
412 lines
12 KiB

package Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Api::Providers::SamlSp;
our $VERSION = '2.0.7';
package Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Api;
use 5.10.0;
use utf8;
use Mouse;
extends 'Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Api::Common';
sub getSamlSpByConfKey {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
my $confKey = $req->params('confKey')
or return $self->sendError( $req, 'confKey is missing', 400 );
$self->logger->debug("[API] SAML SP $confKey configuration requested");
# Get latest configuration
my $conf = $self->_confAcc->getConf;
my $samlSp = $self->_getSamlSpByConfKey($conf, $confKey);
# Check if confKey is defined
unless (defined $samlSp) {
return $self->sendError( $req, "SAML service Provider '$confKey' not found", 404 );
return $self->sendJSONresponse(
$req, $samlSp
sub findSamlSpByConfKey {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
my $pattern = (
defined $req->params('uPattern') ?
$req->params('uPattern') :
( defined $req->params('pattern') ? $req->params('pattern') : undef )
unless (defined $pattern) {
return $self->sendError( $req, 'Invalid input: pattern is missing', 405 );
$self->logger->debug("[API] Find SAML SPs by confKey regexp $pattern requested");
# Get latest configuration
my $conf = $self->_confAcc->getConf;
my @samlSps;
foreach (
keys %{
if ($_ =~ $pattern) {
push @samlSps, $self->_getSamlSpByConfKey($conf, $_);
return $self->sendJSONresponse(
$req, [ @samlSps ]
sub findSamlSpByEntityId {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
my $entityId = (
defined $req->params('uEntityId') ?
$req->params('uEntityId') :
( defined $req->params('entityId') ? $req->params('entityId') : undef )
unless (defined $entityId) {
return $self->sendError( $req, 'entityId is missing', 405 );
$self->logger->debug("[API] Find SAML SPs by entityId $entityId requested");
# Get latest configuration
my $conf = $self->_confAcc->getConf;
my $samlSp = $self->_getSamlSpByEntityId($conf, $entityId);
if (defined $samlSp) {
return $self->sendJSONresponse($req, $samlSp);
return $self->sendJSONresponse($req, {});
sub addSamlSp {
my ( $self, $req) = @_;
my $add = $req->jsonBodyToObj;
unless ($add) {
return $self->sendError( $req, "Invalid input: " . $req->error, 405 );
unless (defined $add->{confKey}) {
return $self->sendError( $req, 'Invalid input: confKey is missing', 405 );
unless (defined $add->{metadata}) {
return $self->sendError( $req, 'Invalid input: metadata is missing', 405 );
my $entityId = $self->_readSamlSpEntityId($add->{metadata});
unless (defined $entityId) {
return $self->sendError( $req, 'Invalid input: entityID is missing in metadata', 405 );
$self->logger->debug("[API] Add SAML SP with confKey $add->{confKey} and entityID $entityId requested");
# Get latest configuration
my $conf = $self->_confAcc->getConf;
if (defined $self->_getSamlSpByConfKey($conf, $add->{confKey})) {
return $self->sendError( $req, "Invalid input: A SAML SP with confKey $add->{confKey} already exists", 405 );
if (defined $self->_getSamlSpByEntityId($conf, $entityId)) {
return $self->sendError( $req, "Invalid input: A SAML SP with entityID $entityId already exists", 405 );
my $res = $self->_pushSamlSp($conf, $add->{confKey}, $add, 1);
unless ($res->{res} eq 'ok') {
return $self->sendError( $req, $res->{msg}, 405 );
return $self->sendJSONresponse($req, { message => "Successful operation" });
sub replaceSamlSp {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
my $confKey = $req->params('confKey')
or return $self->sendError( $req, 'confKey is missing', 400 );
my $replace = $req->jsonBodyToObj;
unless ($replace) {
return $self->sendError( $req, "Invalid input: " . $req->error, 405 );
unless (defined $replace->{metadata}) {
return $self->sendError( $req, 'Invalid input: metadata is missing', 405 );
$self->logger->debug("[API] SAML SP $confKey configuration replace requested");
# Get latest configuration
my $conf = $self->_confAcc->getConf;
# Return 404 if not found
unless (defined $self->_getSamlSpByConfKey($conf, $confKey)) {
return $self->sendError( $req, "SAML service provider '$confKey' not found", 404 );
# check if new entityId exists already
my $res = $self->_isNewSamlSpEntityIdUnique($conf, $confKey, $replace);
unless ($res->{res} eq 'ok') {
return $self->sendError( $req, $res->{msg}, 405 );
$res = $self->_pushSamlSp($conf, $confKey, $replace, 1);
unless ($res->{res} eq 'ok') {
return $self->sendError( $req, $res->{msg}, 405 );
return $self->sendJSONresponse($req, { message => "Successful operation" });
sub updateSamlSp {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
my $confKey = $req->params('confKey')
or return $self->sendError( $req, 'confKey is missing', 400 );
my $update = $req->jsonBodyToObj;
unless ($update) {
return $self->sendError( $req, "Invalid input: " . $req->error, 405 );
$self->logger->debug("[API] SAML SP $confKey configuration update requested");
# Get latest configuration
my $conf = $self->_confAcc->getConf;
