2020-03-17 16:45:59 +01:00

467 lines
15 KiB
Executable File

use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use MIME::Base64;
use XML::LibXML;
# Get command line options
my %opts;
my $result = GetOptions(
\%opts, 'metadata|m=s',
'certificate|c=s', 'verbose|v',
'help|h', 'spconfprefix|s=s',
'idpconfprefix|i=s', 'warning|w',
# Help
if ( $opts{help} or !$opts{metadata} ) {
print STDERR
"\nScript to import SAML metadata bundle file into LL::NG configuration\n\n";
print STDERR "Usage: $0 -m <metadata file URL>\n\n";
print STDERR "Options:\n";
print STDERR
"\t-c (--certificate): URL of certificate, to check metadata document signature\n";
print STDERR
"\t-i (--idpconfprefix): Prefix used to set IDP configuration key\n";
print STDERR "\t-h (--help): print this message\n";
print STDERR "\t-m (--metadata): URL of metadata document\n";
print STDERR
"\t-s (--spconfprefix): Prefix used to set SP configuration key\n";
print STDERR "\t-w (--warning): print debug messages\n";
exit 1;
# Default values
my $spConfKeyPrefix = $opts{spconfprefix} || "sp-";
my $idpConfKeyPrefix = $opts{idpconfprefix} || "idp-";
# Set here attributes that are declared for your SP in the federation
# They will be set as exported attributes for all IDP
my $exportedAttributes = {
'cn' => '0;cn',
'eduPersonPrincipalName' => '0;eduPersonAffiliation',
'givenName' => '0;givenName',
'surname' => '0;surname',
'displayName' => '0;displayName',
'eduPersonAffiliation' => '0;eduPersonAffiliation',
'eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation' => '0;eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation',
'mail' => '0;mail',
'supannListeRouge' => '0;supannListeRouge',
'supannEtuCursusAnnee' => '0;supannEtuCursusAnnee',
# Set here options that are applied on all SP from the federation
my $spOptions = {
'samlSPMetaDataOptionsCheckSLOMessageSignature' => 1,
'samlSPMetaDataOptionsCheckSSOMessageSignature' => 1,
'samlSPMetaDataOptionsEnableIDPInitiatedURL' => 0,
'samlSPMetaDataOptionsEncryptionMode' => 'none',
'samlSPMetaDataOptionsForceUTF8' => 1,
'samlSPMetaDataOptionsNameIDFormat' => '',
'samlSPMetaDataOptionsNotOnOrAfterTimeout' => 72000,
'samlSPMetaDataOptionsOneTimeUse' => 0,
'samlSPMetaDataOptionsSessionNotOnOrAfterTimeout' => 72000,
'samlSPMetaDataOptionsSignSLOMessage' => 1,
'samlSPMetaDataOptionsSignSSOMessage' => 1
# Set here options that are applied on all IDP from the federation
my $idpOptions = {
'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsAdaptSessionUtime' => 0,
'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsAllowLoginFromIDP' => 0,
'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsAllowProxiedAuthn' => 0,
'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsCheckAudience' => 1,
'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsCheckSLOMessageSignature' => 1,
'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsCheckSSOMessageSignature' => 1,
'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsCheckTime' => 1,
'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsEncryptionMode' => 'none',
'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsForceAuthn' => 0,
'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsForceUTF8' => 0,
'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsIsPassive' => 0,
'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsNameIDFormat' => 'transient',
'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsRelayStateURL' => 0,
'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsSignSLOMessage' => -1,
'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsSignSSOMessage' => -1,
'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsStoreSAMLToken' => 0
