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2018-11-26 14:40:21 +01:00

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package Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Conf::Tests;
use utf8;
use Lemonldap::NG::Common::Regexp;
our $VERSION = '2.0.0';
## @method hashref tests(hashref conf)
# Return a hash ref where keys are the names of the tests and values
# subroutines to execute.
# Subroutines can return one of the followings :
# - (1) : everything is OK
# - (1,message) : OK with a warning
# - (0,message) : NOK
# - (-1,message) : OK, but must be confirmed (ignored if confirm parameter is
# set
# Those subroutines can also modify configuration.
# @param $conf Configuration to test
# @return hash ref where keys are the names of the tests and values
sub tests {
my $conf = shift;
return {
# Check if portal is in domain
portalIsInDomain => sub {
return (
index( $conf->{portal}, $conf->{domain} ) > 0
? ''
: "Portal seems not to be in the domain $conf->{domain}"
# Check if portal URL is well formated
portalURL => sub {
# Checking for ending slash
$conf->{portal} .= '/'
unless ( $conf->{portal} =~ qr#/$# );
# Deleting trailing ending slash
my $regex = qr#/+$#;
$conf->{portal} =~ s/$regex/\//;
return 1;
# Check if virtual hosts are in the domain
vhostInDomainOrCDA => sub {
return 1 if ( $conf->{cda} );
my @pb;
foreach my $vh ( keys %{ $conf->{locationRules} } ) {
push @pb, $vh unless ( index( $vh, $conf->{domain} ) >= 0 );
return (
? 'Virtual hosts '
. join( ', ', @pb )
. " are not in $conf->{domain} and cross-domain-authentication is not set"
: undef
# Check if virtual host do not contain a port
vhostWithPort => sub {
my @pb;
foreach my $vh ( keys %{ $conf->{locationRules} } ) {
push @pb, $vh if ( $vh =~ /:/ );
if (@pb) {
return ( 0,
'Virtual hosts '
. join( ', ', @pb )
. " contain a port, this is not allowed" );
else { return 1; }
# Force vhost to be lowercase
vhostUpperCase => sub {
my @pb;
foreach my $vh ( keys %{ $conf->{locationRules} } ) {
push @pb, $vh if ( $vh ne lc $vh );
if (@pb) {
return ( 0,
'Virtual hosts '
. join( ', ', @pb )
. " must be in lower case" );
else { return 1; }
# Check if "userDB" and "authentication" are consistent
authAndUserDBConsistency => sub {
my $type (qw(Facebook Google OpenID OpenIDConnect SAML WebID))
return ( 0,
"\"$type\" can not be used as user database without using \"$type\" for authentication"
if ( $conf->{userDB} =~ /$type/
and $conf->{authentication} !~ /$type/ );
return 1;
# Check that OpenID macros exists
checkAttrAndMacros => sub {
my @tmp;
foreach my $k ( keys %$conf ) {
if ( $k =~
my $v = $conf->{$k};
$v =~ s/^$//;
next if ( $v =~ /^_/ );
push @tmp,
unless (
or defined( $conf->{macros}->{$v} )
return (
? 'Values of parameter(s) "'
. join( ', ', @tmp )
. '" are not defined in exported attributes or macros'
: ''
# Test that variables are exported if Google is used as UserDB
checkUserDBGoogleAXParams => sub {
my @tmp;
if ( $conf->{userDB} =~ /^Google$/ ) {
foreach my $k ( keys %{ $conf->{exportedVars} } ) {
my $v = $conf->{exportedVars}->{$k};
if ( $v !~ Lemonldap::NG::Common::Regexp::GOOGLEAXATTR() ) {
push @tmp, $v;
return (
? 'Values of parameter(s) "'
. join( ', ', @tmp )
. '" are not exported by Google'
: ''
