2014-06-25 10:01:17 +00:00

227 lines
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package Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API::ApacheMP2;
use Exporter 'import';
our $VERSION = '1.4.0';
httpCodes => [
push( @EXPORT_OK, @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{$_} } ) foreach ( keys %EXPORT_TAGS );
# Specific modules and constants for Apache Mod_Perl 2
use Apache2::RequestUtil;
use Apache2::RequestRec;
use Apache2::Log;
use Apache2::ServerUtil;
use Apache2::Connection;
use Apache2::RequestIO;
use Apache2::Const;
use APR::Table;
use constant FORBIDDEN => Apache2::Const::FORBIDDEN;
use constant REDIRECT => Apache2::Const::REDIRECT;
use constant OK => Apache2::Const::OK;
use constant DECLINED => Apache2::Const::DECLINED;
use constant DONE => Apache2::Const::DONE;
use constant SERVER_ERROR => Apache2::Const::SERVER_ERROR;
use constant AUTH_REQUIRED => Apache2::Const::AUTH_REQUIRED;
eval { require threads::shared; };
print STDERR "You probably would have better perfs by enabling threads::shared\n"
if ($@);
## @method void thread_share(string $variable)
# try to share $variable between threads
# note: eval is needed,
# else it fails to compile if threads::shared is not loaded
# @param $variable the name of the variable to share
sub thread_share {
my ($class, $variable) = @_;
eval "threads::shared::share(\$variable);";
## @method void setServerSignature(string sign)
# modifies web server signature
# @param $sign String to add to server signature
sub setServerSignature {
my ($class, $sign) = @_;
PerlPostConfigHandler => sub {
my ( $c, $l, $t, $s ) = splice @_;
## @method void lmLog(string $msg, string $level, Apache2::RequestRec $r)
# logs message $msg to Apache logs with loglevel $level
# @param $msg string message to log
# @param $level string loglevel
# @param $r Apache2::RequestRec optional Current request
sub lmLog {
my ( $class, $msg, $level, $r ) = @_;
# TODO: remove the useless tag 'ApacheMP2.pm(70):' in debug logs
## @method void set_user(Apache2::RequestRec request, string user)
# sets remote_user
# @param request Apache2::RequestRec current request
# @param user string username
sub set_user {
my ($class, $r, $user) = @_;
## @method string header_in(Apache2::RequestRec request, string header)
# returns request header value
# @param request Apache2::RequestRec current request
# @param header string request header
# @return request header value
sub header_in {
my ($class, $r, $header) = @_;
return $r->headers_in->{$header};
## @method void set_header_in(Apache2::RequestRec request, hash headers)
# sets or modifies request headers
# @param request Apache2::RequestRec current request
# @param headers hash containing header names => header value
sub set_header_in {
my ($class, $r, %headers) = @_;
while ( my ( $h, $v ) = each %headers ) {
$r->headers_in->set( $h => $v );
## @method void unset_header_in(Apache2::RequestRec request, array headers)
# removes request headers
# @param request Apache2::RequestRec current request
# @param headers array with header names to remove
sub unset_header_in {
my ($class, $r, @headers) = @_;
foreach my $h (@headers) {
## @method void set_header_out(Apache2::RequestRec request, hash headers)
# sets response headers, only on 2xx and 3xx responses
# @param request Apache2::RequestRec current request
# @param headers hash containing header names => header value
sub set_header_out {
my ($class, $r, %headers) = @_;
while ( my ( $h, $v ) = each %headers ) {
$r->headers_out->set( $h => $v );
## @method void set_err_header_out(Apache2::RequestRec request, hash headers)
# sets response headers, even on 4xx responses
# @param request Apache2::RequestRec current request
# @param headers hash containing header names => header value
sub set_err_header_out {
my ($class, $r, %headers) = @_;
while ( my ( $h, $v ) = each %headers ) {
$r->err_headers_out->set( $h => $v );
## @method string hostname(Apache2::RequestRec request)
# returns host, as set by full URI or Host header
# @param request Apache2::RequestRec current request
# @return host string Host value
sub hostname {
my ($class, $r) = @_;
return $r->hostname;
## @method string remote_ip(Apache2::RequestRec request)
# returns client IP address
# @param request Apache2::RequestRec current request
# @return IP_Addr string client IP
sub remote_ip {
my ($class, $r) = @_;
return $r->connection->remote_ip;
## @method boolean is_initial_req(Apache2::RequestRec request)
# returns true unless the current request is a subrequest
# @param request Apache2::RequestRec current request
# @return is_initial_req boolean
sub is_initial_req {
my ($class, $r) = @_;
return $r->is_initial_req;
## @method string args(Apache2::RequestRec request, string args)
# gets the query string
# @param request Apache2::RequestRec current request
# @return args string Query string
sub args {
my ($class, $r) = @_;
return $r->args();
## @method string uri(Apache2::RequestRec request)
# returns the path portion of the URI, normalized, i.e. :
# * URL decoded (characters encoded as %XX are decoded,
# except ? in order not to merge path and query string)
# * references to relative path components "." and ".." are resolved
# * two or more adjacent slashes are merged into a single slash
# @param request Apache2::RequestRec current request
# @return path portion of the URI, normalized
sub uri {
my ($class, $r) = @_;
my $uri = $r->uri;
$uri =~ s#//+#/#g;
$uri =~ s#\?#%3F#g;
return $uri;
## @method string uri_with_args(Apache2::RequestRec request)
# returns the URI, with arguments and with path portion normalized
# @param request Apache2::RequestRec current request
# @return URI with normalized path portion
sub uri_with_args {
my ($class, $r) = @_;
return $class->uri($r) . ( $r->args ? "?" . $r->args : "");
## @method string unparsed_uri(Apache2::RequestRec request)
# returns the full original request URI, with arguments
# @param request Apache2::RequestRec current request
# @return full original request URI, with arguments
sub unparsed_uri {
my ($class, $r) = @_;
return $r->unparsed_uri;
## @method string get_server_port(Apache2::RequestRec request)
# returns the port the server is receiving the current request on
# @param request Apache2::RequestRec current request
# @return port string server port
sub get_server_port {
my ($class, $r) = @_;
return $r->get_server_port;
## @method void print(string data, Apache2::RequestRec request)
# write data in HTTP response body
# @param data Text to add in response body
# @param request Apache2::RequestRec Current request
sub print {
my ($class, $data, $r) = @_;