Maxime Besson e1f927a195 Check service= parameter on CAS logout (#1795)
service= redirect URL is not checked when logging out from CAS, to avoid
insecure redirect attacks. The verification is only made if CAS access
control is enabled.

In order for this to work in common cases (applications redirects to an
unprotected page after logout), we add CAS App domains to the list of
globally trusted domains.

If your application wants to redirect to a third-party domain, it needs
to be added to LLNG's trustedDomains
2019-06-27 12:40:40 +02:00

510 lines
16 KiB

##@class Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Init
# Initialization part of Lemonldap::NG portal
# 2 public methods:
# - init(): launch at startup. Load 'portal' section of lemonldap-ng.ini,
# initialize default route and launch reloadConf()
# - reloadConf(): (re)load configuration using localConf (ie 'portal' section
# of lemonldap-ng.ini) and underlying handler configuration
package Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Init;
our $VERSION = '2.0.5';
package Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main;
use strict;
use Mouse;
use Regexp::Assemble;
# Configuration storage
has localConfig => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { {} } );
has conf => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { {} } );
has menu => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { {} } );
has trOver => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { { all => {} } } );
# Sub modules
has _authentication => ( is => 'rw' );
has _userDB => ( is => 'rw' );
has _passwordDB => ( is => 'rw' );
has _sfEngine => ( is => 'rw' );
has loadedModules => ( is => 'rw' );
# Macros and groups
has _macros => ( is => 'rw' );
has _groups => ( is => 'rw' );
has _jsRedirect => ( is => 'rw' );
# TrustedDomain regexp
has trustedDomainsRe => ( is => 'rw' );
# Lists to store plugins entry-points
my @entryPoints;
@entryPoints = (
# Auth process entrypoints
qw(beforeAuth betweenAuthAndData afterData endAuth),
# Authenticated users entrypoint
# Logout entrypoint
# Special endpoint
'authCancel', # Clean pdata when user click on "cancel"
foreach (@entryPoints) {
has $_ => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'ArrayRef',
default => sub { [] }
# Endpoints inserted after any main sub
has 'afterSub' => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { {} } );
has 'aroundSub' => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { {} } );
has spRules => (
is => 'rw',
default => sub { {} }
# Custom template parameters
has customParameters => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { {} } );
# Content-Security-Policy headers
has csp => ( is => 'rw' );
# Cross-Origine Resource Sharing headers
has cors => ( is => 'rw' );
sub init {
my ( $self, $args ) = @_;
$args ||= {};
$self->localConfig( {
%{ Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf->new( $args->{configStorage} )
# Load override messages from lemonldap-ng.ini
foreach my $k ( keys %{ $self->localConfig } ) {
if ( $k =~ /tpl_(.*)/ ) {
$self->customParameters->{$1} = $self->localConfig->{$k};
elsif ( $k =~ /error_(?:(\w+?)_)?(\d+)$/ ) {
my $lang = $1 || 'all';
$self->trOver->{$lang}->{"PE$2"} = $self->localConfig->{$k};
elsif ( $k =~ /msg_(?:(\w+?)_)?(\w+)$/ ) {
my $lang = $1 || 'all';
$self->trOver->{$lang}->{$2} = $self->localConfig->{$k};
$self->trOver( JSON::to_json( $self->trOver ) );
# Purge loaded module list
$self->loadedModules( {} );
# Insert `reloadConf` in handler reload stack
Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main->onReload( $self, 'reloadConf' );
# Handler::PSGI::Try initialization
return 0 unless ( $self->SUPER::init( $self->localConfig ) );
if ( $self->error ) {
$self->logger->error( $self->error );
return 0;
# Handle requests (other path may be declared in enabled plugins)
# "/" or undeclared paths
->addUnauthRoute( '*' => 'login', ['GET'] )
->addUnauthRoute( '*' => 'postLogin', ['POST'] )
->addAuthRoute( '*' => 'authenticatedRequest', ['GET'] )
->addAuthRoute( '*' => 'postAuthenticatedRequest', ['POST'] )
# psgi.js
->addUnauthRoute( 'psgi.js' => 'sendJs', ['GET'] )
->addAuthRoute( 'psgi.js' => 'sendJs', ['GET'] )
