Maxime Besson e028088f88 Add the ability to detect HTTPS from web server env
This commit adds a new "Default" option for the global HTTPS setting. In
this mode, the handler will refer to the HTTPS env variable to know if it's
being accessed over HTTPS or not. An administrator is of course still
free to force HTTPS by setting it either globally or per-VHost
2019-02-03 20:12:53 +01:00

3305 lines
118 KiB

# This file contains the description of all configuration parameters
# It may be included only by batch files, never in portal or handler chain
# for performances reasons
package Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::Attributes;
our $VERSION = '2.0.2';
use strict;
use Regexp::Common qw/URI/;
my $perlExpr = sub {
my ( $val, $conf ) = @_;
my $s = '';
Safe->new->reval("BEGIN { warnings->unimport; } $s $val");
my $err = join( '',
grep { $_ =~ /Undefined subroutine/ ? () : $_ } split( /\n/, $@ ) );
return $err ? ( 1, "__badExpression__: $err" ) : (1);
my $url = $RE{URI}{HTTP}{ -scheme => "https?" };
$url =~ s/(?<=[^\\])\$/\\\$/g;
$url = qr/$url/;
sub types {
return {
# Simple text types
text => {
test => sub {1},
msgFail => '__malformedValue__',
password => {
test => sub {1},
msgFail => '__malformedValue__',
longtext => {
test => sub {1}
url => {
form => 'text',
test => $url,
msgFail => '__badUrl__',
PerlModule => {
form => 'text',
test => qr/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*(?:::[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)*$/,
msgFail => '__badPerlPackageName__',
hostname => {
form => 'text',
test => qr/^(?:$Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2396::host)?$/,
msgFail => '__badHostname__',
pcre => {
form => 'text',
test => sub {
eval {qr/$_[0]/};
return $@ ? ( 0, "__badRegexp__: $@" ) : (1);
lmAttrOrMacro => {
form => 'text',
test => sub {
my ( $val, $conf ) = @_;
return 1
if ( defined $conf->{macros}->{$val}
or $val eq '_timezone' );
foreach ( keys %$conf ) {
return 1
if ( $_ =~ /exportedvars$/i
and defined $conf->{$_}->{$val} );
return ( 1, "__unknownAttrOrMacro__: $val" );
# Other types
int => {
test => qr/^\-?\d+$/,
msgFail => '__notAnInteger__',
bool => {
test => qr/^[01]$/,
msgFail => '__notABoolean__',
trool => {
test => qr/^(?:-1|0|1)$/,
msgFail => '__authorizedValues__: -1, 0, 1',
boolOrExpr => {
test => $perlExpr,
msgFail => '__notAValidPerlExpression__',
keyTextContainer => {
test => qr/./,
msgFail => '__emptyValueNotAllowed__',
keyTest => qr/^\w[\w\.\-]*$/,
keyMsgFail => '__badKeyName__',
subContainer => {
keyTest => qr/\w/,
test => sub {1},
select => {
test => sub {
my $test = grep ( { $_ eq $_[0] }
map ( { $_->{k} } @{ $_[2]->{select} } ) );
return $test
? 1
: ( 1, "Invalid value '$_[0]' for this select" );
# Files type (long text)
file => {
test => sub {1}
RSAPublicKey => {
test => sub {
return (
=~ /^(?:(?:\-+\s*BEGIN\s+PUBLIC\s+KEY\s*\-+\r?\n)?[a-zA-Z0-9\/\+\r\n]+={0,2}(?:\r?\n\-+\s*END\s+PUBLIC\s+KEY\s*\-+)?[\r\n]*)?$/s
? (1)
: ( 1, '__badPemEncoding__' )
'RSAPublicKeyOrCertificate' => {
'test' => sub {
return (
=~ /^(?:(?:\-+\s*BEGIN\s+(?:PUBLIC\s+KEY|CERTIFICATE)\s*\-+\r?\n)?[a-zA-Z0-9\/\+\r\n]+={0,2}(?:\r?\n\-+\s*END\s+(?:PUBLIC\s+KEY|CERTIFICATE)\s*\-+)?[\r\n]*)?$/s
? (1)
: ( 1, '__badPemEncoding__' )
RSAPrivateKey => {
test => sub {
return (
=~ /^(?:(?:\-+\s*BEGIN\s+(?:RSA\s+)?PRIVATE\s+KEY\s*\-+\r?\n)?(?:Proc-Type:.*\r?\nDEK-Info:.*\r?\n[\r\n]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9\/\+\r\n]+={0,2}(?:\r?\n\-+\s*END\s+(?:RSA\s+)PRIVATE\s+KEY\s*\-+)?[\r\n]*)?$/s
? (1)
: ( 1, '__badPemEncoding__' )
authParamsText => {
test => sub {1}
blackWhiteList => {
test => sub {1}
catAndAppList => {
test => sub {1}
keyText => {
keyTest => qr/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/,
test => qr/^.*$/,
msgFail => '__badValue__',
menuApp => {
test => sub {1}
menuCat => {
test => sub {1}
oidcOPMetaDataNode => {
test => sub {1}
oidcRPMetaDataNode => {
test => sub {1}
oidcmetadatajson => {
test => sub {1}
oidcmetadatajwks => {
test => sub {1}
portalskin => {
test => sub {1}
portalskinbackground => {
test => sub {1}
post => {
test => sub {1}
rule => {
test => sub {1}
samlAssertion => {
test => sub {1}
samlAttribute => {
test => sub {1}
samlIDPMetaDataNode => {
test => sub {1}
samlSPMetaDataNode => {
test => sub {1}
samlService => {
test => sub {1}
array => {
test => sub {1}
sub attributes {
return {
# Other
checkTime => {
type => 'int',
documentation =>
'Timeout to check new configuration in local cache',
default => 600,
flags => 'hp',
mySessionAuthorizedRWKeys => {
type => 'array',
documentation => 'Alterable session keys by user itself',
default =>
[ '_appsListOrder', '_oidcConnectedRP', '_oidcConsents' ],
configStorage => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Configuration storage',
flags => 'hmp',
localStorage => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Local cache',
flags => 'hmp',
localStorageOptions => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
documentation => 'Local cache parameters',
flags => 'hmp',
cfgNum => {
type => 'int',
default => 0,
documentation => 'Enable Cross Domain Authentication',
cfgAuthor => {
type => 'text',
documentation =>
'Name of the author of the current configuration',
cfgAuthorIP => {
type => 'text',
documentation =>
'Uploader IP address of the current configuration',
cfgDate => {
type => 'int',
documentation => 'Timestamp of the current configuration',
cfgLog => {
type => 'longtext',
documentation => 'Configuration update log',
cfgVersion => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Version of LLNG which build configuration',
status => {
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Status daemon activation',
flags => 'h',
confirmFormMethod => {
type => "select",
select =>
[ { k => 'get', v => 'GET' }, { k => 'post', v => 'POST' }, ],
default => 'post',
documentation => 'HTTP method for confirm page form',
customFunctions => {
type => 'text',
test => qr/^(?:\w+(?:::\w+)*(?:\s+\w+(?:::\w+)*)*)?$/,
help => 'customfunctions.html',
msgFail => "__badCustomFuncName__",
documentation => 'List of custom functions',
flags => 'hmp',
https => {
default => -1,
type => 'trool',
documentation => 'Use HTTPS for redirection from portal',
flags => 'h',
infoFormMethod => {
type => "select",
select =>
[ { k => 'get', v => 'GET' }, { k => 'post', v => 'POST' }, ],
default => 'get',
documentation => 'HTTP method for info page form',
port => {
default => -1,
type => 'int',
documentation => 'Force port in redirection',
flags => 'h',
jsRedirect => {
type => 'boolOrExpr',
default => 0,
documentation => 'Use javascript for redirections',
logoutServices => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
help => 'logoutforward.html',
default => {},
documentation =>
'Send logout trough GET request to these services',
maintenance => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Maintenance mode for all virtual hosts',
flags => 'h',
nginxCustomHandlers => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
keyTest => qr/^\w+$/,
test => qr/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*(?:::[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)*$/,
help => 'handlerarch.html',
msgFail => '__badPerlPackageName__',
documentation => 'Custom Nginx handler (deprecated)',
noAjaxHook => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Avoid replacing 302 by 401 for Ajax responses',
portal => {
type => 'url',
default => 'http://auth.example.com/',
documentation => 'Portal URL',
flags => 'hmp',
test => $url,
msgFail => '__badUrl__',
portalStatus => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
help => 'status.html',
documentation => 'Enable portal status',
portalUserAttr => {
type => 'text',
default => '_user',
documentation =>
'Session parameter to display connected user in portal',
redirectFormMethod => {
type => "select",
select =>
[ { k => 'get', v => 'GET' }, { k => 'post', v => 'POST' }, ],
default => 'get',
documentation => 'HTTP method for redirect page form',
reloadTimeout => {
type => 'int',
default => 5,
documentation => 'Configuration reload timeout',
flags => 'm',
reloadUrls => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
help => 'configlocation.html#configuration_reload',
keyTest => qr/^$Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2396::host(?::\d+)?$/,
test => $url,
msgFail => '__badUrl__',
documentation => 'URL to call on reload',
portalMainLogo => {
type => 'text',
default => 'common/logos/logo_llng_400px.png',
documentation => 'Portal main logo path',
showLanguages => {
type => 'bool',
default => 1,
documentation => 'Display langs icons',
staticPrefix => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Prefix of static files for HTML templates',
multiValuesSeparator => {
type => 'authParamsText',
default => '; ',
documentation => 'Separator for multiple values',
flags => 'hmp',
stayConnected => {
type => 'bool',
#help => 'stayconnected.html',
default => 0,
documentation => 'Enable StayConnected plugin',
checkState => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
documentation => 'Enable CheckState plugin',
checkStateSecret => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Secret token for CheckState plugin',
skipRenewConfirmation => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
documentation =>
'Avoid asking confirmation when an Issuer asks to renew auth',
handlerInternalCache => {
type => 'int',
default => 15,
documentation => 'Handler internal cache timeout',
flags => 'hp',
# Loggers (ini only)
logLevel => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Log level, must be set in .ini',
flags => 'hmp',
logger => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'technical logger',
flags => 'hmp',
userLogger => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'User actions logger',
flags => 'hmp',
log4perlConfFile => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Log4Perl logger configuration file',
flags => 'hmp',
sentryDsn => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Sentry logger DSN',
flags => 'hmp',
