2016-04-04 20:39:22 +00:00

313 lines
8.7 KiB

package Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Process;
use strict;
use Mouse;
use Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Constants;
use Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Request;
use MIME::Base64;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
our $VERSION = '2.0.0';
# Main method
# -----------
# Launch all methods declared in request "steps" array. Methods can be
# declared by their name (in Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main namespace) or point
# to a subroutine (see Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Run.pm)
sub process {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
my $err = PE_OK;
while ( my $sub = shift @{ $req->steps } ) {
if ( ref $sub ) {
$self->lmLog( "Processing code ref", 'debug' );
last if ( $sub->($req) );
else {
$self->lmLog( "Processing $sub", 'debug' );
last if ( $err = $self->$sub($req) );
return $err;
# First process block: check args
# -------------------------------
# For post requests, parse datas
sub restoreArgs {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
return ( %{ $req->params } ? PE_OK : PE_FORMEMPTY );
# Verify url parameter
sub controlUrl {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
$req->{datas}->{_url} ||= '';
if ( my $url = $req->param('url') ) {
if ( $req->urlNotBase64 ) {
$req->datas->{urldc} = $url;
else {
if ( $url =~ m#[^A-Za-z0-9\+/=]# ) {
"Value must be in BASE64 (param: url | value: $url)",
"warn" );
return PE_BADURL;
$req->datas->{urldc} = decode_base64($url);
$req->datas->{urldc} =~ s/[\r\n]//sg;
# For logout request, test if Referer comes from an authorizated site
my $tmp =
( $req->param('logout') ? $ENV{HTTP_REFERER} : $req->datas->{urldc} );
# XSS attack
if (
$req->param('logout') ? 'HTTP Referer' : 'urldc',
delete $req->datas->{urldc};
return PE_BADURL;
# Non protected hosts
if ( $tmp and !$self->isTrustedUrl($tmp) ) {
"URL contains a non protected host (param: "
. ( $req->param('logout') ? 'HTTP Referer' : 'urldc' )
. " | value: $tmp)",
delete $req->datas->{urldc};
return PE_BADURL;
$req->datas->{_url} = $url;
# Second block: auth process (call auth or userDB object)
# -------------------------------------------------------
sub extractFormInfo {
my $self = shift;
return $self->_authentication->extractFormInfo(@_);
sub getUser {
my $self = shift;
return $self->_userDB->getUser(@_);
sub authenticate {
my $self = shift;
return $self->_authentication->authenticate(@_);
# Third block: Session data providing
# -----------------------------------
sub setSessionInfo {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
# Get the current user module
$req->{sessionInfo}->{_auth} = $self->getModule( $req, "auth" );
$req->{sessionInfo}->{_userDB} = $self->getModule( $req, "user" );
# Store IP address from remote address or X-FORWARDED-FOR header
$req->{sessionInfo}->{ipAddr} = $req->remote_ip;
# Date and time
if ( $self->conf->{updateSession} ) {
$req->{sessionInfo}->{updateTime} =
strftime( "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", localtime() );
else {
$req->{sessionInfo}->{_utime} ||= time();
$req->{sessionInfo}->{startTime} =
strftime( "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", localtime() );
$req->{sessionInfo}->{_lastSeen} = time()
if $self->conf->{timeoutActivity};
# Get environment variables matching exportedVars
foreach ( keys %{ $self->conf->{exportedVars} } ) {
if ( my $tmp = $ENV{ $self->conf->{exportedVars}->{$_} } ) {
$tmp =~ s/[\r\n]/ /gs;
$req->{sessionInfo}->{$_} = $tmp;
# Store URL origin in session
$req->{sessionInfo}->{_url} = $req->datas->{urldc};
