2015-03-27 14:21:43 +00:00

1720 lines
55 KiB

* Lemonldap::NG Manager jQuery scripts
/* Help chapters */
var helpCh = {
'advanced': '/pages/documentation/current/start.html#advanced_features',
'authApache': '/pages/documentation/current/authapache.html',
'authBrowserID': '/pages/documentation/current/authbrowserid.html',
'authDBI': '/pages/documentation/current/authdbi.html',
'authDBIConnection': '/pages/documentation/current/authdbi.html#connection',
'authDBILevel': '/pages/documentation/current/authdbi.html#authentication_level',
'authDBIPassword': '/pages/documentation/current/authdbi.html#password',
'authDBISchema': '/pages/documentation/current/authdbi.html#schema',
'authCAS': '/pages/documentation/current/authcas.html',
'authChoice': '/pages/documentation/current/authchoice.html',
'authDemo': '/pages/documentation/current/authdemo.html',
'authFacebook': '/pages/documentation/current/authfacebook.html',
'authGoogle': '/pages/documentation/current/authgoogle.html',
'authLDAP': '/pages/documentation/current/authldap.html',
'authLDAPConnection': '/pages/documentation/current/authldap.html#connection',
'authLDAPFilters': '/pages/documentation/current/authldap.html#filters',
'authLDAPGroups': '/pages/documentation/current/authldap.html#groups',
'authLDAPLevel': '/pages/documentation/current/authldap.html#authentication_level',
'authLDAPPassword': '/pages/documentation/current/authldap.html#password',
'authNull': '/pages/documentation/current/authnull.html',
'authOpenID': '/pages/documentation/current/authopenid.html',
'authParams': '/pages/documentation/current/start.html#authentication_users_and_password_databases',
'authProxy': '/pages/documentation/current/authproxy.html',
'authRemote': '/pages/documentation/current/authremote.html',
'authSlave': '/pages/documentation/current/authslave.html',
'authSSL': '/pages/documentation/current/authssl.html',
'authTwitter': '/pages/documentation/current/authtwitter.html',
'authWebID': '/pages/documentation/current/authwebid.html',
'authYubikey': '/pages/documentation/current/authyubikey.html',
'captcha': '/pages/documentation/current/captcha.html',
'cookies': '/pages/documentation/current/ssocookie.html',
'customfunctions': '/pages/documentation/current/customfunctions.html',
'default': '/pages/documentation/current/start.html#configuration',
'exportedVars': '/pages/documentation/current/exportedvars.html',
'headers': '/pages/documentation/current/writingrulesand_headers.html#headers',
'issuerdb': '/pages/documentation/current/start.html#identity_provider',
'issuerdbCAS': '/pages/documentation/current/idpcas.html',
'issuerdbOpenID': '/pages/documentation/current/idpopenid.html',
'issuerdbSAML': '/pages/documentation/current/idpsaml.html',
'loginHistory': '/pages/documentation/current/loginhistory.html',
'logoutforward': '/pages/documentation/current/logoutforward.html',
'logs': '/pages/documentation/current/logs.html',
'macrosandgroups': '/pages/documentation/current/exportedvars.html#extend_variables_using_macros_and_groups',
'menu': '/pages/documentation/current/portalmenu.html',
'menuCatAndApp': '/pages/documentation/current/portalmenu.html#categories_and_applications',
'notifications': '/pages/documentation/current/notifications.html',
'password': '/pages/documentation/current/resetpassword.html',
'portal': '/pages/documentation/current/ssocookie.html#portal_url',
'portalcustom': '/pages/documentation/current/portalcustom.html',
'portalParams': '/pages/documentation/current/portal.html',
'portalRedirections': '/pages/documentation/current/redirections.html#portal_redirections',
'post': '/pages/documentation/current/formreplay.html',
'redirections': '/pages/documentation/current/redirections.html',
'register': '/pages/documentation/current/register.html',
'reloadUrls': '/pages/documentation/current/configlocation.html#configuration_reload',
'rules': '/pages/documentation/current/writingrulesand_headers.html#rules',
'samlIDP': '/pages/documentation/current/authsaml.html#register_partner_identity_provider_on_lemonldapng',
'samlIDPExportedAttributes': '/pages/documentation/current/authsaml.html#exported_attributes',
'samlIDPMetaDataXML': '/pages/documentation/current/authsaml.html#metadata',
'samlIDPOptions': '/pages/documentation/current/authsaml.html#options',
'samlService': '/pages/documentation/current/samlservice.html',
'samlServiceAA': '/pages/documentation/current/samlservice.html#attribute_authority',
'samlServiceAdvanced': '/pages/documentation/current/samlservice.html#advanced',
'samlServiceAuthnContexts': '/pages/documentation/current/samlservice.html#authentication_contexts',
'samlServiceEntityID': '/pages/documentation/current/samlservice.html#entry_identifier',
'samlServiceIDP': '/pages/documentation/current/samlservice.html#identity_provider',
'samlServiceNameIDFormats': '/pages/documentation/current/samlservice.html#nameid_formats',
'samlServiceOrganization': '/pages/documentation/current/samlservice.html#organization',
'samlServiceSecurity': '/pages/documentation/current/samlservice.html#security_parameters',
