
140 lines
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$(window).on("load", function() {
// Adapt some class to fit Bootstrap theme
// Collapse menu on click
$('.collapse li[class!="dropdown"]').on('click', function() {
if (!$('.navbar-toggler').hasClass('collapsed')) {
// Remember selected tab
$('#authMenu .nav-link').on('click', function (e) {
window.datas.choicetab = e.target.hash.substr(1)
// Transmit attributes to remove2f modal
$('#remove2fModal').on('show.bs.modal', function (event) {
var button = $(event.relatedTarget) // Button that triggered the modal
var device = button.attr('device') // Extract device/epoch from button
var epoch = button.attr('epoch')
var modal = $(this)
// Set device/epoch on modal remove2f button so that the portal JS code can find it
modal.find('.remove2f').attr('device', device)
modal.find('.remove2f').attr('epoch', epoch)
// Set tab items (my applications, password, history, logout) tabbable
// (ie accessible via tab key)
// needed because of jquery-ui setting only active element tabbable
// (see #2561)
$('.nav-item').click(function() {
$('.nav-item').attr( "tabIndex", 0 );
$('.nav-item').focusin(function() {
$('.nav-item').attr( "tabIndex", 0 );
$('.nav-item').focusout(function() {
$('.nav-item').attr( "tabIndex", 0 );
// tick all checkboxes remembering the authentication choice
// when global checkbox is clicked
$("#globalrememberauthchoice").change(function() {
var checked = this.checked;
$( 'input[name="rememberauthchoice"]' ).each(function() {
$( this ).val(checked);
// if rememberStopped button has been clicked, stop the timer
// from lauching the previously remembered authentication
$("#buttonRememberStopped").click(function() {
var curval = $( "input#rememberStopped" ).val();
var newval;
if( curval != "stopped" )
newval = "stopped";
newval = "running";
window.setTimeout( launchAuthenticationChoice, 0 );
// store the new value
$( "input#rememberStopped" ).val(newval);
$( "#remembertimer" ).hide();
$( "#globalrememberauthchoicecontainer" ).css('display', 'flex');
// function running the previously remembered authentication choice
// when the timer is over
function launchAuthenticationChoice()
var timer = $( "#remembertimer span" ).text();
var isStopped = $( "input#rememberStopped" ).val();
if ( isStopped != "stopped" )
// display decremented timer in the appropriate html element
$( "#remembertimer span" ).text(timer);
if ( timer > 0 )
// wait for another 1s
window.setTimeout( launchAuthenticationChoice, 1000 );
// launch authentication choice defined in cookie
var choiceform = "#" + $.cookie(rememberCookieName) + " form";
$( choiceform ).submit();
// Check rememberauthchoice cookie
var rememberCookieName = $( "#rememberCookieName" ).val();
var errorCode = $( "#errormsg div span" ).attr("trmsg");
// if this is first access
if( errorCode == 9 )
// if there is a rememberauthchoice cookie
if ( ! ( typeof rememberCookieName === 'undefined' ) &&
! ( typeof $.cookie(rememberCookieName) === 'undefined' )
// show timer
$( "#remembertimer" ).css('display', 'flex');
// remember last authentication choice again
$( 'input[name="rememberauthchoice"]' ).each(function() {
$( this ).val('true');
// increment timer for starting to correct time
$( "#remembertimer span" ).text( parseInt($( "#remembertimer span" ).text()) + 1 );
// launch remembered authentication choice when timer reaches 0
window.setTimeout( launchAuthenticationChoice, 0 );
// display the global checkbox
$( "#globalrememberauthchoicecontainer" ).css('display', 'flex');