2016-02-23 14:57:42 +00:00

424 lines
12 KiB

## @file
# LDAP storage methods for notifications
## @class
# LDAP storage methods for notifications
package Lemonldap::NG::Common::Notification::LDAP;
use strict;
use Time::Local;
use MIME::Base64;
use Net::LDAP;
use utf8;
our $VERSION = '1.3.0';
## @method boolean prereq()
# Check if LDAP parameters are set.
# @return true if all is OK
sub prereq {
my $self = shift;
unless ( $self->{ldapServer} ) {
$self->lmLog( '"ldapServer" is required in LDAP notification type',
'error' );
$Lemonldap::NG::Common::Notification::msg =
'"ldapServer" is required in LDAP notification type';
return 0;
if ( $self->{table} ) {
$self->{ldapConfBase} =~ s/^\w+=\w+(,.*)$/ou=$self->{table}$1/;
$self->lmLog( 'Warning: "ldapBindDN" parameter is not set', 'warn' )
unless ( $self->{ldapBindDN} );
## @method hashref get(string uid,string ref)
# Returns notifications corresponding to the user $uid.
# If $ref is set, returns only notification corresponding to this reference.
# @param $uid UID
# @param $ref Notification reference
# @return hashref where keys are internal reference and values are XML strings
sub get {
my ( $self, $uid, $ref ) = @_;
return () unless ($uid);
my $filter = '(&(objectClass=applicationProcess)(!(description={done}*))';
$filter .= '(description={uid}' . $uid . ')';
$filter .= '(description={ref}' . $ref . ')' if $ref;
$filter .= ')';
my @entries = _search( $self, "$filter" );
my $result = {};
foreach my $entry (@entries) {
my @notifValues = $entry->get_value('description');
my $f = {};
foreach (@notifValues) {
my ( $k, $v ) = ( $_ =~ /\{(.*?)\}(.*)/smg );
$v = decodeLdapValue($v);
$f->{$k} = $v;
my $xml = $f->{xml};
$result->{"$f->{date}#$f->{uid}#$f->{ref}"} = "$xml";
$self->lmLog( "notification $f->{date}#$f->{uid}#$f->{ref} found",
'info' );
return $result;
## @method hashref getAll()
# Return all messages not notified.
# @return hashref where keys are internal reference and values are hashref with
# keys date, uid and ref.
sub getAll {
my $self = shift;
my @entries = _search( $self,
'(&(objectClass=applicationProcess)(!(description={done}*)))' );
my $result = {};
foreach my $entry (@entries) {
my @notifValues = $entry->get_value('description');
my $f = {};
foreach (@notifValues) {
my ( $k, $v ) = ( $_ =~ /\{(.*?)\}(.*)/smg );
$v = decodeLdapValue($v);
$f->{$k} = $v;
$result->{"$f->{date}#$f->{uid}#$f->{ref}"} = {
date => $f->{date},
uid => $f->{uid},
ref => $f->{ref},
cond => $f->{condition},
return $result;
## @method boolean delete(string myref)
# Mark a notification as done.
# @param $myref identifier returned by get() or getAll()
sub delete {
my ( $self, $myref ) = @_;
my ( $d, $u, $r );
unless ( ( $d, $u, $r ) = ( $myref =~ /^([^#]+)#(.+?)#(.+)$/ ) ) {
$Lemonldap::NG::Common::Notification::msg = "Bad reference $myref";
$self->lmLog( "Bad reference $myref", 'warn' );
return 0;
my @ts = localtime();
$ts[5] += 1900;
return _modify(
. $u
. ')(description={ref}'
. $r
. ')(description={date}'
. $d
. ')(!(description={done}*)))',
"{done}$ts[5]-$ts[4]-$ts[3] $ts[2]:$ts[1]"
## @method boolean purge(string myref, boolean force)
# Purge notification (really delete record)
# @param $myref identifier returned by get or getAll
# @param $force force purge for not deleted session
# @return true if something was deleted
sub purge {
my ( $self, $myref, $force ) = @_;
my ( $d, $u, $r );
unless ( ( $d, $u, $r ) = ( $myref =~ /^([^#]+)#(.+?)#(.+)$/ ) ) {
$Lemonldap::NG::Common::Notification::msg = "Bad reference $myref";
$self->lmLog( "Bad reference $myref", 'warn' );
return 0;
my $clause;
$clause = '(description={done}*)' unless ($force);
return _delete( $self,
. $u
. ')(description={ref}'
. $r
. ')(description={date}'
. $d . ')'
. $clause
. ')' );
## @method boolean newNotif(string date, string uid, string ref, string condition, string xml)
# Insert a new notification
# @param date Date
# @param uid UID
# @param ref Reference of the notification
# @param condition Condition for the notification
# @param xml XML notification
# @return true if succeed
sub newNotif {
my ( $self, $date, $uid, $ref, $condition, $xml ) = @_;
my $fns = $self->{fileNameSeparator};
$fns ||= '_';
$date =~ s/-//g;
return ( 0, "Bad date" ) unless ( $date =~ /^\d{8}/ );
my $cn = "${date}${fns}${uid}${fns}" . encode_base64( $ref, '' );
$cn .= "${fns}" . encode_base64( $condition, '' ) if $condition;
$xml = $xml->serialize();
my $fields =
$condition =~ /.+/
? {
"date" => "$date",
"uid" => "$uid",
"ref" => "$ref",
"xml" => "$xml",
"cond" => "$condition",
: {
"date" => "$date",
"uid" => "$uid",
"ref" => "$ref",
"xml" => "$xml",
return _store( $self, $cn, $fields );
