Clément Oudot 75ed02bd4c Manager:
* Correct bug for groups
* Do not transform " in ' for values (special chars already escaped in uri_escape)
* Add some debug messages in upload process
* Modify hashRoot js method
2010-03-04 13:41:59 +00:00

435 lines
14 KiB

## @file
# Test uploaded parameters and store new configuration
## @class
# Test uploaded parameters and store new configuration
package Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Uploader;
use strict;
use XML::LibXML;
use XML::LibXSLT;
use MIME::Base64;
use Data::Dumper;
use URI::Escape;
use Lemonldap::NG::Common::Safelib; #link protected safe Safe object
use Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Downloader; #inherits
use Lemonldap::NG::Manager::_Struct; #link protected struct _Struct object
use Lemonldap::NG::Manager::_i18n;
use Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf::Constants; #inherits
our $VERSION = '0.1';
our ( $stylesheet, $parser );
## @method void confUpload(ref rdata)
# Parse rdata to find parameters using XSLT, test them and tries to store the
# new configuration
# @param $rdata pointer to posted datas
sub confUpload {
my ( $self, $rdata ) = @_;
$$rdata =~ s/<img.*?>//g;
$$rdata =~ s/<li class="line".*?<\/li>//g;
# 1.1 Apply XSLT stylesheet to returned datas
my $result =
$self->parser->parse_string( '<root>' . $$rdata . '</root>' ) )
# 1.2 Get configuration number
unless ( $self->{cfgNum} =
$result->getChildrenByTagName('conf')->[0]->getAttribute('value') )
die "No configuration number found";
my $newConf = { cfgNum => $self->{cfgNum} };
my $errors = {};
# 1.3 Load and test returned parameters
# => begin loop
foreach ( @{ $result->getChildrenByTagName('element') } ) {
my ( $id, $name, $value ) = (
# Unescape value
$value = uri_unescape($value);
"Upload process for attribute $name (id: $id / value: $value)",
'debug' );
my $NK = 0;
$id =~
s/^text_(NewID_)?li_(\w+)(\d)(?:_\d+)?$/decode_base64($2.'='x $3)/e;
$NK = 1 if ($1);
$id =~ s/\r//g;
$id =~ s/^\///;
$id =~ s/(?:\/[^\/]*)?$/\/$name/ if ($NK);
$self->lmLog( "id transformed into $id", 'debug' );
if ( $id =~
/^(generalParameters|variables|virtualHosts|samlIDPMetaDataNode)/ );
my ( $confKey, $test ) = $self->getConfTests($id);
my ( $res, $m );
if ( !defined($test) ) {
$errors->{errors}->{$name} =
"Key $name: Lemonldap::NG::Manager error, see Apache's logs";
"Unknown configuration key $id (name: $name, value: $value)",
'error' );
if ( $test->{'*'} and $id =~ /\// ) { $test = $test->{'*'} }
# 1.3.1 Tests:
# No tests for some keys
unless ( $test->{keyTest} and ( $id !~ /\// or $test->{'*'} ) ) {
# Tests that return an error
# (parameter will not be stored in $newConf)
if ( $test->{keyTest} ) {
( $res, $m ) = $self->applyTest( $test->{keyTest}, $name );
unless ($res) {
$errors->{errors}->{$name} = $m || $test->{keyMsgFail};
$errors->{warnings}->{$name} = $m if ($m);
if ( $test->{test} ) {
( $res, $m ) = $self->applyTest( $test->{test}, $value );
unless ($res) {
$errors->{errors}->{$name} = $m || $test->{msgFail};
$errors->{warnings}->{$name} = $m if ($m);
# Tests that return a warning
if ( $test->{warnKeyTest} ) {
( $res, $m ) = $self->applyTest( $test->{warnKeyTest}, $name );
unless ($res) {
$errors->{warnings}->{$name} = $m || $test->{keyMsgWarn};
if ( $test->{warnTest} ) {
( $res, $m ) = $self->applyTest( $test->{warnTest}, $value );
