2020-04-03 11:22:28 +02:00

572 lines
20 KiB

## @file
# Display functions for LemonLDAP::NG Portal
package Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Display;
our $VERSION = '2.1.0';
package Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main;
use strict;
use Mouse;
use JSON;
use constant CommonPrms => {
MAIN_LOGO => 'portalMainLogo',
LANGS => 'showLanguages',
has skinRules => ( is => 'rw' );
has favAppsRule => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { 1 } );
sub displayInit {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->skinRules( [] );
if ( $self->conf->{portalSkinRules} ) {
foreach my $skinRule ( sort keys %{ $self->conf->{portalSkinRules} } ) {
my $sub = HANDLER->buildSub( HANDLER->substitute($skinRule) );
if ($sub) {
push @{ $self->skinRules },
[ $self->conf->{portalSkinRules}->{$skinRule}, $sub ];
else {
qq(Skin rule "$skinRule" returns an error: )
. HANDLER->tsv->{jail}->error );
# Parse FavApps activation rule
"FavApps activation rule -> " . $self->conf->{portalDisplayFavApps} );
my $rule =
HANDLER->substitute( $self->conf->{portalDisplayFavApps} ) );
unless ($rule) {
"Bad FavApps activation rule -> " . HANDLER->tsv->{jail}->error );
return 0;
# Call portal process and set template parameters
# @return template name and template parameters
sub display {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
my $skin_dir = $self->conf->{templateDir};
my ( $skinfile, %templateParams, $filter );
# 1. Authentication not complete
# 1.1 A notification has to be done (session is created but hidden and
# unusable until the user has accept the message)
if ( my $notif = $req->data->{notification} ) {
$self->logger->debug('Display: notification detected');
$skinfile = 'notification';
%templateParams = (
AUTH_ERROR_TYPE => $req->error_type,
HIDDEN_INPUTS => $self->buildHiddenForm($req),
AUTH_URL => $req->{data}->{_url},
CHOICE_PARAM => $self->conf->{authChoiceParam},
CHOICE_VALUE => $req->data->{_authChoice},
? ( CUSTOM_SCRIPT => $req->data->{customScript} )
: ()
# 1.2a An authentication (or userDB) module needs to ask a question
# before processing to the request
elsif ( $req->{error} == PE_CONFIRM ) {
$self->logger->debug('Display: confirm detected');
$skinfile = 'confirm';
%templateParams = (
AUTH_ERROR => $req->error,
AUTH_ERROR_TYPE => $req->error_type,
AUTH_URL => $req->{data}->{_url},
MSG => $req->info,
HIDDEN_INPUTS => $self->buildHiddenForm($req),
ACTIVE_TIMER => $req->data->{activeTimer},
FORM_METHOD => $self->conf->{confirmFormMethod},
CHOICE_PARAM => $self->conf->{authChoiceParam},
CHOICE_VALUE => $req->data->{_authChoice},
CHECK_LOGINS => $self->conf->{portalCheckLogins}
&& $req->data->{login},
ASK_LOGINS => $req->param('checkLogins') || 0,
CONFIRMKEY => $self->stamp(),
? ( CUSTOM_SCRIPT => $req->data->{customScript} )
: ()
# 1.2b An authentication (or userDB) module needs to ask a question
# before processing to the request
elsif ( $req->{error} == PE_IDPCHOICE ) {
$self->logger->debug('Display: IDP choice detected');
$skinfile = 'idpchoice';
%templateParams = (
AUTH_ERROR => $req->error,
AUTH_ERROR_TYPE => $req->error_type,
AUTH_URL => $req->{data}->{_url},
HIDDEN_INPUTS => $self->buildHiddenForm($req),
ACTIVE_TIMER => $req->data->{activeTimer},
FORM_METHOD => $self->conf->{confirmFormMethod},
CHOICE_PARAM => $self->conf->{authChoiceParam},
CHOICE_VALUE => $req->data->{_authChoice},
CHECK_LOGINS => $self->conf->{portalCheckLogins}
&& $req->data->{login},