'samlServiceSP': '/pages/documentation/current/samlservice.html#service_provider',
'samlSP': '/pages/documentation/current/idpsaml.html#register_partner_service_provider_on_lemonldapng',
'samlSPExportedAttributes': '/pages/documentation/current/idpsaml.html#exported_attributes',
'samlSPMetaDataXML': '/pages/documentation/current/idpsaml.html#metadata',
'samlSPOptions': '/pages/documentation/current/idpsaml.html#options',
'securetoken': '/pages/documentation/current/securetoken.html',
'security': '/pages/documentation/current/security.html#configure_security_settings',
'sessions': '/pages/documentation/current/sessions.html',
'sessionsdb': '/pages/documentation/current/start.html#sessions_database',
'sympa': '/pages/documentation/current/applications/sympa.html',
'userdbParams': '/pages/documentation/current/start.html#authentication_and_users_database',
'vhostOptions': '/pages/documentation/current/configvhost.html#options',
'virtualHosts': '/pages/documentation/current/configvhost.html',
'zimbra': '/pages/documentation/current/applications/zimbra.html'
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var currentId;
/* @function string safeSelector(string data)
* Escape base64 special chars to be compliant with jquery selectors
* @param data input data
* @return escaped string
function safeSelector(data) {
var escaped_data = data;
escaped_data = escaped_data.replace(/\//g, '\\/');
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function lmtext(id) {
return $('#text_' + safeSelector(id)).attr('name');
function lmdata(id) {
return unescape($('#text_' + safeSelector(id)).attr('value'));
function lmparent(id) {
return $('#' + safeSelector(id)).parent().parent().attr('id');
function setlmtext(id, v, prefixvalue) {
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prefixvalue = "";
if (v.length == 0) {
alert("Null value");
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$('#text_' + safeSelector(id)).text(v);
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var inputvalue = $(input).val();
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prefixvalue = "";
if (inputvalue.length == 0) {
alert('No ' + inputname);
return false;
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$('#text_' + safeSelector(id)).attr('value', escape(v));
function setlminputdata(id, input) {
var inputvalue = $(input).val();
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c = $(c).val();
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v = $(v).val();
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var text = r;
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c = c.replace(/\)/g, ']').replace(/\(/g, '[');
re = '(?#' + c + ')' + r;
text = c;
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r = $(r).val();
v = $(v).val() || '#';
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text = c;
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$('#text_' + safeSelector(id)).text(text);
function setlmfile(id, input) {
var inputname = $(input).attr('id');
if ($(input).val().length == 0) {
alert('No ' + inputname);
return false;
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url: scriptname,
secureuri: false,
fileElementId: inputname,
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data, status) {
if (typeof(data.content.errors) != 'undefined' && data.content.errors != '') {
popup('<h3>Request failed</h3><ul class="error"><li><strong>Error code:</strong> ' + data.content.errors + '</li></ul>');
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data.content = data.content.replace(/&lt;/g, '<').replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
setlmdata(id, data.content);
display('filearea', lmtext(id));
error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
popup('<h3>Request failed</h3><ul class="error"><li><strong>Error code:</strong> ' + xhr.status + ', ' + thrownError + '</li></ul>');
/* Remove global event on loading image */
$("#" + inputname + "-loadimg").unbind('ajaxStart');
return false;
function setlmsamlassertion(id) {
var ind = $('#samlAssertionIndex').val();
var bin = $('#samlAssertionBinding').val();
var loc = $('#samlAssertionLocation').val();
var def = $('label[name=samlAssertionDefaultBoolean].active > input').attr("value");
// Update default value in other assertions.
var parentId = lmparent(id);
var t = $('#' + parentId).find('span').get();
for (i in t) {
if (def == '1') {
var currentId = $(t[i]).attr('id').replace('text_', '');
if ((currentId != id) && (currentId != parentId)) {
var d = lmdata(currentId).split(';');
d[0] = '0';
setlmdata(currentId, d.join(';'));
// If off, force on the first one.
} else if (i < t.length - 1) {
var currentId = $(t[t.length - 1 - i]).attr('id').replace('text_', '');
var d = lmdata(currentId).split(';');
if (t.length - 1 - i > 1) {
d[0] = '0';
} else {
d[0] = '1';
setlmdata(currentId, d.join(';'));
if (currentId == id) {
def = '1';
var v = def + ';' + ind + ';' + bin + ';' + loc;
setlmdata(id, v);
function setlmsamlattribute(id) {
var name = $('#samlAttributeName').val();
