Maxime Besson 2f9e6aa623 Allow override of username attribute for CAS apps
Global CAS options allows the admistrator to set the session attribute
that gets exported to all CAS application as the main identifier

This commit adds the ability to override this configuration for a
particular CAS application.

OIDC already allows this

Fixes #1713
2019-04-28 21:06:34 +02:00

776 lines
24 KiB

package Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Issuer::CAS;
use strict;
use Mouse;
use URI;
use Lemonldap::NG::Common::FormEncode;
use Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Constants qw(
our $VERSION = '2.0.3';
extends 'Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Issuer',
use constant beforeAuth => 'storeEnvAndCheckGateway';
use constant sessionKind => 'ICAS';
has rule => ( is => 'rw' );
sub init {
my ($self) = @_;
# Parse activation rule
my $hd = $self->p->HANDLER;
$self->logger->debug( "CAS rule -> " . $self->conf->{issuerDBCASRule} );
my $rule =
$hd->buildSub( $hd->substitute( $self->conf->{issuerDBCASRule} ) );
unless ($rule) {
$self->error( "Bad CAS rule -> " . $hd->tsv->{jail}->error );
return 0;
$self->{rule} = $rule;
# Launch parents initialization subroutines, then launch IdP and SP lists
my $res = $self->Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Issuer::init();
return 0 unless ( $self->loadApp );
( $self->path ) => {
serviceValidate => 'serviceValidate',
validate => 'validate',
proxyValidate => 'proxyValidate',
proxy => 'proxy',
p3 => {
serviceValidate => 'serviceValidate',
proxyValidate => 'proxyValidate'
return $res;
sub storeEnvAndCheckGateway {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
my $service = $self->p->getHiddenFormValue( $req, 'service' )
|| $req->param('service');
my $gateway = $self->p->getHiddenFormValue( $req, 'gateway' )
|| $req->param('gateway');
if ( $gateway and $gateway eq "true" ) {
"Gateway mode requested, redirect without authentication");
$req->response( [ 302, [ Location => $service ], [] ] );
$req->pdata( {} );
if ( $service and $service =~ m#^(https?://[^/]+)(/.*)?$# ) {
my ( $host, $uri ) = ( $1, $2 );
my $app = $self->casAppList->{$host};
if ($app) {
$req->env->{llng_cas_app} = $app;
return PE_OK;
# Main method (launched only for authenticated users, see Main/Issuer)
sub run {
my ( $self, $req, $target ) = @_;
# Check activation rule
unless ( $self->rule->( $req, $req->sessionInfo ) ) {
$self->userLogger->error('CAS service not authorized');
my $cas_login = 'login';
my $cas_logout = 'logout';
my $cas_validate = 'validate';
my $cas_serviceValidate = 'serviceValidate';
my $cas_p3_serviceValidate = 'p3/serviceValidate';
my $cas_proxyValidate = 'proxyValidate';
my $cas_p3_proxyValidate = 'p3/proxyValidate';
my $cas_proxy = 'proxy';
# Called URL
my $url = $req->uri();
# Session ID
my $session_id = $req->{sessionInfo}->{_session_id} || $req->{id};
# Session creation timestamp
my $time = $req->{sessionInfo}->{_utime} || time();
# 1. LOGIN
if ( $target eq $cas_login ) {
$self->logger->debug("URL $url detected as an CAS LOGIN URL");
# GET parameters
my $service = $self->p->getHiddenFormValue( $req, 'service' )
|| $req->param('service');
my $renew = $self->p->getHiddenFormValue( $req, 'renew' )
|| $req->param('renew');
my $gateway = $self->p->getHiddenFormValue( $req, 'gateway' )
|| $req->param('gateway');
my $casServiceTicket;
# Renew
if ( $renew
and $renew eq 'true'
and time - $req->sessionInfo->{_utime} >
$self->conf->{portalForceAuthnInterval} )
# Authentication must be replayed
$self->logger->debug("Authentication renew requested");
$self->{updateSession} = 1;
$req->env->{QUERY_STRING} =~ s/renew=true/renew=false/;
