2022-06-23 12:12:25 +02:00

2426 lines
86 KiB

package Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Issuer::OpenIDConnect;
use strict;
use JSON qw(from_json to_json);
use Lemonldap::NG::Common::JWT qw(getJWTPayload);
use Mouse;
use Lemonldap::NG::Common::FormEncode;
use Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Constants qw(
use String::Random qw/random_string/;
our $VERSION = '2.0.14';
extends qw(
sub beforeAuth { 'exportRequestParameters' }
use constant sessionKind => 'OIDCI';
has rule => ( is => 'rw' );
has configStorage => (
is => 'ro',
lazy => 1,
default => sub {
has ssoMatchUrl => ( is => 'rw' );
has iss => (
is => 'ro',
lazy => 1,
default => sub {
$_[0]->conf->{oidcServiceMetaDataIssuer} || $_[0]->conf->{portal};
# OIDC has 7 endpoints managed here as PSGI endpoints or in run() [Main/Issuer.pm
# manage transparent authentication for run()]:
# - authorize : in run()
# - logout : in run()
# => endSessionDone() for unauth users
# - checksession: => checkSession() for all
# - token : => token() for unauth users (RP)
# - userinfo : => userInfo() for unauth users (RP)
# - jwks : => jwks() for unauth users (RP)
# - register : => registration() for unauth users (RP)
# - introspect : => introspection() for unauth users (RP)
# Other paths will be handle by run() and return PE_ERROR
# .well-known/openid-configuration is handled by metadata()
sub init {
my ($self) = @_;
# Parse activation rule
my $hd = $self->p->HANDLER;
"OIDC rule -> " . $self->conf->{issuerDBOpenIDConnectRule} );
my $rule =
$hd->substitute( $self->conf->{issuerDBOpenIDConnectRule} ) );
unless ($rule) {
my $error = $hd->tsv->{jail}->error || '???';
$self->error("Bad OIDC activation rule -> $error");
return 0;
$self->{rule} = $rule;
# Initialize RP list
return 0
unless ( $self->Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Issuer::init()
and $self->loadRPs );
# Manage RP requests
oidcServiceMetaDataEndSessionURI => 'endSessionDone',
oidcServiceMetaDataCheckSessionURI => 'checkSession',
oidcServiceMetaDataTokenURI => 'token',
oidcServiceMetaDataUserInfoURI => 'userInfo',
oidcServiceMetaDataJWKSURI => 'jwks',
oidcServiceMetaDataRegistrationURI => 'registration',
oidcServiceMetaDataIntrospectionURI => 'introspection',
# Manage user requests
oidcServiceMetaDataCheckSessionURI => 'checkSession',
oidcServiceMetaDataTokenURI => 'badAuthRequest',
oidcServiceMetaDataUserInfoURI => 'badAuthRequest',
oidcServiceMetaDataJWKSURI => 'badAuthRequest',
oidcServiceMetaDataRegistrationURI => 'badAuthRequest',
oidcServiceMetaDataIntrospectionURI => 'badAuthRequest',
# Metadata (.well-known/openid-configuration)
'.well-known' => { 'openid-configuration' => 'metadata' },
'.well-known' => { 'openid-configuration' => 'metadata' },
my $m =
. $self->path . '/+(?:'
. join( '|',
) . ')';
return 1;
sub ssoMatch {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
return ( $req->uri =~ $self->ssoMatchUrl ? 1 : 0 );
# Main method (launched only for authenticated users, see Main/Issuer.pm)
# run() manages only "authorize" and "logout" endpoints.
sub run {
my ( $self, $req, $path ) = @_;
# Check activation rule
unless ( $self->rule->( $req, $req->sessionInfo ) ) {
$self->userLogger->error('OIDC service not authorized');
if ($path) {
# Convert old format OIDC Consents
my $ConvertedConsents = $self->_convertOldFormatConsents($req);
$self->logger->debug("$ConvertedConsents consent(s) converted");
if ( $path eq $self->conf->{oidcServiceMetaDataAuthorizeURI} ) {
"URL detected as an OpenID Connect AUTHORIZE URL");
# Get and save parameters
my $oidc_request = {};
foreach my $param (
qw/response_type scope client_id state redirect_uri nonce
response_mode display prompt max_age ui_locales id_token_hint
login_hint acr_values request request_uri code_challenge code_challenge_method/
if ( $req->param($param) ) {
$oidc_request->{$param} = $req->param($param);
$self->logger->debug( "OIDC request parameter $param: "
. $oidc_request->{$param} );
$self->p->setHiddenFormValue( $req, $param,
'', 0 );
my $h =
$self->p->processHook( $req, 'oidcGotRequest', $oidc_request );
return PE_ERROR if ( $h != PE_OK );
# Detect requested flow
my $response_type = $oidc_request->{'response_type'};
my $flow = $self->getFlowType($response_type);
unless ($flow) {
$self->logger->error("Unknown response type: $response_type");
return PE_ERROR;
"OIDC $flow flow requested (response type: $response_type)");
# Extract request_uri/request parameter
if ( $oidc_request->{'request_uri'} ) {
my $request =
$self->getRequestJWT( $oidc_request->{'request_uri'} );
if ($request) {
$oidc_request->{'request'} = $request;
else {
$self->logger->error("Error with Request URI resolution");
return PE_ERROR;
if ( $oidc_request->{'request'} ) {
my $request = getJWTPayload( $oidc_request->{'request'} );
# Override OIDC parameters by request content
foreach ( keys %$request ) {
"Override $_ OIDC param by value present in request parameter"
$oidc_request->{$_} = $request->{$_};
$self->p->setHiddenFormValue( $req, $_, $request->{$_}, '',
0 );
# Check all required parameters
unless ( $oidc_request->{'redirect_uri'} ) {
$self->logger->error("Redirect URI is required");
return PE_ERROR;
unless ( $oidc_request->{'scope'} ) {
$self->logger->error("Scope is required");
return PE_ERROR;
unless ( $oidc_request->{'client_id'} ) {
$self->logger->error("Client ID is required");
return PE_ERROR;
if ( $flow eq "implicit" and not defined $oidc_request->{'nonce'} )
$self->logger->error("Nonce is required for implicit flow");
return PE_ERROR;
# Check client_id
my $client_id = $oidc_request->{'client_id'};
$self->logger->debug("Request from client id $client_id");
# Verify that client_id is registered in configuration
my $rp = $self->getRP($client_id);
unless ($rp) {
"No registered Relying Party found with client_id $client_id"
else {
$self->logger->debug("Client id $client_id matches RP $rp");
# Check if this RP is authorized
if ( my $rule = $self->spRules->{$rp} ) {
my $ruleVariables =
{ %{ $req->sessionInfo || {} }, _oidc_grant_type => $flow };
unless ( $rule->( $req, $ruleVariables ) ) {
$self->userLogger->warn( 'User '
. $req->sessionInfo->{ $self->conf->{whatToTrace} }
. " is not authorized to access to $rp" );
$self->userLogger->notice( 'User '
. $req->sessionInfo->{ $self->conf->{whatToTrace} }
. " is authorized to access to $rp" );
# Check redirect_uri
my $redirect_uri = $oidc_request->{'redirect_uri'};
my $redirect_uris = $self->conf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptions}->{$rp}
if ($redirect_uris) {
my $redirect_uri_allowed = 0;
foreach ( split( /\s+/, $redirect_uris ) ) {
$redirect_uri_allowed = 1 if $redirect_uri eq $_;
unless ($redirect_uri_allowed) {
"Redirect URI $redirect_uri not allowed");
return PE_BADURL;
# Check if flow is allowed
if ( $flow eq "authorizationcode"
and not $self->conf->{oidcServiceAllowAuthorizationCodeFlow} )
"Authorization code flow is not allowed");
return $self->returnRedirectError(
$req, $oidc_request->{'redirect_uri'},
"server_error", "Authorization code flow not allowed",
undef, $oidc_request->{'state'},
if ( $flow eq "implicit"
and not $self->conf->{oidcServiceAllowImplicitFlow} )
$self->logger->error("Implicit flow is not allowed");
return $self->returnRedirectError(
$req, $oidc_request->{'redirect_uri'},
"server_error", "Implicit flow not allowed",
undef, $oidc_request->{'state'},
if ( $flow eq "hybrid"
and not $self->conf->{oidcServiceAllowHybridFlow} )
$self->logger->error("Hybrid flow is not allowed");
return $self->returnRedirectError(
$req, $oidc_request->{'redirect_uri'},