ASK_LOGINS => $req->param('checkLogins') || 0,
CONFIRMKEY => $self->stamp(),
LIST => $req->data->{list} || [],
? ( CUSTOM_SCRIPT => $req->data->{customScript} )
: ()
# 1.3 There is a message to display
elsif ( my $info = $req->info ) {
my $method =
$req->data->{infoFormMethod} || $self->conf->{infoFormMethod};
$self->logger->debug('Display: info detected');
$self->logger->debug('Hidden values :');
$self->logger->debug( " $_: " . $req->{portalHiddenFormValues}->{$_} )
for keys %{ $req->{portalHiddenFormValues} // {} };
$skinfile = 'info';
%templateParams = (
AUTH_ERROR => $self->error,
AUTH_ERROR_TYPE => $req->error_type,
MSG => $info,
URL => $req->{urldc},
HIDDEN_INPUTS => $self->buildHiddenForm($req),
ACTIVE_TIMER => $req->data->{activeTimer},
CHOICE_PARAM => $self->conf->{authChoiceParam},
CHOICE_VALUE => $req->data->{_authChoice},
FORM_METHOD => $method,
$method ne 'get' ? ( SEND_PARAMS => 1 )
: ()
? ( CUSTOM_SCRIPT => $req->data->{customScript} )
: ()
# 1.4 OpenID menu page
elsif ($req->{error} == PE_OPENID_EMPTY
or $req->{error} == PE_OPENID_BADID )
$skinfile = 'openid';
my $p = $self->conf->{portal} . $self->conf->{issuerDBOpenIDPath};
$p =~ s#(?<!:)/?\^?/#/#g;
my $id = $req->{sessionInfo}
->{ $self->conf->{openIdAttr} || $self->conf->{whatToTrace} };
%templateParams = (
AUTH_ERROR => $self->error,
AUTH_ERROR_TYPE => $req->error_type,
MSG => $req->info(),
? ( CUSTOM_SCRIPT => $req->data->{customScript} )
: ()
$templateParams{ID} = $req->data->{_openidPortal} . $id if ($id);
# 2. Good authentication
# 2.1 Redirection
elsif ( $req->{error} == PE_REDIRECT ) {
$skinfile = "redirect";
%templateParams = (
MAIN_LOGO => $self->conf->{portalMainLogo},
LANGS => $self->conf->{showLanguages},
URL => $req->{urldc},
HIDDEN_INPUTS => $self->buildHiddenForm($req),
FORM_METHOD => $req->data->{redirectFormMethod} || 'get',
? ( CUSTOM_SCRIPT => $req->data->{customScript} )
: ()
# 2.2 Case : display menu (with error or not)
elsif ( $req->error == PE_OK ) {
my $speChars = $self->conf->{passwordPolicySpecialChar};
$speChars =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$speChars =~ s/(?:^\s|\s$)//g;
$skinfile = 'menu';
%templateParams = (
AUTH_USER => $req->{sessionInfo}->{ $self->conf->{portalUserAttr} },
NEWWINDOW => $self->conf->{portalOpenLinkInNewWindow},
LOGOUT_URL => $self->conf->{portal} . "?logout=1",
APPSLIST_ORDER => $req->{sessionInfo}->{'_appsListOrder'},
PING => $self->conf->{portalPingInterval},
REQUIRE_OLDPASSWORD => $self->conf->{portalRequireOldPassword},
STARS => $self->favAppsRule->( $req, $req->userData ),
DISPLAY_PPOLICY => $self->conf->{portalDisplayPasswordPolicy},
PPOLICY_MINSIZE => $self->conf->{passwordPolicyMinSize},
PPOLICY_MINLOWER => $self->conf->{passwordPolicyMinLower},
PPOLICY_MINUPPER => $self->conf->{passwordPolicyMinUpper},
PPOLICY_MINDIGIT => $self->conf->{passwordPolicyMinDigit},
$self->conf->{passwordPolicyMinSpeChar} )
: ()
? ( CUSTOM_SCRIPT => $req->data->{customScript} )
: ()
elsif ( $req->error == PE_RENEWSESSION ) {
$skinfile = 'upgradesession';
%templateParams = (
MSG => 'askToRenew',
CONFIRMKEY => $self->stamp,
PORTAL => $self->conf->{portal},
URL => $req->data->{_url},
? ( CUSTOM_SCRIPT => $req->data->{customScript} )
: ()
elsif ( $req->error == PE_MUSTAUTHN ) {
$skinfile = 'updatesession';
%templateParams = (
MSG => 'PE87',
CONFIRMKEY => $self->stamp,
PORTAL => $self->conf->{portal},
URL => $req->data->{_url},
? ( CUSTOM_SCRIPT => $req->data->{customScript} )
: ()