var form = $('#samlAttributeFormat').val();
var altr = $('#samlAttributeFriendlyName').val();
var mand = $('label[name=samlAttributeMandatoryBoolean].active > input').attr("value");
var v = mand + ';' + name + ';' + form + ';' + altr;
setlmtext(id, $('#samlAttributeKey').val());
setlmdata(id, v);
function setlmsamlservice(id) {
var bin = $('#samlServiceBinding').val();
var loc = $('#samlServiceLocation').val();
var rep = $('#samlServiceResponseLocation').val();
var v = bin + ';' + loc + ';' + rep;
setlmdata(id, v);
function setopenididplist(id) {
var type = $('label[name=openIdServerlistBoolean].active > input').attr("value");
var list = $('#openid_serverlist_text').val();
setlmdata(id, type + ';' + list);
function display(div, title) {
var divs = $('#content').children();
divs.toggleClass('hidden', true);
$('#content_' + div).removeClass('hidden');
$('#content_' + div).addClass('content');
// Resize (or hide) Help window
function none(id) {
currentId = id;
display('default', '');
function hashRoot(id) {
currentId = id;
display('default', '');
function vhostRoot(id) {
currentId = id;
display('default', '');
function samlIdpRoot(id) {
currentId = id;
display('default', '');
function samlSpRoot(id) {
currentId = id;
display('default', '');
function oidcOPRoot(id) {
currentId = id;
display('default', '');
function oidcRPRoot(id) {
currentId = id;
display('default', '');
/* @function splitModuleAndOptions(string data)
* Split module and options from authentication or userDB string
* @return module, options
function splitModuleAndOptions(data) {
var module = ''
var options = '';
if (data.match(' ')) {
module = data.substring(0, data.indexOf(' '));
options = data.substring(data.indexOf(' ') + 1);
} else {
module = data;
return Array(module, options);
function authParams(id) {
currentId = id;
var t = splitModuleAndOptions(lmdata(id));
// Update options field
if (t[1].length > 1) {
} else {
// Check Multi
$('#authText').change(function() {
var isMulti = false;
$('#content_authParams option:selected').each(function() {
if ($(this).val() == 'Multi') {
isMulti = true;
if (isMulti) {
} else {
formateSelectAuth('authText', t[0]);
display('authParams', lmtext(id));
function formateSelectAuth(id, value) {
// Handle "ldap" case for old versions
if (value && value.toLowerCase() == "ldap") {
value = "LDAP";
formateSelect(id, ['Apache=Apache', 'AD=Active Directory', 'BrowserID=BrowserID (Mozilla Persona)', 'Choice=Authentication choice', 'CAS=Central Authentication Service (CAS)', 'DBI=Database (DBI)', 'Demo=Demonstration', 'Facebook=Facebook', 'Google=Google', 'LDAP=LDAP', 'Multi=Multiple', 'Null=None', 'OpenID=OpenID', 'OpenIDConnect=OpenID Connect', 'Proxy=Proxy', 'Radius=Radius', 'Remote=Remote', 'SAML=SAML v2', 'Slave=Slave', 'SSL=SSL', 'Twitter=Twitter', 'WebID=WebID', 'Yubikey=Yubikey'], value);
function userdbParams(id) {
currentId = id;
var t = splitModuleAndOptions(lmdata(id));
// Update options field
if (t[1].length > 1) {
} else {
// Check Multi
$('#authText').change(function() {
var isMulti = false;
$('#content_authParams option:selected').each(function() {
if ($(this).val() == 'Multi') {
isMulti = true;
if (isMulti) {
} else {
formateSelectUser('authText', t[0]);
display('authParams', lmtext(id));
function formateSelectUser(id, value) {
// Handle "ldap" case for old versions
if (value && value.toLowerCase() == "ldap") {
value = "LDAP";
formateSelect(id, ['AD=Active Directory', 'DBI=Database (DBI)', 'Demo=Demonstration', 'Facebook=Facebook', 'Google=Google', 'LDAP=LDAP', 'Multi=Multiple', 'Null=None', 'OpenID=OpenID', 'OpenIDConnect=OpenID Connect', 'Proxy=Proxy', 'Remote=Remote', 'SAML=SAML v2', 'Slave=Slave', 'WebID=WebID'], value);
function passworddbParams(id) {
currentId = id;
formateSelectPassword('authText', lmdata(id));
display('authParams', lmtext(id));
function formateSelectPassword(id, value) {
// Handle "ldap" case for old versions
if (value && value.toLowerCase() == "ldap") {
value = "LDAP";
formateSelect(id, ['AD=Active Directory', 'DBI=Database (DBI)', 'Demo=Demonstration', 'LDAP=LDAP', 'Null=None'], value);
function registerdbParams(id) {
currentId = id;
formateSelectRegister('select', lmdata(id));
display('select', lmtext(id));
function formateSelectRegister(id, value) {
formateSelect(id, ['AD=Active Directory', 'Demo=Demonstration', 'LDAP=LDAP', 'Null=None'], value);
function skinSelect(id) {
currentId = id;
display('skin', lmtext(id));
/* Change current skin */
function changeSkinImage(skin) {
// Set field value
// Set skin to custom if not a registered skin
// Custom field can the be edited
if ((skin != 'pastel') && (skin != 'dark') && (skin != 'impact') && (skin != 'bootstrap')) {
skin = 'custom';
} else {
$('#skinText').attr('readonly', 'readonly');
// Set image source
var imgsrc = imagepath + 'portal-skins/' + skin + '.png';
$('#content_skin img.current').attr('src', imgsrc);
$('#content_skin img.current').attr('alt', skin);
function nameIdFormatParams(id) {
currentId = id;
