2018-03-03 09:18:46 +01:00

982 lines
44 KiB

# This file describes the manager tree.
# You can only use the following keys:
# * title: the name of the node
# * nodes: the subnodes of the node
# * group: grouped subnodes (see RSAKey form for example)
# * form: only for nodes, the form to display when selected
# Conf parameters are just strings in the `nodes` array
# Important point: fields preceded by '*' are downloaded during manager
# initialization and available directly in $scope array. Example: '*portal'
# implies that portal value is available in $scope.portal
# All other ideas have to be set in Manager/Build/Attributes.pm !
package Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::Tree;
our $VERSION = '2.0.0';
# TODO: Missing:
# * activeTimer
# * confirmFormMethod
# * redirectFormMethod
sub tree {
return [
title => 'generalParameters',
nodes => [
title => 'portalParams',
help => 'portal.html',
nodes => [
title => 'portalMenu',
help => 'portalmenu.html',
nodes => [
title => 'portalModules',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
title => 'portalCustomization',
help => 'portalcustom.html',
nodes => [
title => 'portalButtons',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
title => 'passwordManagement',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
title => 'portalOther',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
title => 'portalCaptcha',
help => 'captcha.html',
nodes => [
title => 'authParams',
help =>
form => 'authParams',
nodes => [ 'authentication', 'userDB', 'passwordDB' ],
nodes_cond => [
title => 'adParams',
help => 'authad.html',
nodes => [ 'ADPwdMaxAge', 'ADPwdExpireWarning' ]
title => 'choiceParams',
help => 'authchoice.html',
nodes => [ 'authChoiceParam', 'authChoiceModules' ]
title => 'apacheParams',
help => 'authapache.html',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => ['apacheAuthnLevel']
title => 'casParams',
help => 'authcas.html',
nodes => ['casAuthnLevel']
title => 'dbiParams',
help => 'authdbi.html',
nodes => [
title => 'dbiConnection',
help => 'authdbi.html#connection',
nodes => [
title => 'dbiConnectionAuth',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
title => 'dbiConnectionUser',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
title => 'dbiSchema',
help => 'authdbi.html#schema',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
title => 'dbiPassword',
help => 'authdbi.html#password',
nodes => [
title => 'dbiDynamicHash',
help => 'authdbi.html#password',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
title => 'demoParams',
help => 'authdemo.html',
nodes => ['demoExportedVars']
title => 'facebookParams',
help => 'authfacebook.html',
nodes => [
'facebookAuthnLevel', 'facebookExportedVars',
'facebookAppId', 'facebookAppSecret'
title => 'kerberosParams',
help => 'authkerberos.html',
nodes => [
'krbKeytab', 'krbByJs',
'krbAuthnLevel', 'krbRemoveDomain'
title => 'ldapParams',
help => 'authldap.html',
nodes => [
title => 'ldapConnection',
help => 'authldap.html#connection',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
'ldapServer', 'ldapPort',
'ldapBase', 'managerDn',
'managerPassword', 'ldapTimeout',
'ldapVersion', 'ldapRaw'
title => 'ldapFilters',
help => 'authldap.html#filters',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
'LDAPFilter', 'AuthLDAPFilter',
'mailLDAPFilter', 'ldapSearchDeref',
title => 'ldapGroups',
help => 'authldap.html#groups',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
title => 'ldapPassword',
help => 'authldap.html#password',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
title => 'linkedinParams',
help => 'authlinkedin.html',
nodes => [
'linkedInAuthnLevel', 'linkedInClientID',
'linkedInClientSecret', 'linkedInFields',
'linkedInUserField', 'linkedInScope'
title => 'combinationParams',
help => 'authcombination.html',
nodes => [ 'combination', 'combModules' ]
title => 'nullParams',
help => 'authnull.html',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => ['nullAuthnLevel']
