2006-12-18 11:32:33 +00:00

233 lines
5.6 KiB
Executable File

package Lemonldap::Handlers::Utilities;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common :response);
use Apache::Session::Memorycached;
use BerkeleyDB;
use MIME::Base64;
use Crypt::CBC;
use URI::Escape;
use Data::Dumper;
use strict;
$VERSION = '2.00';
our $VERSION_INTERNAL = "2.0";
my %STACK;
# cleanupcookie function (config,cookie line) #
# return $id storing in lemonldap cookie #
# and remove lemonldap cookie of header cookie #
# if STOPCCOKIE is actived #
# Should return undef,undef wihtout $id and cookie #
# #
sub cleanupcookie {
( my $config, my $cookie_line ) = @_;
return ( undef, undef ) unless $cookie_line;
my $local_cookie = $config->{'COOKIE'};
my @tab = split /;/, $cookie_line;
my @tmp;
my $id;
foreach (@tab) {
if (/$local_cookie=([^; ]+)/) {
push @tmp, $_ unless ( $config->{STOPCOOKIE} );
$id = $1;
$id =~ s/\s//g; # remove space
else { push @tmp, $_; }
my $ret;
if (@tmp) {
$ret = join ";", @tmp;
return ( $id, $ret );
sub get_my_timeout {
( my $config, my $cookie_line ) = @_;
return ( undef, undef ) unless $cookie_line;
my $local_cookie = $config->{'COOKIE'};
my @tab = split /;/, $cookie_line;
my @tmp;
my $cookie;
my $id;
my $sep;
foreach (@tab) {
if (/$local_cookie=([^; ]+)/) {
$cookie = $_;
else {
push @tmp, $_;
$sep = "_";
#On separe le time_end et l'id de session
my @tab_tmp = split( $sep, $cookie );
my $id = $tab_tmp[0];
my $timeout = $tab_tmp[1];
if ( defined( $config->{ENCRYPTIONKEY} ) ) {
my $clef = $config->{ENCRYPTIONKEY};
my $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(
-key => $clef,
-cipher => 'Blowfish',
-iv => 'lemonlda',
-header => 'none'
$timeout = $cipher->decrypt_hex($timeout);
push @tmp, $id;
my $ret;
if (@tmp) {
$ret = join ";", @tmp;
return ( $ret, $timeout );
sub rewrite_cookie {
( my $cookie_line, my $config ) = @_;
my $local_domain = $config->{'DOMAIN'};
my @tab = split /;/, $cookie_line;
my @tmp;
my $flag;
foreach (@tab) {
next if /path/;
# $date = $_ if /expire/i;
( push @tmp, $_ ) and (next) unless /domain/;
( my $domain ) = /domain\s?=\s?([^; ]+)/;
if ( $domain =~ /$local_domain/i ) {
push @tmp, $_;
else {
$flag = 1;
my $l = 'domain = .' . $local_domain;
push @tmp, $l;
my $ret = join ";", @tmp;
if ($flag) {
return $ret;
else { return $cookie_line; }
sub cache2 {
my ( $path, $pid, $id ) = @_;
my $message;
my $ligne_h;
tie %STACK, 'BerkeleyDB::Btree',
-Filename => "$path/$pid.db",
-Flags => DB_CREATE;
$ligne_h = $STACK{$id};
if ($ligne_h) { ## match in ipc
$message = "match in cache level 2 for $id";
untie %STACK;
else {
$message = "No match in cache level 2 for $id";
return ( $ligne_h, $message );
sub goPortal {
my ( $r, $conf, $op, $id ) = @_;
my $log = $r->log;
my %CONFIG = %$conf;
my $test = $r->construct_url();
#ATTENTION : ne valide que les http et https
my $prot;
if ( $test =~ /^https/ ) {
$prot = "https://";
else {
$prot = "http://";
my $urlc_init = $prot . $r->headers_in->{Host} . $r->uri;
$urlc_init .= "?" . $r->args if $r->args;
my $urlc_initenc = encode_base64( $urlc_init, "" );
Location => $CONFIG{PORTAL} . "?op=$op&url=$urlc_initenc" );
$log->warn("$CONFIG{HANDLERID}: IP CHANGES ON :$id") if ( $op eq 'i' );
if ( $op eq 't' );
my $messagelog =
"$CONFIG{HANDLERID} : Redirect to portal (url was " . $urlc_init . ")";
return REDIRECT;
sub save_session {
my $id = shift;
my $trace = shift;
$STACK{$id} = $trace;
untie %STACK;
sub fake_refresh_ldap {
my $HashSession = shift;
my $config = shift;
my $ttl = shift;
my $new_SessExp;
my $central = $config->{SERVERS};
my $refresh = $config->{SESSCACHEREFRESHPERIOD};
$central->{timeout} = $ttl;
my %Session;
tie %Session, 'Apache::Session::Memorycached', undef, $central;
foreach ( keys %{$HashSession} ) {
if ( "SessExpTime" eq $_ ) {
$new_SessExp = time() + $refresh;
$HashSession->{$_} = $new_SessExp;
$Session{$_} = $HashSession->{$_} if $HashSession->{$_};
untie %Session;
return $new_SessExp;
sub save_memcached_local {
my $HashSession = shift;
my $local = shift;
my $ttl = shift;
my $safe = $local->{'servers'};
if ( $local->{'servers'} ) {
delete $local->{'servers'};
$local->{timeout} = $ttl;
my %Session;
tie %Session, 'Apache::Session::Memorycached', undef, $local;
foreach ( keys %{$HashSession} ) {
$Session{$_} = $HashSession->{$_} if $HashSession->{$_};
untie %Session;
if ($safe) {
$local->{'servers'} = $safe;