2020-06-01 16:22:25 +02:00

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REST session backend
Session <type> can be 'global' for SSO sessions or 'persistent' for
persistent sessions.
LL::NG portal provides REST end points for sessions management:
- GET /sessions/<type>/<session-id> : get session datas
- GET /sessions/<type>/<session-id>/<key> : get a session key value
- GET /sessions/<type>/<session-id>/[k1,k2] : get some session key
- POST /sessions/<type> : create a session
- PUT /sessions/<type>/<session-id> : update some keys
- DELETE /sessions/<type>/<session-id> : delete a session
Sessions for connected users (used by :doc:`LLNG Proxy<authproxy>`):
- GET /session/my/<type> : get session datas
- GET /session/my/<type>/key : get session key
- DELETE /session/my : ask for logout
Authorizations for connected users (always enabled):
- GET /mysession/?authorizationfor=<base64-encoded-url>: ask if url is
This session backend can be used to share sessions stored in a
non-network backend (like
:doc:`file session backend<filesessionbackend>`) or in a network backend
protected with a firewall that only accepts HTTP flows.
Most of the time, REST session backend is used by Handlers installed on
external servers.
To configure it, REST session backend will be set trough Manager in
global configuration (used by all Handlers), and the real session
backend will be configured for local components in lemonldap-ng.ini.
First, activate REST in ``General parameters`` » ``Plugins`` »
``Portal servers`` » ``REST session server``.
Then, set ``Lemonldap::NG::Common::Apache::Session::REST`` in
``General parameters`` » ``Sessions`` » ``Session storage`` »
``Apache::Session module`` and add the following parameters (case
=================== ======================================== ==================================================
Required parameters
Name Comment Example
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**baseUrl** URL of sessions REST end point http://auth.example.com/index.fcgi/sessions/global
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Optional parameters
Name Comment Example
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**user** Username to use for auth basic mechanism
**password** Password to use for auth basic mechanism
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.. attention::
By default, user password and other secret keys are
hidden by LLNG REST server. You can force REST server to export their
real values by selecting "Export secret attributes in REST" in the
manager. This less secure option is disabled by default.
Sessions REST end points access must be allowed in Apache portal
configuration (for example, access by IP range):
.. code-block:: apache
# REST/SOAP functions for sessions access (disabled by default)
<Location /index.fcgi/sessions>
Real session backend
Real session backend will be configured in ``lemonldap-ng.ini``, in
``portal`` section (the portal hosts the REST service for sessions, and
will do the link between REST requests and real sessions).
For example, if real sessions are stored in
.. code-block:: ini
globalStorage = Apache::Session::File
globalStorageOptions = { 'Directory' => '/var/lib/lemonldap-ng/sessions/', 'LockDirectory' => '/var/lib/lemonldap-ng/sessions/lock/', }
.. tip::
Session explorer and "single session" features can't be used
using this backend. Session explorer and portal must be launched with
real backend.
By default, only few sessions keys are shared by REST
(authenticationLevel, groups, ipAddr, \_startTime, \_utime, \_lastSeen,
\_session_id), you need to define which other keys you want to share in
``General parameters`` » ``Plugins`` » ``Portal servers`` »
``SOAP/REST exported attributes``.
You must start with ``+`` to keep default keys, else they will not be
shared. For example:
+ uid cn mail
To share only the listed attributes:
authenticationLevel groups ipAddr _startTime _utime _lastSeen _session_id uid cn mail