# Test that variables are exported if OpenID is used as UserDB
checkUserDBOpenIDParams => sub {
my @tmp;
if ( $conf->{userDB} =~ /^OpenID$/ ) {
foreach my $k ( keys %{ $conf->{exportedVars} } ) {
my $v = $conf->{exportedVars}->{$k};
if ( $v !~ Lemonldap::NG::Common::Regexp::OPENIDSREGATTR() )
push @tmp, $v;
return (
? 'Values of parameter(s) "'
. join( ', ', @tmp )
. '" are not exported by OpenID SREG'
: ''
# Try to use Apache::Session module
testApacheSession => sub {
my ( $id, %h );
my $gc =
return 1
if ( ( $gc and $gc eq $conf->{globalStorage} )
or $conf->{globalStorage} =~
/^Lemonldap::NG::Common::Apache::Session::/ );
eval "use $conf->{globalStorage}";
return ( -1, "Unknown package $conf->{globalStorage}" ) if ($@);
eval {
tie %h, 'Lemonldap::NG::Common::Apache::Session', undef,
%{ $conf->{globalStorageOptions} },
backend => $conf->{globalStorage}
return ( -1, "Unable to create a session ($@)" )
if ( $@ or not tied(%h) );
eval {
$h{a} = 1;
$id = $h{_session_id} or return ( -1, 'No _session_id' );
tie %h, 'Lemonldap::NG::Common::Apache::Session', $id,
%{ $conf->{globalStorageOptions} },
backend => $conf->{globalStorage}
return ( -1, "Unable to insert data ($@)" ) if ($@);
return ( -1, "Unable to recover data stored" )
unless ( $h{a} == 1 );
eval { tied(%h)->delete; };
return ( -1, "Unable to delete session ($@)" ) if ($@);
return ( -1,
'All sessions may be lost and you must restart all your Apache servers'
) if ( $gc and $conf->{globalStorage} ne $gc );
return 1;
# Warn if cookie name has changed
cookieNameChanged => sub {
my $cn = $Lemonldap::NG::Handler::PSGI::API::tsv->{cookieName};
return (
and $cn ne $conf->{cookieName}
? 'Cookie name has changed, you must restart all your web servers'
: ()
# Warn if cookie TTL is equal or lower than one hour
cookieTTL => sub {
return 1 unless ( defined $conf->{cookieExpiration} );
return ( 0, "Cookie TTL must be higher than one minute" )
unless ( $conf->{cookieExpiration} > 60 );
return ( 1, "Cookie TTL should be higher or equal than one hour" )
unless ( $conf->{cookieExpiration} >= 3600
|| $conf->{cookieExpiration} == 0 );
# Return
return 1;
# Warn if session timeout is lower than 10 minutes
timeoutActivity => sub {
return 1 unless ( defined $conf->{timeout} );
return ( 1, "Session timeout should be higher than ten minutes" )
unless ( $conf->{timeout} > 600
|| $conf->{timeout} == 0 );
# Return
return 1;
# Error if session Activity Timeout is equal or lower than one minute
timeoutActivity => sub {
return 1 unless ( defined $conf->{timeoutActivity} );
return ( 0,
"Session activity timeout must be higher or equal than one minute"
unless ( $conf->{timeoutActivity} > 59
|| $conf->{timeoutActivity} == 0 );
# Return
return 1;
# Error if session Activity Timeout is equal or lower than one minute
timeoutActivityInterval => sub {
return 1 unless ( defined $conf->{timeoutActivityInterval} );
return ( 0,
"Activity timeout interval must be lower than session activity timeout"
if ( $conf->{timeoutActivity}
and $conf->{timeoutActivity} <=
$conf->{timeoutActivityInterval} );
# Return
return 1;
# Warn if manager seems to be unprotected
managerProtection => sub {
return (
$conf->{cfgAuthor} eq 'anonymous'
? 'Your manager seems to be unprotected'
: ''
# Test SMTP connection and authentication (warning only)
smtpConnectionAuthentication => sub {