title => 'openidParams',
help => 'authopenid.html',
nodes => [
'openIdAuthnLevel', 'openIdExportedVars',
'openIdSecret', 'openIdIDPList'
title => 'oidcParams',
help => 'authopenidconnect.html',
nodes => [
title => 'proxyParams',
help => 'authproxy.html',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
'proxyAuthService', 'proxySessionService',
'remoteCookieName', 'proxyAuthnLevel',
title => 'pamParams',
help => 'authpam.html',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [ 'pamService', 'pamAuthnLevel', ]
title => 'radiusParams',
help => 'authradius.html',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
'radiusAuthnLevel', 'radiusSecret',
title => 'restParams',
help => 'authrest.html',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
'restAuthUrl', 'restUserDBUrl',
'restPwdConfirmUrl', 'restPwdModifyUrl'
title => 'remoteParams',
help => 'authremote.html',
nodes => [
title => 'slaveParams',
help => 'authslave.html',
nodes => [
'slaveAuthnLevel', 'slaveExportedVars',
'slaveUserHeader', 'slaveMasterIP',
'slaveHeaderName', 'slaveHeaderContent'
title => 'sslParams',
help => 'authssl.html',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
'SSLAuthnLevel', 'SSLVar',
'SSLVarIf', 'sslByAjax',
title => 'twitterParams',
help => 'authtwitter.html',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
'twitterAuthnLevel', 'twitterKey',
'twitterSecret', 'twitterAppName'
title => 'webidParams',
help => 'authwebid.html',
nodes => [
'webIDAuthnLevel', 'webIDExportedVars',
title => 'yubikeyParams',
help => 'authyubikey.html',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
'yubikeyAuthnLevel', 'yubikeyClientID',
'yubikeySecretKey', 'yubikeyPublicIDSize'
title => 'customParams',
help => 'authcustom.html',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
'customAuth', 'customUserDB',
'customPassword', 'customRegister',
'nodes_filter' => 'authParams'
title => 'issuerParams',
help => 'start.html#identity_provider',
nodes => [
title => 'issuerDBSAML',
help => 'idpsaml.html',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
'issuerDBSAMLActivation', 'issuerDBSAMLPath',
title => 'issuerDBCAS',
help => 'idpcas.html',
nodes => [
title => 'issuerDBCASOptions',
nodes => [
title => 'issuerDBOpenID',
help => 'idpopenid.html',
nodes => [
title => 'issuerDBOpenIDOptions',
nodes => [
title => 'openIdSreg',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
title => 'issuerDBOpenIDConnect',
help => 'idpopenidconnect.html',
nodes => [
title => 'issuerDBGet',
help => 'issuerdbget.html',
nodes => [
title => 'logParams',
help => 'logs.html',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes =>
[ 'trustedProxies', 'whatToTrace', 'hiddenAttributes' ]
title => 'cookieParams',
help => 'ssocookie.html',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
'cookieName', '*domain',
'cda', 'securedCookie',
'httpOnly', 'cookieExpiration'
title => 'sessionParams',
help => 'sessions.html',
nodes => [
title => 'sessionStorage',
help => 'start.html#sessions_database',
nodes => [
title => 'multipleSessions',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
'singleSession', 'singleIP',
'singleUserByIP', 'singleSessionUserByIP',
'notifyDeleted', 'notifyOther'
title => 'persistentSessions',
nodes => [
'persistentStorage', 'persistentStorageOptions'
title => 'plugins',
nodes => [
title => 'portalServers',
help => 'portalservers.html',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
'restSessionServer', 'restConfigServer',
'soapSessionServer', 'soapConfigServer',
title => 'loginHistory',
help => 'loginhistory.html',
nodes => [
title => 'notifications',
help => 'notifications.html',
nodes => [
title => 'passwordManagement',
help => 'resetpassword.html',
nodes => [
title => 'SMTP',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
'SMTPServer', 'SMTPPort',
'SMTPAuthUser', 'SMTPAuthPass',
title => 'mailHeaders',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
