
678 lines
19 KiB

package Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build;
use strict;
use utf8;
use Mouse;
use Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::Attributes;
use Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::Tree;
use Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::CTrees;
use Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Conf::Zero;
use Data::Dumper;
use Regexp::Assemble;
use JSON::MaybeXS;
use Getopt::Std;
use IO::String;
has structFile => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', required => 1 );
has confTreeFile => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', required => 1 );
has managerConstantsFile => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', required => 1 );
has managerAttributesFile => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', required => 1 );
has defaultValuesFile => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', required => 1 );
has confConstantsFile => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', required => 1 );
has firstLmConfFile => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', required => 1 );
my @managerAttrKeys = qw(keyTest select type test msgFail default);
my $format = 'Creating %-69s: ';
my $reIgnoreKeys = qr/^$/;
my $module = __PACKAGE__;
my @angularScopeVars;
my @cnodesKeys;
my %cnodesRe;
my @ignoreKeys;
my $ignoreKeys;
my $mainTree;
my @sessionTypes;
my @simpleHashKeys;
my $attributes = Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::Attributes::attributes();
my $jsonEnc = JSON->new()->allow_nonref;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = sub {
my ($hash) = @_;
return [
( defined $hash->{id} ? ('id') : () ),
( defined $hash->{title} ? ( 'title', ) : () ),
grep { /^(?:id|title)$/ ? 0 : 1 }
sort {
return 1
if ( $a =~ /node/ and $b !~ /node/ );
return -1 if ( $b =~ /node/ );
lc($a) cmp lc($b);
} keys %$hash
$Data::Dumper::Deparse = 1;
sub run {
my $self = shift;
$self = $module->new(@_) unless ref $self;
# 1. confTree.js
printf STDERR $format, $self->confTreeFile;
$mainTree = Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::CTrees::cTrees();
my $script =
'function templates(tpl,key){'
. 'var ind;'
. 'var scalarTemplate=function(r){'
. 'return{'
. '"id":tpl+"s/"+(ind++),'
. '"title":r,'
. '"get":tpl+"s/"+key+"/"+r};};'
. 'switch(tpl){';
# To build confTree.js, each special node is scanned from
# Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::CTrees
foreach my $node ( sort keys %$mainTree ) {
@cnodesKeys = ();
my $jsonTree = [];
$self->scanTree( $mainTree->{$node}, $jsonTree, '__KEY__', '' );
my $tmp = $jsonEnc->encode($jsonTree);
$tmp =~ s!"__KEY__!tpl+"s/"+key+"/"+"!mg;
$tmp =~ s/"(true|false)"/$1/sg;
$tmp =~ s/:\s*"(\d+)"\s*(["\}])/:$1$2/sg;
$script .= "case'$node':return$tmp;";
# Second step, Manager/Constants.pm file will contain datas issued from
# this scan
my $ra = Regexp::Assemble->new;
# Build $oidcOPMetaDataNodeKeys, $samlSPMetaDataNodeKeys,...
foreach my $r (@cnodesKeys) {
$cnodesRe{$node} = $ra->as_string;
push @ignoreKeys, $node;
$script .= 'default:return [];}}';
open F, ">", $self->confTreeFile or die $!;
print F $script;
close F;
print STDERR "done\n";
my $ra = Regexp::Assemble->new;
foreach my $re (@ignoreKeys) {
$ignoreKeys = $ra->as_string;
$reIgnoreKeys = $ra->re;
# 2. struct.json
printf STDERR $format, $self->structFile;
$mainTree = Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::Tree::tree();
my $jsonTree = [];
$self->scanTree( $mainTree, $jsonTree, '', '' );
$script = 'function setScopeVars(scope){';
foreach my $v (@angularScopeVars) {
$script .= "scope.$v->[0]=scope$v->[1];scope.getKey(scope.$v->[0]);";
$script .= '}';
open F, ">>", $self->confTreeFile || die $!;
print F $script;
close F;
open F, ">", $self->structFile || die $!;
my $tmp = $jsonEnc->encode($jsonTree);
$tmp =~ s/"(true|false)"/$1/sg;
$tmp =~ s/:\s*"(\d+)"\s*(["\}])/:$1$2/sg;
print F $tmp;
close F;
print STDERR "done\n";
$tmp = undef;
printf STDERR $format, $self->managerConstantsFile;
my $sessionTypes = join( "', '", @sessionTypes );