formateSelect('select', ['=', 'unspecified=Unspecified', 'email=Email', 'x509=X509 certificate', 'windows=Windows', 'kerberos=Kerberos', 'entity=Entity', 'persistent=Persistent', 'transient=Transient', 'encrypted=Encrypted'], lmdata(id));
display('select', lmtext(id));
function bindingParams(id) {
currentId = id;
formateSelect('select', ['=', 'http-post=POST', 'http-redirect=REDIRECT', 'http-soap=SOAP', 'artifact-get=Artifact GET', 'artifact-post=Artifact POST'], lmdata(id));
display('select', lmtext(id));
function authnContextParams(id) {
currentId = id;
formateSelect( 'select',
[ '=',
'password-protected-transport=Password protected transport',
'tls-client=TLS client certificate',
], lmdata(id));
display('select', lmtext(id));
function encryptionModeParams(id) {
currentId = id;
formateSelect('select', ['none=None', 'nameid=Name ID', 'assertion=Assertion'], lmdata(id));
display('select', lmtext(id));
function timeoutActivityParams(id) {
currentId = id;
formateSelect('select', ['0=None', '900=15 min', '1800=30 min', '2700=45 min', '3600=60 min'], lmdata(id));
display('select', lmtext(id));
function zimbraByParams(id) {
currentId = id;
formateSelect('select', ['=', 'name=User name', 'id=User id', 'foreignPrincipal=Foreign principal'], lmdata(id));
display('select', lmtext(id));
function casAccessControlPolicyParams(id) {
currentId = id;
formateSelect('select', ['none=None', 'error=Display error on portal', 'faketicket=Send a fake service ticket'], lmdata(id));
display('select', lmtext(id));
function btext(id) {
currentId = id;
display('btext', lmtext(id));
function bool(id) {
currentId = id;
if (lmdata(id) == 1) {
} else {
display('bool', lmtext(id));
function trool(id) {
currentId = id;
if (lmdata(id) == 1) {
else {
if (lmdata(id) == 0) {
else {
display('trool', lmtext(id));
function int(id) {
currentId = id;
display('int', lmtext(id));
function text(id) {
currentId = id;
display('text', lmtext(id));
function password(id) {
currentId = id;
display('password', lmtext(id));
function textarea(id) {
currentId = id;
display('textarea', lmtext(id));
function filearea(id) {
currentId = id;
/* Only samlIDPMetaDataXML and samlSPMetaDataXML element could be loaded from URL */
if (lmtext(id) == 'samlIDPMetaDataXML') {
if (lmtext(id) == 'samlSPMetaDataXML') {
/* Only *PrivateKey* elements could generate keys */
if (lmtext(id) == 'samlServicePrivateKeySig') {
if (lmtext(id) == 'samlServicePrivateKeyEnc') {
if (lmtext(id) == 'oidcServicePrivateKeySig') {
/* If data, then allow to download */
if (lmdata(id).length) {
/* Set switchReadonly text */
$('#switchreadonly > span').text(text4edit);
display('filearea', lmtext(id));
function samlAssertion(id) {
currentId = id;
var t = lmdata(id).split(';');
// Reset text fields
// Fill fields
if (t[0] == 1) {
} else {
formateSelect('samlAssertionBinding', ['urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Artifact=Artifact', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST=HTTP POST', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect=HTTP Redirect', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:SOAP=SOAP'], t[2]);
display('samlAssertion', lmtext(id));
function samlAttribute(id) {
currentId = id;
var t = lmdata(id).split(';');
// Reset text fields
// Fill fields
if (t[0] == 1) {
} else {
formateSelect('samlAttributeFormat', ['=', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:unspecified=Unspecified', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri=URI', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic=Basic'], t[2]);
display('samlAttribute', lmtext(id));
function samlAttributeRoot(id) {
currentId = id;
display('default', '');
function samlIdpMetaData(id) {
currentId = id;
display('samlIdpMetaData', lmtext(id));
if ($('#li_' + myB64('/samlIDPMetaDataNode')).find('span').size() == 1) {
} else {
function samlSpMetaData(id) {
currentId = id;
display('samlSpMetaData', lmtext(id));
if ($('#li_' + myB64('/samlSPMetaDataNode')).find('span').size() == 1) {
} else {
function oidcOPMetaData(id) {
currentId = id;
display('oidcOPMetaData', lmtext(id));
if ($('#li_' + myB64('/oidcOPMetaDataNode')).find('span').size() == 1) {
} else {
function oidcRPMetaData(id) {
currentId = id;
display('oidcRPMetaData', lmtext(id));
if ($('#li_' + myB64('/oidcRPMetaDataNode')).find('span').size() == 1) {
} else {
function samlService(id) {
currentId = id;
var t = lmdata(id).split(';');
formateSelect('samlServiceBinding', ['urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect=HTTP Redirect', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST=HTTP POST', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Artifact=HTTP Artifact', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:SOAP=SOAP'], t[0]);
display('samlService', lmtext(id));
function openididplist(id) {
currentId = id;
var t = lmdata(id).split(';');
if (t[0] == 1) {
} else {
display('openid_serverlist', lmtext(id));
function securedCookieValues(id) {
currentId = id;
formateSelect('select', ['0=' + text4securedCookie0, '1=' + text4securedCookie1, '2=' + text4securedCookie2, '3=' + text4securedCookie3], lmdata(id));
