2017-02-07 22:04:49 +00:00

231 lines
7.4 KiB

package Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Lib::Notifications::JSON;
use strict;
use Mouse;
use JSON qw(from_json);
our $VERSION = '2.0.0';
no warnings 'redefine';
# Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Plugin provides addAuthRoute() and
# addUnauthRoute() methods in addition of Lemonldap::NG::Common::Module.
extends 'Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Plugin';
# Underlying notifications storage object (File, DBI, LDAP,...)
has notifObject => ( is => 'rw' );
sub init {
# Search for notifications and if any, returns HTML fragment.
sub checkForNotifications {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
# Look for pending notifications in database
my $uid = $req->sessionInfo->{ $self->notifObject->notifField };
my ( $notifs, $forUser ) = $self->notifObject->getNotifications($uid);
my $form;
return 0 unless ($notifs);
# Transform notifications
my $i = 0; #Files count
foreach my $file ( values %$notifs ) {
my $json = from_json($file);
my $j = 0; #Notifications count
my @res;
$json = [$json] unless ( ref $json eq 'ARRAY' );
LOOP: foreach my $notif ( @{$json} ) {
# Get the reference
my $reference = $notif->{reference};
$self->lmLog( "Get reference $reference", 'debug' );
# Check it in session
if ( exists $req->{sessionInfo}->{"notification_$reference"} ) {
# The notification was already accepted
$self->lmLog( "Notification $reference was already accepted",
'debug' );
next LOOP;
push @res, $notif;
# Go to next file if no notification found
next unless $j;
$form .= $self->toForm(@res);
# Stop here if nothing to display
return 0 unless $i;
# Cipher cookie
$req->id( $self->p->HANDLER->tsv->{cipher}->encrypt( $req->id ) );
# Returns HTML fragment
return $form;
sub getNotifBack {
my ( $self, $req, $name ) = @_;
# Look if all notifications have been accepted. If not, redirects to
# portal
# Search for Lemonldap::NG cookie (ciphered)
my $id;
unless ( $id = $req->cookies->{ $self->{conf}->{cookieName} } ) {
return $self->p->sendError( $req, 'No cookie found', 401 );
$id = $self->p->HANDLER->tsv->{cipher}->decrypt($id)
or return $self->sendError( $req, 'Unable to decrypt', 500 );
# Verify that session exists
$req->userData( $self->p->HANDLER->retrieveSession($id) )
or return $self->sendError( $req, 'Unknown session', 401 );
# Restore datas
my $uid = $req->sessionInfo->{ $self->notifObject->notifField };
my ( $notifs, $forUser ) = $self->notifObject->getNotifications($uid);
if ($notifs) {
# Get accepted notifications
my ( $refs, $checks ) = ( {}, {} );
my $prms = $req->parameters;
foreach ( keys %$prms ) {
my $v = $prms->{$_};
if (s/^reference//) {
$refs->{$v} = $_;
elsif ( s/^check// and /^(\d+x\d+)x(\d+)$/ and $v eq 'accepted' ) {
push @{ $checks->{$1} }, $2;
my $result = 1;
foreach my $fileName ( keys %$notifs ) {
my $file = $notifs->{$fileName};
my $fileResult = 1;
my $json = from_json($file);
$json = [$json] unless ( ref $json eq 'ARRAY' );
# Get pending notifications and verify that they have been accepted
foreach my $notif (@$json) {
my $reference = $notif->{reference};
# Check if this pending notification has been seen
if ( my $refId = $refs->{$reference} ) {
# Verity that checkboxes have been checked
if ( $notif->{check} ) {
if ( my $toCheckCount = @{ $notif->{check} } ) {
unless ($checks->{$refId}
and $toCheckCount == @{ $checks->{$refId} } )
"$uid has not accepted notification $reference"
$result = $fileResult = 0;
else {
# Current pending notification has not been found in
# request
$result = $fileResult = 0;
'Current pending notification has not been found',
'debug' );
# Register acceptation
"$uid has accepted notification $reference");
$self->p->updatePersistentSession( $req,
{ "notification_$reference" => time() } );
"Notification $reference registered in persistent session",
# Notifications accepted for this file, delete it unless it's a wildcard
if ( $fileResult and exists $forUser->{$fileName} ) {
$self->lmLog( "Notification file deleted", 'debug' );
unless ($result) {
# One pending notification has been found and not accepted,
# restart process to display pending notifications
# TODO: is it a good idea to launch all 'afterDatas' subs ?
'Pending notification has been found and not accepted',
'debug' );
return $self->p->do( $req, $self->p->afterDatas );
# All pending notifications have been accepted, restore cookies and
# launch 'controlUrl' to restore "urldc" using do()
$self->lmLog( 'All pending notifications have been accepted', 'debug' );
return $self->p->do( $req, ['controlUrl'] );
else {
# No notifications checked here, this entry point must not be called.
# Redirecting to portal
$self->lmLog( 'No notifications checked', 'debug' );
return $self->p->do( $req, [] );
sub toForm {
my ( $self, @notifs ) = @_;
my $i = 0;
@notifs = map {
if ( $_->{check} ) {
my $j = 0;
$_->{check} =
[ map { $j++; { id => '1x' . $i . 'x' . $j, value => $_ } }
@{ $_->{check} } ];
$_->{id} = "1x$i";
} @notifs;
require HTML::Template;
my $file =
$self->conf->{templateDir} . '/'
. $self->conf->{portalSkin}
. '/notifinclude.tpl';
$file = $self->conf->{templateDir} . '/common/notifinclude.tpl'
unless ( -e $file );
my $tpl = HTML::Template->new(
filename => $file,
die_on_bad_params => 0,
die_on_missing_include => 1,
cache => 1,
global_vars => 0,
$tpl->param( notifications => \@notifs );
return $tpl->output;