open F, ">", $self->managerConstantsFile or die($!);
my $exportedVars =
. join( 'Keys $', 'simpleHash', 'specialNode', sort keys %cnodesRe )
. 'Keys $specialNodeHash @sessionTypes';
print F <<EOF;
# This file is generated by $module. Don't modify it by hand
package Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Constants;
use strict;
use Exporter 'import';
use base qw(Exporter);
our \$VERSION = '$Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::Attributes::VERSION';
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [qw($exportedVars)] );
our \@EXPORT_OK = ( \@{ \$EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
our \@EXPORT = ( \@{ \$EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
our \$specialNodeHash = {
virtualHosts => [qw(exportedHeaders locationRules post vhostOptions)],
samlIDPMetaDataNodes => [qw(samlIDPMetaDataXML samlIDPMetaDataExportedAttributes samlIDPMetaDataOptions)],
samlSPMetaDataNodes => [qw(samlSPMetaDataXML samlSPMetaDataExportedAttributes samlSPMetaDataOptions)],
oidcOPMetaDataNodes => [qw(oidcOPMetaDataJSON oidcOPMetaDataJWKS oidcOPMetaDataOptions oidcOPMetaDataExportedVars)],
oidcRPMetaDataNodes => [qw(oidcRPMetaDataOptions oidcRPMetaDataExportedVars)],
our \@sessionTypes = ( '$sessionTypes' );
$ra = Regexp::Assemble->new;
foreach (@simpleHashKeys) {
print F "our \$simpleHashKeys = '" . $ra->as_string . "';\n"
. "our \$specialNodeKeys = '${ignoreKeys}s';\n";
foreach ( sort keys %cnodesRe ) {
print F "our \$${_}Keys = '$cnodesRe{$_}';\n";
print F "\n1;\n";
close F;
print STDERR "done\n";
printf STDERR $format, $self->defaultValuesFile;
my $defaultValues = {
map {
defined $attributes->{$_}->{default}
? ( $_ => $attributes->{$_}->{default} )
: ()
} keys(%$attributes)
my $defaultAttr = mydump( $defaultValues, 'defaultValues' );
$defaultAttr = "# This file is generated by $module. Don't modify it by hand
package Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf::DefaultValues;
our \$VERSION = '$Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::Attributes::VERSION';
my $dst;
eval {
require Perl::Tidy;
source => IO::String->new($defaultAttr),
destination => \$dst
$dst = $defaultAttr if ($@);
open( F, ">", $self->defaultValuesFile ) or die($!);
print F $dst;
close F;
print STDERR "done\n";
printf STDERR $format, $self->confConstantsFile;
$ra = Regexp::Assemble->new;
foreach ( @simpleHashKeys, sort keys %cnodesRe ) {
my $confConstants = "our \$hashParameters = '" . $ra->as_string . "';\n";
open( F, ">", $self->confConstantsFile ) or die($!);
print F <<EOF;
# This file is generated by $module. Don't modify it by hand
package Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf::Constants;
use strict;
use Exporter 'import';
use base qw(Exporter);
our \$VERSION = '$Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::Attributes::VERSION';
use constant CONFIG_WAS_CHANGED => -1;
use constant UNKNOWN_ERROR => -2;
use constant DATABASE_LOCKED => -3;
use constant UPLOAD_DENIED => -4;
use constant SYNTAX_ERROR => -5;
use constant DEPRECATED => -6;
use constant DEFAULTCONFFILE => "/usr/local/lemonldap-ng/etc/lemonldap-ng.ini";
use constant DEFAULTSECTION => "all";
use constant CONFSECTION => "configuration";
use constant PORTALSECTION => "portal";
use constant HANDLERSECTION => "handler";
use constant MANAGERSECTION => "manager";
use constant SESSIONSEXPLORERSECTION => "sessionsExplorer";
use constant APPLYSECTION => "apply";
our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
'all' => [
our \@EXPORT_OK = ( \@{ \$EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
our \@EXPORT = ( \@{ \$EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
close F;
print STDERR "done\n";
printf STDERR $format, $self->managerAttributesFile;
my $managerAttr = {
map {
my @r;
foreach my $f (@managerAttrKeys) {
push @r, $f, $attributes->{$_}->{$f}
if ( defined $attributes->{$_}->{$f} );
( $_ => {@r} );
} keys(%$attributes)
$managerAttr = mydump( $managerAttr, 'attributes' );
my $managerTypes =
mydump( Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::Attributes::types(), 'types' );