"server_error", "Hybrid flow not allowed",
undef, $oidc_request->{'state'},
my $spAuthnLevel = $self->conf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptions}->{$rp}
->{oidcRPMetaDataOptionsAuthnLevel} || 0;
# Check if user needs to be reauthenticated
my $prompt = $oidc_request->{'prompt'};
if (
and $prompt =~ /\blogin\b/
and (
time - $req->sessionInfo->{_utime} >
$self->conf->{portalForceAuthnInterval} )
"Reauthentication required by Relying Party in prompt parameter"
$req->pdata->{targetAuthnLevel} = $spAuthnLevel;
return $self->reAuth($req);
my $max_age = $oidc_request->{'max_age'};
my $_lastAuthnUTime = $req->{sessionInfo}->{_lastAuthnUTime};
if ( $max_age && time > $_lastAuthnUTime + $max_age ) {
"Reauthentication forced because authentication time ($_lastAuthnUTime) is too old (>$max_age s)"
$req->pdata->{targetAuthnLevel} = $spAuthnLevel;
return $self->reAuth($req);
# Check if we have sufficient auth level
my $authenticationLevel =
$req->{sessionInfo}->{authenticationLevel} || 0;
if ( $authenticationLevel < $spAuthnLevel ) {
"Insufficient authentication level for service $rp"
. " (has: $authenticationLevel, want: $spAuthnLevel)" );
# Reauth with sp auth level as target
$req->pdata->{targetAuthnLevel} = $spAuthnLevel;
return $self->upgradeAuth($req);
# Check scope validity
# We use a slightly more relaxed version of
# https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#appendix-A.4
# To be tolerant of user error (trailing spaces, etc.)
# Scope names are restricted to printable ASCII characters,
# excluding double quote and backslash
unless (
$oidc_request->{'scope'} =~ /^[\x20\x21\x23-\x5B\x5D-\x7E]*$/ )
$self->logger->error("Submitted scope is not valid");
return PE_ERROR;
# Check openid scope
unless ( $self->_hasScope( 'openid', $oidc_request->{'scope'} ) ) {
$self->logger->error("No openid scope found");
#TODO manage standard OAuth request
return PE_ERROR;
# Check Request JWT signature
if ( $oidc_request->{'request'} ) {
unless (
undef, $rp
"JWT signature request can not be verified");
return PE_ERROR;
else {
$self->logger->debug("JWT signature request verified");
# Check id_token_hint
my $id_token_hint = $oidc_request->{'id_token_hint'};
if ($id_token_hint) {
$self->logger->debug("Check sub of ID Token $id_token_hint");
# Check that id_token_hint sub match current user
my $sub = $self->getIDTokenSub($id_token_hint);
my $user_id =
$self->getUserIDForRP( $req, $rp, $req->{sessionInfo} );
unless ( $sub eq $user_id ) {
"ID Token hint sub $sub does not match user $user_id");
return $self->returnRedirectError(
"Current user does not match id_token_hint sub",
( $flow ne "authorizationcode" )
else {
"ID Token hint sub $sub matches current user");
# Compute scopes
my $req_scope = $oidc_request->{'scope'};
my $scope = $self->getScope( $req, $rp, $req_scope );
# Obtain consent
my $bypassConsent = $self->conf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptions}->{$rp}
if ($bypassConsent) {
"Consent is disabled for Relying Party $rp, user will not be prompted"
else {
my $ask_for_consent = 1;
my $_oidcConsents;
my @RPoidcConsent = ();
# Loading existing oidcConsents
$self->logger->debug("Looking for OIDC Consents ...");
if ( $req->{sessionInfo}->{_oidcConsents} ) {
$_oidcConsents = eval {
from_json( $req->{sessionInfo}->{_oidcConsents},
{ allow_nonref => 1 } );
if ($@) {
"Corrupted session (_oidcConsents): $@");
return PE_ERROR;
else {
$self->logger->debug("No OIDC Consent found");
$_oidcConsents = [];
# Read existing RP
@RPoidcConsent = grep { $_->{rp} eq $rp } @$_oidcConsents;
unless (@RPoidcConsent) {
$self->logger->debug("No Relying Party $rp Consent found");
# Set default value
push @RPoidcConsent,
{ rp => $rp, epoch => '', scope => '' };
if ( $RPoidcConsent[0]{rp} eq $rp
&& $RPoidcConsent[0]{epoch}
&& $RPoidcConsent[0]{scope} )
$ask_for_consent = 0;
my $consent_time = $RPoidcConsent[0]{epoch};
my $consent_scope = $RPoidcConsent[0]{scope};
"Consent already given for Relying Party $rp (time: $consent_time, scope: $consent_scope)"
# Check accepted scope
foreach my $requested_scope ( split( /\s+/, $scope ) ) {
if (
$requested_scope, $consent_scope
"Scope $requested_scope already accepted");
else {
"Scope $requested_scope was not previously accepted"
$ask_for_consent = 1;
# Check prompt parameter
$ask_for_consent = 1
if ( $prompt and $prompt =~ /\bconsent\b/ );
if ($ask_for_consent) {
if ( $req->param('confirm')
and $req->param('confirm') == 1 )
$RPoidcConsent[0]{epoch} = time;
$RPoidcConsent[0]{scope} = $scope;
# Build new consent list by removing all references
# to the current RP from the old list and appending the
# new consent
my @newoidcConsents =
grep { $_->{rp} ne $rp } @$_oidcConsents;
push @newoidcConsents, $RPoidcConsent[0];
"Append Relying Party $rp Consent");
$self->p->updatePersistentSession( $req,
{ _oidcConsents => to_json( \@newoidcConsents ) } );
"Consent given for Relying Party $rp");
elsif ( $req->param('confirm')
and $req->param('confirm') == -1 )
"User refused consent for Relying party $rp");
return $self->returnRedirectError(
"consent not given",
( $flow ne "authorizationcode" )
else {
"Request user consent for Relying Party $rp");
# Return error if prompt is none
if ( $prompt and $prompt =~ /\bnone\b/ ) {
"Consent is requiered but prompt is set to none"
return $self->returnRedirectError(
"consent required",
( $flow ne "authorizationcode" )
my $display_name =
my $icon =
my $imgSrc;
if ($icon) {
$imgSrc =
( $icon =~ m#^https?://# )
? $icon
: $self->p->staticPrefix . "/common/" . $icon;
my $scope_messages = {
openid => 'yourIdentity',
profile => 'yourProfile',
email => 'yourEmail',
address => 'yourAddress',
phone => 'yourPhone',
offline_access => 'yourOffline',
my @list;
foreach my $requested_scope ( split( /\s+/, $scope ) ) {
if ( my $message =
$scope_messages->{$requested_scope} )
push @list, { m => $message };
else {
push @list,
m => 'anotherInformation',
n => $requested_scope
params => {
displayName => $display_name,
imgUrl => $imgSrc,
list => \@list,
$req->data->{activeTimer} = 0;
return PE_CONFIRM;
# Create session_state
my $session_state =
$self->createSessionState( $req->id, $client_id );
# Check if PKCE is required
if ( $self->conf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptions}->{$rp}
and !$oidc_request->{'code_challenge'} )
"Relying Party must use PKCE protection");
return $self->returnRedirectError(
"Code challenge is required",
( $flow ne "authorizationcode" )
# WIP: Offline access
my $offline = 0;
if ( $self->_hasScope( 'offline_access', $scope ) ) {
$offline = 1;
# MUST ensure that the prompt parameter contains consent unless
# other conditions for processing the request permitting offline
# access to the requested resources are in place; unless one or
# both of these conditions are fulfilled, then it MUST ignore
# the offline_access request,
unless ( $bypassConsent
or ( $prompt and $prompt =~ /\bconsent\b/ ) )
$self->logger->warn( "Offline access ignored, "
. "prompt parameter must contain \"consent\"" );
$offline = 0;
# MUST ignore the offline_access request unless the Client is
# using a response_type value that would result in an
# Authorization Code being returned,
if ( $response_type !~ /\bcode\b/ ) {
$self->logger->warn( "Offline access incompatible "
. "with response type $response_type" );
$offline = 0;
# Ignore offline_access request if not authorized by the RP
unless ( $self->conf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptions}->{$rp}
->{oidcRPMetaDataOptionsAllowOffline} )
"Offline access not authorized for RP $rp");
