--- # The name of the Nomad job instance: acme-to-vault acme: # The Docker image to use image: '[[ .docker.repo ]]acme-to-vault:24.5-1' # If a cron expression is defined, the service will stay running and renew certs. # If an empty string, the container will exit after running once cron: 22 0 * * * # Resource allocation resources: cpu: 10 memory: 100 memory_max: 160 # Vault related settings vault: addr: http://localhost:8200 # The root in the KV store where the ACME account key and metadata will be stored kv_account_root: kv/service/acme-to-vault/account # Additional env env: LEGO_DISABLE_CNAME_SUPPORT: true traefik: # We use a fakse host rule (which will never match) so Traefik wont complain about a rule with no Host rule: Host(`fake-acme-host`) || PathPrefix(`/.well-known/acme-challenge/`) # List of entrypoints where the http-01 challenges will be exposed entrypoints: - http - https csp: false middlewares: proxy: false proto: false security: false priority: 2000 auto_rule: false accounts: [] # accounts: # - ca: https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory # email: infra@lapiole.org # kv_cert_root: kv/service/traefik/certs # key_type: rsa4096 # certs: # - test.lapiole.org,foobar.lapiole.org # - audio.lapiole.org # - rpms.lapiole.org # - ca: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory # challenge: dns-01 # dns_provider: gandiv5 # dns_resolvers: # - # - # dns_key_env: GANDIV5_API_KEY # dns_key_value: XXXXXXX # kv_cert_root: kv/service/postgres/ssl # certs: # - postgres.example.org