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# Apache::Session::Store::DB_File
# Implements session object storage via Perl's DB_File module
# Copyright(c) 2000 Jeffrey William Baker (jwbaker@acm.org)
# Distribute under the Perl License
package Apache::Session::Store::LDAP;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
use Net::LDAP;
$VERSION = '0.02';
sub new {
my $class = shift;
return bless {}, $class;
sub insert {
my $self = shift;
my $session = shift;
$self->{args} = $session->{args};
my $msg = $self->ldap->add(
"cn=$session->{data}->{_session_id}," . $self->{args}->{ldapConfBase},
attrs => [
objectClass => [ 'top', 'applicationProcess' ],
cn => $session->{data}->{_session_id},
description => $session->{serialized},
$self->logError($msg) if ( $msg->code );
sub update {
my $self = shift;
my $session = shift;
$self->{args} = $session->{args};
my $msg = $self->ldap->modify(
"cn=$session->{data}->{_session_id}," . $self->{args}->{ldapConfBase},
replace => { description => $session->{serialized}, },
$self->logError($msg) if ( $msg->code );
sub materialize {
my $self = shift;
my $session = shift;
$self->{args} = $session->{args};
my $msg = $self->ldap->search(
base => "cn=$session->{data}->{_session_id},"
. $self->{args}->{ldapConfBase},
filter => '(objectClass=applicationProcess)',
scope => 'base',
attrs => ['description'],
$self->logError($msg) if ( $msg->code );
eval {
$session->{serialized} = $msg->shift_entry()->get_value('description');
if ( !defined $session->{serialized} ) {
die "Object does not exist in data store";
sub remove {
my $self = shift;
my $session = shift;
$self->{args} = $session->{args};
"cn=$session->{data}->{_session_id}," . $self->{args}->{ldapConfBase} );
sub ldap {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{ldap} if ( $self->{ldap} );
# Parse servers configuration
my $useTls = 0;
my $tlsParam;
my @servers = ();
foreach my $server ( split /[\s,]+/, $self->{args}->{ldapServer} ) {
if ( $server =~ m{^ldap\+tls://([^/]+)/?\??(.*)$} ) {
$useTls = 1;
$server = $1;
$tlsParam = $2 || "";
else {
$useTls = 0;
push @servers, $server;
# Connect
my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new(
onerror => undef,
? ( port => $self->{args}->{ldapPort} )
: ()
) or die( 'Unable to connect to ' . join( ' ', @servers ) );
# Start TLS if needed
if ($useTls) {
my %h = split( /[&=]/, $tlsParam );
$h{cafile} = $self->{args}->{caFile} if ( $self->{args}->{caFile} );
$h{capath} = $self->{args}->{caPath} if ( $self->{args}->{caPath} );
my $start_tls = $ldap->start_tls(%h);
if ( $start_tls->code ) {
# Bind with credentials
my $bind = $ldap->bind( $self->{args}->{ldapBindDN},
password => $self->{args}->{ldapBindPassword} );
if ( $bind->code ) {
$self->{ldap} = $ldap;
return $ldap;
sub logError {
my $self = shift;
my $ldap_operation = shift;
die "LDAP error " . $ldap_operation->code . ": " . $ldap_operation->error;
=head1 NAME
Apache::Session::Store::LDAP - Use LDAP to store persistent objects
use Apache::Session::Store::LDAP;
my $store = new Apache::Session::Store::LDAP;
This module fulfills the storage interface of Apache::Session. The serialized
objects are stored in an LDAP directory file using the Net::LDAP Perl module.
=head1 OPTIONS
This module requires one argument in the usual Apache::Session style. The
keys ldapServer, ldapBase, ldapBindDN, ldapBindPassword are required. The key
ldapPort is optional. Example:
tie %s, 'Apache::Session::LDAP', undef,
ldapServer => 'localhost',
ldapBase => 'dc=example,dc=com',
ldapBindDN => 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com',
ldapBindPassword => 'pass',
=head1 AUTHOR
Xavier Guimard, E<lt>guimard@E<gt>
Copyright (C) 2009 by Xavier Guimard
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
=head1 SEE ALSO