# 2.3 Case : user authenticated but an error was returned (bad url,...)
elsif (
or ( not $req->data->{noerror}
and $req->userData
and %{ $req->userData } )
# Avoid issue 1867
or ( $self->conf->{authentication} eq 'Combination'
and $req->{error} > PE_OK
and $req->{error} != PE_FIRSTACCESS
and $req->{error} != PE_BADCREDENTIALS
and $req->{error} != PE_PP_PASSWORD_EXPIRED )
$skinfile = 'error';
%templateParams = (
AUTH_ERROR => $req->error,
AUTH_ERROR_TYPE => $req->error_type,
LOCKTIME => $req->lockTime(),
? ( CUSTOM_SCRIPT => $req->data->{customScript} )
: ()
else {
# 3 Authentication has been refused OR first access
$skinfile = 'login';
my $login = $self->userId($req);
if ( $login eq 'anonymous' ) {
$login = '';
elsif ( $req->user ) {
$login = $req->{user};
%templateParams = (
AUTH_ERROR => $req->error,
AUTH_ERROR_TYPE => $req->error_type,
AUTH_URL => $req->{data}->{_url},
LOGIN => $login,
DONT_STORE_PASSWORD => $self->conf->{browsersDontStorePassword},
CHECK_LOGINS => $self->conf->{portalCheckLogins},
ASK_LOGINS => $req->param('checkLogins') || 0,
DISPLAY_RESETPASSWORD => $self->conf->{portalDisplayResetPassword},
DISPLAY_REGISTER => $self->conf->{portalDisplayRegister},
MAILCERTIF_URL => $self->conf->{certificateResetByMailURL},
MAIL_URL => $self->conf->{mailUrl},
REGISTER_URL => $self->conf->{registerUrl},
HIDDEN_INPUTS => $self->buildHiddenForm($req),
STAYCONNECTED => $self->conf->{stayConnected},
REQUIRE_OLDPASSWORD => $self->conf->{portalRequireOldPassword},
SPOOFID => $self->conf->{impersonationRule},
? ( CUSTOM_SCRIPT => $req->data->{customScript} )
: ()
( $req->token ? ( TOKEN => $req->token ) : () ),
( $req->data->{waitingMessage} ? ( WAITING_MESSAGE => 1 ) : () ),
# Disable all forms on:
# * Logout message
# * Account lock
# * Bad URL error
if ( $req->{error} == PE_LOGOUT_OK
or $req->{error} == PE_WAIT
or $req->{error} == PE_BADURL )
$skinfile = 'error';
%templateParams = (
MSG => $req->info(),
LOCKTIME => $req->lockTime()
else {
my $form = $self->_authentication->getForm($req);
$filter->{LOGIN_FORM} = $form;
# Common parameters
foreach ( keys %{ CommonPrms() } ) {
$templateParams{$_} = $self->conf->{ CommonPrms->{$_} };
$self->logger->debug("Calling sendHtml with template $skinfile");
return $self->sendHtml(
$req, $skinfile,
params => \%templateParams,
filter => $filter
##@method public void printImage(string file, string type)
# Print image to STDOUT
# @param $file The path to the file to print
# @param $type The content-type to use (ie: image/png)
# @return void
sub staticFile {
my ( $self, $req, $file, $type ) = @_;
require Plack::Util;
require Cwd;
require HTTP::Date;
open my $fh, '<:raw', $self->conf->{templateDir} . "/$file"
or return $self->sendError( $req,
$self->conf->{templateDir} . "/$file: $!", 403 );
my @stat = stat $file;
Plack::Util::set_io_path( $fh, Cwd::realpath($file) );
return [
'Content-Type' => $type,
'Content-Length' => $stat[7],
'Last-Modified' => HTTP::Date::time2str( $stat[9] )
sub buildHiddenForm {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
my @keys = keys %{ $req->{portalHiddenFormValues} };
my $val = '';
foreach (@keys) {
# Check XSS attacks
if $self->checkXSSAttack( $_, $req->{portalHiddenFormValues}->{$_} );
# Build hidden input HTML code
# 'id' is removed to avoid warning with Choice
#$val .= qq{<input type="hidden" name="$_" id="$_" value="}