return $self->reAuth($req);
# If no service defined, exit
unless ( defined $service ) {
$self->logger->debug("No service defined in CAS URL");
return PE_OK;
unless ( $service =~ m#^(https?://[^/]+)(/.*)?$# ) {
$self->logger->error("Bad service $service");
return PE_ERROR;
my ( $host, $uri ) = ( $1, $2 );
my $app = $self->casAppList->{$host};
# Check access on the service
my $casAccessControlPolicy = $self->conf->{casAccessControlPolicy};
if ( $casAccessControlPolicy =~ /^(error|faketicket)$/i ) {
"CAS access control requested on service $service");
unless ($app) {
$self->userLogger->error('CAS service not configured');
if ( my $rule = $self->spRules->{$app} ) {
if ( $rule->( $req, $req->sessionInfo ) ) {
$self->logger->debug("CAS service $service access allowed");
else {
"CAS service $service access not allowed");
if ( $casAccessControlPolicy =~ /^(error)$/i ) {
"Return error instead of redirecting user on CAS service"
else {
"Redirect user on CAS service with a fake ticket");
$casServiceTicket = "ST-F4K3T1CK3T";
unless ($casServiceTicket) {
# Check last authentication time to decide if
# the authentication is recent or not
my $casRenewFlag = 0;
my $last_authn_utime = $req->{sessionInfo}->{_lastAuthnUTime} || 0;
if (
time() - $last_authn_utime <
$self->conf->{portalForceAuthnInterval} )
"Authentication is recent, will set CAS renew flag to true"
$casRenewFlag = 1;
# Create a service ticket
"Create a CAS service ticket for service $service");
my $Sinfos;
$Sinfos->{type} = 'casService';
$Sinfos->{service} = $service;
$Sinfos->{renew} = $casRenewFlag;
$Sinfos->{_cas_id} = $session_id;
$Sinfos->{_utime} = $time;
$Sinfos->{_casApp} = $app;
my $casServiceSession = $self->getCasSession( undef, $Sinfos );
unless ($casServiceSession) {
$self->logger->error("Unable to create CAS session");
return PE_ERROR;
my $casServiceSessionID = $casServiceSession->id;
$casServiceTicket = "ST-" . $casServiceSessionID;
"CAS service session $casServiceSessionID created");
# Redirect to service
my $service_url = $service;
$service_url .= ( $service =~ /\?/ ? '&' : '?' )
. build_urlencoded( ticket => $casServiceTicket );
$self->logger->debug("Redirect user to $service_url");
$req->{urldc} = $service_url;
$req->steps( [] );
return PE_OK;
if ( $target eq $cas_logout ) {
$self->logger->debug("URL $url detected as an CAS LOGOUT URL");
# Disable Content-Security-Policy header since logout can be embedded
# in a frame
# GET parameters
my $logout_url = $req->param('url'); # CAS 2.0
my $logout_service = $req->param('service'); # CAS 3.0
# Delete linked CAS sessions
# Delete local session
if ( my $session = $self->p->getApacheSession($session_id) ) {
unless ( $self->p->_deleteSession( $req, $session ) ) {
$self->logger->error("Fail to delete session $session_id ");
if ($logout_url) {
# Display a link to the provided URL
"Logout URL $logout_url will be displayed");
'casBack2Url', params => { url => $logout_url }
$req->data->{activeTimer} = 0;
return PE_CONFIRM;
if ($logout_service) {
"User will be redirected to $logout_service");
$req->{urldc} = $logout_service;
$req->steps( [] );
return PE_OK;
else {
$self->logger->info("Unknown session $session_id");
return PE_LOGOUT_OK;
# 3. VALIDATE [CAS 1.0]
if ( $target eq $cas_validate ) {
$self->logger->debug("URL $url detected as an CAS VALIDATE URL");
# This URL must not be called by authenticated users
"CAS VALIDATE URL called by authenticated user, ignore it");
return PE_OK;
if ( $target eq $cas_serviceValidate
|| $target eq $cas_p3_serviceValidate )
"URL $url detected as an CAS SERVICE VALIDATE URL");
