2006-12-18 11:32:33 +00:00

203 lines
5.4 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#use strict;
use Template;
use CGI;
use Data::Dumper;
require './lemonldap-lib.pl';
my $tt = Template->new( {# ABSOLUTE => 1,
POST_CHOMP =>1, } );
# chargement des infos de la page #
my $message = 0;
my $dump1;
if (defined (CGI::param ('submitAddCluster')) ) { ## traitement d un nouveau node
my $new_clexml = CGI::param('idn');
if( !length($new_clexml)){
$message = $text{ 'lab_error_8' };
} else {
my $location = CGI::param('Locationn') ;
my $address = CGI::param('Addressn') ;
my $hash = {} ;
$hash->{'location'} = $location if $location;
$hash->{'address'} = $address if $address;
my $xmlemon = getXML( $config{'XML_file'} );
my $chapter = getChapterXML( $xmlemon, 'cluster' );
my $id = CGI::param('id');
my $clust = $chapter->{ $id } ;
if( defined( $clust->{ 'node' }->{ $new_clexml } ) ){
$message = $text{ 'lab_error_9' };
}else {
$clust->{ 'node' }->{ $new_clexml } = $hash;
###### ecriture par XMLOUT #############
&writeXML( $xmlemon, $config{'XML_file'});
## vars pour affichage de caract. du node selectionné / supprimé
my $nodeID = 0;
my $nodeSimple = 0;
my $nodeLoc = 0;
if (defined (CGI::param ('RemoveNode')) ) { ## SUPPRESSION d un node
my $clenode = CGI::param('idn');
$nodeID = $clenode;
$nodeSimple = CGI::param('Addressn') ;
$nodeLoc = CGI::param('Locationn') ;
my $xmlemon = getXML( $config{'XML_file'} );
my $chapter = getChapterXML( $xmlemon, 'cluster' );
my $id = CGI::param('id');
my $clust = $chapter->{ $id } ;
my @knodes = keys( %{$clust->{'node'}} );
$dump1 = Dumper( @knodes );
delete( $clust->{ 'node' }->{ $clenode } );
if( @knodes == 1 ){
delete( $clust->{ 'node' } );
###### ecriture par XMLOUT #############
&writeXML( $xmlemon, $config{'XML_file'});
if (! defined (CGI::param ("submitCluster")) ) {
my $conf = &getXmlPage( "cluster" );
my $filethtml = $conf->{template};
my $title = $text{ &dePourCent( $conf->{title} ) };
my $_style = CGI::param('style')||$config{Style};
my $tabular = [];
$mode = 'Expert' ;
$tabular = &getTab( $conf->{tabs}->{expert} );
$tabular = &polyGlotTab( $tabular, \%text );
$tabular = &ajustLink ($tabular,$mode,$_style);
$flipflop = 'Normal';
$styl = $config{'Style'};
my $composs = &getAllComposants( $conf->{composants}->{expert} );
$composs = &polyGlotTab( $composs, \%text );
my $xmlemon = getXML( $config{'XML_file'} );
my $chapter = getChapterXML( $xmlemon, "cluster" );
my @f = keys %{$chapter};
my $first = $f[0];
&TransformVars( $composs, $chapter );
############### I collect node info #####
my @combonodes;
if($chapter->{$first}->{node} ) {
my $node = $chapter->{$first}->{ "node" };
my @nodes = keys( %{$node} );
@nodes = sort( @nodes );
for( @nodes ) {
my $item = { "labOption" => $_, "idValue" => $_ };
push( @combonodes, $_ );
# list of node
# just label and add bouton
} else {
# just label and add bouton
my $flagShowRemo = 0;
if( defined (CGI::param('listNodes') )){
$nodeID = CGI::param('listNodes');
$nodeSimple = $chapter->{ $first }->{ 'node' }->{$nodeID}->{ 'address' };
$nodeLoc = $chapter->{ $first }->{ 'node' }->{$nodeID}->{ 'location' };
$flagShowRemo= 1;
$vars= { style => $styl,
title => $title,
mode => $mode,
css => $_style,
label => $flipflop,
parent => $0,
tab_about => $tabular,
langa => \%text,
composall => $composs,
combonodes => \@combonodes,
message => $message,
nodeID => $nodeID,
nodeSimple => $nodeSimple,
nodeLoc => $nodeLoc,
flagShowRemo => $flagShowRemo
$vars->{style} = &getStyle($styl, $vars->{checked});
print "Content-type: text/html\n";
$tt->process($filethtml,$vars) || die $tt->error();
print( "<HR> $dump1 <HR>" );
} else { ## Traitement du "SUBMIT"
# print "Content-type: text/html\n";
# print( "\n" );
# my @lo =CGI::param();
# my $l =Dumper(@lo);
# print "$l";
# print( "<BR>" );
my $_style = CGI::param('style');
my $mode = CGI::param('mode');
my $old_clexml = CGI::param('_id');
my $new_clexml = CGI::param('id');
my $location = CGI::param('Location') ;
my $address = CGI::param('Address') ;
my $hash = {} ;
$hash->{'location'} = $location if $location;
$hash->{'address'} = $address if $address;
$hash->{'node'} = $node if $node;
my $xmlemon = getXML( $config{'XML_file'} );
my $chapter = getChapterXML( $xmlemon, "cluster" );
my $l= Dumper ($chapter);
delete $chapter->{$old_clexml};
if($new_clexml ) {
$xmlemon->{cluster}->{$new_clexml}= $hash;
else {
delete $xmlemon->{cluster} ;
###### ecriture par XMLOUT #############
&writeXML( $xmlemon, $config{'XML_file'});
#### affichage de la page ttconfig sur param
# $l= Dumper ($xmlemon);
# print "final $l";
&redirect( "index.cgi?mode=$mode&style=$_style" );
############ C FINI