# portal.css
->addUnauthRoute( 'portal.css' => 'sendCss', ['GET'] )
->addAuthRoute( 'portal.css' => 'sendCss', ['GET'] )
# lmerror
->addUnauthRoute( lmerror => { ':code' => 'lmError' }, ['GET'] )
->addAuthRoute( lmerror => { ':code' => 'lmError' }, ['GET'] )
->addUnauthRoute( ping => 'pleaseAuth', ['GET'] )
->addAuthRoute( ping => 'authenticated', ['GET'] )
# Refresh session
->addAuthRoute( refresh => 'refresh', ['GET'] )
# Logout
->addAuthRoute( logout => 'logout', ['GET'] );
# Default routes must point to routines declared above
return 1;
sub reloadConf {
my ( $self, $conf ) = @_;
# Reinitialize $self->conf
%{ $self->{conf} } = %{ $self->localConfig };
# Reinitialize arrays
foreach ( qw(_macros _groups), @entryPoints ) {
$self->{$_} = [];
$self->spRules( {} );
# Load conf in portal object
foreach my $key ( keys %$conf ) {
$self->{conf}->{$key} ||= $conf->{$key};
# Initialize content-security-policy headers
my $csp = '';
foreach (qw(default img src style font connect script)) {
my $prm = $self->conf->{ 'csp' . ucfirst($_) };
$csp .= "$_-src $prm;" if ($prm);
$self->logger->debug( "Initialized CSP headers : " . $self->csp );
# Initialize Cross-Origin Resource Sharing headers
my $cors = '';
foreach (
qw(Allow_Origin Allow_Credentials Allow_Headers Allow_Methods Expose_Headers Max_Age)
my $header = $_;
my $prm = $self->conf->{ 'cors' . $_ };
$header =~ s/_/-/;
$prm =~ s/\s+//;
$cors .= "Access-Control-$header;$prm;";
$self->logger->debug( "Initialized CORS headers : " . $self->cors );
# Initialize templateDir
$self->{templateDir} =
$self->conf->{templateDir} . '/' . $self->conf->{portalSkin};
unless ( -d $self->{templateDir} ) {
$self->error("Template dir $self->{templateDir} doesn't exist");
return $self->fail;
[ $self->{templateDir}, $self->conf->{templateDir} . '/bootstrap' ] );
$self->{staticPrefix} = $self->conf->{staticPrefix} || '/static';
$self->{languages} = $self->conf->{languages} || '/';
# Initialize session DBs
unless ( $self->conf->{globalStorage} ) {
'globalStorage not defined (perhaps configuration can not be read)'
return $self->fail;
# Initialize persistent session DB
unless ( $self->conf->{persistentStorage} ) {
$self->conf->{persistentStorage} = $self->conf->{globalStorage};
$self->conf->{persistentStorageOptions} =
# Initialize cookie domain
unless ( $self->conf->{domain} ) {
$self->error('Configuration error: no domain');
return $self->fail;
$self->conf->{domain} =~ s/^([^\.])/.$1/;
# Load menu
# ---------
$self->menu( $self->loadPlugin('::Main::Menu') );
# Load authentication/userDB
# --------------------------
my $mod;
for my $type (qw(authentication userDB)) {
unless ( $self->conf->{$type} ) {
$self->error("$type is not set");
return $self->fail;
$mod = $self->conf->{$type}
unless ( $self->conf->{$type} eq 'Same' );
my $module = '::' . ucfirst($type) . '::' . $mod;
$module =~ s/Authentication/Auth/;
# Launch and initialize module
return $self->fail
unless ( $self->{"_$type"} = $self->loadPlugin($module) );
# Load second-factor engine
return $self->fail
unless $self->{_sfEngine} =
$self->loadPlugin( $self->conf->{'sfEngine'} );
# Initialize trusted domain regexp
if ( $self->conf->{trustedDomains}
and $self->conf->{trustedDomains} =~ /^\s*\*\s*$/ )
else {
my $re = Regexp::Assemble->new();
if ( my $td = $self->conf->{trustedDomains} ) {
$td =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*/$1/;
foreach ( split( /\s+/, $td ) ) {
next unless ($td);
$self->logger->debug("Domain $_ added in trusted domains");
# This regexp is valid for the followings hosts:
# - $td
# - $domainlabel.$td
# $domainlabel is build looking RFC2396
# (see Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2396)
$_ =~
my $p = $self->conf->{portal};
$p =~ s#https?://([^/]*).*$#$1#;
$re->add( quotemeta($p) );
foreach my $vhost ( keys %{ $self->conf->{locationRules} } ) {
$self->logger->debug("Vhost $vhost added in trusted domains");
$re->add( quotemeta($vhost) );
$self->conf->{vhostOptions} ||= {};
if ( my $tmp =
$self->conf->{vhostOptions}->{$vhost}->{vhostAliases} )
foreach my $alias ( split /\s+/, $tmp ) {
"Alias $alias added in trusted domains");
$re->add( quotemeta($alias) );