$offline = 0;
# Strip offline_access from scopes from now on
$scope = join " ",
grep !/^offline_access$/,
split /\s+/,
# Authorization Code Flow
if ( $flow eq "authorizationcode" ) {
# Store data in session
my $code_payload = {
code_challenge => $oidc_request->{'code_challenge'},
code_challenge_method =>
nonce => $oidc_request->{'nonce'},
offline => $offline,
redirect_uri => $oidc_request->{'redirect_uri'},
scope => $scope,
req_scope => $req_scope,
client_id => $client_id,
user_session_id => $req->id,
my $h = $self->p->processHook( $req, 'oidcGenerateCode',
$oidc_request, $rp, $code_payload );
return PE_ERROR if ( $h != PE_OK );
my $codeSession =
$self->newAuthorizationCode( $rp, $code_payload );
# Generate code
my $code = $codeSession->id();
$self->logger->debug("Generated code: $code");
# Build Response
my $response_url = $self->buildAuthorizationCodeAuthnResponse(
$code, $oidc_request->{'state'},
return $self->_redirectToUrl( $req, $response_url );
# Implicit Flow
if ( $flow eq "implicit" ) {
my $access_token;
my $at_hash;
my $release_claims_in_id_token = 1;
if ( $response_type =~ /\btoken\b/ ) {
$release_claims_in_id_token = 0;
# Store data in access token
# Generate access_token
$access_token = $self->newAccessToken(
$req, $rp, $scope,
scope => $scope,
rp => $rp,
user_session_id => $req->id,
grant_type => $flow,
unless ($access_token) {
$self->logger->error("Unable to create Access Token");
$self->returnRedirectError( $req,
"server_error", undef, undef,
$oidc_request->{'state'}, 1 );
"Generated access token: $access_token");
# Compute hash to store in at_hash
my $alg =
my ($hash_level) = ( $alg =~ /(?:\w{2})(\d{3})/ );
$at_hash = $self->createHash( $access_token, $hash_level )
if $hash_level;
my $id_token = $self->_generateIDToken(
{ at_hash => $at_hash, nonce => $oidc_request->{nonce} }
unless ($id_token) {
$self->logger->error("Could not generate ID token");
return PE_ERROR;
$self->logger->debug("Generated id token: $id_token");
# Send token response
my $expires_in =
|| $self->conf->{oidcServiceAccessTokenExpiration};
# Build Response
my $response_url = $self->buildImplicitAuthnResponse(
( ( $req_scope ne $scope ) ? $scope : undef )
return $self->_redirectToUrl( $req, $response_url );
# Hybrid Flow
if ( $flow eq "hybrid" ) {
my $access_token;
my $id_token;
my $at_hash;
my $c_hash;
# Hash level
my $alg = $self->conf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptions}->{$rp}
my ($hash_level) = ( $alg =~ /(?:\w{2})(\d{3})/ );
# Store data in session
my $codeSession = $self->newAuthorizationCode(
nonce => $oidc_request->{'nonce'},
offline => $offline,
redirect_uri => $oidc_request->{'redirect_uri'},
client_id => $client_id,
scope => $scope,
user_session_id => $req->id,
# Generate code
my $code = $codeSession->id();
$self->logger->debug("Generated code: $code");
# Compute hash to store in c_hash
$c_hash = $self->createHash( $code, $hash_level )
if $hash_level;
my $release_claims_in_id_token = 1;
if ( $response_type =~ /\btoken\b/ ) {
$release_claims_in_id_token = 0;
# Generate access_token
$access_token = $self->newAccessToken(
$req, $rp, $scope,
scope => $scope,
rp => $rp,
user_session_id => $req->id,
grant_type => $flow,
unless ($access_token) {
$self->logger->error("Unable to create Access Token");
return $self->returnRedirectError( $req,
"server_error", undef, undef,
$oidc_request->{'state'}, 1 );
"Generated access token: $access_token");
# Compute hash to store in at_hash
$at_hash = $self->createHash( $access_token, $hash_level )
if $hash_level;
if ( $response_type =~ /\bid_token\b/ ) {
$id_token = $self->_generateIDToken(
$req, $rp, $scope,
at_hash => $at_hash,
c_hash => $c_hash,
nonce => $oidc_request->{nonce},
unless ($id_token) {
$self->logger->error("Could not generate ID token");
return PE_ERROR;
$self->logger->debug("Generated id token: $id_token");
my $expires_in =
|| $self->conf->{oidcServiceAccessTokenExpiration};
# Build Response
my $response_url = $self->buildHybridAuthnResponse(
( ( $req_scope ne $scope ) ? $scope : undef )
return $self->_redirectToUrl( $req, $response_url );
$self->logger->debug("None flow has been selected");
return PE_OK;
elsif ( $path eq $self->conf->{oidcServiceMetaDataEndSessionURI} ) {
"URL detected as an OpenID Connect END SESSION URL");
# Set hidden fields
my $oidc_request = {};
foreach my $param (qw/id_token_hint post_logout_redirect_uri state/)
if ( $oidc_request->{$param} = $req->param($param) ) {
$self->logger->debug( "OIDC request parameter $param: "
. $oidc_request->{$param} );
$self->p->setHiddenFormValue( $req, $param,
'', 0 );
my $post_logout_redirect_uri =
my $state = $oidc_request->{'state'};
# Ask consent for logout
if ( $req->param('confirm') ) {
my $err;
if ( $req->param('confirm') == 1 ) {
$req->steps( [
@{ $self->p->beforeLogout }, 'authLogout',
$err = $req->error( $self->p->process($req) );
if ( $err and $err != PE_LOGOUT_OK ) {
if ( $err > 0 ) {
"Logout process returns error code $err");
return PE_ERROR;
return $err;
if ($post_logout_redirect_uri) {
# Check redirect URI is allowed
my $redirect_uri_allowed = 0;
foreach ( keys %{ $self->conf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptions} } ) {
my $logout_rp = $_;
if ( my $redirect_uris =
->{oidcRPMetaDataOptionsPostLogoutRedirectUris} )
foreach ( split( /\s+/, $redirect_uris ) ) {
if ( $post_logout_redirect_uri eq $_ ) {
"$post_logout_redirect_uri is an allowed logout redirect URI for RP $logout_rp"
$redirect_uri_allowed = 1;
unless ($redirect_uri_allowed) {
"$post_logout_redirect_uri is not allowed");
return PE_BADURL;
# Build Response
my $response_url =
$self->buildLogoutResponse( $post_logout_redirect_uri,
$state );
return $self->_redirectToUrl( $req, $response_url );
return $req->param('confirm') == 1
? ( $err ? $err : PE_LOGOUT_OK )
: PE_OK;
$req->info( $self->loadTemplate( $req, 'oidcLogout' ) );
$req->data->{activeTimer} = 0;
return PE_CONFIRM;
? "Unknown OIDC endpoint: $path, skipping"
: 'No OIDC endpoint found, aborting'
return PE_ERROR;
# Handle token endpoint
sub token {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
$self->logger->debug("URL detected as an OpenID Connect TOKEN URL");
my $rp = $self->checkEndPointAuthenticationCredentials($req);
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'invalid_request', 400 ) unless ($rp);
my $grant_type = $req->param('grant_type') || '';
# Autorization Code grant
if ( $grant_type eq 'authorization_code' ) {
return $self->_handleAuthorizationCodeGrant( $req, $rp );
# Refresh token
elsif ( $grant_type eq 'refresh_token' ) {
return $self->_handleRefreshTokenGrant( $req, $rp );
# Resource Owner Password Credenials
elsif ( $grant_type eq 'password' ) {
unless (
"Access to grant_type=password, is not allowed for RP $rp");
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'unauthorized_client', 400 );
return $self->_handlePasswordGrant( $req, $rp );
# Resource Owner Password Credenials
elsif ( $grant_type eq 'client_credentials' ) {
unless ( $self->oidcRPList->{$rp}
->{oidcRPMetaDataOptionsAllowClientCredentialsGrant} )
"Access to Client Credentials grant is not allowed for RP $rp");
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'unauthorized_client', 400 );
return $self->_handleClientCredentialsGrant( $req, $rp );
# Unknown or unspecified grant type
else {
? "Unknown grant type: $grant_type"
: "Missing grant_type parameter"
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'unsupported_grant_type', 400 );
# RFC6749 section 4.4
sub _handleClientCredentialsGrant {
my ( $self, $req, $rp ) = @_;