$managerAttr = "# This file is generated by $module. Don't modify it by hand
package Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Attributes;
our \$VERSION = '$Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::Attributes::VERSION';
eval {
source => IO::String->new($managerAttr),
destination => \$dst
$dst = $managerAttr if ($@);
open( F, ">", $self->managerAttributesFile ) or die($!);
print F $dst;
close F;
print STDERR "done\n";
sub buildZeroConf {
my $self = shift;
printf STDERR $format, $self->firstLmConfFile;
open( F, '>', $self->firstLmConfFile ) or die($!);
print F $jsonEnc->encode(
close F;
print STDERR "done\n";
sub mydump {
my ( $obj, $subname ) = @_;
my $t = Dumper($obj);
$t =~ s/^\s*(?:use strict;|package .*?;|)\n//gm;
$t =~ s/^\$VAR1\s*=/sub $subname {\n return/;
return $t;
sub scanTree {
my ( $self, $tree, $json, $prefix, $path ) = @_;
unless ( ref($tree) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
die 'Not an array';
$prefix //= '';
my $ord = -1;
my $nodeName = $path ? '_nodes' : 'data';
foreach my $leaf (@$tree) {
my $jleaf = {};
# Grouped leaf
if ( ref($leaf) and $leaf->{group} ) {
die "'form' is required when using 'group'"
unless ( $leaf->{form} );
push @$json,
id => "$prefix$leaf->{title}",
title => $leaf->{title},
type => $leaf->{form},
get => $leaf->{group}
# Subnode
elsif ( ref($leaf) ) {
$jleaf->{title} = $jleaf->{id} = $leaf->{title};
$jleaf->{type} = $leaf->{form} if ( $leaf->{form} );
foreach my $n (qw(nodes nodes_cond)) {
if ( $leaf->{$n} ) {
$jleaf->{"_$n"} = [];
$self->scanTree( $leaf->{$n}, $jleaf->{"_$n"}, $prefix,
"$path.$nodeName\[$ord\]" );
if ( $n eq 'nodes_cond' ) {
foreach my $sn ( @{ $jleaf->{"_$n"} } ) {
$sn->{show} = 'false';
$jleaf->{help} = $leaf->{help} if ( $leaf->{help} );
$jleaf->{_nodes_filter} = $leaf->{nodes_filter}
if ( $leaf->{nodes_filter} );
push @$json, $jleaf;
# Leaf
else {
# Get data type and build tree
# Types : PerlModule bool boolOrExpr catAndAppList file hostname int
# keyTextContainer lmAttrOrMacro longtext openidServerList pcre
# rulesContainer samlAssertion samlAttributeContainer samlService
# select text trool url virtualHostContainer word
# password
if ( $leaf =~ s/^\*// ) {
push @angularScopeVars, [ $leaf, "$path._nodes[$ord]" ];
push @sessionTypes, $1
if ( $leaf =~ /^(.*)(?<!notification)StorageOptions$/ );
my $attr = $attributes->{$leaf} or die("Missing attribute $leaf");
$jleaf = { id => "$prefix$leaf", title => $leaf };
unless ( $attr->{type} ) {
print STDERR "Fatal: no type: $leaf\n";
# TODO: change this
$attr->{type} =~
$jleaf->{type} = $attr->{type} if ( $attr->{type} ne 'text' );
foreach my $w (qw(default select get template)) {
$jleaf->{$w} = $attr->{$w} if ( defined $attr->{$w} );
if ( $jleaf->{default} and ref( $jleaf->{default} ) ) {
$jleaf->{default} = [];
my $type = $attr->{type};
$type =~ s/Container//;
foreach my $k ( sort keys( %{ $attr->{default} } ) ) {
push @{ $jleaf->{default} },
id => "$prefix$leaf/$k",
title => $k,
type => $type,
data => $attr->{default}->{$k},
$type eq 'rule'
? ( re => $k )
: ()
if ($prefix) {
push @cnodesKeys, $leaf;
if ( $attr->{type} =~ /^(?:catAndAppList|\w+Container)$/ ) {
$jleaf->{cnodes} = $prefix . $leaf;
unless ( $prefix or $leaf =~ $reIgnoreKeys ) {
push @simpleHashKeys, $leaf;
else {
if ( $prefix and !$jleaf->{get} ) {
$jleaf->{get} = $prefix . $jleaf->{title};
push @$json, $jleaf;
=head1 NAME
=encoding utf8
Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build - Static files generator of Lemonldap::NG Web-SSO
use Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build;
structFile => "site/static/struct.json",
confTreeFile => "site/static/js/conftree.js",
managerConstantsFile => "lib/Lemonldap/NG/Manager/Constants.pm",
managerAttributesFile => 'lib/Lemonldap/NG/Manager/Attributes.pm',
defaultValuesFile => "lib/Lemonldap/NG/Common/Conf/DefaultValues.pm",
firstLmConfFile => "_example/conf/lmConf-1.js",
Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build is used only to build javascript files and
Lemonldap::NG constants Perl files. It has to be launched after each change.