syslogFacility => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Syslog logger technical facility',
flags => 'hmp',
userSyslogFacility => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Syslog logger user-actions facility',
flags => 'hmp',
# Manager or PSGI protected apps
protection => {
type => 'text',
test => qr/^(?:none|authenticate|manager|)$/,
msgFail => '__authorizedValues__: none authenticate manager',
documentation => 'Manager protection method',
flags => 'hm',
# Menu
activeTimer => {
type => 'bool',
default => 1,
documentation => 'Enable timers on portal pages',
applicationList => {
type => 'catAndAppList',
keyTest => qr/\w/,
help => 'portalmenu.html#categories_and_applications',
default => {
default =>
{ catname => 'Default category', type => "category" }
documentation => 'Applications list',
portalErrorOnExpiredSession => {
type => 'bool',
default => 1,
documentation => 'Show error if session is expired',
portalErrorOnMailNotFound => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
documentation =>
'Show error if mail is not found in password reset process',
portalOpenLinkInNewWindow => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
documentation => 'Open applications in new windows',
portalPingInterval => {
type => 'int',
default => 60000,
documentation => 'Interval in ms between portal Ajax pings ',
portalSkin => {
type => 'portalskin',
default => 'bootstrap',
documentation => 'Name of portal skin',
select => [ { k => 'bootstrap', v => 'Bootstrap' }, ],
portalSkinBackground => {
type => 'portalskinbackground',
documentation => 'Background image of portal skin',
select => [
{ k => "", v => 'None' },
{ k => "1280px-Anse_Source_d'Argent_2-La_Digue.jpg",
v => 'Anse'
{ k =>
v => 'Waterfall'
{ k => "1280px-BrockenSnowedTrees.jpg", v => 'Snowed Trees' },
{ k =>
v => 'National Monument'
{ k => "1280px-Parry_Peak_from_Winter_Park.jpg",
v => 'Winter'
{ k => "Aletschgletscher_mit_Pinus_cembra1.jpg",
v => 'Pinus'
portalSkinRules => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
help => 'portalcustom.html',
keyTest => $perlExpr,
keyMsgFail => '__badSkinRule__',
test => qr/^\w+$/,
msgFail => '__badValue__',
documentation => 'Rules to choose portal skin',
# Security
formTimeout => {
default => 120,
type => 'int',
documentation => 'Token timeout for forms',
requireToken => {
default => 1,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Enable token for forms',
tokenUseGlobalStorage => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Enable global token storage',
cda => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Enable Cross Domain Authentication',
flags => 'hp',
checkXSS => {
default => 1,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Check XSS',
portalForceAuthn => {
default => 0,
help => 'forcereauthn.html',
type => 'bool',
documentation =>
'Enable force to authenticate when displaying portal',
portalForceAuthnInterval => {
default => 5,
type => 'int',
documentation =>
'Maximum interval in seconds since last authentication to force reauthentication',
bruteForceProtection => {
default => 0,
help => 'bruteforceprotection.html',
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Enable brute force attack protection',
bruteForceProtectionTempo => {
default => 30,
type => 'int',
documentation =>
'Brute force attack protection -> Tempo before try again',
bruteForceProtectionMaxAge => {
default => 300,
type => 'int',
documentation =>
'Brute force attack protection -> Max age between last and first allowed failed login',
bruteForceProtectionMaxFailed => {
default => 3,
type => 'int',
documentation =>
'Brute force attack protection -> Max allowed failed login',
grantSessionRules => {
type => 'grantContainer',
keyTest => $perlExpr,
test => sub {1},
documentation => 'Rules to grant sessions',
hiddenAttributes => {
type => 'text',
default => '_password',
documentation => 'Name of attributes to hide in logs',
key => {
type => 'password',
documentation => 'Secret key',
cspDefault => {
type => 'text',
default => "'self'",
documentation => 'Default value for Content-Security-Policy',
cspFormAction => {
type => 'text',
default => "'self'",
documentation =>
'Form action destination for Content-Security-Policy',
cspImg => {
type => 'text',
default => "'self' data:",
documentation => 'Image source for Content-Security-Policy',
cspScript => {
type => 'text',
default => "'self'",
documentation => 'Javascript source for Content-Security-Policy',
cspStyle => {
type => 'text',
default => "'self'",
documentation => 'Style source for Content-Security-Policy',
cspConnect => {
type => 'text',
default => "'self'",
documentation =>
'Authorized Ajax destination for Content-Security-Policy',
cspFont => {
type => 'text',
default => "'self'",
documentation => 'Font source for Content-Security-Policy',
portalAntiFrame => {
default => 1,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Avoid portal to be displayed inside frames',
portalCheckLogins => {
default => 1,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Display login history checkbox in portal',
randomPasswordRegexp => {
type => 'pcre',
default => '[A-Z]{3}[a-z]{5}.\d{2}',
documentation => 'Regular expression to create a random password',
trustedDomains =>
{ type => 'text', documentation => 'Trusted domains', },
storePassword => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Store password in session',
timeout => {
type => 'int',
test => sub { $_[0] > 0 },
default => 72000,
documentation => 'Session timeout on server side',
timeoutActivity => {
type => 'int',
test => sub { $_[0] >= 0 },
default => 0,
documentation => 'Session activity timeout on server side',
timeoutActivityInterval => {
type => 'int',
test => sub { $_[0] >= 0 },
default => 60,
documentation => 'Update session timeout interval on server side',
trustedProxies => {
type => 'text',
default => '',
documentation => 'Trusted proxies',
userControl => {
type => 'pcre',
default => '^[\w\.\-@]+$',
documentation => 'Regular expression to validate login',
useRedirectOnError => {
type => 'bool',
default => 1,
documentation => 'Use 302 redirect code for error (500)',
flags => 'h',
useRedirectOnForbidden => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Use 302 redirect code for forbidden (403)',
useSafeJail => {
default => 1,
type => 'bool',
help => 'safejail.html',
documentation => 'Activate Safe jail',
flags => 'hp',
whatToTrace => {
type => 'lmAttrOrMacro',
default => 'uid',
documentation => 'Session parameter used to fill REMOTE_USER',
flags => 'hp',
lwpOpts => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
documentation => 'Options given to LWP::UserAgent',
lwpSslOpts => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
documentation => 'SSL options given to LWP::UserAgent',
# History
failedLoginNumber => {
default => 5,
type => 'int',
documentation => 'Number of failures stored in login history',
loginHistoryEnabled => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Enable login history',
portalDisplayLoginHistory => {
type => 'boolOrExpr',
default => 1,
documentation => 'Display login history tab in portal',
successLoginNumber => {
default => 5,
type => 'int',
documentation => 'Number of success stored in login history',
# Other displays
portalDisplayAppslist => {
type => 'boolOrExpr',
default => 1,
documentation => 'Display applications tab in portal',
portalDisplayChangePassword => {
type => 'boolOrExpr',
default => '$_auth =~ /^(LDAP|DBI|Demo)$/',
documentation => 'Display password tab in portal',
portalDisplayLogout => {
default => 1,
type => 'boolOrExpr',
documentation => 'Display logout tab in portal',
portalDisplayRegister => {
default => 1,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Display register button in portal',
portalDisplayResetPassword => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Display reset password button in portal',
passwordResetAllowedRetries => {
default => 3,
type => 'int',
documentation => 'Maximum number of retries to reset password',
portalDisplayOidcConsents => {
type => 'boolOrExpr',
default => '$_oidcConnectedRP',
documentation => 'Display OIDC consent tab in portal',
# Cookies
cookieExpiration => {
type => 'int',
documentation => 'Cookie expiration',
flags => 'hp',
cookieName => {
type => 'text',
test => qr/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$/,
msgFail => '__badCookieName__',
default => 'lemonldap',
documentation => 'Name of the main cookie',
flags => 'hp',
domain => {
type => 'text',
test => qr/^(?:$Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2396::hostname)?$/,
msgFail => '__badDomainName__',
default => 'example.com',
documentation => 'DNS domain',
flags => 'hp',
httpOnly => {
default => 1,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Enable httpOnly flag in cookie',
flags => 'hp',
securedCookie => {
type => 'select',
select => [
{ k => '0', v => 'unsecuredCookie' },
{ k => '1', v => 'securedCookie' },
{ k => '2', v => 'doubleCookie' },
{ k => '3', v => 'doubleCookieForSingleSession' },
default => 0,
documentation => 'Cookie securisation method',
flags => 'hp',
# Notification
oldNotifFormat => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
documentation => 'Use old XML format for notifications',
notificationWildcard => {
type => 'text',
default => 'allusers',
documentation => 'Notification string to match all users',
notificationXSLTfile => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Custom XSLT document for notifications',
notification => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Notification activation',
notificationServer => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Notification server activation',
notificationStorage => {
type => 'PerlModule',
default => 'File',
documentation => 'Notification backend',
notificationStorageOptions => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
default => { dirName => '/var/lib/lemonldap-ng/notifications', },
documentation => 'Notification backend options',
# Captcha
captcha_login_enabled => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Captcha on login page',