# The client credentials grant type MUST only be used by confidential
# clients.
if ( $self->oidcRPList->{$rp}->{oidcRPMetaDataOptionsPublic} ) {
"Client Credentials grant cannot be used on public clients");
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'invalid_client', 400 );
my $client_id = $self->oidcRPList->{$rp}->{oidcRPMetaDataOptionsClientID};
# Populate minimal session info
my $req_scope = $req->param('scope') || '';
my $scope = $self->getScope( $req, $rp, $req_scope );
unless ($scope) {
$self->userLogger->warn( 'Client '
. $client_id
. " was not granted any requested scopes ($req_scope) for $rp" );
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'invalid_scope', 400 );
my $infos = {
$self->conf->{whatToTrace} => $client_id,
_clientId => $client_id,
_clientConfKey => $rp,
_scope => $scope,
_utime => time,
my $h = $self->p->processHook( $req, 'oidcGotClientCredentialsGrant',
$infos, $rp );
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'server_error', 500 ) if ( $h != PE_OK );
# Run rule against session info
if ( my $rule = $self->spRules->{$rp} ) {
my $ruleVariables =
{ %{ $infos || {} }, _oidc_grant_type => "clientcredentials", };
unless ( $rule->( $req, $ruleVariables ) ) {
"Relying party $rp did not validate the provided "
. "Access Rule during Client Credentials Grant" );
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'invalid_grant', 400 );
# Create access token
my $session = $self->p->getApacheSession( undef, info => $infos );
unless ($session) {
$self->logger->error("Unable to create session");
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'server_error', 500 );
my $access_token = $self->newAccessToken(
$req, $rp, $scope, $infos,
scope => $scope,
rp => $rp,
user_session_id => $session->id,
grant_type => "clientcredentials",
unless ($access_token) {
$self->userLogger->error("Unable to create Access Token");
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req,
'Unable to create Access Token', 500 );
my $expires_in =
|| $self->conf->{oidcServiceAccessTokenExpiration};
my $token_response = {
access_token => "$access_token",
token_type => 'Bearer',
expires_in => $expires_in + 0,
( ( $req_scope ne $scope ) ? ( scope => "$scope" ) : () ),
$self->logger->debug("Send token response");
return $self->p->sendJSONresponse( $req, $token_response );
sub _handlePasswordGrant {
my ( $self, $req, $rp ) = @_;
my $client_id = $self->oidcRPList->{$rp}->{oidcRPMetaDataOptionsClientID};
my $req_scope = $req->param('scope') || '';
my $username = $req->param('username');
my $password = $req->param('password');
unless ( $username and $password ) {
$self->logger->error("Missing username or password");
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'invalid_request', 400 );
# Authenticate user by running through the regular login process
# minus the buildCookie step
$req->parameters->{user} = ($username);
$req->parameters->{password} = $password;
$req->data->{skipToken} = 1;
# This makes Auth::Choice use authChoiceAuthBasic if defined
$req->data->{_pwdCheck} = 1;
$req->steps( [
@{ $self->p->beforeAuth },
@{ $self->p->betweenAuthAndData },
@{ $self->p->afterData },
@{ $self->p->endAuth },
my $result = $self->p->process($req);
if ( ( $result == PE_FIRSTACCESS )
and ( $self->conf->{authentication} eq "Choice" ) )
"Choice module did not know which module to choose. "
. "You should define authChoiceAuthBasic or specify desired module in the URL"
$self->logger->debug( "Credentials check returned "
. $self->p->_formatProcessResult($result) )
if $result;
## Make sure we returned successfuly from the process AND we were able to create a session
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'invalid_grant', 400 )
unless ( $result == PE_OK and $req->id and $req->user );
## Make sure the current user is allowed to use this RP
if ( my $rule = $self->spRules->{$rp} ) {
my $ruleVariables =
{ %{ $req->sessionInfo || {} }, _oidc_grant_type => "password", };
unless ( $rule->( $req, $ruleVariables ) ) {
$self->userLogger->warn( 'User '
. $req->sessionInfo->{ $self->conf->{whatToTrace} }
. " is not authorized to access to $rp" );
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'invalid_grant', 400 );
# Resolve scopes
my $scope = $self->getScope( $req, $rp, $req_scope );
unless ($scope) {
$self->userLogger->warn( 'User '
. $req->sessionInfo->{ $self->conf->{whatToTrace} }
. " was not granted any requested scopes ($req_scope) for $rp" );
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'invalid_scope', 400 );
my $user_id = $self->getUserIDForRP( $req, $rp, $req->sessionInfo );
? "Found corresponding user: $user_id"
: 'Corresponding user not found'
# Generate access_token
my $access_token = $self->newAccessToken(
$req, $rp, $scope,
grant_type => "password",
user_session_id => $req->id,
unless ($access_token) {
$self->userLogger->error("Unable to create Access Token");
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'server_error', 500 );
$self->logger->debug("Generated access token: $access_token");
# Generate refresh_token
my $refresh_token = undef;
if ( $self->conf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptions}->{$rp}
->{oidcRPMetaDataOptionsRefreshToken} )
my $refreshTokenSession = $self->newRefreshToken(
scope => $scope,
client_id => $client_id,
user_session_id => $req->id,
grant_type => "password",
unless ($refreshTokenSession) {
"Unable to create OIDC session for refresh_token");
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req,
'Could not create refresh token session', 500 );
$refresh_token = $refreshTokenSession->id;
$self->logger->debug("Generated refresh token: $refresh_token");
# Generate ID token
my $id_token = undef;
if ( $self->_hasScope( "openid", $scope ) ) {
# Compute hash to store in at_hash
my $alg = $self->conf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptions}->{$rp}
my ($hash_level) = ( $alg =~ /(?:\w{2})(\d{3})/ );
my $at_hash = $self->createHash( $access_token, $hash_level )
if $hash_level;
$id_token =
$self->_generateIDToken( $req, $rp, $scope, $req->sessionInfo, 0,
{ ( $at_hash ? ( at_hash => $at_hash ) : () ), } );
unless ($id_token) {
"Failed to generate ID Token for service: $client_id");
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'server_error', 500 );
# Send token response
my $expires_in =
|| $self->conf->{oidcServiceAccessTokenExpiration};
my $token_response = {
access_token => "$access_token",
token_type => 'Bearer',
expires_in => $expires_in + 0,
( ( $scope ne $req_scope ) ? ( scope => "$scope" ) : () ),
( $refresh_token ? ( refresh_token => "$refresh_token" ) : () ),
