Maxime Besson 6890b290b1 Fix plaintext email
For the few of us who like plain text email better.

Before this commit, the mail body would not be correctly pulled from
config, and then the portal would error 500 due to MIME::Entity objects
not having an "attr" accessor, unlike the previously used MIME::Lite
2019-01-30 12:06:05 +01:00

272 lines
8.2 KiB

# SMTP common functions
# SMTP common functions
package Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Lib::SMTP;
use strict;
use Mouse;
use JSON qw(from_json);
use String::Random;
use MIME::Entity;
use Email::Sender::Simple qw(sendmail);
use Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP qw();
use MIME::Base64;
use Encode;
our $VERSION = '2.0.1';
our $transport;
has random => (
is => 'rw',
default => sub {
return String::Random->new;
has charset => (
is => 'rw',
lazy => 1,
default => sub { return $_[0]->{conf}->{mailCharset} || 'utf-8' }
has transport => (
is => 'rw',
lazy => 1,
default => sub {
return $transport if $transport;
my $conf = $_[0]->{conf};
return undef
unless ( $conf->{SMTPServer} );
if ( $conf->{SMTPTLS}
and $Email::Sender::Simple::VERSION < 1.300027 )
require Email::Sender::Transport::SMTPS;
$transport = Email::Sender::Transport::SMTPS->new(
host => $conf->{SMTPServer},
( $conf->{SMTPPort} ? ( port => $conf->{SMTPPort} ) : () ),
? (
sasl_username => $conf->{SMTPAuthUser},
sasl_password => $conf->{SMTPAuthPass}
: ()
ssl => $conf->{SMTPTLS},
else {
$transport = Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP->new(
host => $conf->{SMTPServer},
( $conf->{SMTPPort} ? ( port => $conf->{SMTPPort} ) : () ),
? (
sasl_username => $conf->{SMTPAuthUser},
sasl_password => $conf->{SMTPAuthPass}
: ()
( $conf->{SMTPTLS} ? ( ssl => $conf->{SMTPTLS} ) : () ),
? ( ssl_options => $conf->{SMTPTLSOpts} )
: ()
return $transport;
sub translate {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
# Get language using llnglanguage cookie
my $lang_code = $req->cookies->{llnglanguage} || 'en';
my $json = $self->conf->{templateDir} . "/common/mail/$lang_code.json";
$json = $self->conf->{templateDir} . '/common/mail/en.json'
unless ( -f $json );
open F, $json
or die 'Installation error: '
. $!
. " ($self->{conf}->{templateDir}/$lang_code.json or $self->{conf}->{templateDir}/common/mail/en.json)";
$json = join '', <F>;
close F;
my $lang = from_json( $json, { allow_nonref => 1 } );
my $langOver = from_json( $self->p->trOver, { allow_nonref => 1 } );
if ($langOver) {
for my $k ( keys %{ $langOver->{all} || {} } ) {
$lang->{$k} = $langOver->{$lang_code}->{$k};
for my $k ( keys %{ $langOver->{$lang_code} || {} } ) {
$lang->{$k} = $langOver->{$lang_code}->{$k};
return sub {
($_) = @_;
$$_ =~ s/\s+trspan="(\w+?)"(.*?)>.*?</"$2>".($lang->{$1}||$1).'<'/gse;
$$_ =~ s/^(\w+)$/$lang->{$1}||$1/es;
# Generate a complex password based on a regular expression
# @param regexp regular expression
sub gen_password {
my ( $self, $regexp ) = @_;
return $self->random->randregex($regexp);
# Send mail
# @param mail recipient address
# @param subject mail subject
# @param body mail body
# @param html optional set content type to HTML
# @return boolean result
sub send_mail {
my ( $self, $mail, $subject, $body, $html ) = @_;
$self->logger->debug("send_mail called to send \"$subject\" to $mail");
# Encode the body with the given charset
$body = encode( $self->charset, decode( 'utf-8', $body ) );
$subject = encode( $self->charset, decode( 'utf-8', $subject ) );
# Debug messages
$self->logger->debug( "SMTP From " . $self->conf->{mailFrom} );
$self->logger->debug( "SMTP To " . $mail );
$self->logger->debug( "SMTP Subject " . $subject );
$self->logger->debug( "SMTP Body " . $body );
$self->logger->debug( "SMTP HTML flag " . ( $html ? "on" : "off" ) );
$self->logger->debug( "SMTP Reply-To " . $self->conf->{mailReplyTo} )
if $self->conf->{mailReplyTo};
# Encode the subject
$subject = encode_base64( $subject, '' );
$subject =~ s/\s//gs;
$subject = '=?' . $self->charset . "?B?$subject?=";
# Detect included images (cid)
my %cid = ( $body =~ m/"cid:([^:]+):([^"]+)"/g );
# Replace cid in body
$body =~ s/"cid:([^:]+):([^"]+)"/"cid:$1"/g;
eval {
# Create message
my $message;
# HTML case
if ($html) {
$message = MIME::Entity->build(
From => $self->conf->{mailFrom},
To => $mail,
? ( "Reply-To" => $self->conf->{mailReplyTo} )
: ()
Subject => $subject,
Type => 'multipart/related',
# Attach HTML message
Type => 'text/html; charset=' . $self->charset,
Data => qq{$body},
# Attach included images
foreach ( keys %cid ) {
Type => "image/" . ( $cid{$_} =~ m/\.(\w+)/ )[0],
Id => $_,
Path => $self->p->{templateDir} . "/" . $cid{$_},
# Plain text case
else {
$message = MIME::Entity->build(
From => $self->conf->{mailFrom},
To => $mail,
"Reply-To" => $self->conf->{mailReplyTo},
Subject => $subject,
Type => 'TEXT',
Data => $body,
Type => 'text/plain',
Charset => $self->charset,
# Send the mail
sendmail( $message->stringify,
( $self->transport ? { transport => $self->transport } : () ) );
if ($@) {
$self->logger->error("Send message failed: $@");
return 0;
return 1;
## @method string getMailSession(string user)
# Check if a mail session exists
# @param user the value of the user key in session
# @return the first session id found or nothing if no session
sub getMailSession {
my ( $self, $user ) = @_;
my $moduleOptions = $self->conf->{globalStorageOptions} || {};
$moduleOptions->{backend} = $self->conf->{globalStorage};
my $module = "Lemonldap::NG::Common::Apache::Session";
# Search on mail sessions
my $sessions = $module->searchOn( $moduleOptions, "user", $user );
# Browse found sessions to check if it's a mail session
foreach my $id ( keys %$sessions ) {
my $mailSession = $self->p->getApacheSession($id);
next unless ($mailSession);
return $mailSession if ( $mailSession->data->{_type} =~ /^mail$/ );
# No mail session found, return empty string
return "";
## @method string getRegisterSession(string mail)
# Check if a register session exists
# @param mail the value of the mail key in session
# @return the first session id found or nothing if no session
sub getRegisterSession {
my ( $self, $mail ) = @_;
my $moduleOptions = $self->conf->{globalStorageOptions} || {};
$moduleOptions->{backend} = $self->conf->{globalStorage};
my $module = "Lemonldap::NG::Common::Apache::Session";
# Search on register sessions
my $sessions = $module->searchOn( $moduleOptions, "mail", $mail );
# Browse found sessions to check if it's a register session
foreach my $id ( keys %$sessions ) {
my $registerSession = $self->p->getApacheSession($id);
next unless ($registerSession);
return $id
if ( $registerSession->data->{_type}
and $registerSession->data->{_type} =~ /^register$/ );
# No register session found, return empty string
return "";