captcha_mail_enabled => {
default => 1,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Captcha on password reset page',
captcha_register_enabled => {
default => 1,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Captcha on account creation page',
captcha_size => {
type => 'int',
default => 6,
documentation => 'Captcha size',
# Variables
exportedVars => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
help => 'exportedvars.html',
keyTest => qr/^!?[_a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/,
keyMsgFail => '__badVariableName__',
test => qr/^[_a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_:\-]*$/,
msgFail => '__badValue__',
default => { 'UA' => 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' },
documentation => 'Main exported variables',
groups => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
help =>
test => $perlExpr,
default => {},
documentation => 'Groups',
macros => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
help =>
keyTest => qr/^[_a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/,
keyMsgFail => '__badMacroName__',
test => $perlExpr,
default => {},
documentation => 'Macros',
# Storage
globalStorage => {
type => 'PerlModule',
default => 'Apache::Session::File',
documentation => 'Session backend module',
flags => 'hp',
globalStorageOptions => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
default => {
'Directory' => '/var/lib/lemonldap-ng/sessions/',
'LockDirectory' => '/var/lib/lemonldap-ng/sessions/lock/',
'generateModule' =>
documentation => 'Session backend module options',
flags => 'hp',
localSessionStorage => {
type => 'PerlModule',
default => 'Cache::FileCache',
documentation => 'Local sessions cache module',
localSessionStorageOptions => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
default => {
'namespace' => 'lemonldap-ng-sessions',
'default_expires_in' => 600,
'directory_umask' => '007',
'cache_root' => '/tmp',
'cache_depth' => 3,
documentation => 'Sessions cache module options',
# Persistent storage
persistentStorage => {
type => 'PerlModule',
documentation => 'Storage module for persistent sessions'
persistentStorageOptions => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
documentation => 'Options for persistent sessions storage module'
sessionDataToRemember => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
keyTest => qr/^[_a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/,
keyMsgFail => '__invalidSessionData__',
documentation => 'Data to remember in login history',
# SAML issuer
issuerDBSAMLActivation => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'SAML IDP activation',
issuerDBSAMLPath => {
type => 'pcre',
default => '^/saml/',
documentation => 'SAML IDP request path',
issuerDBSAMLRule => {
type => 'boolOrExpr',
default => 1,
documentation => 'SAML IDP rule',
# OpenID-Connect issuer
issuerDBOpenIDConnectActivation => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
documentation => 'OpenID Connect server activation',
issuerDBOpenIDConnectPath => {
type => 'text',
default => '^/oauth2/',
documentation => 'OpenID Connect server request path',
issuerDBOpenIDConnectRule => {
type => 'boolOrExpr',
default => 1,
documentation => 'OpenID Connect server rule',
# GET issuer
issuerDBGetActivation => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
documentation => 'Get issuer activation',
issuerDBGetPath => {
type => 'text',
default => '^/get/',
documentation => 'Get issuer request path',
issuerDBGetRule => {
type => 'boolOrExpr',
default => 1,
documentation => 'Get issuer rule',
issuerDBGetParameters => {
type => 'doubleHash',
default => {},
keyTest => qr/^$Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2396::hostname$/,
keyMsgFail => '__badHostname__',
test => {
keyTest => qr/^(?=[^\-])[\w\-]+(?<=[^-])$/,
keyMsgFail => '__badKeyName__',
test => sub {
my ( $val, $conf ) = @_;
return 1
if ( defined $conf->{macros}->{$val}
or $val eq '_timezone' );
foreach ( keys %$conf ) {
return 1
if ( $_ =~ /exportedvars$/i
and defined $conf->{$_}->{$val} );
return ( 1, "__unknownAttrOrMacro__: $val" );
documentation => 'List of virtualHosts with their get parameters',
# Password
mailOnPasswordChange => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Send a mail when password is changed',
portalRequireOldPassword => {
default => 1,
type => 'bool',
documentation =>
'Old password is required to change the password',
hideOldPassword => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Hide old password in portal',
# SMTP server
SMTPServer => {
type => 'text',
default => '',
test => qr/^(?:$Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2396::host(?::\d+)?)?$/,
documentation => 'SMTP Server',
SMTPPort => {
type => 'int',
documentation => 'Fix SMTP port',
type => 'select',
default => '',
select => [
{ k => '', v => 'none' },
{ k => 'starttls', v => 'SMTP + STARTTLS' },
{ k => 'ssl', v => 'SMTPS' },
documentation => 'TLS protocol to use with SMTP',
SMTPTLSOpts => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
documentation => 'TLS/SSL options for SMTP',
SMTPAuthUser => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Login to use to send mails',
SMTPAuthPass => {
type => 'password',
documentation => 'Password to use to send mails',
# Mails
mailCharset => {
type => 'text',
default => 'utf-8',
documentation => 'Mail charset',
mailFrom => {
type => 'text',
default => 'noreply@example.com',
documentation => 'Sender email',
mailSessionKey => {
type => 'text',
default => 'mail',
documentation => 'Session parameter where mail is stored',
mailReplyTo =>
{ type => 'text', documentation => 'Reply-To address' },
mailTimeout => {
type => 'int',
default => 0,
documentation => 'Mail password reset session timeout',
# Password reset
mailBody =>
{ type => 'longtext', documentation => 'Custom password reset mail body', },
mailConfirmBody => {
type => 'longtext',
documentation => 'Custom confirm password reset mail body',
mailConfirmSubject => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Mail subject for reset confirmation',
mailSubject => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Mail subject for new password email',
mailUrl => {
type => 'url',
default => 'http://auth.example.com/resetpwd',
documentation => 'URL of password reset page',
# Registration
registerConfirmSubject => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Mail subject for register confirmation',
registerDB => {
type => 'select',
select => [
{ k => 'AD', v => 'Active Directory' },
{ k => 'Demo', v => 'Demonstration' },
{ k => 'LDAP', v => 'LDAP' },
{ k => 'Null', v => 'None' },
{ k => 'Custom', v => 'customModule' },
default => 'Null',
documentation => 'Register module',
registerDoneSubject => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Mail subject when register is done',
registerTimeout => {
default => 0,
type => 'int',
documentation => 'Register session timeout',
registerUrl => {
type => 'text',
default => 'http://auth.example.com/register',
documentation => 'URL of register page',
# Upgrade session
upgradeSession => {
type => 'bool',
default => 1,
documentation => 'Upgrade session activation',
# 2F
max2FDevices => {
default => 10,
type => 'int',
documentation => 'Maximum registered 2F devices',
max2FDevicesNameLength => {
default => 20,
type => 'int',
documentation => 'Maximum 2F devices name length',
# U2F
u2fActivation => {
type => 'boolOrExpr',
default => 0,
documentation => 'U2F activation',
u2fSelfRegistration => {
type => 'boolOrExpr',
default => 0,
documentation => 'U2F self registration activation',
u2fAuthnLevel => {
type => 'int',
documentation =>
'Authentication level for users authentified by password+U2F'
u2fUserCanRemoveKey => {
type => 'bool',
default => 1,
documentation => 'Authorize users to remove existing U2F key',
# TOTP second factor
totp2fActivation => {
type => 'boolOrExpr',
default => 0,
documentation => 'TOTP activation',
totp2fSelfRegistration => {
type => 'boolOrExpr',
default => 0,
documentation => 'TOTP self registration activation',
totp2fAuthnLevel => {
type => 'int',
documentation =>
'Authentication level for users authentified by password+TOTP'
totp2fIssuer => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'TOTP Issuer',
totp2fInterval => {
type => 'int',
default => 30,
documentation => 'TOTP interval',
totp2fRange => {
type => 'int',
default => 1,
documentation => 'TOTP range (number of interval to test)',
totp2fDigits => {
type => 'int',
default => 6,
documentation => 'Number of digits for TOTP code',
totp2fDisplayExistingSecret => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
documentation =>
'Display existing TOTP secret in registration form',
totp2fUserCanChangeKey => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
documentation => 'Authorize users to change existing TOTP secret',
totp2fUserCanRemoveKey => {
type => 'bool',
default => 1,
documentation => 'Authorize users to remove existing TOTP secret',
utotp2fActivation => {
type => 'boolOrExpr',
default => 0,
documentation => 'UTOTP activation (mixed U2F/TOTP module)',
utotp2fAuthnLevel => {
type => 'int',
documentation =>
'Authentication level for users authentified by password+(U2F or TOTP)'
# Mail second factor
mail2fActivation => {
type => 'boolOrExpr',
default => 0,
documentation => 'Mail second factor activation',
mail2fSubject => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Mail subject for second factor authentication',
mail2fBody => {
type => 'longtext',
documentation => 'Mail body for second factor authentication',
mail2fCodeRegex => {
type => 'pcre',
default => '\d\d\d\d\d\d',
documentation => 'Regular expression to create a mail OTP code',
mail2fTimeout => {
type => 'int',
documentation => 'Second factor code timeout',
mail2fAuthnLevel => {
type => 'int',
documentation =>
'Authentication level for users authenticated by Mail second factor'
mail2fLogo => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Custom logo for Mail 2F',
# External second factor
ext2fActivation => {
type => 'boolOrExpr',
default => 0,