( $id_token ? ( id_token => "$id_token" ) : () ),
$self->logger->debug("Send token response");
return $self->p->sendJSONresponse( $req, $token_response );
sub _handleAuthorizationCodeGrant {
my ( $self, $req, $rp ) = @_;
my $client_id = $self->oidcRPList->{$rp}->{oidcRPMetaDataOptionsClientID};
my $code = $req->param('code');
unless ($code) {
$self->logger->error("No code found on token endpoint");
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'invalid_request', 400 );
my $codeSession = $self->getAuthorizationCode($code);
unless ($codeSession) {
$self->logger->error("Unable to find OIDC session $code");
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'invalid_grant', 400 );
# Check PKCE
if ( $self->conf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptions}->{$rp}
->{oidcRPMetaDataOptionsRequirePKCE} )
unless (
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'invalid_grant', 400 );
# Check we have the same client_id value
unless ( $client_id eq $codeSession->data->{client_id} ) {
$self->userLogger->error( "Provided client_id does not match "
. $codeSession->data->{client_id} );
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'invalid_grant', 400 );
# Check we have the same redirect_uri value
unless ( $req->param("redirect_uri") eq $codeSession->data->{redirect_uri} )
$self->userLogger->error( "Provided redirect_uri does not match "
. $codeSession->data->{redirect_uri} );
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'invalid_grant', 400 );
# Get user identifier
my $apacheSession =
$self->p->getApacheSession( $codeSession->data->{user_session_id} );
unless ($apacheSession) {
$self->userLogger->error("Unable to find user session");
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'invalid_grant', 400 );
my $user_id = $self->getUserIDForRP( $req, $rp, $apacheSession->data );
$self->logger->debug("Found corresponding user: $user_id");
my $req_scope = $codeSession->{data}->{req_scope};
my $scope = $codeSession->{data}->{scope};
# Generate access_token
my $access_token = $self->newAccessToken(
$req, $rp, $scope,
grant_type => "authorizationcode",
user_session_id => $apacheSession->id,
unless ($access_token) {
$self->userLogger->error("Unable to create Access Token");
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'server_error', 500 );
$self->logger->debug("Generated access token: $access_token");
# Generate refresh_token
my $refresh_token = undef;
# For offline access, the refresh token isn't tied to the session ID
if ( $codeSession->{data}->{offline} ) {
# We need to remove _sessionType, _sessionid and _utime from the
# session data before storing session data in the refresh token
my %userInfo;
for my $userKey ( grep !/^(_session|_utime$)/,
keys %{ $apacheSession->data } )
$userInfo{$userKey} = $apacheSession->data->{$userKey};
my $refreshTokenSession = $self->newRefreshToken(
redirect_uri => $codeSession->data->{redirect_uri},
scope => $scope,
client_id => $client_id,
_session_uid => $apacheSession->data->{_user},
auth_time => $apacheSession->data->{_lastAuthnUTime},
grant_type => "authorizationcode",
unless ($refreshTokenSession) {
"Unable to create OIDC session for refresh_token");
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'server_error', 500 );
$refresh_token = $refreshTokenSession->id;
$self->logger->debug("Generated refresh token: $refresh_token");
# For online access, if configured
elsif ( $self->conf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptions}->{$rp}
->{oidcRPMetaDataOptionsRefreshToken} )
my $refreshTokenSession = $self->newRefreshToken(
redirect_uri => $codeSession->data->{redirect_uri},
scope => $scope,
client_id => $client_id,
user_session_id => $codeSession->data->{user_session_id},
grant_type => "authorizationcode",
unless ($refreshTokenSession) {
"Unable to create OIDC session for refresh_token");
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'server_error', 500 );
$refresh_token = $refreshTokenSession->id;
$self->logger->debug("Generated refresh token: $refresh_token");
# Compute hash to store in at_hash
my $alg = $self->conf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptions}->{$rp}
my ($hash_level) = ( $alg =~ /(?:\w{2})(\d{3})/ );
my $at_hash = $self->createHash( $access_token, $hash_level )
if $hash_level;
# Create ID Token
my $nonce = $codeSession->data->{nonce};
my $id_token = $self->_generateIDToken(
$req, $rp, $scope,
( $nonce ? ( nonce => $nonce ) : () ),
( $at_hash ? ( at_hash => $at_hash ) : () ),
unless ($id_token) {
"Failed to generate ID Token for service: $client_id");
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'server_error', 500 );
$self->logger->debug("Generated id token: $id_token");
# Send token response
my $expires_in =
|| $self->conf->{oidcServiceAccessTokenExpiration};
my $token_response = {
access_token => "$access_token",
token_type => 'Bearer',
expires_in => $expires_in + 0,
id_token => "$id_token",
( $refresh_token ? ( refresh_token => "$refresh_token" ) : () ),
( ( $req_scope ne $scope ) ? ( scope => "$scope" ) : () ),
my $cRP = $apacheSession->data->{_oidcConnectedRP} || '';
unless ( $cRP =~ /\b$rp\b/ ) {
$self->p->updateSession( $req, { _oidcConnectedRP => "$rp,$cRP" },
$apacheSession->id );
$self->logger->debug("Send token response");
return $self->p->sendJSONresponse( $req, $token_response );
sub _handleRefreshTokenGrant {
my ( $self, $req, $rp ) = @_;
my $client_id = $self->oidcRPList->{$rp}->{oidcRPMetaDataOptionsClientID};
my $refresh_token = $req->param('refresh_token');
unless ($refresh_token) {
$self->logger->error("Missing refresh_token parameter");
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'invalid_request', 400 );
$self->logger->debug("OpenID Refresh Token: $refresh_token");
my $refreshSession = $self->getRefreshToken($refresh_token);
unless ($refreshSession) {
$self->logger->error("Unable to find OIDC session $refresh_token");
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'invalid_request', 400 );
# Check we have the same client_id value
unless ( $client_id eq $refreshSession->data->{client_id} ) {
$self->userLogger->error( "Provided client_id does not match "
. $refreshSession->data->{client_id} );
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'invalid_grant', 400 );
my $access_token;
my $session;
# If this refresh token is tied to a SSO session
if ( $refreshSession->data->{user_session_id} ) {
my $user_session_id = $refreshSession->data->{user_session_id};
$session = $self->p->getApacheSession($user_session_id);
unless ($session) {
"Unable to find user session tied to Refresh Token");