To add a new parameter, you have to:
=item declare it in Manager/Build/Attributes.pm;
=item declare its position in the tree in Manager/Build/Tree.pm (or
Manager/Build/CTrees.pm for complex nodes);
=item refresh files using this (or launch any build makefile target at the
root of the Lemonldap::NG project sources).
See below for details.
=head3 Attribute declaration
Set your new attribute as a key of attributes() function that points to a hash
ref containing:
=item type (required):
the type of the content. It must be declared in sub
types() in the same file (except if attribute embeds its own tests) and must
correspond to a form stored in the static/forms/ directory;
=item help (optional):
the relative HTML path to the help page (relative to
=item default (recommended):
a default value to set if not defined;
=item select (optional):
required only if type is `select`. In this case, it
must contains an array of { k => <keyName>, v => <display name> } hashref
=item documentation (recommended):
some words for other developpers
=item test (optional):
if test is not defined for this type or if test must
be more restrictive, set her a regular expression or a subroutine. Arguments
passed to subroutine are (keyValue, newConf, currentKey), it returns 2
arguments: a boolean result and a message (if non empty will be displayed as
warning or error depending of result);
=item msgFail (optional):
for regexp based tests, message to display in case of
error. Words to translate have to be written as so: __toTranslate__;
=item keyTest (optional):
for keys/values attributes, test to be applied on
=item keyMsgFail (optional):
for regexp based key tests, same as msgFail for
keys test;
If you decide to declare a new type, you have to declare the following
=item test, msgFail, keyTest, keyMsgFail as shown above,
=item form: the form to use if it doesn't have the same name.
=head3 Tree positioning
The tree is now very simple: it contains nodes and leaf. Leaf are designed only
by their attribute name. All description must be done in the file described
above. Nodes are array member designed as this:
title => 'titleToTranslate',
help => 'helpUrl',
form => 'relativeUrl',
nodes => [
... nodes or leaf ...
=item title (required):
it must contain an entry of static/languages/lang.json
=item help (recommended):
as above, the relative HTML path to the help page
(relative to /doc/pages/documentation/<version>/);
=item form (optional):
the name of a static/forms/<name>.html file
=item nodes:
array of sub nodes and leaf attached to this node
=item group:
must never be used in conjunction with nodes. Array of leafs only
to be displayed in the same form
=item nodes_cond:
array of sub nodes that will be displayed with a filter. Not
yet documented here, see the source code of site/static/js/filterFunctions.js.
=item nodes_filter:
filter entry in site/static/js/filterFunctions.js for the same feature.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Lemonldap::NG::Manager>, L<http://lemonldap-ng.org/>
=head1 AUTHORS
=item Clement Oudot, E<lt>clem.oudot@gmail.comE<gt>
=item François-Xavier Deltombe, E<lt>fxdeltombe@gmail.com.E<gt>
=item Xavier Guimard, E<lt>x.guimard@free.frE<gt>
=item Thomas Chemineau, E<lt>thomas.chemineau@gmail.comE<gt>
Use OW2 system to report bug or ask for features:
Lemonldap::NG is available at
=item Copyright (C) 2015 by Xavier Guimard, E<lt>x.guimard@free.frE<gt>
=item Copyright (C) 2015 by Clément Oudot, E<lt>clem.oudot@gmail.comE<gt>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see L<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.