2022-05-15 12:03:57 +02:00

586 lines
18 KiB

LemonLDAP::NG Portal jQuery scripts
# Translation mechanism
translationFields = {}
# Launched at startup: download language JSON and translate all HTML tags that
# contains one of the following attributes using translate() function:
# - trspan : set result in tag content
# - trmsg : get error number and set result of PE<number> result in tag
# content
# - trplaceholder: set result in "placeholder" attribute
# - localtime : transform time (in ms)ing translate()
setDanger = (cond, field) ->
result = false
if cond
$("##{field}").addClass 'fa-check text-success'
$("##{field}").removeClass 'fa-times text-danger'
$("##{field}").attr 'role', 'status'
$("##{field}").addClass 'fa-times text-danger'
$("##{field}").removeClass 'fa-check text-success'
$("##{field}").attr 'role', 'alert'
result = true
translatePage = (lang) ->
$.getJSON "#{window.staticPrefix}languages/#{lang}.json", (data) ->
translationFields = data
for k,v of window.datas.trOver.all
translationFields[k] = v
if window.datas.trOver[lang]
for k,v of window.datas.trOver[lang]
translationFields[k] = v
$("[trspan]").each ->
args = $(this).attr('trspan').split(',')
txt = translate args.shift()
for v in args
txt = txt.replace /%[sd]/, v
$(this).html txt
$("[trmsg]").each ->
$(this).html translate "PE#{$(this).attr 'trmsg'}"
msg = translate "PE#{$(this).attr 'trmsg'}"
if msg.match /_hide_/
$("[trplaceholder]").each ->
tmp = translate($(this).attr('trplaceholder'))
$(this).attr 'placeholder', tmp
$(this).attr 'aria-label', tmp
$("[localtime]").each ->
d = new Date $(this).attr('localtime') * 1000
$(this).text d.toLocaleString()
# Translate a string
translate = (str) ->
return if translationFields[str] then translationFields[str] else str
window.translate = translate
# Initialization variables: read all <script type="application/init"> tags and
# return JSON parsing result. This is set in window.data variable
getValues = () ->
values = {}
$("script[type='application/init']").each ->
tmp = JSON.parse $(this).text()
for k of tmp
values[k] = tmp[k]
catch e
console.log 'Parsing error', e
console.log 'JSON', $(this).text()
console.log values
# Gets a query string parametrer
# We cannot use URLSearchParam because of IE (#2230)
getQueryParam = (name) ->
match = RegExp('[?&]' + name + '=([^&]*)').exec(window.location.search)
if match then decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, ' ')) else null
# Code from http://snipplr.com/view/29434/
# ----------------------------------------
setSelector = "#appslist"
# Function to write the sorted apps list to session (network errors ignored)
setOrder = ->
setKey '_appsListOrder', $(setSelector).sortable("toArray").join()
# Function used to remove an OIDC consent
removeOidcConsent = (partner) ->
#r = new RegExp "\b#{partner}\b,?", 'g'
#datas['oidcConsents'] = datas['oidcConsents'].replace(r,'').replace(/,$/,'')
#setKey '_oidcConnectedRP', datas['oidcConsents']
# # Success
# , () ->
# $("[partner='#{partner}']").hide()
# # Error
# , (j,s,e) ->
# alert "#{s} #{e}"
e = (j,s,e) ->
alert "#{s} #{e}"
delKey "_oidcConsents",partner
# Success
, () ->
# Error
, e
# Function used by setOrder() and removeOidcConsent() to push new values
# For security reason, modification is rejected unless a valid token is given
setKey = (key,val,success,error) ->
# First request to get token
type: "GET"
url: datas['scriptname'] + '/mysession/?gettoken'
dataType: 'json'
error: error
# On success, value is set
success: (data) ->
d =
token: data.token
d[key] = val
type: "PUT"
url: datas['scriptname'] + '/mysession/persistent'
dataType: 'json'
data: d
success: success
error: error
delKey = (key,sub,success,error) ->
type: "GET"
url: datas['scriptname'] + '/mysession/?gettoken'
dataType: 'json'
error: error
# On success, value is set
success: (data) ->
type: "DELETE"
url: "#{datas['scriptname']}/mysession/persistent/#{key}?sub=#{sub}&token=#{data.token}"
dataType: 'json'
success: success
error: error
# function that restores the list order from session
restoreOrder = ->
list = $(setSelector)
return null unless list? and datas['appslistorder']
# make array from saved order
IDs = datas['appslistorder'].split ','
# fetch current order
items = list.sortable "toArray"
# make array from current order
rebuild = []
for v in items
rebuild[v] = v
for itemID in IDs
if rebuild[itemID]
# select item id from current order
item = rebuild[itemID]