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'invalid_grant', 400 );
my $h = $self->p->processHook( $req, 'oidcGotOnlineRefresh', $rp,
$refreshSession->data, $session->data );
if ( $h != PE_OK ) {
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'server_error', 500 );
# Generate access_token
$access_token = $self->newAccessToken(
$req, $rp,
user_session_id => $user_session_id,
grant_type => $refreshSession->data->{grant_type},
unless ($access_token) {
$self->userLogger->error("Unable to create Access Token");
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'server_error', 500 );
$self->logger->debug("Generated access token: $access_token");
# Else, we are in an offline session
else {
# Lookup attributes and macros for user
$req->user( $refreshSession->data->{_session_uid} );
$req->steps( [
'getUser', @{ $self->p->betweenAuthAndData },
'setSessionInfo', $self->p->groupsAndMacros,
$req->{error} = $self->p->process($req);
if ( $req->error > 0 ) {
# PE_BADCREDENTIAL is returned by UserDB modules when the user was
# explicitely not found. And not in case of temporary failures
if ( $req->error == PE_BADCREDENTIALS ) {
$self->logger->error( "User: "
. $req->user
. " no longer exists, removing offline session" );
else {
$self->logger->error( "Could not resolve user: " . $req->user );
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'invalid_grant', 400 );
# Cleanup sessionInfo
delete $req->sessionInfo->{_utime};
delete $req->sessionInfo->{_startTime};
# Update refresh session
$self->updateRefreshToken( $refreshSession->id, $req->sessionInfo );
$session = $refreshSession;
for ( keys %{ $req->sessionInfo } ) {
$refreshSession->data->{$_} = $req->sessionInfo->{$_};
my $h = $self->p->processHook( $req, 'oidcGotOfflineRefresh', $rp,
$refreshSession->data );
if ( $h != PE_OK ) {
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'server_error', 500 );
# Generate access_token
$access_token = $self->newAccessToken(
$req, $rp,
offline_session_id => $refreshSession->id,
grant_type => $refreshSession->data->{grant_type},
unless ($access_token) {
$self->userLogger->error("Unable to create Access Token");
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'server_error', 500 );
$self->logger->debug("Generated access token: $access_token");
# Compute hash to store in at_hash
my $alg = $self->conf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptions}->{$rp}
my ($hash_level) = ( $alg =~ /(?:\w{2})(\d{3})/ );
my $at_hash = $self->createHash( $access_token, $hash_level )
if $hash_level;
# Create ID Token
my $id_token = undef;
if ( $self->_hasScope( 'openid', $refreshSession->data->{scope} ) ) {
my $nonce = $refreshSession->data->{nonce};
$id_token = $self->_generateIDToken(
$req, $rp,
( $nonce ? ( nonce => $nonce ) : () ),
( $at_hash ? ( at_hash => $at_hash ) : () ),
unless ($id_token) {
"Failed to generate ID Token for service: $rp");
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'server_error', 500 );
$self->logger->debug("Generated id token: $id_token");
# Send token response
my $expires_in =
|| $self->conf->{oidcServiceAccessTokenExpiration};
my $token_response = {
access_token => "$access_token",
token_type => 'Bearer',
expires_in => $expires_in + 0,
( $id_token ? ( id_token => "$id_token" ) : () ),
$self->logger->debug("Send token response");
return $self->p->sendJSONresponse( $req, $token_response );
# Handle userinfo endpoint
sub userInfo {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
$self->logger->debug("URL detected as an OpenID Connect USERINFO URL");
my $access_token = $self->getEndPointAccessToken($req);
unless ($access_token) {
$self->logger->error("Unable to get access_token");
return $self->returnBearerError( 'invalid_request',
"Access token not found in request", 401 );
$self->logger->debug("Received Access Token $access_token");
my $accessTokenSession = $self->getAccessToken($access_token);
unless ($accessTokenSession) {
"Unable to validate access token $access_token");
return $self->returnBearerError( 'invalid_request',
'Invalid request', 401 );
# Get access token session data
my $scope = $accessTokenSession->data->{scope};
my $rp = $accessTokenSession->data->{rp};
my $user_session_id = $accessTokenSession->data->{user_session_id};
my $session =
$self->_getSessionFromAccessTokenData( $accessTokenSession->data );
unless ($session) {
return $self->returnBearerError( 'invalid_request',
'Invalid request', 401 );
my $userinfo_response =
$self->buildUserInfoResponse( $req, $scope, $rp, $session );
return $self->returnBearerError( 'invalid_request', 'Invalid request', 401 )
unless ($userinfo_response);
my $userinfo_sign_alg = $self->conf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptions}->{$rp}
unless ($userinfo_sign_alg) {
return $self->p->sendJSONresponse( $req, $userinfo_response );
else {
my $userinfo_jwt =
$self->createJWT( $userinfo_response, $userinfo_sign_alg, $rp );
$self->logger->debug("Return UserInfo as JWT: $userinfo_jwt");
return [
'Content-Type' => 'application/jwt',
'Content-Length' => length($userinfo_jwt)
sub _getSessionFromAccessTokenData {
my ( $self, $tokenData ) = @_;
my $session;
# If using a refreshed access token
if ( $tokenData->{user_session_id} ) {
# Get user identifier
$session = $self->p->getApacheSession( $tokenData->{user_session_id} );
$self->logger->error("Unable to find user session") unless ($session);
else {
my $offline_session_id = $tokenData->{offline_session_id};
if ($offline_session_id) {
$session = $self->getRefreshToken($offline_session_id);
$self->logger->error("Unable to find refresh session")
unless ($session);
return $session;
sub introspection {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
$self->logger->debug("URL detected as an OpenID Connect INTROSPECTION URL");
my $rp = $self->checkEndPointAuthenticationCredentials($req);
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'invalid_client', 401 ) unless ($rp);
if ( $self->conf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptions}->{$rp}
->{oidcRPMetaDataOptionsPublic} )
"Public clients are not allowed to acces the introspection endpoint"
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'unauthorized_client', 401 );
my $token = $req->param('token');
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'invalid_request', 400 ) unless ($token);
my $response = { active => JSON::false };
my $oidcSession = $self->getAccessToken($token);
if ($oidcSession) {
my $apacheSession =
$self->_getSessionFromAccessTokenData( $oidcSession->{data} );
if ($apacheSession) {
$response->{active} = JSON::true;
