2007-02-27 10:55:32 +00:00

375 lines
12 KiB
Executable File
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package Lemonldap::Portal::LoginDAC;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Apache2::Const;
use Lemonldap::Config::Parameters;
use Lemonldap::Portal::Standard;
use Lemonldap::Portal::AccessPolicy;
use Apache2::Const;
use Data::Dumper;
use Template;
use URI::Escape;
use CGI ':cgi-lib';
use Apache::Session::Memorycached;
use MIME::Base64;
use Encode qw(encode);
use Sys::Hostname;
our $VERSION = '3.1.0';
my $client_addr;
my $SessCacheRefreshPeriod;
my $Stack_User;
my $LdapUserAttributes;
my $Org;
my $AccessPolicy;
my $Ldap_Filter_Attribute;
my $MyAttribute;
my $MyDomain;
my $LoginPage;
my $RedirectPage;
my $Parameters;
my $Conf_Domain;
my $Login_Url;
my $IpCheck;
my $Ldap_Server;
my $Ldap_Branch_People;
my $Ldap_Dn_Manager;
my $Ldap_Pass_Manager;
my $Ldap_Port;
my @attrs;
my @base;
my $MemcachedServer;
my $CookieName;
my $InactivityTimeout;
my $Encryptionkey;
my $Menu;
my $MemcachedSessionId;
my $SessionParams;
my $DacHostname;
my $Messages = { 1 => 'Votre connexion a expiré vous devez vous authentifier de nouveau',
2 => 'Les champs "Identifiant" et "Mot de passe&quot doivent être remplis',
3 => 'Wrong directory manager account or password' ,
4 => 'n\'a pas été trouvé dans l\'annuaire',
5 => 'Mot de passe erroné' ,
6 => 'Votre adresse IP a été modifié. Vous devez vous authentifier de nouveau',
7 => 'Serveral Entries found on ldap server for this user',
8 => 'Bad connection to ldap server',
sub My_Session {
my $self = shift;
my %Session;
my $Entry = $self->{entry};
$Session{dn} = $Entry->dn();
$self->{dn} = $Entry->dn();
my $res = $self->{AccessPolicy};
if ($res eq "default"){
if (defined($client_addr)){
$Session{'clientIPAdress'}= $client_addr;
if (defined($SessCacheRefreshPeriod)){
$Session{'SessExpTime'}= time() + $SessCacheRefreshPeriod ;
$self->{infosession} = \%Session;
sub handler {
my $r = shift;
my $log = $r->log;
my $connexion = $r->dir_config();
my $conf_httpd = &Lemonldap::Config::Initparam::init_param_httpd($log,$connexion);
my $conf_xml = {};
if ( defined $conf_httpd->{CONFIGFILE} ){
$conf_xml = &Lemonldap::Config::Initparam::init_param_xml($conf_httpd);
my $Conf = &Lemonldap::Config::Initparam::merge($conf_httpd, $conf_xml);
$MyDomain = lc($Conf->{DOMAIN});
$LoginPage = $Conf->{LOGINPAGE};
$RedirectPage = $Conf->{REDIRECTPAGE};
$Org = $Conf->{ORGANIZATION};
if ( ! defined($Org) ){
$Org = "authz_headers";
$Login_Url = $Conf->{PORTAL};
$AccessPolicy = $Conf->{ACCESSPOLICY};
if ( ! defined($AccessPolicy) ){
$AccessPolicy = 'default';
$IpCheck = $Conf->{CLIENTIPCHECK};
$SessCacheRefreshPeriod = $Conf->{SESSCACHEREFRESHPERIOD};
$Ldap_Filter_Attribute = $Conf->{LDAPFILTERATTRIBUTE};
$Ldap_Server = $Conf->{LDAP_SERVER};
$Ldap_Branch_People = $Conf->{LDAP_BRANCH_PEOPLE};
$Ldap_Dn_Manager = $Conf->{DNMANAGER};
$Ldap_Pass_Manager = $Conf->{PASSWORDMANAGER};
$Ldap_Port = $Conf->{LDAP_PORT};
$MemcachedSessionId = $Conf->{SESSIONSTORE};
$CookieName = $Conf->{COOKIE};
$InactivityTimeout = $Conf->{INACTIVITYTIMEOUT};
$Encryptionkey = $Conf->{ENCRYPTIONKEY};
$Menu = $Conf->{MENU};
$LdapUserAttributes = $Conf->{LDAPUSERATTRIBUTES};
