2020-03-22 22:47:09 +01:00

144 lines
4.3 KiB

"applicationList" : {
"1sample" : {
"catname" : "Sample applications",
"test1" : {
"options" : {
"description" : "A simple application displaying authenticated user",
"display" : "auto",
"logo" : "demo.png",
"name" : "Application Test 1",
"uri" : "http://test1.example.com/"
"type" : "application"
"test2" : {
"options" : {
"description" : "The same simple application displaying authenticated user",
"display" : "auto",
"logo" : "thumbnail.png",
"name" : "Application Test 2",
"uri" : "http://test2.example.com/"
"type" : "application"
"type" : "category"
"2administration" : {
"catname" : "Administration",
"notifications" : {
"options" : {
"description" : "Explore WebSSO notifications",
"display" : "auto",
"logo" : "database.png",
"name" : "Notifications explorer",
"uri" : "http://manager.example.com/notifications.html"
"type" : "application"
"type" : "category"
"authentication": "Demo",
"cfgAuthor": "The LemonLDAP::NG team",
"cfgAuthorIP": "",
"cfgDate": 1428138808,
"cfgLog": "Handler test conf",
"cfgNum": "1",
"cookieName": "lemonldap",
"demoExportedVars": {
"cn": "cn",
"mail": "mail",
"uid": "uid"
"domain": "example.com",
"exportedHeaders": {
"test1.example.com": {
"Auth-User": "$uid",
"testHeader1": "testHeader_value",
"testHeader2": "' '",
"emptyHeader": "''"
"test2.example.com": {
"Auth-User": "$uid"
"exportedVars": {
"mail": "mail",
"uid": "uid",
"cn": "cn"
"globalStorage": "Apache::Session::File",
"globalStorageOptions": {
"Directory": "t/sessions",
"LockDirectory": "t/sessions/lock",
"generateModule": "Lemonldap::NG::Common::Apache::Session::Generate::SHA256"
"groups": { "su":"$uid and $uid eq \"rtyler\"", "test_su": "$uid and $uid eq \"rtyler\"", "su_test": "$uid and $uid eq \"rtyler\"" },
"key": "qwertyui",
"locationRules": {
"auth.example.com" : {
"(?#checkUser)^/checkuser" : "$uid eq \"dwho\" or $uid eq \"msmith\" or $uid eq \"french\"",
"(?#errors)^/lmerror/": "accept",
"default" : "accept"
"manager.example.com": {
"(?#Configuration)^/(manager\\.html|conf/)": "$uid eq \"dwho\"",
"(?#Notifications)^/notifications": "$uid eq \"dwho\" or $uid eq \"rtyler\"",
"(?#Sessions)^/sessions": "$uid eq \"dwho\" or $uid eq \"rtyler\"",
"default": "$uid eq \"dwho\""
"test1.example.com": {
"^/logout": "logout_sso",
"^/test-restricted_uri": "varIsInUri($ENV{REQUEST_URI}, '/test-restricted_uri/', \"$uid/\", 1)",
"^/deny": "deny",
"default": "accept"
"test2.example.com": {
"^/logout": "logout_sso",
"default": "accept"
"test.example.org": {
"default": "accept"
"*.example.llng": {
"default": "accept"
"macros": {
"_whatToTrace": "$_auth eq 'SAML' ? \"$_user\\@$_idpConfKey\" : \"$_user\"",
"array": "$uid eq 'french' ? 'doctor; who' : ''"
"notifications": 0,
"passwordDB": "Null",
"portal": "http://auth.example.com/",
"portalDisplayResetPassword": 0,
"casStorage": "Apache::Session::File",
"casStorageOptions": {
"Directory": "t/sessions/saml",
"LockDirectory": "t/sessions/saml/lock",
"generateModule": "Lemonldap::NG::Common::Apache::Session::Generate::SHA256"
"samlStorage": "Apache::Session::File",
"samlStorageOptions": {
"Directory": "t/sessions/saml",
"LockDirectory": "t/sessions/saml/lock",
"generateModule": "Lemonldap::NG::Common::Apache::Session::Generate::SHA256"
"oidcStorage": "Apache::Session::File",
"oidcStorageOptions": {
"Directory": "t/sessions/saml",
"LockDirectory": "t/sessions/saml/lock",
"generateModule": "Lemonldap::NG::Common::Apache::Session::Generate::SHA256"
"reloadUrls": {},
"requireToken": 0,
"userDB": "Same",
"vhostOptions": {
"test2.example.com": {
"vhostType": "AuthBasic"
"whatToTrace": "_whatToTrace"