documentation => 'External second factor activation',
ext2FSendCommand => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Send command of External second factor',
ext2FValidateCommand => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Validation command of External second factor',
ext2fAuthnLevel => {
type => 'int',
documentation =>
'Authentication level for users authentified by External second factor'
ext2fLogo => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Custom logo for External 2F',
# REST External second factor
rest2fActivation => {
type => 'boolOrExpr',
default => 0,
documentation => 'REST second factor activation',
rest2fInitUrl => {
type => 'url',
documentation => 'REST 2F init URL',
rest2fInitArgs => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
keyTest => qr/^\w+$/,
keyMsgFail => '__badKeyName__',
test => qr/^\w+$/,
msgFail => '__badValue__',
documentation => 'Args for REST 2F init',
rest2fVerifyUrl => {
type => 'url',
keyTest => qr/^\w+$/,
keyMsgFail => '__badKeyName__',
test => qr/^\w+$/,
msgFail => '__badValue__',
documentation => 'REST 2F init URL',
rest2fVerifyArgs => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
documentation => 'Args for REST 2F init',
rest2fAuthnLevel => {
type => 'int',
documentation =>
'Authentication level for users authentified by REST second factor'
rest2fLogo => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Custom logo for REST 2F',
# Yubikey 2FA
yubikey2fActivation => {
type => 'boolOrExpr',
default => 0,
documentation => 'Yubikey second factor activation',
yubikey2fSelfRegistration => {
type => 'boolOrExpr',
default => 0,
documentation => 'Yubikey self registration activation',
yubikey2fAuthnLevel => {
type => 'int',
documentation =>
'Authentication level for users authentified by Yubikey second factor'
yubikey2fClientID => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Yubico client ID',
yubikey2fSecretKey => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Yubico secret key',
yubikey2fNonce => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Yubico nonce',
yubikey2fUrl => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Yubico server',
yubikey2fPublicIDSize => {
type => 'int',
default => 12,
documentation => 'Yubikey public ID size',
yubikey2fUserCanRemoveKey => {
type => 'bool',
default => 1,
documentation => 'Authorize users to remove existing Yubikey',
# Single session
notifyDeleted => {
default => 1,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Show deleted sessions in portal',
notifyOther => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Show other sessions in portal',
singleSession => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Allow only one session per user',
singleIP => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Allow only one session per IP',
singleUserByIP => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Allow only one user per IP',
singleSessionUserByIP => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Allow only one session per user on an IP',
# REST server
restSessionServer => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Enable REST session server',
restConfigServer => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Enable REST config server',
# SOAP server
soapSessionServer => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
help => 'soapservices.html',
documentation => 'Enable SOAP session server',
soapConfigServer => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
help => 'soapservices.html',
documentation => 'Enable SOAP config server',
exportedAttr => {
type => 'text',
documentation =>
'List of attributes to export by SOAP or REST servers',
wsdlServer => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Enable /portal.wsdl server',
# AutoSignin
autoSigninRules => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
documentation => 'List of auto signin rules',
## Virtualhosts
# Fake attribute: used by manager REST API to agglomerate all other
# nodes
virtualHosts => {
type => 'virtualHostContainer',
help => 'configvhost.html',
template => 'virtualHost',
locationRules => {
type => 'ruleContainer',
help => 'writingrulesand_headers.html#rules',
test => {
keyTest => sub {
eval {qr/$_[0]/};
return $@ ? 0 : 1;
keyMsgFail => '__badRegexp__',
test => sub {
my ( $val, $conf ) = @_;
my $s = $val;
if ( $s =~ s/^logout(?:_(?:sso|app(?:_sso)?))?\s*// ) {
return $s =~ m{^(?:https?://.*)?$}
? (1)
: ( 0, '__badUrl__' );
$s =~ s/\b(accept|deny|unprotect|skip)\b/1/g;
Safe->new->reval("BEGIN { warnings->unimport; } $s");
my $err = join( '',
grep { $_ =~ /Undefined subroutine/ ? () : $_ }
split( /\n/, $@ ) );
return $err ? ( 1, "__badExpression__: $err" ) : (1);
msgFail => '__badExpression__',
keyTest => qr/^(?:\*\.)?$Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2396::hostname$/,
keyMsgFail => '__badHostname__',
default => { default => 'deny', },
documentation => 'Virtualhost rules',
flags => 'h',
exportedHeaders => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
help => 'writingrulesand_headers.html#headers',
keyTest => qr/^(?:\*\.)?$Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2396::hostname$/,
keyMsgFail => '__badHostname__',
test => {
keyTest => qr/^(?=[^\-])[\w\-]+(?<=[^-])$/,
keyMsgFail => '__badHeaderName__',
test => sub {
my ( $val, $conf ) = @_;
my $s = $val;
Safe->new->reval("BEGIN { warnings->unimport; } $s");
my $err = join( '',
grep { $_ =~ /Undefined subroutine/ ? () : $_ }
split( /\n/, $@ ) );
return $err ? ( 1, "__badExpression__: $err" ) : (1);
documentation => 'Virtualhost headers',
flags => 'h',
post => {
type => 'postContainer',
help => 'formreplay.html',
test => sub {1},
keyTest => qr/^(?:\*\.)?$Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2396::hostname$/,
keyMsgFail => '__badHostname__',
documentation => 'Virtualhost urls/Data to post',
vhostOptions => { type => 'subContainer', },
vhostPort => {
type => 'int',
default => -1,
vhostHttps => {
type => 'trool',
default => -1,
vhostMaintenance => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
vhostAliases => { type => 'text', },
vhostType => {
type => 'select',
select => [
{ k => 'Main', v => 'Main' },
{ k => 'Zimbra', v => 'ZimbraPreAuth' },
{ k => 'AuthBasic', v => 'AuthBasic' },
{ k => 'SecureToken', v => 'SecureToken' },
{ k => 'CDA', v => 'CDA' },
{ k => 'DevOps', v => 'DevOps' },
{ k => 'DevOpsST', v => 'DevOpsST' },
{ k => 'ServiceToken', v => 'ServiceToken' },
default => 'Main',
documentation => 'Handler type',
vhostAuthnLevel => { type => 'int', },
# SecureToken parameters
secureTokenAllowOnError => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Secure Token allow requests in error',
flags => 'h',
secureTokenAttribute => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Secure Token attribute',
flags => 'h',
secureTokenExpiration => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Secure Token expiration',
flags => 'h',
secureTokenHeader => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Secure Token header',
flags => 'h',
secureTokenMemcachedServers => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Secure Token Memcached servers',
flags => 'h',
secureTokenUrls => {
type => 'text',
documentation => '',
flags => 'h',
# Zimbra handler parameters
zimbraAccountKey => {
type => 'text',
flags => 'h',
documentation => 'Zimbra account session key',
zimbraBy => {
type => 'text',
flags => 'h',
documentation => 'Zimbra account type',
zimbraPreAuthKey => {
type => 'text',
flags => 'h',
documentation => 'Zimbra preauthentication key',
zimbraSsoUrl => {
type => 'text',
flags => 'h',
documentation => 'Zimbra local SSO URL pattern',
zimbraUrl => {
type => 'text',
flags => 'h',
documentation => 'Zimbra preauthentication URL',
casAttr =>
{ type => 'text', documentation => 'Pivot attribute for CAS', },
casAttributes => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
documentation => 'CAS exported attributes',
casAccessControlPolicy => {
type => 'select',
select => [
{ k => 'none', v => 'None' },
{ k => 'error', v => 'Display error on portal' },
{ k => 'faketicket', v => 'Send a fake service ticket' },
default => 'none',
documentation => 'CAS access control policy',
casStorage => {
type => 'PerlModule',
documentation => 'Apache::Session module to store CAS user data',
casStorageOptions => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
documentation => 'Apache::Session module parameters',
issuerDBCASActivation => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'CAS server activation',
issuerDBCASPath => {
type => 'pcre',
default => '^/cas/',
documentation => 'CAS server request path',
issuerDBCASRule => {
type => 'boolOrExpr',
default => 1,
documentation => 'CAS server rule',
# Partners
casAppMetaDataOptions => {
type => 'subContainer',
documentation => 'Root of CAS app options',
casAppMetaDataExportedVars => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
default => { cn => 'cn', mail => 'mail', uid => 'uid', },
documentation => 'CAS exported variables',
casAppMetaDataOptionsService => {
type => 'url',
documentation => 'CAS App service',
casAppMetaDataOptionsRule => {
type => 'text',
test => $perlExpr,
documentation => 'CAS App rule',
# Fake attribute: used by manager REST API to agglomerate all nodes
# related to a CAS SP partner
casAppMetaDataNodes => {
type => 'casAppMetaDataNodeContainer',
template => 'casAppMetaDataNode',
help => 'idpcas.html#configuring_cas_applications',
# OpenID Issuer
issuerDBOpenIDActivation => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'OpenID server activation',
issuerDBOpenIDPath => {
type => 'pcre',
default => '^/openidserver/',
documentation => 'OpenID server request path',
issuerDBOpenIDRule => {
type => 'boolOrExpr',
default => 1,
documentation => 'OpenID server rule',
openIdIssuerSecret => { type => 'text', },
openIdAttr => { type => 'text', },
openIdSreg_fullname => {
type => 'lmAttrOrMacro',
default => 'cn',
documentation => 'OpenID SREG fullname session parameter',
openIdSreg_nickname => {
type => 'lmAttrOrMacro',
default => 'uid',