if ($Ldap_Pass_Manager =~ /^\{CODED\}/ ){
$Ldap_Pass_Manager = `/dactools/pass-crypt 1 $Ldap_Pass_Manager`;
if (defined($LdapUserAttributes)){
@attrs = split(/\s+/,$LdapUserAttributes);
$MyAttribute = $attrs[0];
@attrs = ();
my @base = split(/\s*:\s*/,$Ldap_Branch_People);
$MemcachedServer = $Conf->{SERVERS};
if ( $Stack_User->{'AlreadyCreated'} ){
undef $Stack_User->{'error'};
$Stack_User = Lemonldap::Portal::Standard->new('msg' => $Messages, 'setSessionInfo' => \&My_Session, 'attrs' => \@attrs, 'base' => \@base ,'AccessPolicy' => $AccessPolicy, 'log' => $log);
$Stack_User->{'AlreadyCreated'} = "true";
$DacHostname = hostname();
my $UrlCode;
my $UrlDecode;
my $Erreur;
my %Params = Vars;
my $Data;
my $Template = Template->new('ABSOLUTE' => 1);
my $Retour = $Stack_User->process( 'param' => \%Params,
'server' => $Ldap_Server,
'port' => $Ldap_Port,
'DnManager' => $Ldap_Dn_Manager,
'passwordManager' => $Ldap_Pass_Manager,
'branch' => $Ldap_Branch_People,
'Attributes' => $Ldap_Filter_Attribute,
'filter' => undef,
'log' => $log
my $Message = '';
if ( $Retour ){
$Message = $Retour->message;
$Erreur = $Retour->error;
if ( $Erreur ) {
if ( $Erreur == 1 ){
# $log->info("LemonLDAP: Session expired for user <20>- ".$Retour->user );
if ( $Erreur == 6 ){
# my $conn = $r->connection();
# my $addr = $conn->remote_ip();
# $log->info("LemonLDAP: IP changes in $addr for user -> ".$Retour->user);
if ( $Erreur == 7 ){
$log->info("LemonLDAP: ".$Message." : ".$Retour->user);
# Login Page sending
my $Identifiant = $Retour->user;
($UrlCode, $UrlDecode) = $Stack_User->getAllRedirection;
$Data = { 'urlc' => $UrlCode,
'urldc' => $UrlDecode,
'message' => $Message,
'identifiant' => $Identifiant,
'ip' => "DAC : ".$DacHostname
if ( $Erreur == 8 ){
# bad connection to ldap server
# reafficher la page de login sans les champs de saisie et les boutons pour l'authentification
$Data->{debutcommentaire} = "<!--";
$Data->{fincommentaire} = "-->";
print CGI::header();
$Template->process( $LoginPage , $Data ) or die($Template->error());
# Sending Redirect to Generic
my $MyHashSession = $Retour->infoSession;
if (defined($SessCacheRefreshPeriod) && defined($InactivityTimeout)){
$MemcachedServer->{timeout} = $SessCacheRefreshPeriod + $InactivityTimeout;
#No insertion in Memcached before untie
$MemcachedServer->{updateOnly} = 1;
my %Session;
tie %Session, 'Apache::Session::Memorycached', undef, $MemcachedServer;
foreach (keys %{$MyHashSession}){
$Session{$_}= $MyHashSession->{$_} if $MyHashSession->{$_} ;
if (defined($SessCacheRefreshPeriod)){
$Session{'SessExpTime'}= time() + $SessCacheRefreshPeriod ;
if ($IpCheck){
my $connection = $r->connection();
$client_addr = $connection->remote_ip();
$Session{'clientIPAdress'}= $client_addr;
my $Session_Id = $Session{'_session_id'};
untie %Session;
my %session ;
tie %session, 'Apache::Session::Memorycached', $Session_Id,$MemcachedServer;
if (keys(%session) < 3){
return Apache2::Const::SERVER_ERROR ;
untie %session;
# Cookie creation
my $PathCookie = "/";
# Habib Timeout
#Positionnement de la valeur time_end
my $val_test;
if(defined($InactivityTimeout) && $InactivityTimeout != 0 ){
my $time_end = time() + $InactivityTimeout;
if (defined($Encryptionkey)){
my $timeout_key = $Encryptionkey;
