2017-02-15 06:41:50 +00:00

46 lines
1.2 KiB

package Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Plugins::ForceAuth;
use strict;
use Mouse;
use Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Constants qw(PE_OK);
extends 'Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Plugin';
our $VERSION = '2.0.0';
sub init { 1 }
sub forAuthUser { 'forceAuth' }
sub forceAuth {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
# Don't force authentication if password is going to be changed
return PE_OK if ( $req->param('newpassword') );
# Do not force authentication if last successful authentication is recent
my $last_authn_utime = $req->{sessionInfo}->{_lastAuthnUTime} || 0;
if ( time() - $last_authn_utime < $self->{portalForceAuthnInterval} ) {
"Authentication is recent, so do not force authentication for session $req->id"
else {
# Else, launch authentication process
$self->logger->debug("Force reauthentication for session $req->id");
@{ $self->p->beforeAuth },
@{ $self->p->betweenAuthAndDatas },
@{ $self->p->afterDatas }
return PE_OK;