LDAP ==== ============== ===== ======== Authentication Users Password ============== ===== ======== ✔ ✔ ✔ ============== ===== ======== Presentation ------------ LL::NG can use an LDAP directory to: - authenticate user - get user attributes - get groups where user is registered - change password (with server side password policy management) This works with every LDAP v2 or v3 server, including :doc:`Active Directory`. LL::NG is compatible with `LDAP password policy `__: - LDAP server can check password strength, and LL::NG portal will display correct errors (password too short, password in history, etc.) - LDAP sever can block brute-force attacks, and LL::NG will display that account is locked - LDAP server can force password change on first connection, and LL::NG portal will display a password change form before opening SSO session Configuration ------------- In Manager, go in ``General Parameters`` > ``Authentication modules`` and choose LDAP for authentication, users and/or password modules. .. tip:: For :doc:`Active Directory`, choose ``Active Directory`` instead of ``LDAP``. Authentication level ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The authentication level given to users authenticated with this module. .. attention:: As LDAP is a login/password based module, the authentication level can be: - increased (+1) if portal is protected by SSL (HTTPS) - decreased (-1) if the portal autocompletion is allowed (see :doc:`portal customization`) Exported variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ List of attributes to query to fill user session. See also :doc:`exported variables configuration`. Connection ~~~~~~~~~~ - **Server host**: LDAP server hostname or URI (by default: localhost). Accept some specificities: - More than one server can be set here separated by spaces or commas. They will be tested in the specified order. - To use TLS, set ``ldap+tls://server`` and to use LDAPS, set ``ldaps://server`` instead of server name. - If you use TLS, you can set any of the `Net::LDAP `__ start_tls() sub like ``ldap+tls://server/verify=none&capath=/etc/ssl``. You can also use cafile and capath parameters. - **Server port**: TCP port used by LDAP server if different from the standard ports. Can also be specified in the server host URI. - **Verify LDAP server certificate**: It is highly recommended to verify the identity of the remote server. This setting is only enforced for LDAPS or TLS connections. - **Users search base**: Base of search in the LDAP directory. - **Account**: DN used to connect to LDAP server. By default, anonymous bind is used. - **Password**: password to used to connect to LDAP server. By default, anonymous bind is used. - **Timeout**: server idle timeout. - **Version**: LDAP protocol version. - **Binary attributes**: regular expression matching binary attributes (see `Net::LDAP `__ documentation). - **CA file path**: This allows you to override the default system-wide certificate authorities by giving a single file containing the CA used by the LDAP server. - **CA directory path**: This allows you to override the default system-wide certificate authorities by giving the path of a directory containing your trusted certificates. .. attention:: LemonLDAP::NG need anonymous access to LDAP Directory RootDSE in order to check LDAP connection. Filters ~~~~~~~ .. tip:: In LDAP filters, $user is replaced by user login, and $mail by user email. - **Default filter**: default LDAP filter for searches, should not be modified. - **Authentication filter**: Filter to find user from its login (default: ``(&(uid=$user)(objectClass=inetOrgPerson))``) - **Mail filter**: Filter to find user from its mail (default: ``(&(mail=$mail)(objectClass=inetOrgPerson))``) - **Alias dereference**: How to manage LDAP aliases. (default: ``find``) .. tip:: For Active Directory, the default authentication filter is: :: (&(sAMAccountName=$user)(objectClass=person)) And the mail filter is: :: (&(mail=$mail)(objectClass=person)) .. _authldap-groups: Groups ~~~~~~ - **Search base**: DN of groups branch. If no value, disable group searching. - **Object class**: objectClass of the groups (default: groupOfNames). - **Target attribute**: name of the attribute in the groups storing the link to the user (default: member). - **User source attribute**: name of the attribute in users entries used in the link (default: dn). - **Searched attributes**: name(s) of the attribute storing the name of the group, spaces separated (default: cn). - **Decode searched value**: with Active Directory, member DN value is sometimes bad decoded and groups are not found, activate this option to force value decoding. - **Recursive**: activate recursive group functionality (default: 0). If enabled, if the user group is a member of another group (group of groups), all parents groups will be stored as user's groups. - **Group source attribute**: name of the attribute in groups entries used in the link, for recursive group search (default: dn). .. note:: The groups that the user belongs to are available as ``$groups`` and ``%hGroups``, as documented :ref:`here` .. attention:: If your LDAP countains over a thousand groups, you should avoid using group processing, check out :ref:`the performance page` for alternatives Password ~~~~~~~~ - **Password policy control**: enable to use LDAP password policy. This requires at least Net::LDAP 0.38. (see ppolicy workflow below) - **Password modify extended operation**: enable to use the LDAP extended operation ``password modify`` instead of standard modify operation. - **Change as user**: enable to perform password modification with credentials of connected user. This requires to request user old password (see :doc:`portal customization`). - **LDAP password encoding**: can allow one to manage old LDAP servers using specific encoding for passwords (default: utf-8). - **Use reset attribute**: enable to use the password reset attribute. This attribute is set by LemonLDAP::NG when :doc:`password was reset by mail` and the user choose to generate the password (default: enabled). - **Reset attribute**: name of password reset attribute (default: pwdReset). - **Reset value**: value to set in reset attribute to activate password reset (default: TRUE). - **Allow a user to reset his expired password**: if activated, the user will be prompted to change password if his password is expired (default: 0) - **IBM Tivoli DS support**: enable this option if you use ITDS. LL::NG will then scan error message to return a more precise error to the user. **Password expiration warning workflow** |image0| **Password expiration workflow** |image1| .. |image0| image:: /documentation/lemonldap-ng-password-expiration-warning.png .. |image1| image:: /documentation/lemonldap-ng-password-expired.png