# select the item according to current order
child = $(setSelector + ".ui-sortable").children "#" + item
# select the item according to the saved order
savedOrd = $(setSelector + ".ui-sortable").children "#" + itemID
# remove all the items
# add the items in turn according to saved order
# we need to filter here since the "ui-sortable"
# class is applied to all ul elements and we
# only want the very first! You can modify this
# to support multiple lists - not tested!
$(setSelector + ".ui-sortable").filter(":first").append savedOrd
# function boolean isHiddenFormValueSet(string option)
# Check if an hidden option is set
# @param option Option name
# @return true if option is set, false else
isHiddenFormValueSet = (option) ->
return $('#lmhidden_' + option).length
# function void ping()
# Check if session is alive on server side
# @return nothing
ping = ->
type: "POST"
url: datas['scriptname']
ping: 1
dataType: 'json'
success: (data) ->
if data.result? and data.result == 1
setTimeout ping, datas['pingInterval']
location.reload true
error: (j,t,e) ->
location.reload true
window.ping = ping
# Functions to get/set a cookie value
getCookie = (cname) ->
name = cname + "="
ca = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie).split ';'
re = new RegExp('^ *'+cname+'=')
for c in ca
if c.match re
c = c.replace re, ''
return c
return ''
setCookie = (name, value, samesite, exdays) ->
d = new Date()
d.setTime d.getTime() + exdays*86400000
document.cookie = "#{name}=#{value}; expires=#{d.toUTCString()}; path=/; SameSite=#{samesite}"
# Function to change password using Ajax (instead of POST)
#changePwd = (event) ->
# event.preventDefault()
# $.ajax
# type: 'POST'
# url: datas['scriptname']
# dataType: 'json'
# data:
# oldpassword: $('#oldpassword').val()
# newpassword: $('#newpassword').val()
# confirmpassword: $('#confirmpassword').val()
# success: (data) ->
# console.log "R", data
# Initialization
datas = {}
$(window).on 'load', () ->
# Get application/init variables
datas = getValues()
# Keep the currently selected tab
if "datas" of window && "choicetab" of window.datas
datas.choicetab = window.datas.choicetab;
# Export datas for other scripts
window.datas = datas
axis: "y"
cursor: "move"
opacity: 0.5
revert: true
items: "> div.category"
update: ->
$("div.message").fadeIn 'slow'
# Set timezone
$("input[name=timezone]").val -(new Date().getTimezoneOffset() / 60)
# Menu tabs
menuTabs = $("#menu").tabs
active: 0
menuIndex = $('#menu a[href="#' + datas['displaytab'] + '"]').parent().index()
menuIndex = 0 if menuIndex < 0
menuTabs.tabs "option", "active", menuIndex
# Authentication choice tabs
authMenuTabs = $("#authMenu").tabs
active: 0
authMenuIndex = $('#authMenu a[href="#' + datas['displaytab'] + '"]').parent().index()
authMenuIndex = 0 if authMenuIndex < 0
authMenuTabs.tabs "option", "active", authMenuIndex
# TODO: cookie
# $("#authMenu").tabs
# cookie:
# name: 'lemonldapauthchoice'
if datas['choicetab']
authMenuTabs.tabs "option", "active", $('#authMenu a[href="#' + datas['choicetab'] + '"]').parent().index()
if datas['login']
# If there are no auto-focused fields, focus on first visible input
if $("input[autofocus]").length == 0
# Open links in new windows if required
if datas['newwindow']
$('#appslist a').attr "target", "_blank"
# Complete removeOther link
if $("p.removeOther").length
action = $("#form").attr "action"
method = $("#form").attr "method"
console.log 'method=', method
hiddenParams = ""
if $("#form input[type=hidden]")
console.log 'Parse hidden values'
$("#form input[type=hidden]").each (index) ->
console.log ' ->', $(this).attr("name"), $(this).val()
hiddenParams += "&" + $(this).attr("name") + "=" + $(this).val()
back_url = ""
if action
console.log 'action=', action
if action.indexOf("?") != -1
action.substring(0, action.indexOf("?")) + "?"
back_url = action + "?"