display('select', lmtext(id));
function vhost(id) {
currentId = id;
display('vhost', lmtext(id));
function cfgDatas(id) {
var span = $('#' + id + ' span');
display('cfgDatas', '');
function delvh(id) {
var vhname = lmtext(id);
if (confirm('Delete ' + vhname + ' ?')) {
function rules(id) {
currentId = id;
var t = lmtext(id);
var b = t.match(/^(?:\(\?#(.*?)\))?(.*)/);
if (typeof(b[1]) == 'undefined') b[1] = '';
display('rules', lmtext(lmparent(id)));
if (t == 'default') {
$('#rulKey').attr('readonly', 'readonly');
$('#rulCommentDiv').css('display', 'none');
else {
$('#rulCommentDiv').css('display', 'block');
function rulesRoot(id) {
currentId = id;
display('default', '');
function grantSessionRules(id) {
currentId = id;
var t = lmtext(id);
var b = t.match(/^(.*?)(?:|##(.*))$/);
if (typeof(b[2]) == 'undefined') b[2] = '';
var v = lmdata(id);
if (v == '#') v = ''
display('grantSessionRules', lmtext(lmparent(id)));
function grantSessionRulesRoot(id) {
currentId = id;
display('default', '');
function reloadAuthParams() {
var value = $('#authText').val();
if ($('#authOptions').is(':visible')) {
value += ' ' + $('#authOptions').val();
setlmdata(currentId, value);
type: "POST",
url: scriptname,
data: {
node: 'generalParameters/authParams',
conf: 'authentication userDB passwordDB issuerDB',
cfgNum: lmdata('li_cm9vdA2'),
authentication: lmdata('li_L2F1dGhlbnRpY2F0aW9u0'),
userDB: lmdata('li_L3VzZXJEQg2'),
passwordDB: lmdata('li_L3Bhc3N3b3JkREI1'),
issuerDB: lmdata('li_L2lzc3VlckRC0')
dataType: 'html',
success: function(data) {
if (data == null) {
else {
var node = $('#li_Z2VuZXJhbFBhcmFtZXRlcnMvYXV0aFBhcmFtcw2 >ul');
simpleTreeCollection[0].setTreeNodes(node, true);
error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
popup('<h3>Request failed</h3><ul class="error"><li><strong>Error code:</strong> ' + xhr.status + ', ' + thrownError + '</li></ul>');
var count = 0;
function newId(c) {
if (!c) {
return false;
c = c.replace(/^NewID_(.*)_\d+$/, '$1');
return 'NewID_' + c + '_' + count;
function newKeyR() {
var newIdValue = newId(currentId);
simpleTreeCollection[0].addNode(newIdValue, text4newKey, function(d, s) {
$('>span', s).attr('onClick', 'btext("' + newIdValue + '")').attr('name', text4newKey).attr('value', value4newKey).attr('id', 'text_' + newIdValue);
return false;
function newKey() {
var newIdValue = newId(currentId);
simpleTreeCollection[0].newNodeAfter(newIdValue, text4newKey, function(d, s) {
$('>span', s).attr('onClick', 'btext("' + newIdValue + '")').attr('name', text4newKey).attr('value', value4newKey).attr('id', 'text_' + newIdValue);
return false;
function newRuleR() {
var newIdValue = newId(currentId);
simpleTreeCollection[0].addNode(newIdValue, text4newKey, function(d, s) {
$('>span', s).attr('onClick', 'rules("' + newIdValue + '")').attr('name', text4newKey).attr('value', value4newKey).attr('id', 'text_' + newIdValue);
return false;
function newRule() {
var newIdValue = newId(currentId);
simpleTreeCollection[0].newNodeAfter(newIdValue, text4newKey, function(d, s) {
$('>span', s).attr('onClick', 'rules("' + newIdValue + '")').attr('name', text4newKey).attr('value', value4newKey).attr('id', 'text_' + newIdValue);
return false;
function newGrantSessionRuleR() {
var newIdValue = newId(currentId);
simpleTreeCollection[0].addNode(newIdValue, text4newCondition, function(d, s) {
$('>span', s).attr('onClick', 'grantSessionRules("' + newIdValue + '")').attr('name', '##' + text4newCondition).removeAttr('value').attr('id', 'text_' + newIdValue);
return false;
function newGrantSessionRule() {
var newIdValue = newId(currentId);
simpleTreeCollection[0].newNodeAfter(newIdValue, text4newCondition, function(d, s) {
$('>span', s).attr('onClick', 'grantSessionRules("' + newIdValue + '")').attr('name', '##' + text4newCondition).removeAttr('value').attr('id', 'text_' + newIdValue);
return false;
function delKey(id) {
if (!id) {
id = currentId;
$('#' + safeSelector(id)).prev().remove();
$('#' + safeSelector(id)).remove();
function newVh(name) {
// Prompt for virtual host name
var name = prompt(text4newVhost, 'test25.example.com');
if (!name) {
return false;
var vhId = 'li_' + myB64('/locationRules/' + name);
simpleTreeCollection[0].newAjaxNodeIn($('#li_L3ZpcnR1YWxIb3N0cw2'), vhId, name, scriptname + '?type=new&node=virtualHosts/' + name, function(d, s) {
$('>span', s).attr('name', name).attr('help', 'default').attr('id', 'text_' + vhId).attr('onclick', 'vhost(\'' + vhId + '\')');
function delSamlAttribute() {
function delIdpSamlMetaData(id) {
var idpname = lmtext(id);
if (confirm('Delete ' + idpname + ' ?')) {
function delSpSamlMetaData(id) {
var spname = lmtext(id);
if (confirm('Delete ' + spname + ' ?')) {
function newSamlAttribute() {
var newIdValue = newId(currentId);
simpleTreeCollection[0].newNodeAfter(newIdValue, text4newSamlAttribute, function(d, s) {
$('>span', s).attr('onClick', 'samlAttribute("' + newIdValue + '")').attr('name', text4newSamlAttribute).attr('value', value4newSamlAttribute).attr('id', 'text_' + newIdValue);
return false;
function newSamlAttributeR() {
