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<h1><a name="soap_session_backend" id="soap_session_backend">SOAP session backend</a></h1>
<div class="level1">
<acronym title="LemonLDAP::NG">LL::NG</acronym> portal provides <acronym title="Simple Object Access Protocol">SOAP</acronym> end points for sessions management:
<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>sessions/</strong>: read only access to sessions (enough for distant Handlers)</div>
<li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>adminSessions/</strong>: read/write access to sessions (required for distant Portal, distant Manager or distant Handlers which modify sessions)</div>
This session backend can be used to share sessions stored in a non-network backend (like <a href="../../documentation/1.4/filesessionbackend.html" class="wikilink1" title="documentation:1.4:filesessionbackend">file session backend</a>) or in a network backend protected with a firewall that only accepts <acronym title="Hyper Text Transfer Protocol">HTTP</acronym> flows.
Most of the time, <acronym title="Simple Object Access Protocol">SOAP</acronym> session backend is used by Handlers installed on external servers.
To configure it, <acronym title="Simple Object Access Protocol">SOAP</acronym> session backend will be set trough Manager in global configuration (used by all Hanlders), and the real session backend will be configured for local components in lemonldap-ng.ini.
<!-- SECTION "SOAP session backend" [1-832] -->
<h2><a name="setup" id="setup">Setup</a></h2>
<div class="level2">
<!-- SECTION "Setup" [833-851] -->
<h3><a name="manager" id="manager">Manager</a></h3>
<div class="level3">
First, active <acronym title="Simple Object Access Protocol">SOAP</acronym> in <code>General parameters</code> » <code>Advanced parameters</code> » <code><acronym title="Simple Object Access Protocol">SOAP</acronym></code>.
Then, set <code>Lemonldap::NG::Common::Apache::Session::<acronym title="Simple Object Access Protocol">SOAP</acronym></code> in <code>General parameters</code> » <code>Sessions</code> » <code>Session storage</code> » <code>Apache::Session module</code> and add the following parameters (case sensitive):
<table class="inline">
<tr class="row0 roweven">
<th class="col0 centeralign" colspan="3"> Required parameters </th>
<tr class="row1 rowodd">
<th class="col0 centeralign"> Name </th><th class="col1 centeralign"> Comment </th><th class="col2 centeralign"> Example </th>
<tr class="row2 roweven">
<td class="col0 centeralign"> <strong>proxy</strong> </td><td class="col1"> <acronym title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</acronym> of sessions <acronym title="Simple Object Access Protocol">SOAP</acronym> end point </td><td class="col2"> http://auth.example.com/index.pl/sessions </td>
<p><div class="notetip">Use /adminSessions if the Handler need to modify the session, for example if you configured an idle timeout.
<!-- SECTION "Manager" [852-1450] -->
<h3><a name="apache" id="apache">Apache</a></h3>
<div class="level3">
Sessions <acronym title="Simple Object Access Protocol">SOAP</acronym> end points access must be allowed in Apache portal configuration (for example, access by <acronym title="Internet Protocol">IP</acronym> range):
<pre class="code file apache"><span class="co1"># SOAP functions for sessions management (disabled by default)</span>
&lt;<span class="kw3">Location</span> /index.pl/adminSessions&gt;
<span class="kw1">Order</span> <span class="kw1">deny</span>,<span class="kw1">allow</span>
<span class="kw1">Deny</span> from <span class="kw2">all</span>
<span class="kw1">Allow</span> from
&lt;/<span class="kw3">Location</span>&gt;
<span class="co1"># SOAP functions for sessions access (disabled by default)</span>
&lt;<span class="kw3">Location</span> /index.pl/sessions&gt;
<span class="kw1">Order</span> <span class="kw1">deny</span>,<span class="kw1">allow</span>
<span class="kw1">Deny</span> from <span class="kw2">all</span>
<span class="kw1">Allow</span> from
&lt;/<span class="kw3">Location</span>&gt;</pre>
<!-- SECTION "Apache" [1451-1956] -->
<h3><a name="real_session_backend" id="real_session_backend">Real session backend</a></h3>
<div class="level3">
Real session backend will be configured in <code>lemonldap-ng.ini</code>, in <code>portal</code> section (the portal hosts the <acronym title="Simple Object Access Protocol">SOAP</acronym> service for sessions, and will do the link between <acronym title="Simple Object Access Protocol">SOAP</acronym> requests and real sessions).
For example, if real sessions are stored in <a href="../../documentation/1.4/filesessionbackend.html" class="wikilink1" title="documentation:1.4:filesessionbackend">files</a>:
<pre class="code file ini"><span class="re0"><span class="br0">&#91;</span>portal<span class="br0">&#93;</span></span>
<span class="re1">globalStorage</span> <span class="sy0">=</span><span class="re2"> Apache::Session::File</span>
<span class="re1">globalStorageOptions</span> <span class="sy0">=</span><span class="re2"> <span class="br0">&#123;</span> 'Directory' <span class="sy0">=</span>&gt; '/var/lib/lemonldap-ng/sessions/', 'LockDirectory' <span class="sy0">=</span>&gt; '/var/lib/lemonldap-ng/sessions/lock/', <span class="br0">&#125;</span></span></pre>
<p><div class="notetip">If your sessions explorer is on the same server that the portal, either use the <strong>adminSessions</strong> end point in Manager configuration, or override the <code>globalStorage</code> and <code>globalStorageOptions</code> parameters in section all (and not portal) of <code>lemonldap-ng.ini</code>.
<!-- SECTION "Real session backend" [1957-] --></div><!-- closes <div class="dokuwiki export">-->