--- # Name of this instance instance: bookstack bookstack: # BookStack version version: 23.12.2 # Docker image to use image: '[[ .docker.repo ]]bookstack:[[ .bookstack.version ]]-2' # Number of instances to run count: 1 # Custom env vars to set in the container env: WAIT_FOR_TARGETS: # Resource allocation resources: cpu: 100 memory: 256 memory_max: 512 vault: # List of vault policies to attach in to the task policies: - '[[ .instance ]][[ .consul.suffix ]]' # Wait for MariaDB to be ready before starting wait_for: service: mariadb[[ .consul.suffix ]] consul: connect: # Connect a few services from the mesh upstreams: - destination_name: mariadb[[ .consul.suffix ]] local_bind_port: 3306 - destination_name: '[[ .mail.smtp_service_name ]]' local_bind_port: 25 # Bookstack settings (which will populate .env) settings: APP_KEY: '{{ with secret "[[ .vault.prefix ]]kv/service/[[ .instance ]]" }}{{ .Data.data.app_key }}{{ end }}' APP_URL: '[[ .bookstack.public_url ]]' APP_LANG: fr APP_PROXIES: DB_HOST: '[[ .bookstack.mysql.host ]]' DB_PORT: '[[ .bookstack.mysql.port ]]' DB_DATABASE: '[[ .bookstack.mysql.database ]]' DB_USERNAME: '[[ .bookstack.mysql.user ]]' DB_PASSWORD: '[[ .bookstack.mysql.password ]]' MAIL_DRIVER: smtp MAIL_FROM_NAME: '[[ .instance ]]' MAIL_FROM: no-reply@[[ (urlParse .bookstack.public_url).Hostname ]] MAIL_HOST: MAIL_PORT: 25 CACHE_PREFIX: '[[ .instance ]]' CACHE_DRIVER: database SESSION_DRIVER: database SESSION_LIFETIME: 240 SESSION_COOKIE_NAME: '[[ .instance ]]_session' QUEUE_CONNECTION: database STORAGE_TYPE: local_secure_restricted DISABLE_EXTERNAL_SERVICES: true WKHTMLTOPDF: /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf # Database settings mysql: host: port: 3306 database: '[[ .instance ]]' user: '{{ with secret "[[ .vault.prefix ]]database/creds/[[ .instance ]]" }}{{ .Data.username }}{{ end }}' password: '{{ with secret "[[ .vault.prefix ]]database/creds/[[ .instance ]]" }}{{ .Data.password }}{{ end }}' # Public URL on which bookstack will be available public_url: https://bookstack.example.org # Traefik settings traefik: middlewares: # Can be removed once compression is added back to the default base_middlewares - compression@file # Custom CSP to set csp: default-src: "'self'" script-src: "'self' 'unsafe-inline'" img-src: "'self' blob: data:" style-src: "'self' 'unsafe-inline'" font-src: "'self' data:" # Volume for data persistence volumes: data: type: csi source: '[[ .instance ]]-data[[ .consul.suffix ]]' # Note: use multi-node-multi-writer so we can run several instances access_mode: multi-node-multi-writer