

Then in General Parameters > Authentication modules > OpenID Connect parameters, you can set:

Register LL::NG to an OpenID Connect Provider

To register LL::NG, you will need to give some information like application name or logo. One of mandatory information is the redirect URL (one or many).

To know this information, just take the portal URL and the Callback GET parameter, for example:

If you use the choice backend, you need to add the choice parameter in redirect URL

After registration, the OP must give you a client ID and a client secret, that will be used to configure the OP in LL::NG.

Declare the OpenID Connect Provider in LL::NG

In the Manager, select node OpenID Connect Providers and click on Add OpenID Connect Provider. Give a technical name (no spaces, no special characters), like “sample-op”;

You can then access to the configuration of this OP.


The OP should publish its metadata in a JSON file (see for example Google metadata). Copy the content of this file in the textarea.

If no metadata is available, you need to write them in the textarea. Mandatory fields are:

You can also define:

Example template:

  "issuer": "",
  "authorization_endpoint": "",
  "token_endpoint": "",
  "userinfo_endpoint": "",

JWKS data

JWKS is a JSON file containing public keys. LL::NG can grab them automatically if jwks_uri is defined in metadata. Else you can paste the content of the JSON file in the textarea.

If the OpenID Connect provider only uses symmetric encryption, JWKS data is not useful.

Attributs exportés

Define here the mapping between the LL::NG session content and the fields provided in UserInfo response. The fields are defined in OpenID Connect standard, and depends on the scope requested by LL::NG (see options in next chapter).

Claim name Type Example of corresponding LDAP attribute
sub chaîne uid
nom chaîne cn
given_name chaîne givenName
family_name chaîne sn
middle_name chaîne
nickname chaîne
preferred_username chaîne displayName
profile chaîne labeledURI
picture chaîne
website chaîne
email chaîne mail
email_verified boolean
gender chaîne
birthdate chaîne
zoneinfo chaîne
locale chaîne preferredLanguage
phone_number chaîne telephoneNumber
phone_number_verified boolean
updated_at chaîne
formatted chaîne registeredAddress
street_address chaîne street
locality chaîne l
region chaîne st
postal_code chaîne postalCode
country chaîne co

So you can define for example:
