2013-10-19 16:34:20 +00:00

504 lines
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## @file
# Virtual host support mechanism
## @class
# This class adds virtual host support for Lemonldap::NG handlers.
package Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Vhost;
use strict;
use AutoLoader 'AUTOLOAD';
use Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Simple qw(:locationRules :headers :post :apache)
; #inherits
use MIME::Base64;
use constant SAFEWRAP => ( Safe->can("wrap_code_ref") ? 1 : 0 );
our $VERSION = '1.3.0';
## @imethod protected void defaultValuesInit(hashRef args)
# Set default values for non-customized variables
# @param $args reference to the configuration hash
sub defaultValuesInit {
my ( $class, $args ) = splice @_;
foreach my $t (qw(https port maintenance)) {
# Skip Handler initialization (values not defined)
next unless defined $args->{$t};
# Record default value in key '_'
$args->{$t} = { _ => $args->{$t} } unless ( ref( $args->{$t} ) );
# Override with vhost options
if ( defined $args->{vhostOptions} ) {
my $n = 'vhost' . ucfirst($t);
foreach my $k ( keys %{ $args->{vhostOptions} } ) {
foreach my $alias (
@{ $class->getAliases( $k, $args->{vhostOptions} ) } )
my $v = $args->{vhostOptions}->{$k}->{$n};
$class->lmLog( "Options $t for vhost $alias: $v", 'debug' );
$args->{$t}->{$alias} = $v
if ( $v >= 0 ); # Keep default value if $v is negative
## @imethod void locationRulesInit(hashRef args)
# Compile rules.
# Rules are stored in $args->{locationRules}->{<virtualhost>} that contains
# regexp=>test expressions where :
# - regexp is used to test URIs
# - test contains an expression used to grant the user
# This function creates 2 hashRef containing :
# - one list of the compiled regular expressions for each virtual host
# - one list of the compiled functions (compiled with conditionSub()) for each
# virtual host
# @param $args reference to the configuration hash
sub locationRulesInit {
my ( $class, $args ) = splice @_;
foreach my $vhost ( keys %{ $args->{locationRules} } ) {
my $alias ( @{ $class->getAliases( $vhost, $args->{vhostOptions} ) } )
$locationCount->{$alias} = 0;
foreach ( sort keys %{ $args->{locationRules}->{$vhost} } ) {
if ( $_ eq 'default' ) {
= $class->conditionSub(
$args->{locationRules}->{$vhost}->{$_} );
else {
->[ $locationCount->{$alias} ],
->[ $locationCount->{$alias} ]
= $class->conditionSub(
$args->{locationRules}->{$vhost}->{$_} );
$locationRegexp->{$alias}->[ $locationCount->{$alias} ] =
->[ $locationCount->{$alias} ] =
/^\(\?#(.*?)\)/ ? $1 : /^(.*?)##(.+)$/ ? $2 : $_;
# Default police
( $defaultCondition->{$alias}, $defaultProtection->{$alias} ) =
unless ( $defaultCondition->{$alias} );