documentation => 'OpenID SREG nickname session parameter',
openIdSreg_language => { type => 'lmAttrOrMacro', },
openIdSreg_postcode => { type => 'lmAttrOrMacro', },
openIdSreg_timezone => {
type => 'lmAttrOrMacro',
default => '_timezone',
documentation => 'OpenID SREG timezone session parameter',
openIdSreg_country => { type => 'lmAttrOrMacro', },
openIdSreg_gender => { type => 'lmAttrOrMacro', },
openIdSreg_email => {
type => 'lmAttrOrMacro',
default => 'mail',
documentation => 'OpenID SREG email session parameter',
openIdSreg_dob => { type => 'lmAttrOrMacro', },
openIdSPList => { type => 'blackWhiteList', default => '0;' },
## SAML #
samlEntityID => {
type => 'text',
default => '#PORTAL#/saml/metadata',
documentation => 'SAML service entityID',
samlOrganizationDisplayName => {
type => 'text',
default => 'Example',
documentation => 'SAML service organization display name',
samlOrganizationName => {
type => 'text',
default => 'Example',
documentation => 'SAML service organization name',
samlOrganizationURL => {
type => 'text',
default => 'http://www.example.com',
documentation => 'SAML service organization URL',
samlNameIDFormatMapEmail => {
type => 'text',
default => 'mail',
documentation => 'SAML session parameter for NameID email',
samlNameIDFormatMapX509 => {
type => 'text',
default => 'mail',
documentation => 'SAML session parameter for NameID x509',
samlNameIDFormatMapWindows => {
type => 'text',
default => 'uid',
documentation => 'SAML session parameter for NameID windows',
samlNameIDFormatMapKerberos => {
type => 'text',
default => 'uid',
documentation => 'SAML session parameter for NameID kerberos',
samlAttributeAuthorityDescriptorAttributeServiceSOAP => {
type => 'samlService',
default => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:SOAP;'
. '#PORTAL#/saml/AA/SOAP;',
documentation => 'SAML Attribute Authority SOAP',
samlServicePrivateKeySig => {
type => 'RSAPrivateKey',
default => '',
documentation => 'SAML signature private key',
samlServicePrivateKeySigPwd => {
type => 'password',
default => '',
documentation => 'SAML signature private key password',
samlServicePublicKeySig => {
type => 'RSAPublicKeyOrCertificate',
default => '',
documentation => 'SAML signature public key',
samlServicePrivateKeyEnc => {
type => 'RSAPrivateKey',
default => '',
documentation => 'SAML encryption private key',
samlServicePrivateKeyEncPwd => { type => 'password', },
samlServicePublicKeyEnc => {
type => 'RSAPublicKeyOrCertificate',
default => '',
documentation => 'SAML encryption public key',
samlServiceSignatureMethod => {
type => 'select',
select => [
{ k => 'RSA_SHA1', v => 'RSA SHA1' },
{ k => 'RSA_SHA256', v => 'RSA SHA256' },
default => 'RSA_SHA1',
samlServiceUseCertificateInResponse => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
documentation =>
'Use certificate instead of public key in SAML responses',
samlIdPResolveCookie => {
type => 'text',
default => 'lemonldapidp',
documentation => 'SAML IDP resolution cookie',
samlMetadataForceUTF8 => {
default => 1,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'SAML force metadata UTF8 conversion',
samlStorage => {
type => 'PerlModule',
documentation => 'Apache::Session module to store SAML user data',
samlStorageOptions => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
documentation => 'Apache::Session module parameters',
samlAuthnContextMapPassword => {
type => 'int',
default => 2,
documentation => 'SAML authn context password level',
samlAuthnContextMapPasswordProtectedTransport => {
type => 'int',
default => 3,
documentation =>
'SAML authn context password protected transport level',
samlAuthnContextMapTLSClient => {
type => 'int',
default => 5,
documentation => 'SAML authn context TLS client level',
samlAuthnContextMapKerberos => {
type => 'int',
default => 4,
documentation => 'SAML authn context kerberos level',
samlCommonDomainCookieActivation => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'SAML CDC activation',
samlCommonDomainCookieDomain => {
type => 'text',
test => qr/^$Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2396::hostname$/,
msgFail => '__badDomainName__',
samlCommonDomainCookieReader => {
type => 'text',
test => $url,
msgFail => '__badUrl__',
samlCommonDomainCookieWriter => {
type => 'text',
test => $url,
msgFail => '__badUrl__',
samlDiscoveryProtocolActivation => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'SAML Discovery Protocol activation',
samlDiscoveryProtocolURL => {
type => 'text',
test => $url,
msgFail => '__badUrl__',
documentation => 'SAML Discovery Protocol EndPoint URL',
samlDiscoveryProtocolPolicy => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'SAML Discovery Protocol Policy',
samlDiscoveryProtocolIsPassive => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'SAML Discovery Protocol Is Passive',
samlRelayStateTimeout => {
type => 'int',
default => 600,
documentation => 'SAML timeout of relay state',
samlUseQueryStringSpecific => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'SAML use specific method for query_string',
samlIDPSSODescriptorWantAuthnRequestsSigned => {
type => 'bool',
default => 1,
documentation => 'SAML IDP want authn request signed',
samlIDPSSODescriptorSingleSignOnServiceHTTPRedirect => {
type => 'samlService',
default => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect;'
. '#PORTAL#/saml/singleSignOn;',
documentation => 'SAML IDP SSO HTTP Redirect',
samlIDPSSODescriptorSingleSignOnServiceHTTPPost => {
type => 'samlService',
default => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST;'
. '#PORTAL#/saml/singleSignOn;',
documentation => 'SAML IDP SSO HTTP POST',
samlIDPSSODescriptorSingleSignOnServiceHTTPArtifact => {
type => 'samlService',
default => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Artifact;'
. '#PORTAL#/saml/singleSignOnArtifact;',
documentation => 'SAML IDP SSO HTTP Artifact',
samlIDPSSODescriptorSingleLogoutServiceHTTPRedirect => {
type => 'samlService',
default => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect;'
. '#PORTAL#/saml/singleLogout;'
. '#PORTAL#/saml/singleLogoutReturn',
documentation => 'SAML IDP SLO HTTP Redirect',
samlIDPSSODescriptorSingleLogoutServiceHTTPPost => {
type => 'samlService',
default => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST;'
. '#PORTAL#/saml/singleLogout;'
. '#PORTAL#/saml/singleLogoutReturn',
documentation => 'SAML IDP SLO HTTP POST',
samlIDPSSODescriptorSingleLogoutServiceSOAP => {
type => 'samlService',
default => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:SOAP;'
. '#PORTAL#/saml/singleLogoutSOAP;',
documentation => 'SAML IDP SLO SOAP',
samlIDPSSODescriptorArtifactResolutionServiceArtifact => {
type => 'samlAssertion',
default => '1;0;urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:SOAP;'
. '#PORTAL#/saml/artifact',
documentation => 'SAML IDP artifact resolution service',
# Fake attribute: used by manager REST API to agglomerate all nodes
# related to a SAML IDP partner
samlIDPMetaDataNodes => {
type => 'samlIDPMetaDataNodeContainer',
template => 'samlIDPMetaDataNode',
help => 'authsaml.html',
# Fake attribute: used by manager REST API to agglomerate all nodes
# related to a SAML SP partner
samlSPMetaDataNodes => {
type => 'samlSPMetaDataNodeContainer',
template => 'samlSPMetaDataNode',
help => 'idpsaml.html',
# TODO: split that
# IDP Keys
samlIDPMetaDataExportedAttributes => {
type => 'samlAttributeContainer',
help => 'authsaml.html#exported_attributes',
keyTest => qr/^[a-zA-Z](?:[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]*\w)?$/,
keyMsgFail => '__badMetadataName__',
test => qr/\w/,
msgFail => '__badValue__',
default => {},
samlIDPMetaDataXML => {
type => 'file',
test => sub {
my $v = shift;
return 1 unless ( $v and %$v );
my @msg;
my $res = 1;
my %entityIds;
foreach my $idpId ( keys %$v ) {
unless ( $v->{$idpId}->{samlIDPMetaDataXML}
=~ /entityID="(.+?)"/si )
push @msg, "$idpId SAML metadata has ne EntityID";
$res = 0;
my $eid = $1;
if ( defined $entityIds{$eid} ) {
push @msg,
"$idpId and $entityIds{$eid} have the same SAML EntityID";
$res = 0;
$entityIds{$eid} = $idpId;
return ( $res, join( ', ', @msg ) );
samlIDPMetaDataOptions => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
keyTest => qr/^[a-zA-Z](?:[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]*\w)?$/,
keyMsgFail => '__badMetadataName__',
samlIDPMetaDataOptionsNameIDFormat => {
type => 'select',
select => [
{ k => '', v => '' },
{ k => 'unspecified', v => 'Unspecified' },
{ k => 'email', v => 'Email' },
{ k => 'x509', v => 'X509 certificate' },
{ k => 'windows', v => 'Windows' },
{ k => 'kerberos', v => 'Kerberos' },
{ k => 'entity', v => 'Entity' },
{ k => 'persistent', v => 'Persistent' },
{ k => 'transient', v => 'Transient' },
{ k => 'encrypted', v => 'Encrypted' },
default => '',
samlIDPMetaDataOptionsForceAuthn => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
samlIDPMetaDataOptionsIsPassive => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
samlIDPMetaDataOptionsAllowProxiedAuthn => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
samlIDPMetaDataOptionsAllowLoginFromIDP => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
samlIDPMetaDataOptionsRequestedAuthnContext => {
type => 'select',
select => [
{ k => '', v => '' },
{ k => 'kerberos', v => 'Kerberos' },
{ k => 'password-protected-transport',
v => 'Password protected transport'
{ k => 'password', v => 'Password' },
{ k => 'tls-client', v => 'TLS client certificate' },
default => '',
samlIDPMetaDataOptionsAdaptSessionUtime => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
samlIDPMetaDataOptionsForceUTF8 => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
samlIDPMetaDataOptionsSignSSOMessage => {
type => 'trool',
default => -1,
samlIDPMetaDataOptionsCheckSSOMessageSignature => {
type => 'bool',
default => 1,
samlIDPMetaDataOptionsSignSLOMessage => {
type => 'trool',
default => -1,
samlIDPMetaDataOptionsCheckSLOMessageSignature => {
type => 'bool',
default => 1,
samlIDPMetaDataOptionsSSOBinding => {
type => 'select',
select => [
