2012-12-29 19:18:35 +00:00

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1 - Change default DNS domain
By default, DNS domain is example.com. You can change using dpkg-reconfigure or
with a quick sed command. For example, we change it to ow2.org:
sed -i 's/example\.com/ow2.org/g' /etc/lemonldap-ng/* \
/var/lib/lemonldap-ng/conf/lmConf-1 /var/lib/lemonldap-ng/test/index.pl
2 - Enable LL::NG sites in Apache
Enable the components you've installed:
# Portal
a2ensite portal-apache2.conf
# Manager
a2ensite manager-apache2.conf
a2ensite test-apache2.conf
# Handler
a2ensite handler-apache2.conf
and enable mod_perl if not already loaded:
a2enmod perl
Then restart Apache:
apache2ctl configtest
apache2ctl restart
3 - Check your DNS
Be sure that your browser can join (adapt it with your domain):
- auth.example.com : the authentication portal
- manager.example.com: the configuration interface
4 - Connect to the manager
Go to http://manager.example.com/, you'll be redirected to the portal. Then
5 - Default accounts
By default, LemonLDAP::NG use "Demo" authentication backend, so you can use the
following accounts:
Login Password Role
rtyler rtyler user
msmith msmith user
dwho dwho administrator
6 - Base configuration file
The configuration is managed by the manager with the exception of some basic
parameters such as the storage type configuration. These parameters are defined
in the file /etc/lemonldap-ng/lemonldap-ng.ini.
This file can also be used to override the global configuration locally
6 - See more