back_url += hiddenParams
hiddenParams = ""
link = $("p.removeOther a").attr("href") + "&method=" + method + hiddenParams
link += "&url=" + btoa(back_url) if back_url
$("p.removeOther a").attr "href", link
# Language detection. Priority order:
# 0 - llnglanguage parameter
# 1 - cookie value
# 2 - first navigator.languages item that exists in window.availableLanguages
# 3 - first value of window.availableLanguages
if window.location.search
queryLang = getQueryParam('llnglanguage')
console.log 'Get lang from parameter' if queryLang
setCookieLang = getQueryParam('setCookieLang')
console.log 'Set lang cookie' if setCookieLang == 1
if !lang
lang = getCookie 'llnglanguage'
console.log 'Get lang from cookie' if lang && !queryLang
if !lang
if navigator
langs = []
langs2 = []
nlangs = [ navigator.language ]
if navigator.languages
nlangs = navigator.languages
for al in window.availableLanguages
langdiv += "<img class=\"langicon\" src=\"#{window.staticPrefix}common/#{al}.png\" title=\"#{al}\" alt=\"[#{al}]\"> "
for nl in nlangs
console.log 'Navigator lang', nl
for al in window.availableLanguages
console.log ' Available lang', al
re = new RegExp('^'+al+'-?')
if nl.match re
console.log ' Matching lang =', al
langs.push al
else if al.substring(0, 1) == nl.substring(0, 1)
langs2.push al
lang = if langs[0] then langs[0] else if langs2[0] then langs2[0] else window.availableLanguages[0]
console.log 'Get lang from navigator' if lang && !queryLang
lang = window.availableLanguages[0]
console.log 'Get lang from window' if lang && !queryLang
else if lang not in window.availableLanguages
lang = window.availableLanguages[0]
console.log 'Lang not available -> Get default lang' if !queryLang
if queryLang
if queryLang not in window.availableLanguages
console.log 'Lang not available -> Get default lang'
queryLang = window.availableLanguages[0]
console.log 'Selected lang ->', queryLang
if setCookieLang
console.log 'Set cookie lang ->', queryLang
setCookie 'llnglanguage', queryLang, datas['sameSite']
console.log 'Selected lang ->', lang
setCookie 'llnglanguage', lang, datas['sameSite']
# Build language icons
langdiv = ''
for al in window.availableLanguages
langdiv += "<img class=\"langicon\" src=\"#{window.staticPrefix}common/#{al}.png\" title=\"#{al}\" alt=\"[#{al}]\"> "
$('#languages').html langdiv
$('.langicon').on 'click', () ->
lang = $(this).attr 'title'
setCookie 'llnglanguage', lang, datas['sameSite']
translatePage lang
isAlphaNumeric = (chr) ->
code = chr.charCodeAt(0)
if code > 47 and code < 58 or code > 64 and code < 91 or code > 96 and code < 123
return true
# Password policy
checkpassword = (password) ->
result = true
if window.datas.ppolicy.minsize > 0
result = false if setDanger( password.length >= window.datas.ppolicy.minsize, 'ppolicy-minsize-feedback' )
if window.datas.ppolicy.minupper > 0
upper = password.match(/[A-Z]/g)
result = false if setDanger( upper and upper.length >= window.datas.ppolicy.minupper, 'ppolicy-minupper-feedback' )
if window.datas.ppolicy.minlower > 0
lower = password.match(/[a-z]/g)
result = false if setDanger( lower and lower.length >= window.datas.ppolicy.minlower, 'ppolicy-minlower-feedback')
if window.datas.ppolicy.mindigit > 0
digit = password.match(/[0-9]/g)
result = false if setDanger( digit and digit.length >= window.datas.ppolicy.mindigit, 'ppolicy-mindigit-feedback')
if window.datas.ppolicy.allowedspechar
nonwhitespechar = window.datas.ppolicy.allowedspechar.replace(/\s/g, '')
hasforbidden = false
i = 0
len = password.length
while i < len
if !isAlphaNumeric(password.charAt(i))
if nonwhitespechar.indexOf(password.charAt(i)) < 0
hasforbidden = true
result = false if setDanger( hasforbidden == false, 'ppolicy-allowedspechar-feedback' )
if window.datas.ppolicy.minspechar > 0 and window.datas.ppolicy.allowedspechar
numspechar = 0
nonwhitespechar = window.datas.ppolicy.allowedspechar.replace(/\s/g, '')
i = 0
while i < password.length
if nonwhitespechar.indexOf(password.charAt(i)) >= 0
result = false if setDanger( numspechar >= window.datas.ppolicy.minspechar, 'ppolicy-minspechar-feedback')