{ k => '', v => '' },
{ k => 'http-post', v => 'POST' },
{ k => 'http-redirect', v => 'Redirect' },
{ k => 'artifact-get', v => 'Artifact GET' },
default => '',
samlIDPMetaDataOptionsSLOBinding => {
type => 'select',
select => [
{ k => '', v => '' },
{ k => 'http-post', v => 'POST' },
{ k => 'http-redirect', v => 'Redirect' },
{ k => 'http-soap', v => 'SOAP' },
default => '',
samlIDPMetaDataOptionsEncryptionMode => {
type => 'select',
select => [
{ k => 'none', v => 'None' },
{ k => 'nameid', v => 'Name ID' },
{ k => 'assertion', v => 'Assertion' },
default => 'none',
samlIDPMetaDataOptionsCheckTime => {
type => 'bool',
default => 1,
samlIDPMetaDataOptionsCheckAudience => {
type => 'bool',
default => 1,
samlIDPMetaDataOptionsResolutionRule => {
type => 'longtext',
default => '',
samlIDPMetaDataOptionsStoreSAMLToken => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
samlIDPMetaDataOptionsRelayStateURL => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
samlIDPMetaDataOptionsUserAttribute => { type => 'text', },
# SP keys
samlSPMetaDataExportedAttributes => {
type => 'samlAttributeContainer',
help => 'idpsaml.html#exported_attributes',
keyTest => qr/^[a-zA-Z](?:[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]*\w)?$/,
keyMsgFail => '__badMetadataName__',
test => qr/\w/,
msgFail => '__badValue__',
default => {},
samlSPMetaDataXML => { type => 'file', },
samlSPMetaDataOptions => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
keyTest => qr/^[a-zA-Z](?:[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]*\w)?$/,
keyMsgFail => '__badMetadataName__',
samlSPSSODescriptorAuthnRequestsSigned => {
default => 1,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'SAML SP AuthnRequestsSigned',
samlSPSSODescriptorWantAssertionsSigned => {
default => 1,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'SAML SP WantAssertionsSigned',
samlSPSSODescriptorSingleLogoutServiceHTTPRedirect => {
type => 'samlService',
default => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect;'
. '#PORTAL#/saml/proxySingleLogout;'
. '#PORTAL#/saml/proxySingleLogoutReturn',
documentation => 'SAML SP SLO HTTP Redirect',
samlSPSSODescriptorSingleLogoutServiceHTTPPost => {
type => 'samlService',
default => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST;'
. '#PORTAL#/saml/proxySingleLogout;'
. '#PORTAL#/saml/proxySingleLogoutReturn',
documentation => 'SAML SP SLO HTTP POST',
samlSPSSODescriptorSingleLogoutServiceSOAP => {
type => 'samlService',
default => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:SOAP;'
. '#PORTAL#/saml/proxySingleLogoutSOAP;',
documentation => 'SAML SP SLO SOAP',
samlSPSSODescriptorAssertionConsumerServiceHTTPArtifact => {
type => 'samlAssertion',
default =>
. '#PORTAL#/saml/proxySingleSignOnArtifact',
documentation => 'SAML SP ACS HTTP artifact',
samlSPSSODescriptorAssertionConsumerServiceHTTPPost => {
type => 'samlAssertion',
default => '0;1;urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST;'
. '#PORTAL#/saml/proxySingleSignOnPost',
documentation => 'SAML SP ACS HTTP POST',
samlSPSSODescriptorArtifactResolutionServiceArtifact => {
type => 'samlAssertion',
default => '1;0;urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:SOAP;'
. '#PORTAL#/saml/artifact',
documentation => 'SAML SP artifact resolution service ',
samlSPMetaDataOptionsNameIDFormat => {
type => 'select',
select => [
{ k => '', v => '' },
{ k => 'unspecified', v => 'Unspecified' },
{ k => 'email', v => 'Email' },
{ k => 'x509', v => 'X509 certificate' },
{ k => 'windows', v => 'Windows' },
{ k => 'kerberos', v => 'Kerberos' },
{ k => 'entity', v => 'Entity' },
{ k => 'persistent', v => 'Persistent' },
{ k => 'transient', v => 'Transient' },
{ k => 'encrypted', v => 'Encrypted' },
default => '',
samlSPMetaDataOptionsNameIDSessionKey => { type => 'text', },
samlSPMetaDataOptionsOneTimeUse => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
samlSPMetaDataOptionsSessionNotOnOrAfterTimeout => {
type => 'int',
default => 72000,
samlSPMetaDataOptionsNotOnOrAfterTimeout => {
type => 'int',
default => 72000,
samlSPMetaDataOptionsSignSSOMessage => {
type => 'trool',
default => -1,
samlSPMetaDataOptionsCheckSSOMessageSignature => {
type => 'bool',
default => 1,
samlSPMetaDataOptionsSignSLOMessage => {
type => 'trool',
default => -1,
samlSPMetaDataOptionsCheckSLOMessageSignature => {
type => 'bool',
default => 1,
samlSPMetaDataOptionsEncryptionMode => {
type => 'select',
select => [
{ k => 'none', v => 'None' },
{ k => 'nameid', v => 'Name ID' },
{ k => 'assertion', v => 'Assertion' },
default => 'none',
samlSPMetaDataOptionsEnableIDPInitiatedURL => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
samlSPMetaDataOptionsForceUTF8 => {
type => 'bool',
default => 1,
samlSPMetaDataOptionsRule => {
type => 'text',
test => $perlExpr,
documentation => 'Rule to grant access to this SP',
authentication => {
type => 'select',
select => [
{ k => 'Apache', v => 'Apache' },
{ k => 'AD', v => 'Active Directory' },
{ k => 'DBI', v => 'Database (DBI)' },
{ k => 'Facebook', v => 'Facebook' },
{ k => 'Google', v => 'Google' },
{ k => 'Kerberos', v => 'Kerberos' },
{ k => 'LDAP', v => 'LDAP' },
{ k => 'LinkedIn', v => 'LinkedIn' },
{ k => 'PAM', v => 'PAM' },
{ k => 'Radius', v => 'Radius' },
{ k => 'REST', v => 'REST' },
{ k => 'SSL', v => 'SSL' },
{ k => 'Twitter', v => 'Twitter' },
{ k => 'WebID', v => 'WebID' },
{ k => 'Demo', v => 'Demonstration' },
{ k => 'Choice', v => 'authChoice' },
{ k => 'Combination', v => 'combineMods' },
{ k => 'CAS', v => 'Central Authentication Service (CAS)' },
{ k => 'OpenID', v => 'OpenID' },
{ k => 'OpenIDConnect', v => 'OpenID Connect' },
{ k => 'SAML', v => 'SAML v2' },
{ k => 'Proxy', v => 'Proxy' },
{ k => 'Remote', v => 'Remote' },
{ k => 'Slave', v => 'Slave' },
{ k => 'Null', v => 'None' },
{ k => 'Custom', v => 'customModule' },
default => 'Demo',
documentation => 'Authentication module',
userDB => {
type => 'select',
select => [
{ k => 'Same', v => 'Same' },
{ k => 'AD', v => 'Active Directory' },
{ k => 'DBI', v => 'Database (DBI)' },
{ k => 'LDAP', v => 'LDAP' },
{ k => 'REST', v => 'REST' },
{ k => 'Null', v => 'None' },
{ k => 'Custom', v => 'customModule' },
default => 'Same',
documentation => 'User module',
passwordDB => {
type => 'select',
select => [
{ k => 'AD', v => 'Active Directory' },
{ k => 'Choice', v => 'authChoice' },
{ k => 'DBI', v => 'Database (DBI)' },
{ k => 'Demo', v => 'Demonstration' },
{ k => 'LDAP', v => 'LDAP' },
{ k => 'REST', v => 'REST' },
{ k => 'Null', v => 'None' },
{ k => 'Custom', v => 'customModule' },
default => 'Demo',
documentation => 'Password module',
# Seconf Factor Engine
sfEngine => {
type => 'text',
default => '::2F::Engines::Default',
documentation => 'Second factor engine',
sfRequired => {
type => 'boolOrExpr',
default => 0,
help => 'secondfactor.html',
documentation => 'Second factor required',
available2F => {
type => 'text',
default => 'UTOTP,TOTP,U2F,REST,Mail2F,Ext2F,Yubikey',
documentation => 'Available second factor modules',
available2FSelfRegistration => {
type => 'text',
default => 'TOTP,U2F,Yubikey',
documentation =>
'Available self-registration modules for second factor',
demoExportedVars => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
keyTest => qr/^!?[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$/,
keyMsgFail => '__badVariableName__',
test => qr/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_:\-]*$/,
msgFail => '__badValue__',
default => { cn => 'cn', mail => 'mail', uid => 'uid', },
documentation => 'Demo exported variables',
# AD
ADPwdExpireWarning => {
type => 'int',
default => 0,
documentation => 'AD password expire warning',
ADPwdMaxAge => {
type => 'int',
default => 0,
documentation => 'AD password max age',
managerDn => {
type => 'text',
test => qr/^(?:\w+=.*)?$/,
msgFail => '__badValue__',
default => '',
documentation => 'LDAP manager DN',
managerPassword => {
type => 'password',
test => qr/^\S*$/,
msgFail => '__badValue__',
default => '',
documentation => 'LDAP manager Password',
ldapAuthnLevel => {
type => 'int',
default => 2,
documentation => 'LDAP authentication level',
ldapBase => {
type => 'text',
test => qr/^(?:\w+=.*|)$/,
msgFail => '__badValue__',
default => 'dc=example,dc=com',
documentation => 'LDAP search base',
ldapExportedVars => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
keyTest => qr/^!?[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$/,
keyMsgFail => '__badVariableName__',
test => qr/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_:\-]*$/,
msgFail => '__badValue__',
default => { cn => 'cn', mail => 'mail', uid => 'uid', },
documentation => 'LDAP exported variables',
ldapPort => {
type => 'int',
default => 389,
documentation => 'LDAP port',
ldapServer => {
type => 'text',
test => sub {
my $l = shift;
my (@s) = split( /[\s,]+/, $l );
foreach my $s (@s) {
=~ m{^(?:ldapi://[^/]*/?|\w[\w\-\.]*(?::\d{1,5})?|ldap(?:s|\+tls)?://\w[\w\-\.]*(?::\d{1,5})?/?.*)$}o
or return ( 0, "__badLdapUri__: \"$s\"" );
return 1;
default => 'ldap://localhost',
documentation => 'LDAP server (host or URI)',
ldapPwdEnc => {
type => 'text',
test => qr/^[a-zA-Z0-9_][a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]$/,
msgFail => '__badEncoding__',
default => 'utf-8',
documentation => 'LDAP password encoding',
ldapUsePasswordResetAttribute => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
default => 1,
documentation => 'LDAP store reset flag in an attribute',
ldapPasswordResetAttribute => {
type => 'text',
default => 'pwdReset',
documentation => 'LDAP password reset attribute',
ldapPasswordResetAttributeValue => {
type => 'text',
default => 'TRUE',
documentation => 'LDAP password reset value',
ldapPpolicyControl => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
ldapSetPassword => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
ldapChangePasswordAsUser => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
ldapSearchDeref => {
type => 'select',
select => [
{ k => 'never', v => 'never' },
{ k => 'search', v => 'search' },
