2020-06-01 16:22:25 +02:00

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Amazon Web Services
`Amazon Web Services <https://aws.amazon.com>`__ allows one to delegate
authentication through SAML2.
- Make sure you have followed the steps
`here <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_roles_providers_enable-console-saml.html>`__.
- Go to https://your.portal.com/saml/metadata and save the resulting
file locally.
- In each AWS account, go to IAM -> Identity providers -> Create
- Select ``SAML`` as the provider type
- Choose a name (best if kept consistent between accounts), and then
choose the metadata file you saved above.
- Looking again at the links on the left side of the page, go to Roles
-> Create role
- Choose ``SAML / Saml 2.0 federation``
- Select the provider you just configured, click
``Allow programmatic and AWSManagement Console access`` which will
fill in the rest of the form for you, then click next.
- Set whatever permissions you need to and then click ``Review``.
- Choose a name for the role. These will shown to people when they log
in, so make them descriptive. We have different accounts for
different regions of the world, so I put the region into the role
name so people know which account is which.
.. important::
If you have only one role, the configuration is simple. If you
have multiple roles for different people, it is a little trickier. As
you will see, the SAML attributes are not dynamic, so you have to set
them in the session when a user logs in or use a custom function. In
this example, I wanted to avoid managing custom functions on all the
servers, so the SAML attributes are set in the session. We also use LDAP
for user information, so I will describe that. In our LDAP tree, each
user has attributes which are used quite heavily for dynamic groups and
authorisation. You will want something similar, using whatever attribute
makes sense to you. For example:
.. code::
dn: uid=user,ou=people,dc=your,dc=com
ou: sysadmin
ou: database
ou: root
- Assuming you use the web interface to manage lemonldap, go to General
Parameters -> Authentication parameters -> LDAP parameters ->
Exported variables. Here set the key to the LDAP attribute and the
value to something sensible. I keep them the same to make it easy.
- Now go to \*Variables -> Macros*. Here set up variables which will be
computed based on the attributes you exported above. You will need to
emit strings in this format
The parts you need to change are ``account-number``, ``role-name1``
and ``provier-name``. The last two will be the provider name and role
names you just set up in AWS.
- Perl works in here, so something like this is valid: ``aws_eu_role``
-> ``$ou =~ sysadmin ? "arn:aws..." : "arn:..."``
- If it easier, split multiple roles into different macros. Then tie
all the variables you define together into one string concatenating
them with whatever is in General Parameters -> Advanced Parameters ->
Separator. Actually click into this field and move around with the
arrow keys to see if there is a space, since spaces can be part of
the separator.
- Remember macros are defined alphanumerically, so you want one right
at the end, like ``z_aws_roles`` ->
``join("; ", $role_name1, $role_name2, ...)``
- On the left again, click ``SAML service providers``, then
``Add SAML SP``.
- Enter a name, click ok, then select it on the left. Select
``Metadata``, then enter
\`\ https://signin.aws.amazon.com/static/saml-metadata.xml\ \` in the
``URL`` field, then click load.
- Click ``Exported attributes`` on the left, then ``Add attribute``
twice to add two attributes. The first field is the name of a
variable set in the user's session:
- ``_whatToTrace`` ->
``https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/RoleSessionName`` (leave
the rest)
- ``z_aws_roles`` (the macro name you defined above) ->
``https://aws.amazon.com/SAML/Attributes/Role`` (leave the rest)
- On the left, select Options -> Security -> Enable use of IDP
initiated URL -> On
- Select General Parameters -> Portal -> Menu -> Categories and
- Select a category or create a new one if you need to. Then click
``New application``.
- Enter a name etc. For the URL, use
- Display application should be set to ``Enabled``
- Go to your portal, click on the link, and check that it works!