my $idpCounter = {
'found' => 0,
'updated' => 0,
'created' => 0,
'rejected' => 0,
'removed' => 0
my $spCounter = {
'found' => 0,
'updated' => 0,
'created' => 0,
'rejected' => 0,
'removed' => 0
# Main
my $conf = Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf->new();
my $lastConf = $conf->getConf();
if ( $opts{verbose} ) {
print "Read configuration " . $lastConf->{cfgNum} . "\n";
# IDP and SP lists
my ( $idpList, $spList, $mdIdpList, $mdSpList );
# List current SAML partners
foreach my $spConfKey ( keys %{ $lastConf->{samlSPMetaDataXML} } ) {
my ( $tmp, $entityID ) =
( $lastConf->{samlSPMetaDataXML}->{$spConfKey}->{samlSPMetaDataXML} =~
/entityID=(['"])(.+?)\1/si );
if ( $spConfKey =~ /^$spConfKeyPrefix/ ) {
$spList->{$entityID} = $spConfKey;
if ( $opts{verbose} ) {
print "Existing SAML partner found: [SP] $entityID ($spConfKey)\n";
foreach my $idpConfKey ( keys %{ $lastConf->{samlIDPMetaDataXML} } ) {
my ( $tmp, $entityID ) =
( $lastConf->{samlIDPMetaDataXML}->{$idpConfKey}->{samlIDPMetaDataXML} =~
/entityID=(['"])(.+?)\1/si );
if ( $idpConfKey =~ /^$idpConfKeyPrefix/ ) {
$idpList->{$entityID} = $idpConfKey;
if ( $opts{verbose} ) {
"Existing SAML partner found: [IDP] $entityID ($idpConfKey)\n";
# Download metadata file
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $metadata_file = $opts{metadata};
if ( $opts{verbose} ) {
print "Try to download metadata file at $metadata_file\n";
my $response = $ua->get($metadata_file);
if ( $response->is_success ) {
if ( $opts{verbose} ) {
print "Metadata file found\n";
else {
die $response->status_line;
my $dom = XML::LibXML->load_xml( string => $response->decoded_content );
# Check file signature
if ( $opts{certificate} ) {
my $certificate_file = $opts{certificate};
if ( $opts{verbose} ) {
print "Try to download certificate file at $certificate_file\n";
my $cert_response = $ua->get($certificate_file);
if ( $cert_response->is_success ) {
if ( $opts{verbose} ) {
print "Certificate file found:\n"
. $cert_response->decoded_content . "\n";
else {
die $cert_response->status_line;
if ( $opts{verbose} ) {
print "Check metadata signature with certificate";
print STDERR "[WARN] Signature verification not yet implemented\n"
if $opts{warning};
# Remove extensions
foreach ( $dom->findnodes('//md:Extensions') ) { $_->unbindNode; }
# Browse all partners
my $partner ( $dom->findnodes('/md:EntitiesDescriptor/md:EntityDescriptor') )
my $entityID = $partner->getAttribute('entityID');
# Add required XML namespaces
$partner->setNamespace( "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata", "md", 0 );
$partner->setNamespace( "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion",
"saml", 0 );
$partner->setNamespace( "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#", "ds", 0 );
# Check IDP or SP
if ( my $idp = $partner->findnodes('./md:IDPSSODescriptor') ) {
$mdIdpList->{$entityID} = 1;
# Check if SAML 2.0 is supported
if (
# Read metadata
my $partner_metadata = $partner->toString;
$partner_metadata =~ s/\n//g;
# Check if entityID already in configuration
if ( defined $idpList->{$entityID} ) {
# Update metadata
$lastConf->{samlIDPMetaDataXML}->{ $idpList->{$entityID} }
->{samlIDPMetaDataXML} = $partner_metadata;
# Update attributes
->{ $idpList->{$entityID} } = $exportedAttributes;
# Update options
$lastConf->{samlIDPMetaDataOptions}->{ $idpList->{$entityID} }
= $idpOptions;
if ( $opts{verbose} ) {
print "Update IDP $entityID in configuration\n";
else {
# Create a new partner
my $entityIDKey = $entityID;
$entityIDKey =~ s/^https?:\/\///;
$entityIDKey =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/-/g;