unless ($res) {
$errors->{warnings}->{$name} = $m || $test->{keyMsgWarn};
# 1.3.2 Store accepted parameter in $newConf
$self->lmLog( "Tests OK for $name, store $value in $confKey", 'debug' );
$self->setKeyToH( $newConf, $confKey,
? ( ( $id !~ /\// or $test->{'*'} ) ? {} : ( $name => $value ) )
: $value );
# 1.4 Loading unchanged parameters (ajax nodes not open)
foreach ( @{ $result->getChildrenByTagName('ignore') } ) {
my $node = $_->getAttribute('value');
$node =~ s/^.*node=(.*?)(?:&.*)?\}$/$1/;
foreach my $k ( $self->findAllConfKeys( $self->corresp($node) ) ) {
my $v = $self->keyToH( $k, $self->conf );
$v = $self->keyToH( $k, $self->defaultConf ) unless ( defined $v );
if ( defined $v ) {
$self->setKeyToH( $newConf, $k, $v );
else {
$self->lmLog( "No default value found for $k", 'info' );
# 1.5 Author attributes for accounting
$newConf->{cfgAuthor} = $ENV{REMOTE_USER} || 'anonymous';
$newConf->{cfgAuthorIP} = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR};
$newConf->{cfgDate} = time();
$errors->{result}->{other} = '';
# 2.1 Don't store configuration if a syntax error was detected
if ( $errors->{errors} ) {
$errors->{result}->{cfgNum} = 0;
$errors->{result}->{msg} = $self->translate('syntaxError');
$self->_sub( 'userInfo',
"Configuration rejected for $newConf->{cfgAuthor}: syntax error" );
# 2.2 Try to save configuration
else {
# if "force" is set, Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf accept it even if
# conf database is locked or conf number isn't current number (used to
# restore an old configuration)
$self->confObj->{force} = 1 if ( $self->param('force') );
# Call saveConf()
$errors->{result}->{cfgNum} = $self->confObj->saveConf($newConf);
# 2.2.1 Prepare response
my $msg;
# case "success"
if ( $errors->{result}->{cfgNum} > 0 ) {
# Store accounting datas to the response
$errors->{cfgDatas} = {
cfgAuthor => $newConf->{cfgAuthor},
cfgAuthorIP => $newConf->{cfgAuthorIP},
cfgDate => $newConf->{cfgDate}
$msg = 'confSaved';
# Log success using Lemonldap::NG::Common::CGI::userNotice():
# * in system logs if "syslog" is set
# * in apache errors file otherwise
$self->_sub( 'userNotice',
"Conf $errors->{result}->{cfgNum} saved by $newConf->{cfgAuthor}"
# other cases
else {
$msg = {
CONFIG_WAS_CHANGED, 'confWasChanged',
UNKNOWN_ERROR, 'unknownError',
DATABASE_LOCKED, 'databaseLocked',
UPLOAD_DENIED, 'uploadDenied',
SYNTAX_ERROR, 'syntaxError',
DEPRECATED, 'confModuledeprecated',
}->{ $errors->{result}->{cfgNum} };
# Log failure using Lemonldap::NG::Common::CGI::userError()
$self->_sub( 'userError',
"Configuration rejected for $newConf->{cfgAuthor}: $msg" );
# Translate msg returned
$errors->{result}->{msg} = $self->translate($msg);
if ( $errors->{result}->{cfgNum} == CONFIG_WAS_CHANGED
or $errors->{result}->{cfgNum} == DATABASE_LOCKED )
$errors->{result}->{other} = '<a href="javascript:uploadConf(1)">'
. $self->translate('clickHereToForce') . '</a>';
elsif ( $errors->{result}->{cfgNum} == DEPRECATED ) {
$errors->{result}->{other} = 'Module : ' . $self->confObj->{type};
my $buf = '{';
my $i = 0;
while ( my ( $type, $h ) = each %$errors ) {
$buf .= ',' if ($i);
$buf .= "'$type':{";
$buf .= join(
map {
$h->{$_} =~ s/'/\\'/;
$h->{$_} =~ s/\n/ /g;
} keys %$h
$buf .= '}';
$buf .= '}';
print $self->header(
-type => 'application/json',
-Content_Length => length($buf)
) . $buf;