var newIdValue = newId(currentId);
simpleTreeCollection[0].addNode(newIdValue, text4newSamlAttribute, function(d, s) {
$('>span', s).attr('onClick', 'samlAttribute("' + newIdValue + '")').attr('name', text4newSamlAttribute).attr('value', value4newSamlAttribute).attr('id', 'text_' + newIdValue);
return false;
function newIdpSamlMetaData() {
var name = prompt(text4newSamlMetaData, 'idp-example');
if (!name) {
return false;
var idpId = 'li_' + myB64('/samlIDPMetaDataExportedAttributes/' + name);
simpleTreeCollection[0].newAjaxNodeIn($('#li_L3NhbWxJRFBNZXRhRGF0YU5vZGU1'), idpId, name, scriptname + '?type=new&node=/samlIDPMetaDataNode/' + name, function(d, s) {
$('>span', s).attr('name', name).attr('help', 'default').attr('id', 'text_' + idpId).attr('onclick', 'samlIdpMetaData(\'' + idpId + '\')');
function newSpSamlMetaData() {
var name = prompt(text4newSamlMetaData, 'sp-example');
if (!name) {
return false;
var spId = 'li_' + myB64('/samlSPMetaDataExportedAttributes/' + name);
simpleTreeCollection[0].newAjaxNodeIn($('#li_L3NhbWxTUE1ldGFEYXRhTm9kZQ2'), spId, name, scriptname + '?type=new&node=/samlSPMetaDataNode/' + name, function(d, s) {
$('>span', s).attr('name', name).attr('help', 'default').attr('id', 'text_' + spId).attr('onclick', 'samlSpMetaData(\'' + spId + '\')');
function newOidcOp() {
var name = prompt(text4newOidcOp, 'op-example');
if (!name) {
return false;
var opId = 'li_' + myB64('/oidcOPMetaDataExportedVars/' + name);
simpleTreeCollection[0].newAjaxNodeIn($('#li_L29pZGNPUE1ldGFEYXRhTm9kZQ2'), opId, name, scriptname + '?type=new&node=/oidcOPMetaDataNode/' + name, function(d, s) {
$('>span', s).attr('name', name).attr('help', 'default').attr('id', 'text_' + opId).attr('onclick', 'oidcOPMetaData(\'' + opId + '\')');
function delOidcOp(id) {
var opname = lmtext(id);
if (confirm('Delete ' + opname + ' ?')) {
function newOidcRp() {
var name = prompt(text4newOidcRp, 'rp-example');
if (!name) {
return false;
var rpId = 'li_' + myB64('/oidcRPMetaDataExportedVars/' + name);
simpleTreeCollection[0].newAjaxNodeIn($('#li_L29pZGNSUE1ldGFEYXRhTm9kZQ2'), rpId, name, scriptname + '?type=new&node=/oidcRPMetaDataNode/' + name, function(d, s) {
$('>span', s).attr('name', name).attr('help', 'default').attr('id', 'text_' + rpId).attr('onclick', 'oidcRPMetaData(\'' + rpId + '\')');
function delOidcRp(id) {
var rpname = lmtext(id);
if (confirm('Delete ' + rpname + ' ?')) {
var cfgAttrDone = 0;
function uploadConf(f) {
if (! (f == 1)) f = 0;
type: "POST",
url: scriptname,
data: {
data: $('#li_cm9vdA2').html(),
force: f
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
if (data == null) {
else {
var c = '<h3>' + data.content.result.msg + '</h3>';
if (data.content.result.cfgNum <= 0) {
if (typeof(data.content.errors) != 'undefined') {
c += '<h4>Errors</h4>';
c += '<ul class="error">';
for (m in data.content.errors) {
c += '<li><strong>' + m + ':</strong> ' + data.content.errors[m] + '</li>';
c += '</ul>';
else {
// Update configuration attributes
var cfgNum = data.content.result.cfgNum;
// Reload menu
type: "POST",
url: scriptname,
data: {
menu: cfgNum
dataType: 'html',
success: function(data) {
if (data == null) {
else {
display('cfgDatas', '');
if (typeof(data.content.warnings) != 'undefined') {
c += '<h4>Warnings</h4>';
c += '<ul class="warning">';
for (m in data.content.warnings) {
c += '<li><strong>' + m + ':</strong> ' + data.content.warnings[m] + '</li>';
c += '</ul>';
c += '<p>' + data.content.result.other + '</p>';
if (typeof(data.content.applyStatus) != 'undefined') {
c += '<h4>Application status</h4>';
c += '<ul>';
for (m in data.content.applyStatus) {
c += '<li><strong>' + m + ':</strong> ' + data.content.applyStatus[m] + '</li>';
c += '</ul>';
error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
popup('<h3>Request failed</h3><ul class="error"><li><strong>Error code:</strong> ' + xhr.status + ', ' + thrownError + '</li></ul>');
function getCfgAttributes() {
if (cfgAttrDone > 0) return;
type: "POST",
url: scriptname,
data: {
cfgNum: lmdata('li_cm9vdA2'),
cfgAttr: 1
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
if (data == null) {
else {
error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
var msg = 'Error code: ' + xhr.status + ', ' + thrownError;
cfgAuthor: msg,
cfgAuthorIP: msg,
cfgDate: msg
function setCfgAttributes(data) {
var t = new Array('cfgAuthor', 'cfgAuthorIP', 'cfgDate');
// Convert date to locale string
var date = data.cfgDate.toString();
if (date.match(/^\d+$/)) {
var d = new Date(date * 1000);
data.cfgDate = d.toLocaleString();
// Set configuration data
for (i in t) {
$('#' + t[i]).text(data[t[i]]);
/* Warning, it's not a real base64 */
function myB64(s) {
var keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
var chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
var i = 0;
var res = "";
var s2 = "";
while (i < s.length) {
chr1 = s.charCodeAt(i++);
chr2 = s.charCodeAt(i++);
chr3 = s.charCodeAt(i++);
enc1 = chr1 >> 2;
enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4);
enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6);