# The ID attribute we choose is the one of the calling webservice,
# which might be different from the OIDC client the token was issued to.
$response->{sub} =
$self->getUserIDForRP( $req, $rp, $apacheSession->data );
$response->{scope} = $oidcSession->{data}->{scope}
if $oidcSession->{data}->{scope};
$response->{client_id} =
$self->oidcRPList->{ $oidcSession->{data}->{rp} }
if $oidcSession->{data}->{rp};
$response->{iss} = $self->iss;
$response->{exp} =
$oidcSession->{data}->{_utime} + $self->conf->{timeout};
else {
$self->logger->error("Count not find session tied to Access Token");
return $self->p->sendJSONresponse( $req, $response );
# Handle jwks endpoint
sub jwks {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
$self->logger->debug("URL detected as an OpenID Connect JWKS URL");
my $jwks = { keys => [] };
my $public_key_sig = $self->conf->{oidcServicePublicKeySig};
my $key_id_sig = $self->conf->{oidcServiceKeyIdSig};
if ($public_key_sig) {
my $key = $self->key2jwks($public_key_sig);
$key->{kty} = "RSA";
$key->{use} = "sig";
$key->{kid} = $key_id_sig if $key_id_sig;
push @{ $jwks->{keys} }, $key;
$self->logger->debug("Send JWKS response sent");
return $self->p->sendJSONresponse( $req, $jwks );
# Handle register endpoint
sub registration {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
$self->logger->debug("URL detected as an OpenID Connect REGISTRATION URL");
# TODO: check Initial Access Token
# Specific message to allow DOS detection
my $source_ip = $req->address;
"OpenID Connect Registration request from $source_ip");
# Check dynamic registration is allowed
unless ( $self->conf->{oidcServiceAllowDynamicRegistration} ) {
$self->logger->error("Dynamic registration is not allowed");
return $self->p->sendError( $req, 'server_error' );
# Get client metadata
my $client_metadata_json = $req->content;
return $self->p->sendError( $req, 'Missing POST data', 400 )
unless ($client_metadata_json);
$self->logger->debug("Client metadata received: $client_metadata_json");
my $client_metadata = $self->decodeClientMetadata($client_metadata_json);
my $registration_response = {};
# Check redirect_uris
unless ( $client_metadata->{redirect_uris} ) {
$self->logger->error("Field redirect_uris is mandatory");
return $self->p->sendError( $req, 'invalid_client_metadata', 400 );
# RP identifier
my $registration_time = time;
my $rp = "register-$registration_time";
# Generate Client ID and Client Password
my $client_id = random_string("ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss");
my $client_secret = random_string("ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss");
# Register known parameters
my $client_name =
$client_metadata->{client_name} || "Self registered client";
my $logo_uri = $client_metadata->{logo_uri};
my $id_token_signed_response_alg =
$client_metadata->{id_token_signed_response_alg} || "RS256";
my $userinfo_signed_response_alg =
my $redirect_uris = $client_metadata->{redirect_uris};
# Register RP in global configuration
my $conf = $self->confAcc->getConf( { raw => 1, noCache => 1 } );
$conf->{cfgAuthor} = "OpenID Connect Registration ($client_name)";
$conf->{cfgAuthorIP} = $source_ip;
$conf->{cfgVersion} = $VERSION;
$conf->{oidcRPMetaDataExportedVars}->{$rp} = {};
$conf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptions}->{$rp}->{oidcRPMetaDataOptionsClientID} =
= $client_secret;
$conf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptions}->{$rp}->{oidcRPMetaDataOptionsDisplayName} =
$conf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptions}->{$rp}->{oidcRPMetaDataOptionsIcon} =
= $id_token_signed_response_alg;
= join( ' ', @$redirect_uris );
->{oidcRPMetaDataOptionsUserInfoSignAlg} = $userinfo_signed_response_alg
if defined $userinfo_signed_response_alg;
# Exported Vars
if (
ref( $self->conf->{oidcServiceDynamicRegistrationExportedVars} ) eq
'HASH' )
$conf->{oidcRPMetaDataExportedVars}->{$rp} =
# Extra claims
if (
ref( $self->conf->{oidcServiceDynamicRegistrationExtraClaims} ) eq
'HASH' )
$conf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptionsExtraClaims}->{$rp} =
if ( $self->confAcc->saveConf($conf) > 0 ) {
# Reload RP list
# Send registration response
$registration_response->{'client_id'} = $client_id;
$registration_response->{'client_secret'} = $client_secret;
$registration_response->{'client_id_issued_at'} = $registration_time;
$registration_response->{'client_id_expires_at'} = 0;
$registration_response->{'client_name'} = $client_name;
$registration_response->{'logo_uri'} = $logo_uri;
$registration_response->{'id_token_signed_response_alg'} =
$registration_response->{'redirect_uris'} = $redirect_uris;
$registration_response->{'userinfo_signed_response_alg'} =
if defined $userinfo_signed_response_alg;
else {
"Configuration not saved: $Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf::msg");
return $self->p->sendError( $req, 'server_error', 500 );
$self->logger->debug("Registration response sent");
return $self->p->sendJSONresponse( $req, $registration_response,
code => 201 );
# Handle logout endpoint for unauthenticated users
sub endSessionDone {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
$self->logger->debug("URL detected as an OpenID Connect END SESSION URL");
$self->logger->debug("User is already logged out");
my $post_logout_redirect_uri = $req->param('post_logout_redirect_uri');
my $state = $req->param('state');
if ($post_logout_redirect_uri) {
# Check redirect URI is allowed
my $redirect_uri_allowed = 0;
foreach ( keys %{ $self->conf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptions} } ) {
my $logout_rp = $_;
my $redirect_uris =
foreach ( split( /\s+/, $redirect_uris ) ) {
if ( $post_logout_redirect_uri eq $_ ) {
"$post_logout_redirect_uri is an allowed logout redirect URI for RP $logout_rp"
$redirect_uri_allowed = 1;
unless ($redirect_uri_allowed) {
$self->logger->error("$post_logout_redirect_uri is not allowed");
return $self->p->login($req);
# Build Response
my $response_url =
$self->buildLogoutResponse( $post_logout_redirect_uri, $state );
$self->logger->debug("Redirect user to $response_url");
return [ 302, [ Location => $response_url ], [] ];
# Else, normal login process
return $self->p->login($req);
# Handle checksession endpoint
sub checkSession {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
$self->logger->debug("URL detected as an OpenID Connect CHECK SESSION URL");
# TODO: access_control_allow_origin => '*'
return $self->p->sendHtml(
params => {
COOKIENAME => $self->conf->{cookieName},
sub badAuthRequest {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
my $desc =
"This endpoint is not supposed to be called by authenticated users";
return $self->sendOIDCError( $req, 'invalid_request', 400, $desc );
# Nothing to do here
sub logout {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
if ( my $s = $req->userData->{_oidcConnectedRP} ) {
my @rps = grep /\w/, split( ',', $s );
foreach my $rp (@rps) {
my $rpConf = $self->conf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptions}->{$rp};
unless ($rpConf) {
$self->logger->error("Unknown Relying Party $rp");
return PE_ERROR;
if ( my $url = $rpConf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptionsLogoutUrl} ) {
if ( $rpConf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptionsLogoutType} eq 'front' ) {
if ( $rpConf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptionsLogoutSessionRequired} )
my $user_id = $self->getUserIDForRP( $req, $rp,
$req->{sessionInfo} );
$url .= ( $url =~ /\?/ ? '&' : '?' )
. build_urlencoded(
iss => $self->iss,
sid => $user_id
$req->info( qq'<iframe src="$url" class="noborder">'
. '</iframe>' );
else {
# TODO #1194
return PE_OK;
# Internal methods
sub metadata {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
my $issuerDBOpenIDConnectPath = $self->conf->{issuerDBOpenIDConnectPath};
my $authorize_uri = $self->conf->{oidcServiceMetaDataAuthorizeURI};
my $token_uri = $self->conf->{oidcServiceMetaDataTokenURI};
my $userinfo_uri = $self->conf->{oidcServiceMetaDataUserInfoURI};
my $jwks_uri = $self->conf->{oidcServiceMetaDataJWKSURI};