# Share sessionInfo with underlying handler (needed for safe jail)
HANDLER->datas( $req->{sessionInfo} );
# Call UserDB setSessionInfo
return $self->_userDB->setSessionInfo($req);
sub setMacros {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
foreach ( sort keys %{ $self->_macros } ) {
$req->{sessionInfo}->{$_} = $self->_macros->{$_}->();
sub setGroups {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
return $self->_userDB->setGroups(@_);
sub setPersistentSessionInfo {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
# Do not restore infos if session already opened
unless ( $req->{id} ) {
my $key = $req->{sessionInfo}->{ $self->conf->{whatToTrace} };
return PE_OK unless ( $key and length($key) );
my $persistentSession = $self->getPersistentSession($key);
if ($persistentSession) {
$self->lmLog( "Persistent session found for $key", 'debug' );
foreach my $k ( keys %{ $persistentSession->data } ) {
# Do not restore some parameters
next if $k =~ /^_(?:utime|session_(?:u?id|kind))$/;
$self->lmLog( "Restore persistent parameter $k", 'debug' );
$req->{sessionInfo}->{$k} = $persistentSession->data->{$k};
sub setLocalGroups {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
foreach ( sort keys %{ $self->_groups } ) {
if ( $self->_groups->{$_}->() ) {
$req->{sessionInfo}->{groups} .=
$self->conf->{multiValuesSeparator} . $_;
$req->{sessionInfo}->{hGroups}->{$_}->{name} = $_;
# Clear values separator at the beginning
if ( $req->{sessionInfo}->{groups} ) {
$req->{sessionInfo}->{groups} =~
sub store {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
# Now, user is authenticated => inform handler
$req->userData( $req->sessionInfo );
# Create second session for unsecure cookie
if ( $self->conf->{securedCookie} == 2 ) {
my $session2 = $self->getApacheSession( undef, 1 );
my %infos = %{ $req->{sessionInfo} };
$infos{_httpSessionType} = 1;
$session2->update( \%infos );
$req->{sessionInfo}->{_httpSession} = $session2->id;
# Main session
my $session = $self->getApacheSession( $req->{id}, 0, $self->{force} );
return PE_APACHESESSIONERROR unless ($session);
$req->id( $session->{id} );
# Compute unsecure cookie value if needed
if ( $self->conf->{securedCookie} == 3 ) {
$req->{sessionInfo}->{_httpSession} =
$self->conf->{cipher}->encryptHex( $self->{id}, "http" );
# Fill session
my $infos = {};
foreach my $k ( keys %{ $req->{sessionInfo} } ) {
next unless defined $req->{sessionInfo}->{$k};
my $displayValue = $req->{sessionInfo}->{$k};
if ( $self->conf->{hiddenAttributes}
and $self->conf->{hiddenAttributes} =~ /\b$k\b/ )
$displayValue = '****';
$self->lmLog( "Store $displayValue in session key $k", 'debug' );
$self->_dump($displayValue) if ref($displayValue);
$infos->{$k} = $self->{sessionInfo}->{$k};
sub buildCookie {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
push @{ $req->respHeaders },
'Set-Cookie' => $self->cookie(
name => $self->conf->{cookieName},
value => $req->{id},
domain => $self->conf->{domain},
path => "/",
secure => $self->conf->{securedCookie},
HttpOnly => $self->conf->{httpOnly},
expires => $self->conf->{cookieExpiration},
if ( $self->conf->{securedCookie} >= 2 ) {
push @{ $req->respHeaders },
'Set-Cookie' => $self->cookie(
name => $self->conf->{cookieName} . "http",
value => $req->{sessionInfo}->{_httpSession},
domain => $self->conf->{domain},
path => "/",
secure => 0,
HttpOnly => $self->conf->{httpOnly},
expires => $self->conf->{cookieExpiration},
sub cookie {
my ( $self, %h ) = @_;
my @res;
$res[0] = "$h{name}" or die("name required");
$res[0] .= "=$h{value}";
foreach (qw(domain path expires max_age)) {
my $f = $_;
$f =~ s/_/-/g;
push @res, "$f=$h{$_}" if ( $h{$_} );
return join( '; ', @res );