# This URL must not be called by authenticated users
"CAS SERVICE VALIDATE URL called by authenticated user, ignore it");
return PE_OK;
if ( $target eq $cas_proxyValidate || $target eq $cas_p3_proxyValidate ) {
$self->logger->debug("URL $url detected as an CAS PROXY VALIDATE URL");
# This URL must not be called by authenticated users
"CAS PROXY VALIDATE URL called by authenticated user, ignore it");
return PE_OK;
# 6. PROXY [CAS 2.0]
if ( $target eq $cas_proxy ) {
$self->logger->debug("URL $url detected as an CAS PROXY URL");
# This URL must not be called by authenticated users
"CAS PROXY URL called by authenticated user, ignore it");
return PE_OK;
return PE_OK;
sub logout {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
# Session ID
my $session_id = $req->{sessionInfo}->{_session_id} || $req->{id};
# Delete linked CAS sessions
$self->deleteCasSecondarySessions($session_id) if ($session_id);
return PE_OK;
# Direct request from SP to IdP
sub validate {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
'URL ' . $req->uri . ' detected as an CAS VALIDATE URL' );
# GET parameters
my $service = $req->param('service');
my $ticket = $req->param('ticket');
my $renew = $req->param('renew');
# Required parameters: service and ticket
unless ( $service and $ticket ) {
$self->logger->error("Service and Ticket parameters required");
return $self->returnCasValidateError();
"Get validate request with ticket $ticket for service $service");
unless ( $ticket =~ s/^ST-// ) {
$self->logger->error("Provided ticket is not a service ticket (ST)");
return $self->returnCasValidateError();
my $casServiceSession = $self->getCasSession($ticket);
unless ($casServiceSession) {
$self->logger->error("Service ticket session $ticket not found");
return $self->returnCasValidateError();
$self->logger->debug("Service ticket session $ticket found");
my $service1_uri = URI->new($service);
my $service2_uri = URI->new( $casServiceSession->data->{service} );
# Check service
unless ( $service1_uri->eq($service2_uri) ) {
# Tolerate that relative URI are the same
if ( $service1_uri->rel($service2_uri) eq "./"
or $service2_uri->rel($service1_uri) eq "./" )
"Submitted service $service1_uri does not exactly match initial service "
. $service2_uri
. ' but difference is tolerated.' );
else {
"Submitted service $service does not match initial service "
. $casServiceSession->data->{service} );
return $self->returnCasValidateError();
else {
$self->logger->debug("Submitted service $service math initial servce");
# Check renew
if ( $renew and $renew eq 'true' ) {
# We should check the ST was delivered with primary credentials
$self->logger->debug("Renew flag detected ");
unless ( $casServiceSession->data->{renew} ) {
"Authentication renew requested, but not done in former authentication process"
return $self->returnCasValidateError();
# Open local session
my $localSession =
$self->p->getApacheSession( $casServiceSession->data->{_cas_id} );
unless ($localSession) {
$self->logger->warn( "Local session "
. $casServiceSession->data->{_cas_id}
. " notfound" );
return $self->returnCasValidateError();
# Get username
my $app = $casServiceSession->data->{_casApp};
my $username_attribute =
( $app
and $self->conf->{casAppMetaDataOptions}->{$app}
->{casAppMetaDataOptionsUserAttribute} )
? $self->conf->{casAppMetaDataOptions}->{$app}
: ( $self->conf->{casAttr}
|| $self->conf->{whatToTrace} );
my $username = $localSession->data->{$username_attribute};
$self->logger->debug("Get username $username");
# Return success message
return $self->returnCasValidateSuccess( $req, $username );
sub proxy {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