## @method protected array applyTest(void* test,string value)
# Apply the test to the value and return the result and an optional message
# returned by the test if the sub ref.
# @param $test Ref to a regexp or a sub
# @param $value Value to test
# @return Array containing:
# - the test result
# - an optional message
sub applyTest {
my ( $self, $test, $value ) = @_;
my ( $res, $msg );
if ( ref($test) eq 'CODE' ) {
( $res, $msg ) = &$test($value);
else {
$res = ( $value =~ $test ? 1 : 0 );
return ( $res, $msg );
## @method protected array getConfTests(string id)
# Call Lemonldap::NG::Manager::_Struct::testStruct().
sub getConfTests {
my ( $self, $id ) = @_;
my ( $confKey, $tmp ) = ( $id =~ /^(.*?)(?:\/(.*))?$/ );
my $h = $self->testStruct()->{$confKey};
if ( $h and $h->{'*'} and my ( $k, $v ) = ( $tmp =~ /^(.*?)\/(.*)$/ ) ) {
return ( "$confKey/$k", $h->{'*'} );
return ( $confKey, $h );
## @method protected array findAllConfKeys(hashref h)
# Parse a tree structure to find all nodes corresponding to a configuration
# value.
# @param $h Tree structure
# @return Array of configuration parameter names
sub findAllConfKeys {
my ( $self, $h ) = @_;
my @res = ();
# expand _nodes
if ( ref( $h->{_nodes} ) eq 'CODE' ) {
$h->{_nodes} = $h->{_nodes}->($self);
foreach my $n ( @{ $h->{_nodes} } ) {
$n =~ s/^.*?:(.*?)(?:\:.*)?$/$1/;
if ( ref( $h->{$n} ) ) {
push @res, $self->findAllConfKeys( $h->{$n} );
else {
my $m = $h->{$n} || $n;
push @res, ( $m =~ /^(?:.*?:)?(.*?)(?:\:.*)?$/ ? $1 : () );
push @res, @{ $h->{_upload} } if ( $h->{_upload} );
return @res;
## @method protected String formatValue(string key, string value)
# Format a value.
# @param $key String "/path/key"
# @param $value String
# @return A formated value.
sub formatValue {
my ( $self, $key, $value ) = @_;
my $newvalue = $value;
if ( $key =~ /^samlIDPMetaDataXML/ ) {
my $metadata = Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf::SAML::Metadata->new();
if ( ref($value) ) {
else {
$newvalue = $metadata->toHash();
return $newvalue;
## @method protected void setKeyToH(hashref h,string key,string k2,string value)
# Insert key=>$value in $h at the position declared with $key. If $k2 is set,
# insert key=>{$k2=>$value}. Note that $key is splited with "/". The last part
# is used as key.
# @param $h New Lemonldap::NG configuration
# @param $key String "/path/key"
# @param $k2 Optional subkey
sub setKeyToH {
my $value = pop;
return unless ( ref($value) or length($value) );
my ( $self, $h, $key, $k2 ) = @_;
my $tmp = $h;
$key =~ s/^\///;
$value = $self->formatValue( $key, $value );
while (1) {
if ( $key =~ /\// ) {
my $k = $`;
$key = $';
$tmp = $tmp->{$k} ||= {};
else {
if ($k2) {
$tmp->{$key} = {} unless ( ref( $tmp->{$key} ) );
$tmp->{$key}->{$k2} = $value;
else {
$tmp->{$key} = $value;
## @method private XML::LibXML parser()
# @return XML::LibXML object (cached in global $parser variable)
sub parser {
my $self = shift;
return $parser if ($parser);
$parser = XML::LibXML->new();
## @method private XML::LibXSLT stylesheet()
# Returns XML::LibXSLT parser (cached in global $stylesheet variable). Use
# datas stored at the end of this file to initialize the object.
# @return XML::LibXSLT object
sub stylesheet {
my $self = shift;
return $stylesheet if ($stylesheet);
my $xslt = XML::LibXSLT->new();
my $style_doc = $self->parser->parse_string( join( '', <DATA> ) );
close DATA;
$stylesheet = $xslt->parse_stylesheet($style_doc);
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:output method="xml"
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:template match="li">
<xsl:when test="starts-with(.,'.')">
<ignore><xsl:attribute name="value"><xsl:value-of select="."/></xsl:attribute></ignore>
<xsl:template match="span">
<xsl:when test="@id='text_li_cm9vdA2'">
<conf><xsl:attribute name="value"><xsl:value-of select="@value"/></xsl:attribute></conf>
<xsl:attribute name="name"><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="id"><xsl:value-of select="@id"/></xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="value"><xsl:value-of select="@value"/></xsl:attribute>