my $registration_uri = $self->conf->{oidcServiceMetaDataRegistrationURI};
my $endsession_uri = $self->conf->{oidcServiceMetaDataEndSessionURI};
my $checksession_uri = $self->conf->{oidcServiceMetaDataCheckSessionURI};
my $introspection_uri = $self->conf->{oidcServiceMetaDataIntrospectionURI};
my $path = $self->path . '/';
my $issuer = $self->iss;
$path = "/" . $path unless ( $issuer =~ /\/$/ );
my $baseUrl = $issuer . $path;
my @acr = keys %{ $self->conf->{oidcServiceMetaDataAuthnContext} };
# List response types depending on allowed flows
my $response_types = [];
my $grant_types = [];
if ( $self->conf->{oidcServiceAllowAuthorizationCodeFlow} ) {
push( @$response_types, "code" );
push( @$grant_types, "authorization_code" );
if ( $self->conf->{oidcServiceAllowImplicitFlow} ) {
push( @$response_types, "id_token", "id_token token" );
push( @$grant_types, "implicit" );
# If one of the RPs has password grant enabled
if (
grep {
} keys %{ $self->oidcRPList }
push( @$grant_types, "password" );
# If one of the RPs has client credentials grant enabled
if (
grep {
} keys %{ $self->oidcRPList }
push( @$grant_types, "client_credentials" );
# If one of the RPs has refresh tokens enabled
if (
grep { $self->oidcRPList->{$_}->{oidcRPMetaDataOptionsRefreshToken} }
keys %{ $self->oidcRPList }
push( @$grant_types, "refresh_token" );
if ( $self->conf->{oidcServiceAllowHybridFlow} ) {
push( @$response_types,
"code id_token",
"code token", "code id_token token" );
push( @$grant_types, "hybrid" );
# Create OpenID configuration hash;
return $self->p->sendJSONresponse(
issuer => $issuer,
# Endpoints
token_endpoint => $baseUrl . $token_uri,
userinfo_endpoint => $baseUrl . $userinfo_uri,
jwks_uri => $baseUrl . $jwks_uri,
authorization_endpoint => $baseUrl . $authorize_uri,
end_session_endpoint => $baseUrl . $endsession_uri,
#check_session_iframe => $baseUrl . $checksession_uri,
introspection_endpoint => $baseUrl . $introspection_uri,
# Logout capabilities
backchannel_logout_supported => JSON::false,
backchannel_logout_session_supported => JSON::false,
frontchannel_logout_supported => JSON::true,
frontchannel_logout_session_supported => JSON::true,
? ( registration_endpoint => $baseUrl . $registration_uri )
: ()
# Scopes
scopes_supported => [qw/openid profile email address phone/],
response_types_supported => $response_types,
grant_types_supported => $grant_types,
acr_values_supported => \@acr,
subject_types_supported => ["public"],
token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported =>
[qw/client_secret_post client_secret_basic/],
introspection_endpoint_auth_methods_supported =>
[qw/client_secret_post client_secret_basic/],
claims_supported => [qw/sub iss auth_time acr/],
request_parameter_supported => JSON::true,
request_uri_parameter_supported => JSON::true,
require_request_uri_registration => JSON::false,
# Algorithms
id_token_signing_alg_values_supported =>
[qw/none HS256 HS384 HS512 RS256 RS384 RS512/],
userinfo_signing_alg_values_supported =>
[qw/none HS256 HS384 HS512 RS256 RS384 RS512/],
code_challenge_methods_supported => [qw/plain S256/],
# response_modes_supported
# id_token_encryption_alg_values_supported
# id_token_encryption_enc_values_supported
# userinfo_encryption_alg_values_supported
# userinfo_encryption_enc_values_supported
# request_object_signing_alg_values_supported
# request_object_encryption_alg_values_supported
# request_object_encryption_enc_values_supported
# token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg_values_supported
# display_values_supported
# claim_types_supported
# RECOMMENDED # claims_supported
# service_documentation
# claims_locales_supported
# ui_locales_supported
# claims_parameter_supported
# op_policy_uri
# op_tos_uri
# Store request parameters in %ENV
sub exportRequestParameters {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
foreach my $param (
qw/response_type scope client_id state redirect_uri nonce
response_mode display prompt max_age ui_locales id_token_hint
login_hint acr_values request request_uri/
if ( $req->param($param) ) {
$req->env->{ "llng_oidc_" . $param } = $req->param($param);
# Extract request_uri/request parameter
my $request = $req->param('request');
if ( $req->param('request_uri') ) {
$request = $self->getRequestJWT( $req->param('request_uri') );
if ($request) {
my $request_data = getJWTPayload($request);
foreach ( keys %$request_data ) {
$req->env->{ "llng_oidc_" . $_ } = $request_data->{$_};
if ( $req->param('client_id') ) {
my $rp = $self->getRP( $req->param('client_id') );
$req->env->{"llng_oidc_rp"} = $rp if $rp;
# Store target authentication level in pdata
my $targetAuthnLevel = $self->conf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptions}->{$rp}
$req->pdata->{targetAuthnLevel} = $targetAuthnLevel
if $targetAuthnLevel;
return PE_OK;
sub _hasScope {
my ( $self, $scope, $scopelist ) = @_;
return scalar grep { $_ eq $scope } ( split /\s+/, $scopelist );
sub _convertOldFormatConsents {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
my @oidcConsents = ();
my @rps = ();
my $scope = '';
my $epoch = '';
my $rp = '';
unless ( $req->{sessionInfo} ) {
$self->logger->error("Corrupted session");
return PE_ERROR;
# Search Relying Parties
"Searching for previously registered Relying Parties...");
foreach ( keys %{ $req->{sessionInfo} } ) {
if ( $_ =~ /^_oidc_consent_scope_([\w-]+)$/ ) {
push @rps, $1;
$self->logger->debug("Found RP $1");
# Convert OIDC Consents format
$self->logger->debug("Convert Relying Party Consent(s)...");
my $count = 0;
foreach (@rps) {
$scope = $req->{sessionInfo}->{ "_oidc_consent_scope_" . $_ };
$epoch = $req->{sessionInfo}->{ "_oidc_consent_time_" . $_ };
$rp = $_;
if ( $scope and $epoch and $rp ) {
$self->logger->debug("Append RP $rp Consent");
push @oidcConsents, { rp => $rp, scope => $scope, epoch => $epoch };
$self->logger->debug("Delete Key -> _oidc_consent_scope_$_");
$self->p->updatePersistentSession( $req,
{ "_oidc_consent_scope_" . $_ => undef } );
$self->logger->debug("Delete Key -> _oidc_consent_time_$_");
$self->p->updatePersistentSession( $req,
{ "_oidc_consent_time_" . $_ => undef } );
else {
"Corrupted Consent / Session -> RP=$rp, Scope=$scope, Epoch=$epoch"
return PE_ERROR;
# Update persistent session
$self->p->updatePersistentSession( $req,
{ _oidcConsents => to_json( \@oidcConsents ) } )
if $count;
return $count;
sub _generateIDToken {
my ( $self, $req, $rp, $scope, $sessionInfo, $release_user_claims,
$extra_claims )
= @_;
my $client_id = $self->oidcRPList->{$rp}->{oidcRPMetaDataOptionsClientID};
my $id_token_exp =
|| $self->conf->{oidcServiceIDTokenExpiration};
$id_token_exp += time;
my $authenticationLevel = $sessionInfo->{authenticationLevel} || 0;
my $id_token_acr = "loa-$authenticationLevel";
foreach ( keys %{ $self->conf->{oidcServiceMetaDataAuthnContext} } ) {
if ( $self->conf->{oidcServiceMetaDataAuthnContext}->{$_} eq
$authenticationLevel )
$id_token_acr = $_;
my $user_id = $self->getUserIDForRP( $req, $rp, $sessionInfo );
my $id_token_payload_hash = {
iss => $self->iss, # Issuer Identifier
sub => $user_id, # Subject Identifier
aud => $self->getAudiences($rp), # Audience
exp => $id_token_exp, # expiration
iat => time, # Issued time
auth_time => $sessionInfo->{_lastAuthnUTime}, # Authentication time
acr => $id_token_acr, # Authentication Context Class Reference
azp => $client_id, # Authorized party
# TODO amr
for ( keys %{$extra_claims} ) {
$id_token_payload_hash->{$_} = $extra_claims->{$_}
if $extra_claims->{$_};
# Decided by response_type or forced in RP config
if ( $release_user_claims || $self->force_id_claims($rp) ) {
my $claims =
$self->buildUserInfoResponseFromData( $req, $scope, $rp,
$sessionInfo );
foreach ( keys %$claims ) {
$id_token_payload_hash->{$_} = $claims->{$_}
unless ( $_ eq "sub" );
# Create ID Token
return $self->createIDToken( $req, $id_token_payload_hash, $rp );
sub _redirectToUrl {
my ( $self, $req, $response_url ) = @_;
# We must clear hidden form fields saved from the request (#2085)
$self->logger->debug("Redirect user to $response_url");