my $current = $self->_getSamlSpByConfKey($conf, $confKey);
# Return 404 if not found
unless (defined $current) {
return $self->sendError( $req, "SAML service provider '$confKey' not found", 404 );
my $res;
if (defined $update->{metadata}) {
# check if new entityId exists already
$res = $self->_isNewSamlSpEntityIdUnique($conf, $confKey, $update);
unless ($res->{res} eq 'ok') {
return $self->sendError( $req, $res->{msg}, 405 );
$res = $self->_pushSamlSp($conf, $confKey, $update, 0);
unless ($res->{res} eq 'ok') {
return $self->sendError( $req, $res->{msg}, 405 );
return $self->sendJSONresponse($req, { message => "Successful operation" });
sub deleteSamlSp {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
my $confKey = $req->params('confKey')
or return $self->sendError( $req, 'confKey is missing', 400 );
# Get latest configuration
my $conf = $self->_confAcc->getConf;
my $delete = $self->_getSamlSpByConfKey($conf, $confKey);
# Return 404 if not found
unless (defined $delete) {
return $self->sendError( $req, "SAML service provider '$confKey' not found", 404 );
delete $conf->{samlSPMetaDataXML}->{$confKey};
delete $conf->{samlSPMetaDataOptions}->{$confKey};
delete $conf->{samlSPMetaDataExportedAttributes}->{$confKey};
# Save configuration
return $self->sendJSONresponse($req, { message => "Successful operation" });
sub _getSamlSpByConfKey {
my ( $self, $conf, $confKey ) = @_;
# Check if confKey is defined
if ( !defined $conf->{samlSPMetaDataXML}->{$confKey} ) {
return undef;
# Get metadata
my $metadata = $conf->{samlSPMetaDataXML}->{$confKey}
# Get options
my $options = $conf->{samlSPMetaDataOptions}->{$confKey};
my $samlSp = {
confKey => $confKey,
metadata => $metadata,
exportedAttributes => {},
options => $options
# Get exported attributes
foreach (
keys %{
# Extract fields from exportedAttr value
my ( $mandatory, $name, $format, $friendly_name ) =
split( /;/,
->{$confKey}->{$_} );
$mandatory = !!$mandatory ? 'true' : 'false';
my $samlSp->{exportedAttributes}->{$_} = {
name => $name,
mandatory => $mandatory
if (defined $friendly_name && $friendly_name ne '') {
$samlSp->{exportedAttributes}->{$_}->{friendlyName} = $friendly_name;
if (defined $format && $format ne '') {
$samlSp->{exportedAttributes}->{$_}->{format} = $format;
return $samlSp;
sub _getSamlSpByEntityId {
my ( $self, $conf, $entityId ) = @_;
foreach (
keys %{
if ($self->_readSamlSpEntityId($conf->{samlSPMetaDataXML}->{$_}->{samlSPMetaDataXML}) eq $entityId) {
return $self->_getSamlSpByConfKey($conf, $_);
return undef;
sub _readSamlSpEntityId {
my ( $self, $metadata ) = @_;
if ($metadata =~ /entityID=['"](.+?)['"]/) {
return $1;
return undef;
sub _readSamlSpExportedAttributes {
my ( $self, $attrs ) = @_;
my $allowedFormats = [
my $exportedAttributes;
foreach (keys %{$attrs}) {
unless (defined $attrs->{$_}->{name}) {
return { res => "ko", msg => "Exported attribute $_ has no name"};
my $mandatory = 0;
if (defined $attrs->{$_}->{mandatory}) {
if ( $attrs->{$_}->{mandatory} eq '1' or $attrs->{$_}->{mandatory} eq 'true' ) {
$mandatory = 1;
my $format = '';
if (defined $attrs->{$_}->{format}) {
$format = $attrs->{$_}->{format};
unless (length(grep {/^$format$/} @{$allowedFormats})) {
return { res => "ko", msg => "Exported attribute $_ format does not exist."};
my $friendlyName = '';
if (defined $attrs->{$_}->{friendlyName}) {
$friendlyName = $attrs->{$_}->{friendlyName};
$exportedAttributes->{$_} = "$mandatory;$attrs->{$_}->{name};$format;$friendlyName";
return { res => "ok", exportedAttributes => $exportedAttributes };
sub _pushSamlSp {
my ( $self, $conf, $confKey, $push, $replace) = @_;
if ($replace) {
$conf->{samlSPMetaDataXML}->{$confKey} = {};
$conf->{samlSPMetaDataOptions}->{$confKey} = {};
$conf->{samlSPMetaDataExportedAttributes}->{$confKey} = {};
$conf->{samlSPMetaDataXML}->{$confKey}->{samlSPMetaDataXML} = $push->{metadata};
if (defined $push->{options}) {
my $res = $self->_hasAllowedAttributes($push->{options}, 'samlSPMetaDataNode');
unless ($res->{res} eq 'ok') {
return $res;
$conf->{samlSPMetaDataOptions}->{$confKey} = $push->{options};
if ($replace) {
$push->{options} = $self->_setDefaultValues($push->{options}, 'samlSPMetaDataNode');
if (defined $push->{exportedAttributes}) {
my $res = $self->_readSamlSpExportedAttributes($push->{exportedAttributes});
unless ($res->{res} eq 'ok') {
return $res;
$conf->{samlSPMetaDataExportedAttributes}->{$confKey} = $res->{exportedAttributes};
# Save configuration
return { res => 'ok' };
sub _isNewSamlSpEntityIdUnique {
my ( $self, $conf, $confKey, $newSp) = @_;
my $newEntityId = $self->_readSamlSpEntityId($newSp->{metadata});
my $curEntityId = $self->_readSamlSpEntityId($self->_getSamlSpByConfKey($conf, $confKey)->{metadata});
if ($newEntityId ne $curEntityId) {
if (defined $self->_getSamlSpByEntityId($conf, $newEntityId) ) {
return { res => 'ko', msg => "An SAML service provide with entityId '$newEntityId' already exists" };
return { res => 'ok' };