'mailFrom', 'mailReplyTo',
title => 'mailContent',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
title => 'mailOther',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
'mailUrl', 'randomPasswordRegexp',
'mailTimeout', 'mailSessionKey'
title => 'register',
help => 'register.html',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
title => 'autoSignin',
help => 'autoSignin.html',
nodes => ['autoSigninRules'],
title => 'secondFactors',
nodes => [
title => 'u2f',
help => 'u2f.html',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
'u2fActivation', 'u2fSelfRegistration',
title => 'totp',
help => 'totp2f.html',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
'totp2fActivation', 'totpSelfRegistration',
'totp2fAuthnLevel', 'totp2fIssuer',
'totp2fInterval', 'totp2fRange',
title => 'external2f',
help => 'external2f.html',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
'ext2fActivation', 'ext2FSendCommand',
'ext2FValidateCommand', 'ext2fAuthnLevel',
title => 'rest2f',
help => 'rest2f.html',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
'rest2fActivation', 'rest2fInitUrl',
'rest2fInitArgs', 'rest2fVerifyUrl',
'rest2fVerifyArgs', 'rest2fAuthnLevel',
title => 'advancedParams',
help => 'start.html#advanced_features',
nodes => [
title => 'security',
help => 'security.html#configure_security_settings',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
title => 'contentSecurityPolicy',
help => 'csp.html',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
'cspDefault', 'cspImg',
'cspScript', 'cspStyle',
'cspConnect', 'cspFont',
title => 'redirection',
help => 'redirections.html',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
title => 'portalRedirection',
help => 'redirections.html#portal_redirections',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [ 'jsRedirect', 'noAjaxHook' ]
title => 'forms',
nodes => [
'infoFormMethod', 'confirmFormMethod',
'redirectFormMethod', 'activeTimer',
title => 'variables',
help => 'variables.html',
nodes => [ 'exportedVars', 'macros', 'groups' ]
title => 'samlServiceMetaData',
help => 'samlservice.html',
nodes => [
title => 'samlServiceSecurity',
help => 'samlservice.html#security_parameters',
nodes => [
title => 'samlServiceSecuritySig',
form => 'RSAKey',
group => [
title => 'samlServiceSecurityEnc',
form => 'RSAKey',
group => [
title => 'samlNameIDFormatMap',
help => 'samlservice.html#nameid_formats',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
title => 'samlAuthnContextMap',
help => 'samlservice.html#authentication_contexts',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
title => 'samlOrganization',
help => 'samlservice.html#organization',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
'samlOrganizationDisplayName', 'samlOrganizationName',
title => 'samlSPSSODescriptor',
help => 'samlservice.html#service_provider',
nodes => [
title => 'samlSPSSODescriptorSingleLogoutService',
nodes => [
title =>
nodes => [
title =>
nodes => [
title => 'samlIDPSSODescriptor',
help => 'samlservice.html#identity_provider',
nodes => [
title => 'samlIDPSSODescriptorSingleSignOnService',
nodes => [
title => 'samlIDPSSODescriptorSingleLogoutService',
nodes => [
title =>
nodes => [
title => 'samlAttributeAuthorityDescriptor',
help => 'samlservice.html#attribute_authority',
nodes => [
title =>
nodes => [
title => 'samlAdvanced',
help => 'samlservice.html#advanced',
nodes => [
title => 'samlCommonDomainCookie',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
title => 'oidcServiceMetaData',
help => 'openidconnectservice.html#service_configuration',
nodes => [
title => 'oidcServiceMetaDataEndPoints',
form => 'simpleInputContainer',
nodes => [
title => 'oidcServiceMetaDataSecurity',
nodes => [
title => 'oidcServiceMetaDataKeys',
form => 'RSAKeyNoPassword',
group => [
title => "oidcServiceMetaDataSessions",
nodes => [ 'oidcStorage', 'oidcStorageOptions', ],
title => 'casServiceMetadata',
nodes => [ 'casStorage', 'casStorageOptions' ]