# Skip test if no SMTP configuration
return 1 unless ( $conf->{SMTPServer} );
# Use SMTP
eval "use Net::SMTP";
return ( 1, "Net::SMTP module is required to use SMTP server" )
if ($@);
# Create SMTP object
my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new( $conf->{SMTPServer}, Timeout => 5 );
return ( 1,
"SMTP connection to " . $conf->{SMTPServer} . " failed" )
unless ($smtp);
# Skip other tests if no authentication
return 1
unless ( $conf->{SMTPAuthUser} and $conf->{SMTPAuthPass} );
# Try authentication
return ( 1, "SMTP authentication failed" )
unless $smtp->auth( $conf->{SMTPAuthUser},
$conf->{SMTPAuthPass} );
# Return
return 1;
# SAML entity ID must be uniq
samlIDPEntityIdUniqueness => sub {
return 1
unless ( $conf->{samlIDPMetaDataXML}
and %{ $conf->{samlIDPMetaDataXML} } );
my @msg;
my $res = 1;
my %entityIds;
foreach my $idpId ( keys %{ $conf->{samlIDPMetaDataXML} } ) {
unless (
=~ /entityID=(['"])(.+?)\1/si )
push @msg, "$idpId SAML metadata has no EntityID";
$res = 0;
my $eid = $2;
if ( defined $entityIds{$eid} ) {
push @msg,
"$idpId and $entityIds{$eid} have the same SAML EntityID";
$res = 0;
$entityIds{$eid} = $idpId;
return ( $res, join( ', ', @msg ) );
samlSPEntityIdUniqueness => sub {
return 1
unless ( $conf->{samlSPMetaDataXML}
and %{ $conf->{samlSPMetaDataXML} } );
my @msg;
my $res = 1;
my %entityIds;
foreach my $spId ( keys %{ $conf->{samlSPMetaDataXML} } ) {
unless (
$conf->{samlSPMetaDataXML}->{$spId}->{samlSPMetaDataXML} =~
/entityID=(['"])(.+?)\1/si )
push @msg, "$spId SAML metadata has no EntityID";
$res = 0;
my $eid = $2;
if ( defined $entityIds{$eid} ) {
push @msg,
"$spId and $entityIds{$eid} have the same SAML EntityID";
$res = 0;
$entityIds{$eid} = $spId;
return ( $res, join( ', ', @msg ) );
# Try to parse combination with declared modules
checkCombinations => sub {
return 1 unless ( $conf->{authentication} eq 'Combination' );
require Lemonldap::NG::Common::Combination::Parser;
return ( 0, 'No module declared for combination' )
unless ( $conf->{combModules} and %{ $conf->{combModules} } );
my $moduleList;
foreach my $md ( keys %{ $conf->{combModules} } ) {
my $entry = $conf->{combModules}->{$md};
$moduleList->{$md} = (
$entry->{for} == 2 ? [ undef, {} ]
: $entry->{for} == 1 ? [ {}, undef ]
: [ {}, {} ]
eval {
Lemonldap::NG::Common::Combination::Parser->parse( $moduleList,
$conf->{combination} );
return ( 0, $@ ) if ($@);
# Return
return 1;
# Warn if 2F dependencies seem missing
sfaDependencies => sub {
my $ok = 0;
foreach (qw(u totp utotp yubikey)) {
$ok ||= $conf->{ $_ . '2fActivation' };
last if ($ok);
return 1 unless ($ok);
# Use TOTP
if ( $conf->{totp2fActivation}
or $conf->{utotp2fActivation} )
eval "use Convert::Base32";
return ( 1,
"Convert::Base32 module is required to enable TOTP" )
if ($@);
# Use U2F
if ( $conf->{u2fActivation}
or $conf->{utotp2fActivation} )
eval "use Crypt::U2F::Server::Simple";
return ( 1,
"Crypt::U2F::Server::Simple module is required to enable U2F"
) if ($@);
# Use Yubikey
if ( $conf->{yubikey2fActivation} ) {
eval "use Auth::Yubikey_WebClient";
return ( 1,
"Auth::Yubikey_WebClient module is required to enable Yubikey"
) if ($@);
# Return
return 1;
# Warn if TOTP or U2F is enabled with UTOTP (U2F + TOTP)
utotp => sub {