## @imethod void forgeHeadersInit(hashRef args)
# Create the &$forgeHeaders->{<virtualhost>} subroutines used to insert
# headers into the HTTP request.
# @param $args reference to the configuration hash
sub forgeHeadersInit {
my ( $class, $args ) = splice @_;
# Creation of the subroutine who will generate headers
foreach my $vhost ( keys %{ $args->{exportedHeaders} } ) {
my $alias ( @{ $class->getAliases( $vhost, $args->{vhostOptions} ) } )
my %tmp = %{ $args->{exportedHeaders}->{$vhost} };
foreach ( keys %tmp ) {
$tmp{$_} =~ s/\$(\w+)/\$datas->{$1}/g;
$tmp{$_} = $class->regRemoteIp( $tmp{$_} );
my $sub;
foreach ( keys %tmp ) {
$sub .= "'$_' => join('',split(/[\\r\\n]+/,$tmp{$_})),";
$forgeHeaders->{$alias} = (
? $class->safe->wrap_code_ref(
$class->safe->reval("sub {$sub}")
: $class->safe->reval("sub {return($sub)}")
$class->lmLog( "$class: Unable to forge headers: $@: sub {$sub}",
'error' )
if ($@);
## @imethod void headerListInit(hashRef args)
# Lists the exported HTTP headers into $headerList
# @param $args reference to the configuration hash
sub headerListInit {
my ( $class, $args ) = splice @_;
foreach my $vhost ( keys %{ $args->{exportedHeaders} } ) {
my $alias ( @{ $class->getAliases( $vhost, $args->{vhostOptions} ) } )
my @tmp = keys %{ $args->{exportedHeaders}->{$vhost} };
$headerList->{$alias} = \@tmp;
## @rmethod void sendHeaders()
# Launch function compiled by forgeHeadersInit() for the current virtual host
sub sendHeaders {
my $class = shift;
my $vhost = $apacheRequest->hostname;
if ( defined( $forgeHeaders->{$vhost} ) ) {
$class->lmSetHeaderIn( $apacheRequest, &{ $forgeHeaders->{$vhost} } );
## @rmethod void cleanHeaders()
# Unset HTTP headers for the current virtual host, when sendHeaders is skipped
sub cleanHeaders {
my $class = shift;
my $vhost = $apacheRequest->hostname;
if ( defined( $forgeHeaders->{$vhost} ) ) {
$class->lmUnsetHeaderIn( $apacheRequest, @{ $headerList->{$vhost} } );
## @rmethod protected int isUnprotected()
# @return 0 if URI is protected,
# UNPROTECT if it is unprotected by "unprotect",
# SKIP if is is unprotected by "skip"
sub isUnprotected {
my ( $class, $uri ) = splice @_;
my $vhost = $apacheRequest->hostname;
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $locationCount->{$vhost} ; $i++ ) {
if ( $uri =~ $locationRegexp->{$vhost}->[$i] ) {
return $locationProtection->{$vhost}->[$i];
return $defaultProtection->{$vhost};
## @rmethod boolean grant()
# Grant or refuse client using compiled regexp and functions
# @return True if the user is granted to access to the current URL
sub grant {
my ( $class, $uri ) = splice @_;
my $vhost = $apacheRequest->hostname;
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $locationCount->{$vhost} ; $i++ ) {
if ( $uri =~ $locationRegexp->{$vhost}->[$i] ) {
'Regexp "' . $locationConditionText->{$vhost}->[$i] . '" match',
return &{ $locationCondition->{$vhost}->[$i] }($datas);
unless ( $defaultCondition->{$vhost} ) {
"User rejected because VirtualHost \"$vhost\" has no configuration",
return 0;
$class->lmLog( "$vhost: Apply default rule", 'debug' );
return &{ $defaultCondition->{$vhost} }($datas);
## @rmethod protected $ fetchId()
# Get user cookies and search for Lemonldap::NG cookie.
# @return Value of the cookie if found, 0 else
sub fetchId {
my $t = lmHeaderIn( $apacheRequest, 'Cookie' );
my $vhost = $apacheRequest->hostname;
my $lookForHttpCookie = $securedCookie =~ /^(2|3)$/
&& !(
defined( $https->{$vhost} )
? $https->{$vhost}
: $https->{_}
my $value =
? ( $t =~ /${cookieName}http=([^,; ]+)/o ? $1 : 0 )
: ( $t =~ /$cookieName=([^,; ]+)/o ? $1 : 0 );
$value = $cipher->decryptHex( $value, "http" )
if ( $value && $lookForHttpCookie && $securedCookie == 3 );
return $value;
## @cmethod private string _buildUrl(string s)
# Transform /<s> into http(s?)://<host>:<port>/s
# @param $s path
# @return URL
sub _buildUrl {
my ( $class, $s ) = splice @_;
my $vhost = $apacheRequest->hostname;
my $portString =
|| $port->{_}
|| $apacheRequest->get_server_port();
my $_https = (
defined( $https->{$vhost} )
? $https->{$vhost}
: $https->{_}
$portString =
( $_https && $portString == 443 ) ? ''
: ( !$_https && $portString == 80 ) ? ''
: ':' . $portString;
my $url = "http"
. ( $_https ? "s" : "" ) . "://"
. $apacheRequest->get_server_name()
. $portString
. $s;
$class->lmLog( "Build URL $url", 'debug' );
return $url;
## @imethod protected void postUrlInit()
# Prepare methods to post form attributes
sub postUrlInit {