enc4 = chr3 & 63;
res += keyStr.charAt(enc1) + keyStr.charAt(enc2);
if (isNaN(chr2)) {
res += '2';
res += keyStr.charAt(enc3);
if (isNaN(chr3)) {
res += '1';
res += keyStr.charAt(enc4);
if (i == s.length) {
res += '0';
return res;
/* Function to download a file */
function downloadFile(id) {
var content = lmdata(id).replace(/"/g, '&#34;');
var inputs = '';
var filename = prompt(text4newFilename, 'lemonldap-ng.txt');
if (!filename) {
return false;
inputs += '<input type="hidden" name="filename" value="' + filename + '" />';
inputs += '<textarea style="display:none;" name="file">' + content + '</textarea>';
jQuery('<form action="' + scriptname + '" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">' + inputs + '</form>').appendTo('body').submit().remove();
/* Function to generate a file */
function generateFile(id) {
/* If *PrivateKey* elements, then generate keys */
if (lmtext(id) == 'samlServicePrivateKeySig' || lmtext(id) == 'samlServicePrivateKeyEnc' || lmtext(id) == 'oidcServicePrivateKeySig') {
if (lmtext(id) == 'samlServicePrivateKeySig' || lmtext(id) == 'samlServicePrivateKeyEnc') {
var password = prompt(text4newGeneratedFile, '');
$('#button-loadimg').ajaxStart(function() {
}).ajaxComplete(function() {
type: 'POST',
url: scriptname,
data: {
request: 'generateKeys',
password: password
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
if (data == null) {
else {
var _public;
var _id;
setlmdata(id, data.content.private);
if (lmtext(id) == 'samlServicePrivateKeySig') {
_public = 'samlServicePublicKeySig';
if (lmtext(id) == 'samlServicePrivateKeyEnc') {
_public = 'samlServicePublicKeyEnc';
if (lmtext(id) == 'oidcServicePrivateKeySig') {
_public = 'oidcServicePublicKeySig';
_id = $('#' + lmparent(id) + ' span[name=' + _public + ']').attr('id').replace(/text_/, '');
setlmdata(_id, data.content.public);
if (lmtext(id) == 'samlServicePrivateKeySig' || lmtext(id) == 'samlServicePrivateKeyEnc') {
_id = $('#' + lmparent(id) + ' span[name=' + lmtext(id) + 'Pwd]').attr('id').replace(/text_/, '');
setlmdata(_id, password);
error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
popup('<h3>Request failed</h3><ul class="error"><li><strong>Error code:</strong> ' + xhr.status + ', ' + thrownError + '</li></ul>');
/* Could not be called directly in _Struct.pm, required values */
function formateSelect(id, values, selectedValue) {
var options = '';
for (i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
var key = values[i].substring(0, values[i].indexOf('='));
var val = values[i].substring(values[i].indexOf('=') + 1);
options += '<option value="' + key + '"';
if (selectedValue == key) {
options += ' selected';
options += '>' + val + '</option>';
$('#' + safeSelector(id)).empty().append(options);
/* Function to switch readOnly flag */
function switchReadonly(selector) {
if ($(selector).attr("readonly")) {
$("#switchreadonly > span").text(text4protect);
} else {
$("#switchreadonly > span").text(text4edit);
$(selector).attr("readonly", "readonly");
/* Increase or decrease integer */
function increase() {
current = parseInt($("#int").val());
if (current != NaN) {
$("#int").val(current + 1)
function decrease() {
current = parseInt($("#int").val());
if (current != NaN) {
$("#int").val(current - 1)
/* Authentication choice */
function authChoiceRoot(id) {
currentId = id;
display('default', '');
function newChoiceR() {
var newIdValue = newId(currentId);
simpleTreeCollection[0].addNode(newIdValue, text4newKey, function(d, s) {
$('>span', s).attr('onClick', 'authChoice("' + newIdValue + '")').attr('name', text4newKey).attr('value', 'Null|Null|Null|').attr('id', 'text_' + newIdValue);
return false;
function newChoice() {
var newIdValue = newId(currentId);
simpleTreeCollection[0].newNodeAfter(newIdValue, text4newKey, function(d, s) {
$('>span', s).attr('onClick', 'authChoice("' + newIdValue + '")').attr('name', text4newKey).attr('value', 'Null|Null|Null|').attr('id', 'text_' + newIdValue);
return false;
function delChoice() {
function authChoice(id) {
currentId = id;
var t = lmdata(id).split('|');
formateSelectAuth('authChoiceAuth', t[0]);
formateSelectUser('authChoiceUser', t[1]);
formateSelectPassword('authChoicePassword', t[2]);
display('authChoice', lmtext(id));
function setlmauthchoice(id) {
var key = $('#authChoiceKey').val();
var auth = $('#authChoiceAuth').val();
var user = $('#authChoiceUser').val();
var password = $('#authChoicePassword').val();
var url = $('#authChoiceURL').val();
setlmtext(id, key);
setlmdata(id, auth + '|' + user + '|' + password + '|' + url);
/* Application list */
function applicationListCategoryRoot(id) {
currentId = id;
display('default', '');
function newCategoryR() {
var name = prompt(text4newCategory, 'mycategory');
if (!name) {
return false;
var newIdValue = newId(currentId);
simpleTreeCollection[0].addNode(newIdValue, name, function(d, s) {
$('>span', s).attr('onClick', 'applicationListCategory("' + newIdValue + '")').attr('name', name).attr('value', 'My Category').attr('id', 'text_' + newIdValue);
return false;