return 1 unless ( $conf->{utotp2fActivation} );
my $w = "";
foreach ( 'totp', 'u' ) {
$w .= uc($_) . "2F is activated twice \n"
if ( $conf->{ $_ . '2fActivation' } eq '1' );
return ( 1, ( $w ? $w : () ) );
# Warn if TOTP not 6 or 8 digits long
totp2fDigits => sub {
return 1 unless ( $conf->{totp2fActivation} );
return 1 unless ( defined $conf->{totp2fDigits} );
return (
$conf->{totp2fDigits} == 6
or $conf->{totp2fDigits} == 8
? ''
: 'TOTP should be 6 or 8 digits long'
# Test TOTP params
totp2fParams => sub {
return 1 unless ( $conf->{totp2fActivation} );
return ( 0, 'TOTP range must be defined' )
unless ( $conf->{totp2fRange} );
return ( 1, "TOTP interval should be higher than 10s" )
unless ( $conf->{totp2fInterval} > 10 );
# Return
return 1;
# Error if Yubikey client ID and secret key are missing
# Warn if Yubikey public ID size is not 12 digits long
yubikey2fParams => sub {
return 1 unless ( $conf->{yubikey2fActivation} );
return ( 0, "Yubikey client ID and secret key must be set" )
unless ( defined $conf->{yubikey2fSecretKey}
&& defined $conf->{yubikey2fClientID} );
return (
( $conf->{yubikey2fPublicIDSize} == 12 )
? ''
: 'Yubikey public ID size should be 12 digits long'
# Error if REST 2F verify URL is missing
rest2fVerifyUrl => sub {
return 1 unless ( $conf->{rest2fActivation} );
return ( 0, "REST 2F Verify URL must be set" )
unless ( defined $conf->{rest2fVerifyUrl} );
# Return
return 1;
# Warn if 2FA is required without a registrable 2F module enabled
required2FA => sub {
return 1 unless ( $conf->{sfRequired} );
my $msg = '';
my $ok = 0;
foreach (qw(u totp yubikey)) {
$ok ||= $conf->{ $_ . '2fActivation' }
&& $conf->{ $_ . '2fSelfRegistration' };
last if ($ok);
$ok ||= $conf->{'utotp2fActivation'}
&& ( $conf->{'u2fSelfRegistration'}
|| $conf->{'totp2fSelfRegistration'} );
$msg = "A self registrable module should be enabled to require 2FA"
unless ($ok);
return ( 1, $msg );
# Error if external 2F Send or Validate command is missing
ext2fCommands => sub {
return 1 unless ( $conf->{ext2fActivation} );
return ( 0, "External 2F Send or Validate command must be set" )
unless ( defined $conf->{ext2FSendCommand}
&& defined $conf->{ext2FValidateCommand} );
# Return
return 1;
# Warn if XSRF token TTL is higher than 10s
formTimeout => sub {
return 1 unless ( defined $conf->{formTimeout} );
return ( 0, "XSRF form token TTL must be higher than 30s" )
unless ( $conf->{formTimeout} > 30 );
return ( 1, "XSRF form token TTL should not be higher than 2mn" )
if ( $conf->{formTimeout} > 120 );
# Return
return 1;
# Warn if number of password reset retries is null
passwordResetRetries => sub {
return 1 unless ( $conf->{portalDisplayResetPassword} );
return ( 1, "Number of reset password retries should not be null" )
unless ( $conf->{passwordResetAllowedRetries} );
# Return
return 1;
# Warn if bruteForceProtection enabled without History
bruteForceProtection => sub {
return 1 unless ( $conf->{bruteForceProtection} );
return ( 1,
'"History" plugin is required to enable "BruteForceProtection" plugin'
) unless ( $conf->{loginHistoryEnabled} );
return ( 1,
'Number of failed logins must be higher than 2 to enable "BruteForceProtection" plugin'
) unless ( $conf->{failedLoginNumber} > 2 );
# Return
return 1;