{ k => 'find', v => 'find' },
{ k => 'always', v => 'always' }
default => 'find',
documentation => '"deref" param of Net::LDAP::search()',
mailLDAPFilter => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'LDAP filter for mail search'
LDAPFilter =>
{ type => 'text', documentation => 'Default LDAP filter' },
AuthLDAPFilter => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'LDAP filter for auth search'
ldapGroupDecodeSearchedValue => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Decode value before searching it in LDAP groups',
ldapGroupRecursive => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'LDAP recursive search in groups',
ldapGroupObjectClass => {
type => 'text',
default => 'groupOfNames',
documentation => 'LDAP object class of groups',
ldapGroupBase => { type => 'text', },
ldapGroupAttributeName => {
type => 'text',
default => 'member',
documentation => 'LDAP attribute name for member in groups',
ldapGroupAttributeNameUser => {
type => 'text',
default => 'dn',
documentation =>
'LDAP attribute name in user entry referenced as member in groups',
ldapGroupAttributeNameSearch => {
type => 'text',
default => 'cn',
documentation => 'LDAP attributes to search in groups',
ldapGroupAttributeNameGroup => {
type => 'text',
default => 'dn',
documentation =>
'LDAP attribute name in group entry referenced as member in groups',
ldapTimeout => {
type => 'int',
default => 120,
documentation => 'LDAP connection timeout',
ldapVersion => {
type => 'int',
default => 3,
documentation => 'LDAP protocol version',
ldapRaw => { type => 'text', },
ldapAllowResetExpiredPassword => {
default => 0,
type => 'bool',
documentation => 'Allow a user to reset his expired password',
SSLAuthnLevel => {
type => 'int',
default => 5,
documentation => 'SSL authentication level',
SSLVar => {
type => 'text',
default => 'SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_Email'
SSLVarIf => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
default => {}
sslByAjax => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
documentation => 'Use Ajax request for SSL',
sslHost => {
type => 'url',
documentation => 'URL for SSL Ajax request',
casAuthnLevel => {
type => 'int',
default => 1,
documentation => 'CAS authentication level',
casSrvMetaDataExportedVars => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
default => { cn => 'cn', mail => 'mail', uid => 'uid', },
documentation => 'CAS exported variables',
casSrvMetaDataOptions => {
type => 'subContainer',
documentation => 'Root of CAS server options',
casSrvMetaDataOptionsGateway => { type => 'bool', default => 0 },
casSrvMetaDataOptionsProxiedServices => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
keyTest => qr/^\w/,
keyMsgFail => '__badCasProxyId__',
casSrvMetaDataOptionsRenew => { type => 'bool', default => 0 },
casSrvMetaDataOptionsUrl => {
type => 'text',
test => $url,
msgFail => '__badUrl__',
casSrvMetaDataOptionsDisplayName => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Name to display for CAS server',
casSrvMetaDataOptionsIcon => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Path of CAS Server Icon',
# Fake attribute: used by manager REST API to agglomerate all nodes
# related to a CAS IDP partner
casSrvMetaDataNodes => {
type => 'casSrvMetaDataNodeContainer',
template => 'casSrvMetaDataNode',
help => 'authcas.html',
pamAuthnLevel => {
type => 'int',
default => 2,
documentation => 'PAM authentication level',
pamService => {
type => 'text',
default => 'login',
documentation => 'PAM service',
# Radius
radiusAuthnLevel => {
type => 'int',
default => 3,
documentation => 'Radius authentication level',
radiusSecret => { type => 'text', },
radiusServer => { type => 'text', },
restAuthUrl => { type => 'url' },
restUserDBUrl => { type => 'url' },
# TODO: add restMailDBUrl
restPwdConfirmUrl => { type => 'url' },
restPwdModifyUrl => { type => 'url' },
# Remote
remotePortal => { type => 'text', },
remoteGlobalStorage => {
type => 'PerlModule',
default => 'Lemonldap::NG::Common::Apache::Session::SOAP',
documentation => 'Remote session backend',
remoteGlobalStorageOptions => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
default => {
proxy => 'http://auth.example.com/sessions',
ns =>
documentation => 'Apache::Session module parameters',
# Proxy
proxyAuthService => { type => 'text', },
proxySessionService => { type => 'text', },
remoteCookieName => { type => 'text', },
proxyUseSoap => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
documentation => 'Use SOAP instead of REST',
proxyAuthnLevel => {
type => 'int',
default => 2,
documentation => 'Proxy authentication level',
# OpenID
openIdAuthnLevel => {
type => 'int',
default => 1,
documentation => 'OpenID authentication level',
openIdSecret => { type => 'text', },
openIdExportedVars => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
keyTest => qr/^!?[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$/,
keyMsgFail => '__badVariableName__',
test => qr/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_:\-]*$/,
msgFail => '__badValue__',
default => {},
documentation => 'OpenID exported variables',
'openIdIDPList' => { 'type' => 'blackWhiteList', default => '0;' },
# Facebook
facebookAuthnLevel => {
type => 'int',
default => 1,
documentation => 'Facebook authentication level',
facebookAppId => { type => 'text', },
facebookAppSecret => { type => 'text', },
facebookExportedVars => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
keyTest => qr/^!?[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$/,
keyMsgFail => '__badVariableName__',
test => qr/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_:\-]*$/,
msgFail => '__badValue__',
default => {},
documentation => 'Facebook exported variables',
facebookUserField => { type => 'text', default => 'id' },
# Twitter
twitterAuthnLevel => {
type => 'int',
default => 1,
documentation => 'Twitter authentication level',
twitterKey => { type => 'text', },
twitterSecret => { type => 'text', },
twitterAppName => { type => 'text', },
twitterUserField => { type => 'text', default => 'screen_name' },
# LinkedIn
linkedInAuthnLevel => {
type => 'int',
default => 1,
documentation => 'LinkedIn authentication level',
linkedInClientID => { type => 'text', },
linkedInClientSecret => { type => 'password', },
linkedInFields => {
type => 'text',
default => 'id,first-name,last-name,email-address'
linkedInUserField => { type => 'text', default => 'emailAddress' },
linkedInScope =>
{ type => 'text', default => 'r_basicprofile r_emailaddress' },
# WebID
webIDAuthnLevel => {
type => 'int',
default => 1,
documentation => 'WebID authentication level',
webIDWhitelist => { type => 'text', },
webIDExportedVars => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
keyTest => qr/^!?[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$/,
keyMsgFail => '__badVariableName__',
test => qr/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_:\-]*$/,
msgFail => '__badValue__',
default => {},
documentation => 'WebID exported variables',
dbiAuthnLevel => {
type => 'int',
default => 2,
documentation => 'DBI authentication level',
dbiAuthChain => { type => 'text', },
dbiAuthUser => { type => 'text', },
dbiAuthPassword => { type => 'password', },
dbiUserChain => { type => 'text', },
dbiUserUser => { type => 'text', },
dbiUserPassword => { type => 'password', },
dbiAuthTable => { type => 'text', },
dbiUserTable => { type => 'text', },
# TODO: add dbiMailCol
dbiAuthLoginCol => { type => 'text', },
dbiAuthPasswordCol => { type => 'text', },
dbiPasswordMailCol => { type => 'text', },
userPivot => { type => 'text', },
dbiAuthPasswordHash =>
{ type => 'text', help => 'authdbi.html#password', },
dbiDynamicHashEnabled =>
{ type => 'bool', help => 'authdbi.html#password', },
dbiDynamicHashValidSchemes =>
{ type => 'text', help => 'authdbi.html#password', },
dbiDynamicHashValidSaltedSchemes =>
{ type => 'text', help => 'authdbi.html#password', },
dbiDynamicHashNewPasswordScheme =>
{ type => 'text', help => 'authdbi.html#password', },
dbiExportedVars => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
keyTest => qr/^!?[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$/,
keyMsgFail => '__badVariableName__',
test => qr/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_:\-]*$/,
msgFail => '__badValue__',
default => {},
documentation => 'DBI exported variables',
# Apache
apacheAuthnLevel => {
type => 'int',
default => 4,
documentation => 'Apache authentication level',
# Null
nullAuthnLevel => {
type => 'int',
default => 0,
documentation => 'Null authentication level',
# Kerberos
krbKeytab => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Kerberos keytab',
krbByJs => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
documentation => 'Launch Kerberos authentication by Ajax',
krbAuthnLevel => {
type => 'int',
default => 3,
documentation => 'Null authentication level',
krbRemoveDomain => {
type => 'bool',
default => 1,
documentation => 'Remove domain in Kerberos username',
# Slave
slaveAuthnLevel => {
type => 'int',
default => 2,
documentation => 'Slave authentication level',
slaveUserHeader => { type => 'text', },
slaveExportedVars => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
keyTest => qr/^!?[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$/,
keyMsgFail => '__badVariableName__',
test => qr/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_:\-]*$/,
msgFail => '__badValue__',
default => {},
documentation => 'Slave exported variables',
slaveMasterIP => {
type => 'text',
test => qr/^($Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2396::IPv4address\s*)*$/,
msgFail => '__badIPv4Address__',
slaveHeaderName => { type => 'text', },
slaveHeaderContent => { type => 'text', },
# Choice
authChoiceParam => {
type => 'text',
default => 'lmAuth',
documentation => 'Applications list',
authChoiceModules => {
type => 'authChoiceContainer',
keyTest => qr/^(\d*)?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/,
keyMsgFail => '__badChoiceKey__',
test => sub {1},
select => [
[ { k => 'Apache', v => 'Apache' },
