2022-09-09 18:58:05 +02:00

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Installation on Red Hat/CentOS
.. attention::
LemonLDAP::NG requires at least Red Hat/CentOS 7
List of pacakges
LemonLDAP::NG provides packages for RHEL (and derivatives) 7/8/9:
- ``lemonldap-ng``: metapackage, contains no file but dependencies on other
- ``lemonldap-ng-doc``: contains HTML documentation and project docs
(README, etc.)
- ``lemonldap-ng-conf``: contains default configuration (DNS domain:
- ``lemonldap-ng-test``: contains sample CGI test page
- ``lemonldap-ng-handler``: contains Apache Handler implementation (agent)
- ``lemonldap-ng-manager``: contains administration interface and session
- ``lemonldap-ng-portal``: contains authentication portal and menu
- ``lemonldap-ng-fastcgi-server``: FastCGI server needed to use Nginx
- ``lemonldap-ng-nginx``: contains Nginx configuration and dependencies
- ``lemonldap-ng-uwsgi-app``: contains Uwsgi application
- ``lemonldap-ng-selinux``: contains the SELinux policy for httpd
- ``perl-Lemonldap-NG-Common``: CPAN - Shared modules
- ``perl-Lemonldap-NG-Handler``: CPAN - Handler modules
- ``perl-Lemonldap-NG-Manager``: CPAN - Manager modules
- ``perl-Lemonldap-NG-Portal``: CPAN - Portal modules
- ``perl-Lemonldap-NG-SSOaaS-Apache-Client``: SSOaaS client module
.. danger::
The package lemonldap-ng-nginx requires the nginx
community package. If you use openrestry or Nginx plus, you must ignore
this dependency. To do this, download the package and install it with:
rpm --nodeps -i lemonldap-ng-nginx*.rpm
LemonLDAP::NG has dependencies which are not in base RHEL repositories.
You need to enable `EPEL repositories <https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/epel/#Quickstart>`__ before installing.
On RHEL8 and derivatives, you also also need to enable the PowerTools repository in ``/etc/yum.repos.d``.
Get the packages
.. _installrpm-yum-repository:
YUM repository
You can add this YUM repository to get recent packages:
vi /etc/yum.repos.d/lemonldap-ng.repo
name=LemonLDAP::NG packages
.. tip::
Replace ``stable`` by ``2.0`` to avoid upgrade to next major
You may also need some extras packages, available here:
name=LemonLDAP::NG extra packages
Run this to update packages cache:
yum update
Manual download
RPMs are available on the `Download page <https://lemonldap-ng.org/download.html>`__.
Package GPG signature
Get the `RPM signing key <https://lemonldap-ng.org/_media/rpm-gpg-key-ow2>`__ onto your LemonLDAP::NG server:
curl https://lemonldap-ng.org/_media/rpm-gpg-key-ow2 > /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-OW2
Install packages
With YUM
If the packages are stored in a yum repository:
.. code-block:: shell
yum install lemonldap-ng
# If you use SELinux
yum install lemonldap-ng-selinux
You can also use yum on local RPMs file:
yum localinstall lemonldap-ng-* perl-Lemonldap-NG-*
With RPM
You have then to install all the downloaded packages:
yum install lemonldap-ng-* perl-Lemonldap-NG-*
.. tip::
You can choose to install only one component by choosing the
package ``lemonldap-ng-portal``, ``lemonldap-ng-handler`` or
Install the package ``lemonldap-ng-conf`` on all server which contains
one of those packages.
First configuration steps
Change default DNS domain
By default, DNS domain is ``example.com``. You can change it quick with
a sed command. For example, we change it to ``ow2.org``:
.. code-block:: shell
sed -i 's/example\.com/ow2.org/g' /etc/lemonldap-ng/* /var/lib/lemonldap-ng/conf/lmConf-1.json /etc/nginx/conf.d/* /etc/httpd/conf.d/*
If you upgraded LemonLDAP::NG, check all :doc:`upgrade notes<upgrade>`.
Configure your DNS server to resolve names with your server IP:
- ``auth.<your domain>``: main portal, must be public
- ``manager.<your domain>``: manager, only for adminsitrators
- ``test1.<your domain>``, ``test2.<your domain>``: sample applications
Follow the :ref:`next steps<start-configuration>`
File location
- Configuration is in ``/etc/lemonldap-ng``
- LemonLDAP::NG configuration (edited by the Manager) is in
- All Perl modules are in the ``/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl`` directory
- All Perl scripts/pages are in ``/var/lib/lemonldap-ng/``
- All static content (examples, CSS, images, etc.) is in
- Administration scripts are in ``/usr/libexec/lemonldap-ng/bin``
Build your packages
If you need it, you can rebuild RPMs:
- Install rpm-build package
- Install all build dependencies (see BuildRequires in
``lemonldap-ng.spec`` )
- Put LemonLDAP::NG tarball in ``%_topdir/SOURCES``
- Edit ``~/.rpmmacros`` and set your build parameters:
%_topdir /home/user/build
%dist .el7
%rhel 7
- Go to ``%_topdir``
- Build:
rpmbuild -ta SOURCES/lemonldap-ng-VERSION.tar.gz