2022-02-16 17:43:29 +01:00

111 lines
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package Lemonldap::NG::Portal::UserDB::LDAP;
use strict;
use Mouse;
use utf8;
use Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Constants qw(PE_OK);
extends 'Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Lib::LDAP';
our $VERSION = '2.0.12';
has ldapGroupAttributeNameSearch => (
is => 'rw',
lazy => 1,
builder => sub {
my $attributes = [];
@$attributes =
split( /\s+/, $_[0]->{conf}->{ldapGroupAttributeNameSearch} )
if $_[0]->{conf}->{ldapGroupAttributeNameSearch};
push( @$attributes, $_[0]->{conf}->{ldapGroupAttributeNameGroup} )
if ( $_[0]->{conf}->{ldapGroupRecursive}
and $_[0]->{conf}->{ldapGroupAttributeNameGroup} ne "dn" );
return $attributes;
# getUser is provided by Portal::Lib::LDAP
# Load all parameters included in exportedVars parameter.
# Multi-value parameters are loaded in a single string with
# a separator (param multiValuesSeparator)
# @return Lemonldap::NG::Portal constant
sub setSessionInfo {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
$req->{sessionInfo}->{_dn} = $req->data->{dn};
my %vars = (
%{ $self->conf->{exportedVars} },
%{ $self->conf->{ldapExportedVars} }
while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each %vars ) {
my $value = $self->ldap->getLdapValue( $req->data->{ldapentry}, $v );
# getLdapValue returns an empty string for missing attribute
# but we really want to return undef so they don't get stored in session
# This has to be a string comparison because "0" is a valid attribute
# value. See #2403
$value = undef if ( $value eq "" );
$req->sessionInfo->{$k} = $value;
return PE_OK;
# Load all groups in $groups.
# @return Lemonldap::NG::Portal constant
sub setGroups {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
my $groups = $req->{sessionInfo}->{groups} || '';
my $hGroups = $req->{sessionInfo}->{hGroups} || {};
if ( $self->conf->{ldapGroupBase} ) {
# Get value for group search
my $group_value = $self->ldap->getLdapValue( $req->data->{ldapentry},
$self->conf->{ldapGroupAttributeNameUser} );
if ( $self->conf->{ldapGroupDecodeSearchedValue} ) {
$self->logger->debug( "Searching LDAP groups in "
. $self->conf->{ldapGroupBase}
. " for $group_value" );
# Call searchGroups
my $ldapGroups = $self->ldap->searchGroups(
foreach ( keys %$ldapGroups ) {
my $groupName = $_;
$hGroups->{$groupName} = $ldapGroups->{$groupName};
my $groupValues = [];
foreach ( @{ $self->ldapGroupAttributeNameSearch } ) {
next if $_ =~ /^name$/;
my $firstValue = $ldapGroups->{$groupName}->{$_}->[0];
push @$groupValues, $firstValue;
$groups .= $self->conf->{multiValuesSeparator} if $groups;
$groups .= join( '|', @$groupValues );
$req->{sessionInfo}->{groups} = $groups;
$req->{sessionInfo}->{hGroups} = $hGroups;
return PE_OK;