function delCategory() {
function applicationListCategory(id) {
currentId = id;
display('applicationListCategory', lmtext(id));
function newApplicationR() {
var name = prompt(text4newApplication, 'myapplication');
if (!name) {
return false;
var newIdValue = newId(currentId);
simpleTreeCollection[0].addNode(newIdValue, name, function(d, s) {
$('>span', s).attr('onClick', 'applicationListApplication("' + newIdValue + '")').attr('name', name).attr('value', 'My application|http://www.example.com|This is a nice application|logo.png|auto').attr('id', 'text_' + newIdValue);
return false;
function delApplication() {
function setlmapplication(id) {
var key = $('#applicationListApplicationKey').val();
var name = $('#applicationListApplicationName').val();
var url = $('#applicationListApplicationURL').val();
var desc = $('#applicationListApplicationDescription').val();
var logo = $('#applicationListApplicationLogo').val();
var display = $('#applicationListApplicationDisplay').val();
setlmtext(id, key);
setlmdata(id, name + '|' + url + '|' + desc + '|' + logo + '|' + display);
function applicationListApplication(id) {
currentId = id;
var t = lmdata(id).split('|');
formateSelect('applicationListApplicationDisplay', ['auto=Automatic', 'on=On', 'off=Off'], t[4]);
display('applicationListApplication', lmtext(id));
/* Change current logo */
function changeAppsLogo(logo) {
// Set field value
// Set logo to custom if not a registered logo
// Custom field can be edited
if ((logo != 'attach.png') && (logo != 'bell.png') && (logo != 'bookmark.png') && (logo != 'configure.png') && (logo != 'database.png') && (logo != 'demo.png') && (logo != 'docs.png') && (logo != 'folder.png') && (logo != 'gear.png') && (logo != 'help.png') && (logo != 'mailappt.png') && (logo != 'money.png') && (logo != 'network.png') && (logo != 'terminal.png') && (logo != 'thumbnail.png') && (logo != 'tools.png') && (logo != 'tux.png') && (logo != 'web.png') && (logo != 'wheels.png')) {
logo = 'custom.png';
} else {
$('#applicationListApplicationLogo').attr('readonly', 'readonly');
// Set image source
var imgsrc = imagepath + 'apps-logos/' + logo;
$('#content_applicationListApplication img.current').attr('src', imgsrc);
$('#content_applicationListApplication img.current').attr('alt', logo);
/* Post */
function postRoot(id) {
currentId = id;
display('default', '');
function newPostR() {
var newIdValue = newId(currentId);
var newPostKey = 'none';
simpleTreeCollection[0].addNode(newIdValue, newPostKey, function(d, s) {
$('>span', s).attr('onClick', 'post("' + newIdValue + '")').attr('name', newPostKey).removeAttr('value').attr('id', 'text_' + newIdValue);
return false;
function newPostDataR() {
var newIdValue = newId(currentId);
var newPostKey = 'login';
simpleTreeCollection[0].addNode(newIdValue, newPostKey, function(d, s) {
$('>span', s).attr('onClick', 'postData("' + newIdValue + '")').attr('name', 'postdata:' + newPostKey).attr('value', '$uid').attr('id', 'text_' + newIdValue);
return false;
function post(id) {
currentId = id;
var t = lmdata(id).split('|');
display('post', lmtext(lmparent(id)));
function postData(id) {
currentId = id;
var cleankey = lmtext(id).replace('postdata:', '');
display('postdata', cleankey);
function delPost() {
function delPostData() {
function setlmpostform(id) {
var postKey = $('#postKey').val();
var postUrl = $('#postUrl').val();
var jqueryUrl = $('#jqueryUrl').val();
var formSelector = $('#formSelector').val();
var buttonSelector = $('#buttonSelector').val();
setlmtext(id, postKey);
setlmdata(id, postUrl + '|' + jqueryUrl + '|' + formSelector + '|' + buttonSelector);
/* Popup */
function popup(html) {
show: 'fade',
hide: 'explode',
buttons: {
Ok: function() {
function networkPb() {
popup('<h3>Network problem</h3>');
/* Help management */
var lasthelp = '';
function loadHelp(ch) {
var url;
// Keep actual page if no help chapter
if (!ch) {
// Display default help if help chapter not defined
if (typeof(helpCh[ch]) != 'string') {
ch = 'default';
// Display new help only if not the last help
if (ch != lasthelp) {
if (lang == "fr") {
url = '/fr-doc' + helpCh[ch];
} else {
url = '/doc' + helpCh[ch];
var html = '<iframe src="' + url + '" frameborder="0" />';
lasthelp = ch;
/* Resize menu */
function resizeMenu() {
// Window height
var wh = $(window).height();
// Header height
var hh = $('nav.navbar').height();
// Set menu and data height (include css margins)
$('#menu').css('height', wh - hh - 30);
$('#data').css('height', wh - hh - 30);
/* Resize help */
function resizeHelp() {
var height_menu = $('#menu').height();
var height_buttons_edition = $('#buttons').height() + $('#edition').height();
var help_height = height_menu - height_buttons_edition - 61;
if (help_height < 1) {
else {
/* Boolean or Perl Expression */
function boolOrPerlExpr(id) {
currentId = id;
if (lmdata(id) == 1) {
} else {
if (lmdata(id) == 0) {
} else {
display('boolOrPerlExpr', lmtext(id));
function setlmbope(id) {
if ($('input[type=radio][name=bope]:checked').attr("value") == '-1') {
setlmdata(id, $('#bopeValue').val());