'URL ' . $req->uri . " detected as an CAS PROXY URL" );
# GET parameters
my $pgt = $req->param('pgt');
my $targetService = $req->param('targetService');
# Required parameters: pgt and targetService
unless ( $pgt and $targetService ) {
$self->logger->error("Pgt and TargetService parameters required");
$self->returnCasProxyError( $req, 'INVALID_REQUEST',
'Missing mandatory parameters (pgt, targetService)' );
"Get proxy request with ticket $pgt for service $targetService");
# Get CAS session corresponding to ticket
unless ( $pgt =~ s/^PGT-// ) {
"Provided ticket is not a proxy granting ticket (PGT)");
$self->returnCasProxyError( $req, 'BAD_PGT',
'Provided ticket is not a proxy granting ticket' );
my $casProxyGrantingSession = $self->getCasSession($pgt);
unless ($casProxyGrantingSession) {
$self->logger->error("Proxy granting ticket session $pgt not found");
$self->returnCasProxyError( $req, 'BAD_PGT', 'Ticket not found' );
$self->logger->debug("Proxy granting session $pgt found");
# Create a proxy ticket
"Create a CAS proxy ticket for service $targetService");
my $casProxySession = $self->getCasSession();
unless ($casProxySession) {
$self->logger->error("Unable to create CAS proxy session");
$self->returnCasProxyError( $req, 'INTERNAL_ERROR',
'Error in proxy session management' );
my $Pinfos;
$Pinfos->{type} = 'casProxy';
$Pinfos->{service} = $targetService;
$Pinfos->{_cas_id} = $casProxyGrantingSession->data->{_cas_id};
$Pinfos->{_utime} = $casProxyGrantingSession->data->{_utime};
$Pinfos->{proxies} = $casProxyGrantingSession->data->{proxies};
my $casProxySessionID = $casProxySession->id;
my $casProxyTicket = "PT-" . $casProxySessionID;
$self->logger->debug("CAS proxy session $casProxySessionID created");
return $self->returnCasProxySuccess( $req, $casProxyTicket );
sub serviceValidate {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
return $self->_validate2( 'SERVICE', $req );
sub proxyValidate {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
return $self->_validate2( 'PROXY', $req );
sub _validate2 {
my ( $self, $urlType, $req ) = @_;
'URL ' . $req->uri . " detected as an CAS $urlType VALIDATE URL" );
# GET parameters
my $service = $req->param('service');
my $ticket = $req->param('ticket');
my $pgtUrl = $req->param('pgtUrl');
my $renew = $req->param('renew') // 'false';
my $casProxyGrantingTicketIOU;
# Required parameters: service and ticket
unless ( $service and $ticket ) {
$self->logger->error("Service and Ticket parameters required");
return $self->returnCasServiceValidateError( $req, 'INVALID_REQUEST',
'Missing mandatory parameters (service, ticket)' );
$self->logger->debug( "Get "
. lc($urlType)
. " validate request with ticket $ticket for service $service" );
# Get CAS session corresponding to ticket
if ( $urlType eq 'SERVICE' and !( $ticket =~ s/^ST-// ) ) {
$self->logger->error("Provided ticket is not a service ticket (ST)");
return $self->returnCasServiceValidateError( $req, 'INVALID_TICKET',
'Provided ticket is not a service ticket' );
elsif ( $urlType eq 'PROXY' and !( $ticket =~ s/^(P|S)T-// ) ) {
"Provided ticket is not a service or proxy ticket ($1T)");
return $self->returnCasServiceValidateError( $req, 'INVALID_TICKET',
'Provided ticket is not a service or proxy ticket' );
my $casServiceSession = $self->getCasSession($ticket);
unless ($casServiceSession) {
$self->logger->error("$urlType ticket session $ticket not found");
return $self->returnCasServiceValidateError( $req, 'INVALID_TICKET',
'Ticket not found' );
my $app = $casServiceSession->data->{_casApp};
$self->logger->debug("$urlType ticket session $ticket found");
my $service1_uri = URI->new($service);