my ( $class, $args ) = splice @_;
# Do nothing if no POST configured
return unless ( $args->{post} );
# Load required modules
eval 'use Apache2::Filter;use URI';
# Prepare transform sub
$transform = {};
# Browse all vhost
foreach my $vhost ( keys %{ $args->{post} } ) {
my $alias ( @{ $class->getAliases( $vhost, $args->{vhostOptions} ) } )
# Browse all POST URI
while ( my ( $url, $d ) = each( %{ $args->{post}->{$vhost} } ) ) {
# Where to POST
$d->{postUrl} ||= $url;
# Register POST form for POST URL
$transform->{$alias}->{$url} =
sub { $class->buildPostForm( $d->{postUrl} ) }
if ( $url ne $d->{postUrl} );
# Get datas to POST
my $expr = $d->{expr};
my %postdata;
# Manage old and new configuration format
# OLD: expr => 'param1 => value1, param2 => value2',
# NEW : expr => { param1 => value1, param2 => value2 },
if ( ref $expr eq 'HASH' ) {
%postdata = %$expr;
else {
%postdata = split /(?:\s*=>\s*|\s*,\s*)/, $expr;
# Build string for URI::query_form
my $tmp;
foreach ( keys %postdata ) {
$postdata{$_} =~ s/\$(\w+)/\$datas->{$1}/g;
$postdata{$_} = "'$postdata{$_}'"
if ( $postdata{$_} =~ /^\w+$/ );
$tmp .= "'$_'=>$postdata{$_},";
$class->lmLog( "Compiling POST request for $url (vhost $alias)",
'debug' );
$transform->{$alias}->{ $d->{postUrl} } = sub {
return $class->buildPostForm( $d->{postUrl} )
if ( $apacheRequest->method ne 'POST' );
sub {
$class->postFilter( $tmp, @_ );
## @rmethod protected transformUri(string uri)
# Transform URI to replay POST forms
# @param uri URI to catch
# @return Apache2::Const
sub transformUri {
my ( $class, $uri ) = splice @_;
my $vhost = $apacheRequest->hostname;
if ( defined( $transform->{$vhost}->{$uri} ) ) {
return &{ $transform->{$vhost}->{$uri} };
## @rmethod protected boolean checkMaintenanceMode
# Check if we are in maintenance mode
# @return true if maintenance mode
sub checkMaintenanceMode {
my ($class) = splice @_;
my $vhost = $apacheRequest->hostname;
my $_maintenance =
( defined $maintenance->{$vhost} )
? $maintenance->{$vhost}
: $maintenance->{_};
if ($_maintenance) {
$class->lmLog( "Maintenance mode activated", 'debug' );
return 1;
return 0;
## @method arrayref getAliases(scalar vhost, hashref options)
# Check aliases of a vhost
# @param vhost vhost name
# @param options vhostOptions configuration item
# @return arrayref of vhost and aliases
sub getAliases {
my ( $class, $vhost, $options ) = splice @_;
my $aliases = [$vhost];
if ( $options->{$vhost}->{vhostAliases} ) {
foreach ( split /\s+/, $options->{$vhost}->{vhostAliases} ) {
push @$aliases, $_;
$class->lmLog( "$_ is an alias for $vhost", 'debug' );
return $aliases;
=head1 NAME
=encoding utf8
Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Vhost - Perl extension for building a Lemonldap::NG
compatible handler able to manage Apache virtual hosts.
Create your own package:
package My::Package;
use Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Vhost;
our @ISA = qw (Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Vhost Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Simple);
__PACKAGE__->init ( { locationRules => {
'vhost1.dc.com' => {
'default' => '$ou =~ /brh/'
'vhost2.dc.com' => {
'^/pj/.*$' => '$qualif="opj"',
'^/rh/.*$' => '$ou=~/brh/',
'^/rh_or_opj.*$' => '$qualif="opj" or $ou=~/brh/',
default => 'accept',
# Put here others Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Simple options
Call your package in <apache-directory>/conf/httpd.conf
PerlRequire MyFile
PerlHeaderParserHandler My::Package
This library provides a way to protect Apache virtual hosts with Lemonldap::NG.
Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Vhost splits the locationRules parameter into a hash
reference which contains anonymous hash references as used by
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
=item Clement Oudot, E<lt>clem.oudot@gmail.comE<gt>
=item François-Xavier Deltombe, E<lt>fxdeltombe@gmail.com.E<gt>
=item Xavier Guimard, E<lt>x.guimard@free.frE<gt>
Use OW2 system to report bug or ask for features:
Lemonldap::NG is available at
=item Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 by Xavier Guimard, E<lt>x.guimard@free.frE<gt>
=item Copyright (C) 2012 by François-Xavier Deltombe, E<lt>fxdeltombe@gmail.com.E<gt>
=item Copyright (C) 2006, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 by Clement Oudot, E<lt>clem.oudot@gmail.comE<gt>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see L<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.