2012-06-14 12:16:52 +02:00

25 lines
784 B

# Amount of used memory (the agent lacks this stats)
# Description: Used Memory
# Type: Agent or Agent (active)
# Key: vm.memory.size.used
# Type of information: Numeric (integer 64bit)
# Units: B
# Use multiplier: do not use
# Store Value: As is
# Show Value: As is
UserParameter=vm.memory.size.used,free -b | grep 'buffers/cache' | awk '\{print $3\}'
# Amount of used memory in % (the agent lacks this stats)
# Description: Used Memory in %
# Type: Agent or Agent (active)
# Key: vm.memory.size.pused
# Type of information: Numeric (integer 64bit)
# Units: %
# Use multiplier: do not use
# Store Value: As is
# Show Value: As is
UserParameter=vm.memory.size.pused,echo $(($(free -b | grep 'buffers/cache' | awk '\{print $3\}')*100/$(free -b | grep 'Mem' | awk '\{print $2\}')))