2020-06-01 16:22:25 +02:00

90 lines
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`Apache Guacamole <https://guacamole.apache.org/>`__ is a web-based
remote desktop gateway. It supports standard protocols like VNC, RDP,
and SSH.
As of version 0.9.14, Guacamole can use
:doc:`OpenID Connect<../idpopenidconnect>` , :doc:`CAS<../idpcas>` or
:doc:`HTTP Headers<../writingrulesand_headers>` as authentication
sources through plug-ins.
This document explains how to implement OpenID Connect
.. _guacamole-1:
Refer to `the official Guacamole
documentation <http://guacamole.apache.org/doc/gug/>`__ to install
Guacamole, either manually or through Docker images
You need to be able to enable extensions. If you are using docker, you
need to `follow these instructions in order to provide your own
extensions directory and Guacamole configuration
file <http://guacamole.apache.org/doc/gug/guacamole-docker.html#guacamole-docker-guacamole-home>`__
Your Guacamole configuration directory will look something like this.
├── extensions
│   └── 00-guacamole-auth-openid-1.0.0.jar
└── guacamole.properties
.. warning::
Make sure to rename the JAR in a way that `ensures that it
will be loaded
first <https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/b781a5c4e4d14f7ce297200ba6886d888df4333f83836220ac8b69f1@%3Cuser.guacamole.apache.org%3E>`__\
And ``guacamole.properties`` should contain at least
openid-authorization-endpoint: http://auth.example.com/oauth2/authorize
openid-jwks-endpoint: http://auth.example.com/oauth2/jwks
openid-issuer: http://auth.example.com
openid-client-id: guacamole
openid-redirect-uri: http://guacamole.example.com/guacamole/
openid-username-claim-type: sub
.. tip::
Remplace the ``redirect uri`` with your Guacamole server's URL
Make sure you have already
:doc:`enabled OpenID Connect<../idpopenidconnect>` on your LemonLDAP::NG
You also need to allow the ``Implicit Flow`` under
``OpenID Connect Service`` » ``Security``
Then, add a Relaying Party with the following configuration
- Options » Authentification » Client ID : same as ``openid-client-id``
in ``guacamole.properties``
- Options » Allowed redirection address : same as
``openid-redirect-uri`` in ``guacamole.properties``
- Options » ID Token Signature Algorithm : ``RS512``
.. |image0| image:: /applications/guacamole.png
:class: align-center