$entityIDKey =~ s/-+$//g;
my $confKey = $idpConfKeyPrefix . $entityIDKey;
# Metadata
->{samlIDPMetaDataXML} = $partner_metadata;
# Attributes
$lastConf->{samlIDPMetaDataExportedAttributes}->{$confKey} =
# Options
$lastConf->{samlIDPMetaDataOptions}->{$confKey} = $idpOptions;
if ( $opts{verbose} ) {
"Declare new IDP $entityID (configuration key $confKey)\n";
else {
print STDERR
"[WARN] IDP $entityID is not compatible with SAML 2.0, it will not be imported.\n"
if $opts{warning};
if ( my $sp = $partner->findnodes('./md:SPSSODescriptor') ) {
$mdSpList->{$entityID} = 1;
# Check if SAML 2.0 is supported
if (
# Read requested attributes
my $requestedAttributes = {};
if (
foreach my $requestedAttribute (
my $name = $requestedAttribute->getAttribute("Name");
my $friendlyname =
my $nameformat =
my $required =
( $requestedAttribute->getAttribute("isRequired") =~
/true/i ) ? 1 : 0;
$requestedAttributes->{$friendlyname} =
if ( $opts{verbose} ) {
"Attribute $friendlyname ($name) requested by SP $entityID\n";
else {
$requestedAttributes =
{ 'cn' => '1;cn', 'uid' => '1;uid', 'mail' => '1;mail' };
# Remove AttributeConsumingService node
foreach (
# Read metadata
my $partner_metadata = $partner->toString;
$partner_metadata =~ s/\n//g;
# Check if entityID already in configuration
if ( defined $spList->{$entityID} ) {
# Update metadata
$lastConf->{samlSPMetaDataXML}->{ $spList->{$entityID} }
->{samlSPMetaDataXML} = $partner_metadata;
# Update attributes
->{ $spList->{$entityID} } = $requestedAttributes;
# Update options
$lastConf->{samlSPMetaDataOptions}->{ $spList->{$entityID} } =
if ( $opts{verbose} ) {
print "Update SP $entityID in configuration\n";
else {
# Create a new partner
my $entityIDKey = $entityID;
$entityIDKey =~ s/^https?:\/\///;
$entityIDKey =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/-/g;
$entityIDKey =~ s/-+$//g;
my $confKey = $spConfKeyPrefix . $entityIDKey;
# Metadata
= $partner_metadata;
# Attributes
$lastConf->{samlSPMetaDataExportedAttributes}->{$confKey} =
# Options
$lastConf->{samlSPMetaDataOptions}->{$confKey} = $spOptions;
if ( $opts{verbose} ) {
"Declare new SP $entityID (configuration key $confKey)\n";
else {
print STDERR
"[WARN] SP $entityID is not compatible with SAML 2.0, it will not be imported.\n"
if $opts{warning};
# Remove partners
if ( $opts{remove} ) {
foreach ( keys %$idpList ) {
my $idpConfKey = $idpList->{$_};
unless ( defined $mdIdpList->{$_} ) {
delete $lastConf->{samlIDPMetaDataXML}->{$idpConfKey};
delete $lastConf->{samlIDPMetaDataExportedAttributes}
delete $lastConf->{samlIDPMetaDataOptions}->{$idpConfKey};
if ( $opts{verbose} ) {
print "Remove IDP $idpConfKey\n";
foreach ( keys %$spList ) {
my $spConfKey = $spList->{$_};
unless ( defined $mdSpList->{$_} ) {
delete $lastConf->{samlSPMetaDataXML}->{$spConfKey};
delete $lastConf->{samlSPMetaDataExportedAttributes}->{$spConfKey};
delete $lastConf->{samlSPMetaDataOptions}->{$spConfKey};
if ( $opts{verbose} ) {
print "Remove SP $spConfKey\n";
# Register configuration
my $numConf = $conf->saveConf( $lastConf, ( cfgNumFixed => 1 ) );
unless ($numConf) {
print "[ERROR] Unable to save configuration\n";
exit 1;
print "[IDP]\tFound: "
. $idpCounter->{found}
. "\tUpdated: "
. $idpCounter->{updated}
. "\tCreated: "
. $idpCounter->{created}
. "\tRemoved: "
. $idpCounter->{removed}
. "\tRejected: "
. $idpCounter->{rejected} . "\n";
print "[SP]\tFound: "
. $spCounter->{found}
. "\tUpdated: "
. $spCounter->{updated}
. "\tCreated: "
. $spCounter->{created}
. "\tRemoved: "
. $spCounter->{removed}
. "\tRejected: "
. $spCounter->{rejected} . "\n";
print "[OK] Configuration $numConf saved\n";
exit 0;