$val .= qq{<input type="hidden" name="$_" value="}
. $req->{portalHiddenFormValues}->{$_} . '" />';
return $val;
# Return skin name
# @return skin name
# TODO: create property for skinRule
sub getSkin {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
my $skin = $self->conf->{portalSkin};
# Fill sessionInfo to eval rule if empty (unauthenticated user)
$req->{sessionInfo}->{_url} ||= $req->{urldc};
$req->{sessionInfo}->{ipAddr} ||= $req->address;
# Load specific skin from skinRules
foreach my $rule ( @{ $self->{skinRules} } ) {
if ( $rule->[1]->( $req, $req->sessionInfo ) ) {
if ( -d $self->conf->{templateDir} . '/' . $rule->[0] ) {
$skin = $rule->[0];
$self->logger->debug("Skin $skin selected from skin rule");
# Check skin GET/POST parameter
my $skinParam = $req->param('skin');
if ( defined $skinParam ) {
if ( $skinParam =~ /^[\w\-]+$/ ) {
if ( -d $self->conf->{templateDir} . '/' . $skinParam ) {
$skin = $skinParam;
"Skin $skin selected from GET/POST parameter");
else {
"User tries to access to unexistent skin dir $skinParam");
else {
$self->userLogger->error("Strange skin parameter: $skinParam");
return $skin;
# Build an HTML array to display sessions
# @param $sessions Array ref of hash ref containing sessions data
# @param $title Title of the array
# @param $displayUser To display "User" column
# @param $displaError To display "Error" column
# @return HTML string
sub mkSessionArray {
my ( $self, $req, $sessions, $title, $displayUser, $displayError ) = @_;
return "" unless ( ref $sessions eq "ARRAY" and @$sessions );
my @fields = sort keys %{ $self->conf->{sessionDataToRemember} };
return $self->loadTemplate(
params => {
title => $title,
displayUser => $displayUser,
displayError => $displayError,
fields => [
map { { name => $self->conf->{sessionDataToRemember}->{$_} } }
sessions => [
map {
my $session = $_;
user => $session->{user},
utime => $session->{_utime},
ip => $session->{ipAddr},
values => [ map { { v => $session->{$_} } } @fields ],
error => $session->{error},
displayError => $displayError,
} @$sessions
sub mkOidcConsent {
my ( $self, $req, $session ) = @_;
if ( defined( $self->conf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptions} )
and ref( $self->conf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptions} ) )
# Set default RP displayname
foreach my $oidc ( keys %{ $self->conf->{oidcRPMetaDataOptions} } ) {
->{oidcRPMetaDataOptionsDisplayName} ||= $oidc;
# Loading existing oidcConsents
$self->logger->debug("Searching OIDC Consents...");
my $_oidcConsents;
if ( exists $session->{_oidcConsents} ) {
$_oidcConsents = eval {
from_json( $session->{_oidcConsents}, { allow_nonref => 1 } );
if ($@) {
$self->logger->error("Corrupted session (_oidcConsents): $@");
return PE_ERROR;
else {
$self->logger->debug("No OIDC Consent found");
my $consents = {};
foreach (@$_oidcConsents) {
if ( defined $_->{rp} ) {
my $rp = $_->{rp};
$self->logger->debug("RP { $rp } Consent found");
$consents->{$rp}->{epoch} = $_->{epoch};
$consents->{$rp}->{scope} = $_->{scope};
$consents->{$rp}->{displayName} =
# Display existing oidcConsents
return $self->loadTemplate(
params => {
partners => [
map { {
name => $_,
epoch => $consents->{$_}->{epoch},
scope => $consents->{$_}->{scope},
displayName => $consents->{$_}->{displayName}
} ( sort keys %$consents )
consents => join( ",", keys %$consents ),