mirror of https://github.com/dani/vroom.git synced 2024-07-02 12:13:12 +02:00
Daniel Berteaud 536143bdf0 Update screen sharing
Since Chrome 34, a new API for screen sharing is available (the previous one using the flag will probably be deprecated soon)
This commit adds:
- Source of a simple Chrome extension to use this new API (which is a perfect copy of the sample extension given by &yet here: https://github.com/HenrikJoreteg/getScreenMedia
- Adapt help page
- New modal dialog to prompt user to install the extension from Google Web Store
- Better error messages if you can't share your screen

Should fix #7
2014-05-01 21:35:07 +02:00

33 lines
731 B

# Database
dbi => 'DBI:mysql:database=vroom;host=localhost',
dbUser => 'vroom',
dbPassword => 'vroom',
# Media & signaling
signalingServer => 'https://signal.example.com',
stunServer => 'stun.example.com:3478',
turnServer => 'turn.example.com',
realm => 'example.com',
# Web & contact
baseUrl => 'https://vroom.example.com/',
emailFrom => 'vroom@example.com',
# Templates to use for web pages
template => 'default',
# Used to sign cookies
secret => 'ChangeMe!',
# App
# Rooms without any activity for that long will be destroyed
inactivityTimeout => 3600,
logLevel => 'info',
# ID of the Chrome extension for screen sharing
chromeExtensionId => 'ecicdpoejfllflombfanbhfpgcimjddn',
# Various
sendmail => '/sbin/sendmail'