2013-03-10 14:39:41 +00:00

147 lines
3.6 KiB

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Cli;
use POSIX;
use strict;
sub giveUpPrivileges {
my ( $user, $group ) = @_;
if ( not defined($user) ) {
$user = "nobody";
if ( not defined($group) ) {
$group = "nobody";
# become $user:$group and give up root privileges
POSIX::setgid( ( getgrnam($group) )[2] );
POSIX::setuid( ( getpwnam($user) )[2] );
# if we are still root
if ( $> == 0 ) {
# ask the user to continue or abort
print STDERR
"$0 must not be launched as root since local cache can be corrupted.\n";
print STDERR "Continue (y/N)? ";
my $res = <STDIN>;
exit 1 unless ( $res =~ /^y/i );
&giveUpPrivileges( "www-data", "www-data" );
# Display usage unless command
unless (@ARGV) {
print STDERR "Usage: $0 <action> <params>\n";
print STDERR "Enter $0 help to get more information\n";
exit 1;
my $app = Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Cli->new();
my $ret = $app->run(@ARGV);
=head1 NAME
=encoding utf8
lemonldap-ng-cli - Command Line Interface to edit LemonLDAP::NG configuration.
Set/get variables in the configuration:
lemonldap-ng-cli set <variable> <value>
lemonldap-ng-cli unset <variable>
lemonldap-ng-cli get <variable>
Define macros:
lemonldap-ng-cli set-macro <macro name> <perl expression>
lemonldap-ng-cli unset-macro <macro name>
lemonldap-ng-cli get-macro <macro name>
Modify application list:
lemonldap-ng-cli apps-set-cat <cat id> <cat name>
lemonldap-ng-cli apps-get-cat <cat id>
lemonldap-ng-cli apps-add <app id> <cat id>
lemonldap-ng-cli apps-set-uri <app id> <app uri>
lemonldap-ng-cli apps-set-name <app id> <app name>
lemonldap-ng-cli apps-set-desc <app id> <app description>
lemonldap-ng-cli apps-set-logo <app id> <logo>
lemonldap-ng-cli apps-set-display <app id> <app display>
lemonldap-ng-cli apps-get <app id>
lemonldap-ng-cli apps-rm <app id>
Manage rules:
lemonldap-ng-cli rules-set <virtual host> <expr> <rule>
lemonldap-ng-cli rules-unset <virtual host> <expr>
lemonldap-ng-cli rules-get <virtual host>
Manage exported variables:
lemonldap-ng-cli export-var <key> <value>
lemonldap-ng-cli unexport-var <key>
lemonldap-ng-cli get-exported-vars
Manage exported headers:
lemonldap-ng-cli export-header <virtual host> <HTTP header> <perl expression>
lemonldap-ng-cli unexport-header <virtual host> <HTTP header>
lemonldap-ng-cli get-exported-headers <virtual host>
Manage virtual hosts:
lemonldap-ng-cli vhost-add <virtual host uri>
lemonldap-ng-cli vhost-del <virtual host>
lemonldap-ng-cli vhost-set-port <virtual host> <port>
lemonldap-ng-cli vhost-set-https <virtual host> <value>
lemonldap-ng-cli vhost-set-maintenance <virtual host> <value>
lemonldap-ng-cli vhost-list
Global Storage:
lemonldap-ng-cli global-storage
lemonldap-ng-cli global-storage-set-dir <path>
lemonldap-ng-cli global-storage-set-lockdir <path>
Reload URLs:
lemonldap-ng-cli reload-urls
lemonldap-ng-cli reload-url-add <vhost> <url>
lemonldap-ng-cli reload-url-del <vhost>
lemonldap-ng-cli allow user to edit the configuration of Lemonldap::NG via the
command line.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Lemonldap::NG::Cli>, L<http://lemonldap-ng.org/>
=head1 AUTHOR
David Delassus E<lt>david.jose.delassus@gmail.comE<gt>
Copyright (C) 2012, by David Delassus
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.