
118 lines
3.9 KiB

[[ $c := merge .bgm . -]]
job [[ .instance | toJSON ]] {
[[- template "common/job_start" $c ]]
group "boardgame-manager" {
network {
mode = "bridge"
service {
name = "[[ .instance ]][[ $c.consul.suffix ]]"
port = 8080
[[ template "common/connect" $c ]]
tags = [
"[[ $c.traefik.instance ]].enable=true",
"[[ $c.traefik.instance ]].http.routers.[[ .instance ]][[ $c.consul.suffix ]].rule=Host(`[[ (urlParse .bgm.public_url).Hostname ]]`)
[[- if not (regexp.Match "^/?$" (urlParse .bgm.public_url).Path) ]] && PathPrefix(`[[ (urlParse .bgm.public_url).Path ]]`)[[ end ]]",
"[[ $c.traefik.instance ]].http.routers.[[ .instance ]][[ $c.consul.suffix ]].entrypoints=[[ join $c.traefik.entrypoints "," ]]",
"[[ $c.traefik.instance ]].http.routers.[[ .instance ]][[ $c.consul.suffix ]].tls=true",
"[[ $c.traefik.instance ]].http.middlewares.[[ .instance ]]-csp[[ $c.consul.suffix ]].headers.contentSecurityPolicy=default-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self' data:",
[[- if not (regexp.Match "^/?$" (urlParse .bgm.public_url).Path) ]]
"[[ $c.traefik.instance ]].http.middlewares.[[ .instance ]][[ $c.consul.suffix ]]-path.stripprefix.prefixes=[[ (urlParse .bgm.public_url).Path ]]",
"[[ $c.traefik.instance ]].http.routers.[[ .instance ]][[ $c.consul.suffix ]].middlewares=[[ .instance ]][[ $c.consul.suffix ]]-path,[[ .instance ]]-csp[[ $c.consul.suffix ]],[[ template "common/traefik_middlewares" $c.traefik ]]",
[[- else ]]
"[[ $c.traefik.instance ]].http.routers.[[ .instance ]][[ $c.consul.suffix ]].middlewares=[[ .instance ]]-csp[[ $c.consul.suffix ]],[[ template "common/traefik_middlewares" $c.traefik ]]",
[[- end ]]
volume "data" {
type = [[ | toJSON ]]
source = [[ | toJSON ]]
[[- if ne "host" ]]
attachment_mode = "file-system"
access_mode = "single-node-writer"
[[- end ]]
[[ if and .bgm.backup.enabled (not (eq .bgm.backup.cron "")) -]]
volume "backup" {
type = [[ .bgm.volumes.backup.type | toJSON ]]
source = [[ .bgm.volumes.backup.source | toJSON ]]
[[- if ne .bgm.volumes.backup.type "host" ]]
attachment_mode = "file-system"
access_mode = "multi-node-multi-writer"
[[- end ]]
[[- end ]]
task "boardgame-manager" {
driver = [[ $c.nomad.driver | toJSON ]]
config {
image = [[ .bgm.image | toJSON ]]
pids_limit = 100
readonly_rootfs = true
env {
[[ template "common/env" $c.env ]]
volume_mount {
volume = "data"
destination = "/opt/bgm/databases"
[[ template "common/resources" .bgm.resources ]]
[[ if and .bgm.backup.enabled (not (eq .bgm.backup.cron "")) -]]
task "backup" {
driver = [[ $c.nomad.driver | toJSON ]]
lifecycle {
hook = "poststart"
sidecar = true
config {
image = [[ .bgm.backup.image | toJSON ]]
pids_limit = 50
readonly_rootfs = true
command = "supercronic"
args = [
template {
data =<<_EOT
[[ .bgm.backup.cron ]] dump-sqlite /data/data.db /backup
destination = "secrets/backup.cron"
# Mount the data volume readonly so we can read the DB
volume_mount {
volume = "data"
destination = "/data"
read_only = true
# Mount the backup volume
volume_mount {
volume = "backup"
destination = "/backup"
[[ template "common/resources" .bgm.backup.resources ]]
[[- end ]]