Publik ======= |image0| Presentation ------------ Publik is an open-source citizen relationship management tool. See `the official Publik website `__ for a complete presentation. It feature an OpenID Connect login that work with LemonLDAP::NG. Configuring Publik ------------------- Connect to your publik instance authentic2 webui with an Admin user, in the admin panel, go to "Authentic2_Auth_Oidc" › "Oidc providers". Click on "Add Oidc Provider". * Name : LemonLDAP SSO * Short id : lemonldap * Provider : * Client id : clientid * Client secret : secret * Authorization endpoint : * Token endpoint : * Userinfo endpoint : * End session endpont : * WebKey JSON : Copy/Paste the content of * Claims Enabled : yes * Show on connection page : yes Strategy and Collectivity can be configured based to your needs. OIDC Claim mappings can be configured based on your needs. Configuring LemonLDAP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We now have to configure LemonLDAP::NG to recognize publik as a valid OIDC relying party. Add a :doc:`new OpenID Connect relying party<..//idpopenidconnect>` with the following parameters (Options -> Basic) : * **Client ID**: the same you set in Publik configuration. * **Client Secret**: the same you set in Publik configuration. * **Allowed redirection addresses for login**: The "Callback URL" for authentic2 : https://authentic2-instance/accounts/oidc/callback/ .. |image0| image:: /applications/logo-publik.png :class: align-center