{ k => 'AD', v => 'Active Directory' },
{ k => 'CAS',
v => 'Central Authentication Service (CAS)'
{ k => 'DBI', v => 'Database (DBI)' },
{ k => 'Demo', v => 'Demo' },
{ k => 'Facebook', v => 'Facebook' },
{ k => 'Google', v => 'Google' },
{ k => 'Kerberos', v => 'Kerberos' },
{ k => 'LDAP', v => 'LDAP' },
{ k => 'LinkedIn', v => 'LinkedIn' },
{ k => 'PAM', v => 'PAM' },
{ k => 'Null', v => 'None' },
{ k => 'OpenID', v => 'OpenID' },
{ k => 'OpenIDConnect', v => 'OpenID Connect' },
{ k => 'Proxy', v => 'Proxy' },
{ k => 'Radius', v => 'Radius' },
{ k => 'REST', v => 'REST' },
{ k => 'Remote', v => 'Remote' },
{ k => 'SAML', v => 'SAML v2' },
{ k => 'Slave', v => 'Slave' },
{ k => 'SSL', v => 'SSL' },
{ k => 'Twitter', v => 'Twitter' },
{ k => 'WebID', v => 'WebID' },
{ k => 'Custom', v => 'customModule' },
[ { k => 'AD', v => 'Active Directory' },
{ k => 'CAS',
v => 'Central Authentication Service (CAS)'
{ k => 'DBI', v => 'Database (DBI)' },
{ k => 'Demo', v => 'Demo' },
{ k => 'Facebook', v => 'Facebook' },
{ k => 'Google', v => 'Google' },
{ k => 'LDAP', v => 'LDAP' },
{ k => 'Null', v => 'None' },
{ k => 'OpenID', v => 'OpenID' },
{ k => 'OpenIDConnect', v => 'OpenID Connect' },
{ k => 'Proxy', v => 'Proxy' },
{ k => 'REST', v => 'REST' },
{ k => 'Remote', v => 'Remote' },
{ k => 'SAML', v => 'SAML v2' },
{ k => 'Slave', v => 'Slave' },
{ k => 'WebID', v => 'WebID' },
{ k => 'Custom', v => 'customModule' },
[ { k => 'AD', v => 'Active Directory' },
{ k => 'DBI', v => 'Database (DBI)' },
{ k => 'Demo', v => 'Demo' },
{ k => 'LDAP', v => 'LDAP' },
{ k => 'REST', v => 'REST' },
{ k => 'Null', v => 'None' },
{ k => 'Custom', v => 'customModule' },
documentation => 'Hash list of Choice strings',
# Combination
combination => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Combination rule'
combModules => {
type => 'cmbModuleContainer',
keyTest => qr/^\w+$/,
test => sub {1},
documentation => 'Combination module description',
select => [
{ k => 'Apache', v => 'Apache' },
{ k => 'AD', v => 'Active Directory' },
{ k => 'DBI', v => 'Database (DBI)' },
{ k => 'Facebook', v => 'Facebook' },
{ k => 'Google', v => 'Google' },
{ k => 'Kerberos', v => 'Kerberos' },
{ k => 'LDAP', v => 'LDAP' },
{ k => 'PAM', v => 'PAM' },
{ k => 'Radius', v => 'Radius' },
{ k => 'REST', v => 'REST' },
{ k => 'SSL', v => 'SSL' },
{ k => 'Twitter', v => 'Twitter' },
{ k => 'WebID', v => 'WebID' },
{ k => 'Demo', v => 'Demonstration' },
{ k => 'CAS', v => 'Central Authentication Service (CAS)' },
{ k => 'OpenID', v => 'OpenID' },
{ k => 'OpenIDConnect', v => 'OpenID Connect' },
{ k => 'SAML', v => 'SAML v2' },
{ k => 'Proxy', v => 'Proxy' },
{ k => 'Remote', v => 'Remote' },
{ k => 'Slave', v => 'Slave' },
{ k => 'Null', v => 'None' },
{ k => 'Custom', v => 'customModule' },
# Custom auth modules
customAuth => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Custom auth module',
customUserDB => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Custom user DB module',
customPassword => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Custom password module',
customRegister => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'Custom register module',
customAddParams => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
documentation => 'Custom additional parameters',
# OpenID Connect auth params
oidcAuthnLevel => {
type => 'int',
default => 1,
documentation => 'OpenID Connect authentication level',
oidcRPCallbackGetParam => {
type => 'text',
default => 'openidconnectcallback',
documentation => 'OpenID Connect Callback GET URLparameter',
oidcRPStateTimeout => {
type => 'int',
default => 600,
documentation => 'OpenID Connect Timeout of state sessions',
# OpenID Connect service
oidcServiceMetaDataIssuer => {
type => 'text',
default => 'http://auth.example.com',
documentation => 'OpenID Connect issuer',
oidcServiceMetaDataAuthorizeURI => {
type => 'text',
default => 'authorize',
documentation => 'OpenID Connect authorizaton endpoint',
oidcServiceMetaDataTokenURI => {
type => 'text',
default => 'token',
documentation => 'OpenID Connect token endpoint',
oidcServiceMetaDataUserInfoURI => {
type => 'text',
default => 'userinfo',
documentation => 'OpenID Connect user info endpoint',
oidcServiceMetaDataJWKSURI => {
type => 'text',
default => 'jwks',
documentation => 'OpenID Connect JWKS endpoint',
oidcServiceMetaDataRegistrationURI => {
type => 'text',
default => 'register',
documentation => 'OpenID Connect registration endpoint',
oidcServiceMetaDataEndSessionURI => {
type => 'text',
default => 'logout',
documentation => 'OpenID Connect end session endpoint',
oidcServiceMetaDataCheckSessionURI => {
type => 'text',
default => 'checksession.html',
documentation => 'OpenID Connect check session iframe',
oidcServiceMetaDataBackChannelURI => {
type => 'text',
default => 'blogout',
documentation => 'OpenID Connect Front-Channel logout endpoint',
oidcServiceMetaDataFrontChannelURI => {
type => 'text',
default => 'flogout',
documentation => 'OpenID Connect Front-Channel logout endpoint',
oidcServiceMetaDataAuthnContext => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
keyTest => qr/\w/,
default => {
'loa-1' => 1,
'loa-2' => 2,
'loa-3' => 3,
'loa-4' => 4,
'loa-5' => 5,
documentation =>
'OpenID Connect Authentication Context Class Ref',
oidcServicePrivateKeySig => { type => 'RSAPrivateKey', },
oidcServicePublicKeySig => { type => 'RSAPublicKey', },
oidcServiceKeyIdSig => {
type => 'text',
documentation => 'OpenID Connect Signature Key ID',
oidcServiceAllowDynamicRegistration => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
documentation =>
'OpenID Connect allow dynamic client registration',
oidcServiceAllowAuthorizationCodeFlow => {
type => 'bool',
default => 1,
documentation => 'OpenID Connect allow authorization code flow',
oidcServiceAllowImplicitFlow => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
documentation => 'OpenID Connect allow implicit flow',
oidcServiceAllowHybridFlow => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
documentation => 'OpenID Connect allow hybrid flow',
oidcStorage => {
type => 'PerlModule',
documentation => 'Apache::Session module to store OIDC user data',
oidcStorageOptions => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
documentation => 'Apache::Session module parameters',
# OpenID Connect metadata nodes
oidcOPMetaDataNodes => {
type => 'oidcOPMetaDataNodeContainer',
help =>
oidcRPMetaDataNodes => {
type => 'oidcRPMetaDataNodeContainer',
help =>
oidcOPMetaDataOptions => { type => 'subContainer', },
oidcRPMetaDataOptions => { type => 'subContainer', },
# OpenID Connect providers
oidcOPMetaDataJSON => { type => 'file', },
oidcOPMetaDataJWKS => { type => 'file', },
oidcOPMetaDataExportedVars => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
default => {
'cn' => 'name',
'sn' => 'family_name',
'mail' => 'email',
'uid' => 'sub'
oidcOPMetaDataOptionsConfigurationURI => { type => 'url', },
oidcOPMetaDataOptionsJWKSTimeout => { type => 'int', default => 0 },
oidcOPMetaDataOptionsClientID => { type => 'text', },
oidcOPMetaDataOptionsClientSecret => { type => 'password', },
oidcOPMetaDataOptionsScope =>
{ type => 'text', default => 'openid profile' },
oidcOPMetaDataOptionsDisplay => {
type => 'select',
select => [
{ k => '', v => '' },
{ k => 'page', v => 'page' },
{ k => 'popup', v => 'popup' },
{ k => 'touch', v => 'touch' },
{ k => 'wap', v => 'wap' },
default => "",
oidcOPMetaDataOptionsPrompt => { type => 'text' },
oidcOPMetaDataOptionsMaxAge => { type => 'int', default => 0 },
oidcOPMetaDataOptionsUiLocales => { type => 'text', },
oidcOPMetaDataOptionsAcrValues => { type => 'text', },
oidcOPMetaDataOptionsTokenEndpointAuthMethod => {
type => 'select',
select => [
{ k => 'client_secret_post', v => 'client_secret_post' },
{ k => 'client_secret_basic', v => 'client_secret_basic' },
default => 'client_secret_post',
oidcOPMetaDataOptionsCheckJWTSignature =>
{ type => 'bool', default => 1 },
oidcOPMetaDataOptionsIDTokenMaxAge =>
{ type => 'int', default => 30 },
oidcOPMetaDataOptionsUseNonce => { type => 'bool', default => 1 },
oidcOPMetaDataOptionsDisplayName => { type => 'text', },
oidcOPMetaDataOptionsIcon => { type => 'text', },
oidcOPMetaDataOptionsStoreIDToken => { type => 'bool', default => 0 },
oidcRPMetaDataOptionsRule => {
type => 'text',
test => $perlExpr,
documentation => 'Rule to grant access to this SP',
# OpenID Connect relying parties
oidcRPMetaDataExportedVars => {
type => 'keyTextContainer',
default => {
'name' => 'cn',
'family_name' => 'sn',
'email' => 'mail'
oidcRPMetaDataOptionsClientID => { type => 'text', },
oidcRPMetaDataOptionsClientSecret => { type => 'password', },
oidcRPMetaDataOptionsDisplayName => { type => 'text', },
oidcRPMetaDataOptionsIcon => { type => 'text', },
oidcRPMetaDataOptionsUserIDAttr => { type => 'text', },
oidcRPMetaDataOptionsIDTokenSignAlg => {
type => 'select',
select => [
{ k => 'none', v => 'None' },
{ k => 'HS256', v => 'HS256' },
{ k => 'HS384', v => 'HS384' },
{ k => 'HS512', v => 'HS512' },
{ k => 'RS256', v => 'RS256' },
{ k => 'RS384', v => 'RS384' },
{ k => 'RS512', v => 'RS512' },
default => 'HS512',
oidcRPMetaDataOptionsIDTokenExpiration =>
{ type => 'int', default => 3600 },
oidcRPMetaDataOptionsAccessTokenExpiration =>
{ type => 'int', default => 3600 },
oidcRPMetaDataOptionsRedirectUris => { type => 'text', },
oidcRPMetaDataOptionsExtraClaims =>
{ type => 'keyTextContainer', default => {} },
oidcRPMetaDataOptionsBypassConsent => {
type => 'bool',
help => 'openidconnectclaims.html',
default => 0
oidcRPMetaDataOptionsPostLogoutRedirectUris => { type => 'text', },
oidcRPMetaDataOptionsLogoutUrl => {
type => 'url',
documentation => 'Logout URL',
oidcRPMetaDataOptionsLogoutType => {
type => 'select',
select => [
{ k => 'front', v => 'Front Channel' },
{ k => 'back', v => 'Back Channel' },
default => 'front',
documentation => 'Logout type',
oidcRPMetaDataOptionsLogoutSessionRequired => {
type => 'bool',
default => 0,
documentation => 'Session required for logout',