## @method hashref getDone()
# Returns a list of notifications that have been done
# @return hashref where keys are internal reference and values are hashref with
# keys notified, uid and ref.
sub getDone {
my ($self) = @_;
my @entries = _search( $self,
'(&(objectClass=applicationProcess)(description={done}*))' );
my $result = {};
foreach my $entry (@entries) {
my @notifValues = $entry->get_value('description');
my $f = {};
foreach (@notifValues) {
my ( $k, $v ) = ( $_ =~ /\{(.*?)\}(.*)/smg );
$v = decodeLdapValue($v);
$f->{$k} = $v;
my @t = split( /\D+/, $f->{done} );
my $done = timelocal( $t[5], $t[4], $t[3], $t[2], $t[1], $t[0] );
$result->{"$f->{date}#$f->{uid}#$f->{ref}"} =
{ notified => $done, uid => $f->{uid}, ref => $f->{ref}, };
# $ldap->unbind() && delete $self->{ldap};
return $result;
## @method object private _ldap()
# Return the ldap object (build it if needed).
# @param filter The LDAP filter to apply
# @return list of entries returned by the LDAP search (set of Net::LDAP::Entry)
sub _search {
my ( $self, $filter ) = @_;
my $ldap = _ldap($self) or return 0;
my $search = $ldap->search(
base => $self->{ldapConfBase},
filter => "$filter",
scope => 'sub',
attrs => ['description'],
if ( $search->code ) {
$self->lmLog( "search error: " . $search->error(), 'error' );
return ();
return $search->entries();
## @method object private _delete()
# Deletes the all entries found by the given LDAP filter
# @param filter The LDAP filter to apply
# @return 1 if operation success, else 0
sub _delete {
my ( $self, $filter ) = @_;
my @entries = _search( $self, "$filter" );
my $mesg = {};
foreach my $entry (@entries) {
$mesg = $self->{ldap}->delete( $entry->dn() );
$mesg->code && return 0;
# $ldap->unbind() && delete $self->{ldap};
return 1;
## @method object private _modify()
# add the given attribute value to all entries found by LDAP filter
# @param filter The LDAP filter to apply
# @param attr : name of the attribute to modify
# @param value : new value to add
# @return 1 if operation success, else 0
sub _modify {
my ( $self, $filter, $attr, $value ) = @_;
my @entries = _search( $self, "$filter" );
my $mesg = {};
foreach my $entry (@entries) {
$mesg =
->modify( $entry->dn(), add => { "$attr" => "$value", }, );
$mesg->code && return 0;
# $ldap->unbind() && delete $self->{ldap};
return 1;
## @method object private _store()
# creates the notification defined by dn: cn=$cn,$ldapConfBase and $fields
# stored in the description attribute
# @param cn : cn value, used as a dn component
# @param fields : set of values to store in description attribute
# @return 1 if operation success, else 0
sub _store {
my ( $self, $cn, $fields ) = @_;
my $ldap = _ldap($self) or return 0;
my $notifName = "$cn";
my $notifDN = "cn=$notifName," . $self->{ldapConfBase};
# Store values as {key}value
my @notifValues;
foreach my $k ( keys %$fields ) {
my $v = encodeLdapValue( $fields->{$k} );
push @notifValues, "{$k}$v";
my $add = $ldap->add(
attrs => [
objectClass => [ 'top', 'applicationProcess' ],
cn => $notifName,
description => \@notifValues,
if ( $add->code ) {
return 0;
#$ldap->unbind() && delete $self->{ldap};
return 1;
## @method object private encodeLdapValue()
# encode ldap value in utf8 (try to encode to latin1, and if it fails, encode to utf8)
# @param value value to encode
# @return value encoded in utf8
sub encodeLdapValue {
my $value = shift;
eval {
my $safevalue = $value;
Encode::from_to( $safevalue, "utf8", "iso-8859-1", Encode::FB_CROAK );
if ($@) {
Encode::from_to( $value, "iso-8859-1", "utf8", Encode::FB_CROAK );
return $value;
## @method object private decodeLdapValue()
# decode ldap value from utf8 to latin1
# @param value value to decode
# @return value decoded in latin1
sub decodeLdapValue {
my $value = shift;
Encode::from_to( $value, "utf8", "iso-8859-1", Encode::FB_CROAK );
return $value;
## @method object private _ldap()
# Return the ldap object (build it if needed).
# @return ldap handle object
sub _ldap {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{ldap} if ( $self->{ldap} );
# Parse servers configuration
my $useTls = 0;
my $tlsParam;
my @servers = ();
foreach my $server ( split /[\s,]+/, $self->{ldapServer} ) {
if ( $server =~ m{^ldap\+tls://([^/]+)/?\??(.*)$} ) {
$useTls = 1;
$server = $1;
$tlsParam = $2 || "";
else {
$useTls = 0;
push @servers, $server;
# Connect
my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new(
onerror => undef,
( $self->{ldapPort} ? ( port => $self->{ldapPort} ) : () ),
unless ($ldap) {
$self->lmLog( 'connexion failed: ' . $@, 'error' );
# Start TLS if needed
if ($useTls) {
my %h = split( /[&=]/, $tlsParam );
$h{cafile} = $self->{caFile} if ( $self->{caFile} );
$h{capath} = $self->{caPath} if ( $self->{caPath} );
my $start_tls = $ldap->start_tls(%h);
if ( $start_tls->code ) {
$self->lmLog( 'tls failed: ' . $start_tls->error, 'error' );
# Bind with credentials
my $bind =
$ldap->bind( $self->{ldapBindDN}, password => $self->{ldapBindPassword} );
if ( $bind->code ) {
$self->lmLog( 'bind failed: ' . $bind->error, 'error' );
$self->{ldap} = $ldap;
return $ldap;