2012-05-31 20:20:00 +00:00

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# Zimbra preauthentication
# Zimbra preauthentication
# It will build Zimbra preauth URL
package Lemonldap::NG::Handler::ZimbraPreAuth;
use strict;
use Lemonldap::NG::Handler::SharedConf qw(:all);
use base qw(Lemonldap::NG::Handler::SharedConf);
use Digest::HMAC_SHA1 qw(hmac_sha1 hmac_sha1_hex);
our $VERSION = '1.0.0';
# Shared variables
our ( $zimbraPreAuthKey, $zimbraAccountKey, $zimbraBy, $zimbraUrl,
$zimbraSsoUrl, $timeout );
## @imethod protected void defaultValuesInit(hashRef args)
# Overload defaultValuesInit
# @param $args reference to the configuration hash
sub defaultValuesInit {
my ( $class, $args ) = splice @_;
# Catch Zimbra parameters
$zimbraPreAuthKey = $args->{'zimbraPreAuthKey'} || $zimbraPreAuthKey;
$zimbraAccountKey =
|| $zimbraAccountKey
|| 'uid';
$zimbraBy = $args->{'zimbraBy'} || $zimbraBy || 'id';
$zimbraUrl = $args->{'zimbraUrl'} || $zimbraUrl || '/service/preauth';
$zimbraSsoUrl = $args->{'zimbraSsoUrl'} || $zimbraSsoUrl || '^/zimbrasso$';
$timeout = $args->{'timeout'} || $timeout || '0';
# Display found values in debug mode
$class->lmLog( "zimbraPreAuthKey: $zimbraPreAuthKey", 'debug' );
$class->lmLog( "zimbraAccountKey: $zimbraAccountKey", 'debug' );
$class->lmLog( "zimbraBy: $zimbraBy", 'debug' );
$class->lmLog( "zimbraUrl: $zimbraUrl", 'debug' );
$class->lmLog( "zimbraSsoUrl: $zimbraSsoUrl", 'debug' );
$class->lmLog( "timeout: $timeout", 'debug' );
# Delete Zimbra parameters
delete $args->{'zimbraPreAuthKey'};
delete $args->{'zimbraAccountKey'};
delete $args->{'zimbraBy'};
delete $args->{'zimbraUrl'};
delete $args->{'zimbraSsoUrl'};
delete $args->{'timeout'};
# Call main subroutine
return $class->SUPER::defaultValuesInit($args);
## @rmethod Apache2::Const run(Apache2::RequestRec r)
# Overload main run method
# @param r Current request
# @return Apache2::Const value (OK, FORBIDDEN, REDIRECT or SERVER_ERROR)
sub run {
my $class = shift;
my $r = $_[0];
my $ret = $class->SUPER::run(@_);
# Continue only if user is authorized
return $ret unless ( $ret == OK );
# Get current URI
my $args = $r->args;
my $uri = $r->uri . ( $args ? "?$args" : "" );
# Return if we are not on a Zimbra SSO URI
return OK unless ( $uri =~ $zimbraSsoUrl );
# Check mandatory parameters
return $class->abort("No Zimbra preauth key configured")
unless ($zimbraPreAuthKey);
# Build URL
my $zimbra_url = $class->_buildZimbraPreAuthUrl(
$zimbraPreAuthKey, $zimbraUrl,
$datas->{$zimbraAccountKey}, $zimbraBy
# Header location
lmSetHeaderOut( $r, 'Location' => $zimbra_url );
return REDIRECT;
## @method private string _buildZimbraPreAuthUrl(string key, string url, string account, string by)
# Build Zimbra PreAuth URL
# @param key PreAuthKey
# @param url URL
# @param account User account
# @param by Account type
# @return Zimbra PreAuth URL
sub _buildZimbraPreAuthUrl {
my ( $class, $key, $url, $account, $by ) = splice @_;
# Expiration time is calculated with _utime and timeout
my $expires = $timeout ? ( $datas->{_utime} + $timeout ) * 1000 : $timeout;
# Timestamp
my $timestamp = time() * 1000;
# Compute preauth value
my $computed_value =
hmac_sha1_hex( "$account|$by|$expires|$timestamp", $key );
"Compute value $account|$by|$expires|$timestamp into $computed_value",
'debug' );
# Build PreAuth URL
my $zimbra_url =
$class->lmLog( "Build Zimbra URL: $zimbra_url", 'debug' );
return $zimbra_url;
=head1 NAME
=encoding utf8
Lemonldap::NG::Handler::ZimbraPreAuth - Perl extension to generate Zimbra preauth URL
for users authenticated by Lemonldap::NG
package My::Zimbra;
use Lemonldap::NG::Handler::ZimbraPreAuth;
@ISA = qw(Lemonldap::NG::Handler::ZimbraPreAuth);
__PACKAGE__->init ( {
# Zimbra parameters
zimbraPreAuthKey => 'XXXX',
zimbraAccountKey => 'uid',
zimbraBy => 'id',
zimbraUrl => '/service/preauth',
zimbraSsoUrl => '^/zimbrasso$',
# Common parameters
timeout => '72000',
# See Lemonldap::NG::Handler for more
} );
Edit you Zimbra vhost configuration like this:
<VirtualHost *>
ServerName zimbra.example.com
# Load Zimbra Handler
PerlRequire __HANDLERDIR__/MyHandlerZimbra.pm
PerlHeaderParserHandler My::Zimbra
=head2 EXPORT
See L<Lemonldap::NG::Handler>
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Clement Oudot, E<lt>clement@oodo.netE<gt>
Copyright (C) 2010 by Clement Oudot
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.