my $service2_uri = URI->new( $casServiceSession->data->{service} );
# Check service
unless ( $service1_uri->eq($service2_uri) ) {
# Tolerate that relative URI are the same
if ( $service1_uri->rel($service2_uri) eq "./"
or $service2_uri->rel($service1_uri) eq "./" )
"Submitted service $service1_uri does not exactly match initial service "
. $service2_uri
. ' but difference is tolerated.' );
else {
"Submitted service $service does not match initial service "
. $casServiceSession->data->{service} );
return $self->returnCasServiceValidateError( $req,
'Submitted service does not match initial service' );
else {
"Submitted service $service match initial service");
# Check renew
if ( $renew and $renew eq 'true' ) {
# We should check the ST was delivered with primary credentials
$self->logger->debug("Renew flag detected ");
unless ( $casServiceSession->data->{renew} ) {
"Authentication renew requested, but not done in former authentication process"
return $self->returnCasValidateError();
# Proxies (for PROXY VALIDATE only)
my $proxies = $casServiceSession->data->{proxies};
# Proxy granting ticket
if ($pgtUrl) {
# Create a proxy granting ticket
"Create a CAS proxy granting ticket for service $service");
my $PGinfos;
# PGT session
$PGinfos->{type} = 'casProxyGranting';
$PGinfos->{service} = $service;
$PGinfos->{_cas_id} = $casServiceSession->data->{_cas_id};
$PGinfos->{_utime} = $casServiceSession->data->{_utime};
$PGinfos->{_casApp} = $app;
# Trace proxies
$PGinfos->{proxies} = (
? $proxies . $self->conf->{multiValuesSeparator} . $pgtUrl
: $pgtUrl
my $casProxyGrantingSession = $self->getCasSession( undef, $PGinfos );
if ($casProxyGrantingSession) {
my $casProxyGrantingSessionID = $casProxyGrantingSession->id;
my $casProxyGrantingTicket = "PGT-" . $casProxyGrantingSessionID;
"CAS proxy granting session $casProxyGrantingSessionID created"
# Generate the proxy granting ticket IOU
my $tmpCasSession = $self->getCasSession();
if ($tmpCasSession) {
$casProxyGrantingTicketIOU = "PGTIOU-" . $tmpCasSession->id;
"Generate proxy granting ticket IOU $casProxyGrantingTicketIOU"
# Request pgtUrl
if (
$pgtUrl, $casProxyGrantingTicketIOU,
"Proxy granting URL $pgtUrl called with success");
else {
"Error calling proxy granting URL $pgtUrl");
$casProxyGrantingTicketIOU = undef;
else {
"Error in proxy granting ticket management, bypass it");
# Open local session
my $localSession =
$self->p->getApacheSession( $casServiceSession->data->{_cas_id} );
unless ($localSession) {
$self->userLogger->error( "Local session "
. $casServiceSession->data->{_cas_id}
. " notfound" );
return $self->returnCasServiceValidateError( $req, 'INTERNAL_ERROR',
'No session associated to ticket' );
# Get username
my $username_attribute =
( $app
and $self->conf->{casAppMetaDataOptions}->{$app}
->{casAppMetaDataOptionsUserAttribute} )
? $self->conf->{casAppMetaDataOptions}->{$app}
: ( $self->conf->{casAttr}
|| $self->conf->{whatToTrace} );
my $username = $localSession->data->{$username_attribute};
$self->logger->debug("Get username $username");
# Get attributes [CAS 3.0]
my $attributes = {};
my $ev =
( $app and $self->conf->{casAppMetaDataExportedVars}->{$app} )
? $self->conf->{casAppMetaDataExportedVars}->{$app}
: {};
unless (%$ev) {
$ev = $self->conf->{casAttributes} || {};
foreach my $casAttribute ( keys %$ev ) {
my $localSessionValue = $localSession->data->{ $ev->{$casAttribute} };
$attributes->{$casAttribute} = $localSessionValue
if defined $localSessionValue;
# Return success message
return $self->returnCasServiceValidateSuccess( $req, $username,
$casProxyGrantingTicketIOU, $proxies, $attributes );