my $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(-key => $timeout_key,-cipher => 'Blowfish',-iv => 'lemonlda',-header => 'none');
$time_end = $cipher->encrypt_hex($time_end);
#Chaine utilise comme separateur entre l'id de session et le time_end
#concatenation des deux valeurs
my $separator = "_";
$val_test = $Session_Id.$separator.$time_end;
$val_test = $Session_Id;
my $LemonldapCookie = CGI::cookie(
-name => $CookieName,
-value => $val_test,
-domain => ".".$MyDomain,
-path => $PathCookie,
$UrlDecode = $Retour->getRedirection();
$UrlDecode = $Menu if ( $UrlDecode eq '' );
$Data = { 'urldc' => $UrlDecode, 'message' => 'Session '.$Session_Id.$LemonldapCookie };
print CGI::header( -Refresh => '0; URL='.$UrlDecode, -cookie => $LemonldapCookie );
return Apache2::Const::DONE ;
=head1 NAME
Lemonldap::Portal::Login - Login module for the lemonldap open source SSO system
In the lemonldap SSO system, Lemonldap::Portal::Login is the module which is reponsible ofdisplaying
un html authentication page to a user in order to authenticate him and create a session for fim. So
after that, this user can access his applications.
In order to get Lemonldap::Portal::Login working, you must make some configuration with Apache. Here is
an example illustrating a lemonldap login virtual host :
Listen 443
<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerName testdac.mysite.mydomain
#LogLevel debug
# https activation
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile XXXXXXX.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile XXXXXXX.key
# Loading Lemonldap::Portal::Login module
PerlModule Lemonldap::Portal::Login
<Location /DACLogin>
# let execute under mod_perl
SetHandler perl-script
# execute in the response generation phase of apache request handling
PerlResponseHandler Lemonldap::Portal::Login
# the domain wich we control
PerlSetVar Domain mysite.mydomain
# the name of the organization
PerlSetVar Organization MyOrganization
# wich ldap attribut of the user we need
PerlSetVar LdapUserAttributes "profilApplicatif"
# wich attribut is the login of the user
PerlSetVar LdapFilterAttribute uid
# name of the lemonldap cookie
PerlSetVar Cookie lemondgi
# make a control based on ip adresse before using the lemonldap cookie
PerlSetVar ClientIPCheck 1
# Timeout inactivity berfore the session expires
PerlSetVar InactivityTimeout 900
# ldap server
PerlSetVar Ldap_Server xxxxx
# dn manager of the ldap server
PerlSetVar DnManager xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# password of the dn manager
PerlSetVar PasswordManager xxxxxxxx
# branch where to do the ldap search
PerlSetVar Ldap_Branch_People xxxxx
# memcached local and central server
PerlSetVar SessionParams "( local => ['localhost:11211'] , servers => ['])"
# template of the login page
PerlSetVar LoginPage /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/templates/login.thtml
=head1 SEE ALSO
Lemonldap::Handlers::Generic4a2, Lemonldap::Portal::Standard
=head1 AUTHORS
Eric GERMAN <germanlinux@yahoo.fr>
Hamza AISSAT <asthamza@hotmail.fr>
Habib ZITOUNI <zitouni.habib@gmail.com>
Olivier THOMAS <olivier.tho@gmail.com>
Ali POUYA <Ali.Pouya@dgi.finances.gouv.fr>
Shervin AHMADI <Shervin.Ahmadi@dgi.finances.gouv.fr>