# Add CAS Services, so we can check service= parameter on logout
foreach my $casSrv ( keys %{ $self->conf->{casAppMetaDataOptions} } ) {
if ( my $serviceUrl =
->{casAppMetaDataOptionsService} )
$serviceUrl =~ s#https?://([^/]*).*$#$1#;
"CAS Service $serviceUrl added in trusted domains");
$re->add( quotemeta($serviceUrl) );
my $tmp = 'https?://' . $re->as_string . '(?::\d+)?(?:/|$)';
# Compile macros in _macros, groups in _groups
foreach my $type (qw(macros groups)) {
$self->{"_$type"} = {};
if ( $self->conf->{$type} ) {
for my $name ( sort keys %{ $self->conf->{$type} } ) {
my $sub =
HANDLER->substitute( $self->conf->{$type}->{$name} ) );
if ($sub) {
$self->{"_$type"}->{$name} = $sub;
else {
$self->logger->error( "$type $name returns an error: "
. HANDLER->tsv->{jail}->error );
$self->{_jsRedirect} =
HANDLER->buildSub( HANDLER->substitute( $self->conf->{jsRedirect} ) )
or $self->logger->error(
'jsRedirect returns an error: ' . HANDLER->tsv->{jail}->error );
# Load plugins
foreach my $plugin ( $self->enabledPlugins ) {
$self->loadPlugin($plugin) or return $self->fail;
# Clean $req->pdata after authentication
push @{ $self->endAuth }, sub {
unless ( $_[0]->pdata->{keepPdata} ) {
$self->logger->debug('Cleaning pdata');
$_[0]->pdata( {} );
return PE_OK;
unshift @{ $self->beforeAuth }, sub {
if ( $_[0]->param('cancel') ) {
$self->logger->debug('Cancel called, push authCancel calls');
unshift @{ $_[0]->steps }, @{ $self->authCancel };
return PE_OK;
my $portal = $self->conf->{portal};
$portal =~ s#^https?://(.*?)(?:[:/].*)?$#$1#;
HANDLER->tsv->{defaultCondition}->{$portal} ||= sub { 1 };
# Method used to load plugins
sub loadPlugin {
my ( $self, $plugin ) = @_;
unless ($plugin) {
require Carp;
Carp::confess('Calling loadPugin without arg !');
my $obj;
return 0
unless ( $obj = $self->loadModule("$plugin") );
return $self->findEP( $plugin, $obj );
# Insert declared entry points into corresponding arrays
sub findEP {
my ( $self, $plugin, $obj ) = @_;
# Standards entry points
foreach my $sub (@entryPoints) {
if ( $obj->can($sub) ) {
$self->logger->debug(" Found $sub entry point:");
if ( my $callback = $obj->$sub ) {
push @{ $self->{$sub} }, sub {
eval {
$obj->logger->debug("Launching ${plugin}::$callback");
$self->logger->debug(" -> $callback");
if ( $obj->can('afterSub') ) {
$self->logger->debug("Found afterSub in $plugin");
my $h = $obj->afterSub;
unless ( ref $h and ref($h) eq 'HASH' ) {
'"afterSub" endpoint must be a hashref, skipped');
else {
foreach my $ep ( keys %$h ) {
my $callback = $h->{$ep};
push @{ $self->afterSub->{$ep} }, sub {
eval {
"Launching ${plugin}::$callback afterSub $ep");
if ( $obj->can('aroundSub') ) {
$self->logger->debug("Found aroundSub in $plugin");
my $h = $obj->aroundSub;
unless ( ref $h and ref($h) eq 'HASH' ) {
'"aroundSub" endpoint must be a hashref, skipped');
else {
foreach my $ep ( keys %$h ) {
my $callback = $h->{$ep};
my $previousSub = $self->aroundSub->{$ep} ||= sub {
"$ep launched inside ${plugin}::$callback");
$self->aroundSub->{$ep} = sub {
"Launching ${plugin}::$callback instead of $ep");
$obj->$callback( $previousSub, @_ );
$self->logger->debug("Plugin $plugin initializated");
# Rules for menu
if ( $obj->can('spRules') ) {
foreach my $k ( keys %{ $obj->{spRules} } ) {
"$k is defined more than one time, it can have some bad effect on Menu display"
) if ( $self->spRules->{$k} );
$self->spRules->{$k} = $obj->{spRules}->{$k};
return $obj;
sub loadModule {
my ( $self, $module, $conf, %args ) = @_;
$conf //= $self->conf;
my $obj;
$module = "Lemonldap::NG::Portal$module" if ( $module =~ /^::/ );
eval "require $module";
if ($@) {
$self->logger->error("$module load error: $@");
return 0;
eval {
$obj = $module->new( { p => $self, conf => $conf, %args } );
$self->logger->debug("Module $module loaded");
if ($@) {
$self->error("Unable to build $module object: $@");
return 0;
( $obj and $obj->init ) or return 0;
$self->loadedModules->{$module} = $obj;
return $obj;
sub fail {
$_[0]->userLogger->error( $_[0]->error );
$_[0]->addUnauthRoute( '*' => 'displayError' );
$_[0]->addAuthRoute( '*' => 'displayError' );
return 0;
sub displayError {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
return $self->sendError( $req,
'Portal error, contact your administrator', 500 );