Xavier Guimard 2523a54943 LEMONLDAP::NG : new features:
- 'apply changes' button in Manager used to reload configuration
                  in handlers (by calling reload sub via HTTP)
                - i18n module in portal (for displaying errors)
                - lock in DBI configuration system (NOT YET TESTED)
2007-03-04 14:52:51 +00:00

137 lines
6.1 KiB

package Lemonldap::NG::Manager::_i18n;
use AutoLoader qw(AUTOLOAD);
use UNIVERSAL qw(can);
our $VERSION = '0.2';
sub import {
my ($caller_package) = caller;
my $lang = pop;
$lang = lc($lang);
$lang =~ s/-/_/g;
foreach ( split( /[,;]/, $lang ) ) {
next if /=/;
if ( __PACKAGE__->can($_) ) {
$functions = &$_;
$functions ||= &en;
while ( my ( $f, $v ) = each(%$functions) ) {
*{"${caller_package}::txt_$f"} = sub { $v };
*fr_fr = *fr;
*en_us = *en;
sub fr {
return {
configuration => 'Configuration',
exportedVars => 'Attributs LDAP à exporter',
generalParameters => 'Paramètres généraux',
ldapParameters => 'Paramètres LDAP',
sessionStorage => 'Stockage des sessions',
globalStorageOptions => 'Paramètres du module Apache::Session',
authParams => "Paramètres d'authentification",
userGroups => "Groupes d'utilisateurs",
macros => "Macros",
virtualHosts => "Hôtes virtuels",
authenticationType => "Type d'authentification",
securedCookie => 'Cookie sécurisé (SSL)',
domain => 'Domaine',
cookieName => 'Nom du cookie',
apacheSessionModule => 'Module Apache::Session',
ldapServer => 'Serveur LDAP',
ldapPort => 'Port du serveur LDAP',
ldapBase => 'Base de recherche LDAP',
managerDn => 'Compte de connexion LDAP',
managerPassword => 'Mot de passe LDAP',
httpHeaders => 'En-têtes HTTP',
locationRules => 'Règles',
# Warning: here, é wil not be understood by Firefox (msgBox)
newVirtualHost => 'Nouvel hote virtuel',
newMacro => 'Nouvelle macro',
newGroup => 'Nouveau groupe',
newVar => 'Nouvelle variable',
newRule => 'Nouvelle règle',
newHeader => 'Nouvel en-tête',
newGSOpt => 'Nouvelle option',
saveConf => 'Sauvegarder',
deleteNode => 'Supprimer',
unableToSave => 'Votre navigateur ne supporte pas les objets XMLHTTPRequest: sauvegarde impossible.',
confSaved => 'Configuration sauvegardée sous le numéro',
saveFailure => 'Échec de la sauvegarde',
unknownError => 'Erreur inconnue',
waitingResult => 'En attente...',
configurationWasChanged => "configuration modifiée depuis que vous l'avez téléchargée",
configLoaded => 'Configuration chargée',
warningConfNotApplied => "Vous devez recharger les agents pour que la configuration sauvegardée soit appliquée",
applyConf => 'Appliquer',
canNotReadApplyConfFile => 'Configuration non appliquée: impossible de lire le fichier de configuration',
invalidLine => 'Ligne invalide',
error => 'Erreur',
result => 'Résultat',
changesAppliedLater => "Changements seront actif d'ici 10 minutes'",
sub en {
return {
configuration => 'Configuration',
exportedVars => 'Exported Variables',
generalParameters => 'General Parameters',
ldapParameters => 'LDAP Parameters',
sessionStorage => 'Session Storage',
globalStorageOptions => 'Session Storage Parameters',
authParams => "Authentication Parameters",
userGroups => "User Groups",
virtualHosts => "Virtual Hosts",
authenticationType => "Authentifition Type",
securedCookie => 'Secured Cookie (SSL)',
domain => 'Domain',
cookieName => 'Cookie Name',
apacheSessionModule => 'Apache::Session module',
ldapServer => 'LDAP Server',
ldapPort => 'LDAP Server Port',
ldapBase => 'LDAP Search Base',
managerDn => 'LDAP Account',
managerPassword => 'LDAP Password',
httpHeaders => 'HTTP Headers',
locationRules => 'Rules',
newVirtualHost => 'New Virtual Host',
newMacro => 'New Macro',
newGroup => 'New Group',
newVar => 'New Variable',
newRule => 'New Rule',
newHeader => 'New Header',
newGSOpt => 'New Option',
saveConf => 'Save',
deleteNode => 'Delete',
rules => 'Rules',
unableToSave => 'Your browser does not support XMLHTTPRequest objects: fail to save.',
confSaved => 'Configuration saved with number',
saveFailure => 'Save failure',
unknownError => 'Unknown error',
waitingResult => 'Waiting result...',
configurationWasChanged => 'Configuration has been changed since you got it',
configLoaded => 'Configuration loaded',
warningConfNotApplied => 'You have to reload handlers to take the saved configuration in account',
applyConf => 'Apply',
canNotReadApplyConfFile => 'Configuration not applied: cannot read configuration file',
invalidLine => 'Invalid Line',
error => 'Error',
result => 'Result',
changesAppliedLater => 'Changes will be effective within 10 minutes',