2020-09-06 17:13:46 +02:00

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Browseable session backend
Browseable session backend
(`Apache::Session::Browseable <https://metacpan.org/pod/Apache::Session::Browseable>`__)
works exactly like Apache::Session::\* corresponding module but add
index that increase :ref:`session explorer<session-explorer>` and
:ref:`session restrictions<session-restrictions>` performances.
If you use features like SAML (authentication and issuer), CAS (issuer)
and password reset self-service, you also need to index some fields.
.. note::
Without index, LL::NG will have to retrieve all sessions stored in
backend and parse them to find the needed sessions. With index, LL::NG
wil be able to get only wanted sessions from the backend.
The following table list fields to index depending on the feature you
want to increase performance:
====================================== ===================================================================
Feature Fields to index
====================================== ===================================================================
Database cleanup *(cron)* \_session_kind \_utime
Session explorer \_session_kind ipAddr \_httpSessionType *WHATTOTRACE*
Session explorer (persistent sessions) \_session_kind \_session_uid ipAddr \_httpSessionType *WHATTOTRACE*
Session restrictions \_session_kind ipAddr *WHATTOTRACE*
Password reset by email user
SAML Session \_saml_id
====================================== ===================================================================
See Apache::Session::Browseable man page to see how use indexes.
.. attention::
\ *WHATTOTRACE* must be replaced by the attribute or
macro configured in the What To Trace parameter (REMOTE_USER). By
default: **\_whatToTrace**\
.. tip::
It is advised to use separate session backends for standard
sessions, SAML sessions and CAS sessions, in order to manage index
.. note::
Documentation below explains how set index on ipAddr and
\_whatToTrace. Adapt it to configure the index you need.
Browseable NoSQL
You can use Redis and set up the database like explained in
:doc:`Redis session backend<nosqlsessionbackend>`.
You then just have to add the ``Index`` parameter in
``General parameters`` » ``Sessions`` » ``Session storage`` »
``Apache::Session module`` :
=================== ============ ====================
Required parameters
=================== ============ ====================
Name Comment Example
**server** Redis server
**Index** Index \_whatToTrace ipAddr
=================== ============ ====================
Browseable SQL
.. note::
This documentation concerns PostgreSQL. Some adaptations are
needed with other databases. When using
Apache::Session::Browseable::Postgres, it
is strongly recommended to use version 1.3.1 at least. See `bug
1732 <https://gitlab.ow2.org/lemonldap-ng/lemonldap-ng/issues/1732>`__.
Prepare database
Database must be prepared exactly like in
:ref:`SQL session backend<sqlsessionbackend-prepare-the-database>`
except that a field must be added for each data to index.
.. attention::
Data written to UNLOGGED tables is not written to the
WAL, which makes them considerably faster than ordinary tables. However,
they are not crash-safe: an unlogged table is automatically truncated
after a crash or unclean shutdown. The contents of an unlogged table are
also not replicated to standby servers. Any indexes created on an
unlogged table are automatically unlogged as well.
id varchar(64) not null primary key,
a_session text,
_whatToTrace text,
_session_kind text,
_utime bigint,
_httpSessionType text,
ipAddr text
CREATE INDEX uid1 ON sessions USING BTREE (_whatToTrace text_pattern_ops);
CREATE INDEX s1 ON sessions (_session_kind);
CREATE INDEX u1 ON sessions (_utime);
CREATE INDEX ip1 ON sessions USING BTREE (ipAddr);
CREATE INDEX h1 ON sessions (_httpSessionType);
.. attention::
For Session Explorer and one-off sessions, it is
recommended to use BTREE or any index method that indexes partial
"id" fieds is set to ``varchar(64)`` (instead of char(32)) to use the
now recommended SHA256 hash algorithm. See
:doc:`Sessions<sessions>` for more details.
.. tip::
With new
and **PgJSON**, you don't need to declare indexes in ``CREATE TABLE``
since "json" and "hstore" type are browseable. You should anyway add
some indexes *(see manpage)*.
Go in the Manager and set the session module
(`Apache::Session::Browseable::MySQL <https://metacpan.org/pod/Apache::Session::Browseable::MySQL>`__
for MySQL) in ``General parameters`` » ``Sessions`` »
``Session storage`` » ``Apache::Session module`` and add the following
parameters (case sensitive):
=================== ================================================= =============================================================
Required parameters
=================== ================================================= =============================================================
Name Comment Example
**DataSource** The `DBI <https://metacpan.org/pod/DBI>`__ string dbi:Pg:database=lemonldap-ng
**UserName** The database username lemonldapng
**Password** The database password mysuperpassword
**Index** Index \_whatToTrace ipAddr \_session_kind \_utime \_httpSessionType
**TableName** Table name (optional) sessions
=================== ================================================= =============================================================
.. tip::
Apache::Session::Browseable::MySQL doesn't use locks so performances are
For databases like PostgreSQL, don't forget to add "Commit" with a value
of 1
Browseable LDAP
Go in the Manager and set the session module to
``Apache::Session::Browseable::LDAP``. Then configure the options like
in :doc:`LDAP session backend<ldapsessionbackend>`.
You need to add the ``Index`` field and can also configure the
``ldapAttributeIndex`` field to set the attribute name where index
values will be stored.
======================== ================================= ===============================
Required parameters
======================== ================================= ===============================
Name Comment Example
**ldapServer** URI of the server ldap://localhost
**ldapConfBase** DN of sessions branch ou=sessions,dc=example,dc=com
**ldapBindDN** Connection login cn=admin,dc=example,dc=password
**ldapBindPassword** Connection password secret
**Index** Index list \_whatToTrace ipAddr
Optional parameters
Name Comment Default value
**ldapObjectClass** Objectclass of the entry applicationProcess
**ldapAttributeId** Attribute storing session ID cn
**ldapAttributeContent** Attribute storing session content description
**ldapAttributeIndex** Attribute storing index ou
**ldapVerify** Perform certificate validation require (use none to disable)
**ldapCAFile** Path of CA file bundle (system CA bundle)
**ldapCAPath** Perform CA directory (system CA bundle)
======================== ================================= ===============================
Restrict network access to the backend.
You can also use different user/password for your servers by overriding
parameters ``globalStorage`` and ``globalStorageOptions`` in
lemonldap-ng.ini file.
Here are some recommended configurations:
id varchar(64) not null primary key,
a_session text,
_whatToTrace text,
_session_kind text,
_utime bigint,
_httpSessionType text,
ipAddr text
CREATE INDEX uid1 ON sessions USING BTREE (_whatToTrace text_pattern_ops);
CREATE INDEX s1 ON sessions (_session_kind);
CREATE INDEX u1 ON sessions (_utime);
CREATE INDEX ip1 ON sessions USING BTREE (ipAddr);
CREATE INDEX h1 ON sessions (_httpSessionType);
CREATE TABLE sessions (
id varchar(64) not null primary key,
a_session text,
_whatToTrace varchar(64),
_session_kind varchar(15),
user text,
_utime bigint
CREATE INDEX uid1 ON sessions (_whatToTrace) USING BTREE;
CREATE INDEX _s1 ON sessions (_session_kind);
CREATE INDEX _u1 ON sessions (_utime);
CREATE INDEX ip1 ON sessions (ipAddr) USING BTREE;