if window.datas.ppolicy.minspechar > 0 and !window.datas.ppolicy.allowedspechar
numspechar = 0
i = 0
while i < password.length
numspechar++ if !isAlphaNumeric(password.charAt(i))
result = false if setDanger( numspechar >= window.datas.ppolicy.minspechar, 'ppolicy-minspechar-feedback')
if result
$('.ppolicy').removeClass('border-danger').addClass 'border-success'
$('.ppolicy').removeClass('border-success').addClass 'border-danger'
if window.datas.ppolicy? and $('#newpassword').length
# Initialize display
checkpassword ''
$('#newpassword').keyup (e) ->
checkpassword e.target.value
# If generating password, disable policy check
togglecheckpassword = (e) ->
if e.target.checked
# Restore check
$('#newpassword').keyup (e) ->
checkpassword e.target.value
checkpassword ''
checksamepass = () ->
if $('#confirmpassword').get(0)?.value == $('#newpassword').get(0)?.value
return true
return false
$('#newpassword').change checksamepass
$('#confirmpassword').change checksamepass
if window.datas.ppolicy? and $('#newpassword').length
$('#reset').change togglecheckpassword
# Functions to show/hide display password button
if datas['enablePasswordDisplay']
field = ''
if datas['dontStorePassword']
$(".toggle-password").mousedown () ->
field = $(this).attr("name")
console.log 'Display', field
$(this).toggleClass("fa-eye fa-eye-slash")
$("input[name=#{field}]").attr('class', 'form-control')
$(".toggle-password").mouseup () ->
$(this).toggleClass("fa-eye fa-eye-slash")
$("input[name=#{field}]").attr('class', 'form-control key') if $("input[name=#{field}]").get(0).value
$(".toggle-password").mousedown () ->
field = $(this).attr("name")
console.log 'Display', field
$(this).toggleClass("fa-eye fa-eye-slash")
$("input[name=#{field}]").attr("type", "text")
$(".toggle-password").mouseup () ->
$(this).toggleClass("fa-eye fa-eye-slash")
$("input[name=#{field}]").attr("type", "password")
# Ping if asked
if datas['pingInterval'] and datas['pingInterval'] > 0
window.setTimeout ping, datas['pingInterval']
# Set local dates (used to display history)
$(".localeDate").each ->
s = new Date($(this).attr("val")*1000)
$(this).text s.toLocaleString()
$('.oidcConsent').on 'click', () ->
removeOidcConsent $(this).attr 'partner'
# Functions to show/hide placeholder password inputs
$('#passwordfield').on 'input', () ->
if $('#passwordfield').get(0).value && datas['dontStorePassword']
$("#passwordfield").attr('class', 'form-control key')
$("#passwordfield").attr('class', 'form-control')
$('#oldpassword').on 'input', () ->
if $('#oldpassword').get(0).value && datas['dontStorePassword']
$("#oldpassword").attr('class', 'form-control key')
$("#oldpassword").attr('class', 'form-control')
$('#newpassword').on 'input', () ->
if $('#newpassword').get(0).value && datas['dontStorePassword']
$("#newpassword").attr('class', 'form-control key')
$("#newpassword").attr('class', 'form-control')
$('#confirmpassword').on 'input', () ->
if $('#confirmpassword').get(0).value && datas['dontStorePassword']
$("#confirmpassword").attr('class', 'form-control key')
$("#confirmpassword").attr('class', 'form-control')
#$('#formpass').on 'submit', changePwd
$('.clear-finduser-field').on 'click', () ->
$(this).parent().find(':input').each ->
console.log 'Clear search field ->', $(this).attr 'name'
$(this).val ''
$('#closefinduserform').on 'click', () ->
console.log 'Clear modal'
$('#finduserbutton').on 'click', (event) ->
document.body.style.cursor = 'progress'
str = $("#finduserForm").serialize()
console.log 'Send findUser request with parameters', str
type: "POST"
url: "#{portal}finduser"
dataType: 'json'
data: str
# On success, values are set
success: (data) ->
document.body.style.cursor = 'default'
user = data.user
console.log 'Suggested spoofId=', user
$("input[name=spoofId]").each ->
$(this).val user
$('#captcha').attr 'src', data.captcha if data.captcha
if data.token
$('#finduserToken').val data.token
$('#token').val data.token
error: (j, status, err) ->
document.body.style.cursor = 'default'
console.log 'Error', err if err
res = JSON.parse j.responseText if j
if res and res.error
console.log 'Returned error', res